  • Report:  #827962

Complaint Review: www.OrishaAshe.com - Provo Utah

Reported By:
Psychicforumscamgmaildotcom - , , United States of America

1958 South 950 East Provo, 84604 Utah, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?



Yaya Maria is a fraud and charlatan , she is not an authentic "High"  priestess of Palo Mayombe or Orisha traditions it is Taboo for women to be "High" Priestess's in these African Traditions, but she also fails to explain her lineages or authentic information on her fake website.

She was never really initiated as a priestess.....

she ripped me off for $2,000 and many of my friends for thousands of dollars thinking that she was authentic and referred by her business partner "Hope" who i actually think is her.

but later after having no results from everyone including myself we found out that she was a fraud, fake charlatan exploiting the religion of Palo Mayombe and Santeria so i went out on a quest to find out the truth about these religions and i found out the deal. 

Thank goodness i found a Real Palo Mayombe and Orisha Priest that helped me fix everything, i found a Tata Nganga and Oba Oriete in Orisha Traditions in Santeria that explained to me what makes this person Yaya Maria unauthentic and a fake, so i asked Yaya Maria about her Lineage line, Name of her Munanso Congo, Initation title and name and who gave her it, and Location along with her Initiation date, name and title and who her God parents are who initiated her,  she failed to comply

she wouldn't provide it with me until several other people started to question this and then they all asked her also and she proved to be FALSE!

she made up some garbage that was all lies and non verified we contacted several authentic sources including the National African Religious Congress and Afro Caribbean studies group in Puerto Rico who all confirmed that Yaya Maria is a fake and a charlatan, most times these priests do not make websites like this and try to sell services over the phone, in most cases they need to be done in person and in front of the alters IN PERSON they dont use websites like she is doing. 



she calls herself a "Yaya Nganga" ,

there is NO SUCH level of initiation in the religion for Women and tradition of Palo Mayombe, women are not allowed to be high priestess's and cannot perform ceremonies alone in this religion of Palo mayombe because this is reserved ONLY for a male priest called a Tata Nganga

the word Yaya Nganga means Mother of the sacred alters, a women cannot build these alters and cannot initiate new members so how can she have this fake title she made up?

there have never been Yaya Nganga's  in Palo Mayombe for thousands of years.... EVER!.. this is an invention of this fraudster named Yaya Maria who is a complete fake!

it is a complete taboo for women to perform ceremonies alone without a Tata Nganga (Male Priest) in Palo Mayombe which means she is not a high priestess and not a Yaya Nganga, she is unable to provide legitimate ceremonies and cannot even provide information about her lineage line, rama, names and munanso names and locations.

Woman cannot become the high priest in the religion of Palo mayombe and calling herself a Yaya Nganga's is incorrect because there is no such initiation title for women.

this is only reserved for Male Priesthood initiations where ONLY the Male Priest can become a high priest in Both Palo Mayombe and Santeria Traditions where they can perform Initiations, naming, rituals and sacrificial ceremonies in the religion of Palo Mayombe

The reason why is because women have a menstrual cycle and give birth to children, Palo Mayombe deals with energies of the Dead and sacrificial ceremonies Women cannot offer sacrificial rituals ever and these ceremonies require a Tata or Male Priest in the religion to perform them, because women bleed monthly and spirits cannot differentiate the difference of lifeforce energy in them and the dead, it is considered unclean to the spirits for women to touch or perform rituals without a Male Priest present , a women is not allowed to posses the Nganga's which are the sacred alters alone because a Tata Nganga must perform all these rituals and lead ceremonies so she is lying, fake and a charlatan.

i found this out from a real Palo Mayombe Priest that i now work with and became very close with , who explained to me about what is authentic and what is not, he explained to me about the lineage lines, initiations and locations of Munanso Congo's to authenticate who is legitimate and who is not each munanso has a location and name confirmation in its title and from this a "family" or tribe associated with it along with the branch and tribe they are associated with, it also includes the names of the Initiating priests and validates who is authentic and who is not because there are only 7 lineage lines and they must match the locations and family names in order to prove legitimacy .

She has a completely anonymous website, no listed phone number, no address, and SCAMS people using this forum called spsreviewforum.com where Hope and Yaya Maria are the same person! 

if this person is authentic why the need for such anonymity? hiding ?

Why no information?

Because she is a fraud who scams people and is not authentic!

