  • Report:  #22479

Complaint Review: Worldcom Wireless - Internet

Reported By:
- Chicago, IL,

Worldcom Wireless
www.worldcom.com Internet, U.S.A.
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I urge everyone to examine their Worldcom Wireless bills very closely and make sure that the totals reported on the front page match the detail sections. On the May 10th, 2002, bill I received from Worldcom Wireless, there were mystery charges of $109 that were not supported by the detail in the bill.

The total for roaming charges was $109 over what the detail on the bill supported. I had an alternate number for customer service given to me by someone at Worldom, 866-247-8158, which is a call center located in Texas. I called regular customer service, but my time is valuable and I can't afford to be on hold for 20 minutes at a time.

On 5/14 I called the alternate number and spoke with Jason, who was very nice and attempted to figure out what the $109 was for but could not. He talked it over with his supervisor, Nicole, and they offered to credit the account $101.50. That would have been fine, except that I was still being overcharged.

Jason transferred me to Nicole, the supervisor, who first tried to say it was roaming charges, or toll charges for my 300 free minutes a month. We argued about it a bit, then she said that her computer was not giving me the same information that was on my bill. I insisted that I fax the bill to her and she agreed. Nicole told me she would review it and talk to me, if not the next day, then by the end of the week. (Nicole's fax number is 409-719-4043.)

Two weeks later, when I hadn't heard anything from Nicole, I tried to reach her. On May 28th at 2:35 p.m. I called 866-247-8158 and asked for the supervisor Nicole. They told me she was still at lunch but they would leave a message.

On May 29th at 10:19 I left another message for Nicole, with one of the reps who is also named Nicole. Nicole explained that the supervisor doesn't come in until noon. It seemed to me that Nicole was ducking my calls.

I then asked for Nicole the Supervisor's supervisor but she refused to give me another number. I said that surely Nicole the Supervisor doesn't work for herself and that she must report to somebody, but I was given a p.o. box address to write a complaint to.

Here's where the important how to solve your worldcom wireless problem info comes in. I went to Worldom's website (www.worldcom.com), and went into the Investor Relations page. I called the number listed in the contact us section 1-877-624-9266. (An alternate number is 601-460-5600.) I called the 1-877 number and spoke to someone in Investor Relations. I explained that I was having a billing problem but couldn't reach anyone to resolve it. That very nice lady transferred me to Executive Escalations.

I spoke with Alicia in Executive Escalations, explained the problem, and also told her that the p.o. box worldom uses to receive complaints is useless as there is no way to confirm delivery of my complaint as you can't send certified mail to a p.o. box (neat trick of Worldcom since they can always say they never got your complaint).

Alicia was sympathetic and told me to fax the bill over to her, which I did. Alicia called me back that afternoon and said she had looked over the charges, agreed with me that the $109 was not backed up by the detail, I quote "I can't figure out where the charge is" and agreed to credit the account for $109 and she told me to pay the balance amount after the credit. Alicia claimed that she would send out a confirmation letter on the credit.

Now, that was May 29th and I still have no confirmation letter. I do, however, have Alicia's direct line and her fax number:

phone/630-795-5635, fax/630-795-5927.

I suggest to all of you who can't have your problems solved by going through regular customer service, please feel free to try the Texas call center number: 866-247-8158. If that doesn't work or if you're patience is fully tried, call Alicia at Executive Escalations, 630-795-5635.

I hope that all of you who have not gotten your issues with Worldcom resolved will call Alicia and I am happy to have shared that info with you. If my credit doesn't appear on my next bill, you can be sure that I will complain to Alicia again and see what happens.

For issues with other large corporations that can't get resolved through normal customer service, you can bet I'll call investor relations and try to get ahold of someone that way. I suggest you all do the same.


Chicago, Illinois

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