You decide yourself below is my friends account with both scam sites spsreviewforum.com and orishaashe.com who are both working with each other and hosted on the same hosting company

This was an Actual Account by my friend who also got ripped off by Yaya Maria OrishaAshe.com :

I got SCAMMED by the "Spells, Psychics, Spirits Review Forum" www.spsreviewforum.com and www.orishaashe.com

Yaya Maria is a fake and charlatan

Hope is a Liar and fraud!

they both work together and SCAM PEOPLE!

Hope the founder is illegally performing what is called Racketeering and defamation of character and will be pursued legally along with her business affiliated websites and partners.

98% of the posts on that forum are FAKE ID's made up from Other Psychic websites or herself and fellow administrators psychics she is affiliated with and getting paid from which we could characterize as illegal racketeering and also

here is the proof!

Hope the founder of spsreviewforum is a scam artist in connection to psychic websites she is doing advertising for and promoting with her website with a false front negative marketing scam website forum (spsreviewforum.com) that she is
using the promote one business and discredit another falsely and illegally, she is blackmailing, defaming, and illegally performing civil and copy right infringement laws with her website against other websites and business's and illegally racketeering for there own groups business's    

Orishaashe.com is the main scam site that is associated with www.spsreviewforum.com and she promotes, this website is an anonymous website that after careful investigation we found out is actually hope's the founder of spsreviewforum.com business partner

Here is the story of facts about orishaashe.com aka. Yaya Maria a fake Palo Mayombe priestess and Fake Orisha Priestess unconfirmed and  unauthenticicated she does not have any of the legitmate information to confirm this on her website and will not post it because she is a fraud....... completely non confirmed that we have confirmed with
legitimate priests that have been contacted since this time and that never heard of this person EVER and said that her lineage line is made up and fake that she invented after we asked what her confirmed lineage was through email and she made up some fake invented information.

she claims to be a Yaya Nganga of Palo Mayombe but in fact there is NO SUCH initiation for women ONLY MEN are Tata Nganga's , women are not allowed this position in the religion of Palo Mayombe EVER!

she cannot perform what she says she can and is illegally scamming people to believe this when in fact she has NO legitimate initiation in the religion of Palo Mayombe or Orisha tradition, after careful investigation revealed this for fact.

she does not have legitimate lineage line or rama of Palo Mayombe and if she claims this why is it NOT listed on her website, why does she not have the name of her munanso congo and rama's listed on her website.... the reason why is
because she is FAKE!

there is no phone number or contact information on her website... why? because she is fake!

 This was confirmed with several authentic Palo Mayombe and Orisha Priests we have contacted along with the National African Religious Congress an organization that specializes in Orisha/Ifa and Palo Mayombe Priesthoods
and confirms authenticity,  which said Yaya Maria (orishaashe.com) is a non-authentic priestess and does not have ANY legitimate initiations and is non confirmed or false.

i have been contacted by several people that have been ripped off by spsreviewforum.com and Orishaashe.com

I was personally ripped off for over $2,000 and several others for thousands from Yaya Maria who was recommended to several people on spsreviewforum by Hope the founder of spsreviewforum.com who is in affiliation with Yaya Maria (orishaashe.com) and later finding out she is business partners with her this is illegal racketeering .

there is now a full legal class action lawsuit in process 14-9742-D Filed against spsreviewforum.com and orishaashe.com including ALL the people she recommended and were ripped off by her and the other Psychic websites she defamed while talks negatively illegally performing defamation of character on her on false illegal marketing site business which is performing illegal racketeering and defamation of character illegally just to promote her business affiliated websites

The short story:

Seeking for true and genuine online spellcaster I have found this forum for members to share comments and reviews. I THOUGHT they were the real deal because some members warned me who was "fake" and told me who was "good". Now I know that the forum has many FAKE members who promote few sites and especially one website:

www.orishaashe.com a with a fake person named Yaya Maria.

The admin of the forum "Hope" say that any other website is a SCAM which have anonymous registration (except one promoted website which may be his/her own site: www.orishaashe.com).

If you take a closer look you see that the domain name is registered just for one year (in case the fake promotion scam will not work longer):

Registrar: FastDomain Inc.
Provider Name...: HostMonster.Com
Provider Whois...: whois.hostmonster.com
Provider Homepage: http://www.hostmonster.com/
Created on...: 2011-04-03 02:18:49 GMT
Expires on...: 2012-04-03 02:18:49 GMT
Last modified on...: 2011-10-13 14:50:15 GMT
Registrant Info: (FAST-12785295)
Hostmonster Inc
1958 South 950 East
Provo, Utah 84606
United States
Phone: +1.8014948462
Fax..: +1.8017651992
Email: [email protected]
Last modified: 2011-01-08 18:40:15 GMT
Administrative Info: (FAST-12785295)
Hostmonster Inc
1958 South 950 East
Provo, Utah 84606
United States
Phone: +1.8014948462
Fax..: +1.8017651992
Email: [email protected]
Last modified: 2011-01-08 18:40:15 GMT
Technical Info: (FAST-12785295)
Hostmonster Inc
1958 South 950 East
Provo, Utah 84606
United States
Phone: +1.8014948462
Fax..: +1.8017651992
Email: [email protected]
Last modified: 2011-01-08 18:40:15 GMT
Status: Locked
Domain servers in listed order:

The forum www.spsreviewforum.com USING ANONYMOUS REGISTRATION

Registrar: FastDomain Inc.
Provider Name...: BlueHost.Com
Provider Whois...: whois.bluehost.com
Provider Homepage: http://www.bluehost.com/
Created on...: 2011-10-27 04:17:34 GMT
Expires on...: 2012-10-27 04:17:34 GMT
Last modified on...: 2011-10-27 04:17:35 GMT
Registrant Info: (FAST-12785240)
Bluehost Inc
1958 South 950 East
Provo, Utah 84604
United States
Phone: +1.8017659400
Fax..: +1.8017651992
Email: [email protected]
Last modified: 2010-12-06 18:43:32 GMT
Administrative Info: (FAST-12785240)
Bluehost Inc
1958 South 950 East
Provo, Utah 84604
United States
Phone: +1.8017659400
Fax..: +1.8017651992
Email: [email protected]
Last modified: 2010-12-06 18:43:32 GM
Technical Info: (FAST-12785240)
Bluehost Inc
1958 South 950 East
Provo, Utah 84604
United States
Phone: +1.8017659400
Fax..: +1.8017651992
Email: [email protected]
Last modified: 2010-12-06 18:43:32 GMT
Status: Locked
Domain servers in listed order:


You figure it out for yourself!

On the forum you will find fake recommendations from "Hope" and some other FAKE memebrs for www.orishaashe.com:

Re: www.orishaashe.com ebay OrishaAshe Yaya Maria

by Hope on Nov 20, 2011

She prepared a good luck amulet for me to keep it in my purse with my money, I still have it with me, I have not won the jackpot, but my finances are getting organized and I stopped throwing money away on psychics and spellcasters, as my spending in that area was out of control, I guess it is working.

Re: www.orishaashe.com ebay OrishaAshe Yaya Maria

by Hope on Oct 09, 2010

I just gave her my name dob, i did not give her details of my situation.

Her reading was very accurate and she told me things she had no way or knowing.

She reads with the spirits of Palo Myombe, she also talks about the spirits of Santeria, I think she works both.

Re: www.orishaashe.com ebay OrishaAshe Yaya Maria

by mimi1211 on Nov 29, 2010

Hello everybody

I am new to the forum. I have been reading all the comments about yaya so i decide to give her a try. After having so many bad experiences with fake spellcaster online so i start my phone consultation with yaya thinking that she"ll try to sell me something or get me scare to do something right away. I was so surprise during my consultation she told
things that nobody else will know she also tell me to put my energy to get better before trying to get my husband back. She told me that he'll not change but it's my decision if i want him back. This woman tell me things only my family will know about me. It's the best consultation i ever had and trust me i had a lot...

Re: www.orishaashe.com ebay OrishaAshe Yaya Maria
by TC on Jan 09, 2011

- great to read your comment lady7728, I've been up and down again lately, waiting to hear from yaya, I hope I haven't done anything to upset our situation - i've been contacting some of the casters that have been popping up in the forum, but really only out of curiosity, they all look like scammers but i get a kick out of contacting them now just to see what kind of crap they will come out with. Yes I totally agree with what you said, Yaya is definitely the one to help us - I hope I
haven't done anything to irritate the situation.

Take a look here, comments from "Hope" the forum admin because of the anonymous registration (on the forum you will find more comments about anonymous registration. Funny no? "Hope" is using anonymous registration as well
on his other site (www.orishaashe.com):

by Hope on Dec 05, 2011

This page, as many UK spellcaster pages are violating the terms of Nominet, the UK organization that regulates the uk

whois data, they are opting out their information, but here are the Nominet requirements:

From Nominet

Can anyone opt out?

Only domain name holders that are non-trading individuals can opt out of having their address details published on the
In other words, if you do not use or plan to use your domain name for business, trade (this includes the registration of domain names for monetization purposes, e.g. pay per click advertising etc) or professional transactions, you will be entitled to opt out of having your address displayed.

If you are a non-trading individual and your web site is being used as a holding page by your registrar, you will
qualify to opt out of having your address shown on the WHOIS.

Why going to the trouble of lying to hide who they are? What are they hiding? Has someone spoken with this spellcaster?
real location? real name? The only way to stop scams is to verify the person, it will bring so many down! The email address to report violations is : [email protected], every time I find one violation, I report it, everyone can do the same they have been very responsive.

Finally when I realize that there may be something wrong and I posted some negative comments in the forum the
administrator "Hope" deleted it, and immediately banned me!

When making up your own mind about this issue, it's important to know that this is a website with FAKE psychic reviews.
The reviews are as fake as the psychics they say are so good.

13 Updates & Rebuttals


OrishaAsha.com aka Yaya Maria is running a big time scam with spsreviewforum. Don't buy!!!!

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, March 18, 2017

Orisha Ashe also known as Yaya Maria is a true SCAM! Be very carful, this website www.orishaashe.com is operated by a con artist, who also owns and operates http://www.spsreviewforum.com. This whole thing is a big time scam!

I am so devastated that I allowed Yaya Maria to play me like she did. What an evil woman.

She made me order 2 of her Custom Palo Mayombre Rituals http://orishaashe.com/store/shop/custom-palo-mayombe-ritual-services/ and promised me results within 7 days. They cost me $4000. It’s been more than 8 months and nothing positive has happened. In fact after the spells were cast everything went downhill rapidly.

I lost my job, my daughter got the devastating diagnosis of Leukemia, our home was broken into, I got into a serious car accident among many other things.

Please do yourself a favor and do not order anything from Yaya Maria at orishaashe.com, she is not a Santeria Priest, she is a con artist. That’s all she is. She would not get any business if it wasn’t for her spsreviewforum.com promoting herself excessively.

Once you send her money, she will respond a few more times and once you start complaining she will ban your IP from her site and block you from her Gmail Account and Phone Number.

Be careful of this woman. Yaya Maria plays you like she has your best interest at heart and plays directly into your psychological weaknesses.

A very horrible person.

If you have any information about orishaashe.com and the Yaya Maria Scam please post it here. I definitely want to take legal action against her to get my money back.


Yaya Maria - Thief and Mastermind behind SPSREVIEWFORUM

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, November 23, 2015

Yaya Maria - Thief and Mastermind behind SPSREVIEWFORUM

I cannot believe I got scammed by her. I trusted Yaya Maria and she lied to me!!!

ALL of her reviews on SPSREVIEWFORUM are FAKE! Created by her to deceive everyone!


I HAVE NO MONEY! SHE TOOK EVERYTHING! SHE HAS NO GIFT OR PSYCHIC ABILITY. Yaya Maria, you are a criminal and I called my credit card company to initiate a chargeback.


I kick myself for not reading the complaints on Ripoff Reports. Did anyone use the search bar at the top of Ripoff Reports? There are thousands of victims!


Search for “Yaya Maria” using the search bar. Read every comment you can find and be repaired to feel sick to your stomach. What she has done to people is sheer evil!


She tries so hard to silence her victims, but we will not be silenced. I want my money back Yaya Maria!


Yaya Maria is a FAKE and CHARLATAN

Real Businesses DO NOT hide like criminals!


No real phone number listed. No address. She paid for privacy on her domain name to conceal her real identity. Does this sound like a legal business? I don’t think so. She is a scammer, taking your money and hiding so you cannot find or go after her legally.



Yaya Maria claims to be SO BUSY that she literally has a month or two waiting period before you receive your service. This is not true! This is a clever little scam within a scam to make sure you cannot file a chargeback with your credit card company or open a dispute with Paypal.


Yaya Maria is a thief. DON'T WAIT. Call your credit card company and start a chargeback immediately. If you used Paypal, log into your Paypal account and initiate a dispute.


You will want to let them know you were scammed by Yaya Maria and would like to start a chargeback. The credit card company and Paypal are on your side. They will refund you without asking questions. With Christmas right around the corner it breaks my heart seeing people fall victim to her crimes and have no money to enjoy the holiday season. You can get your money back.





R Larson

New York,
New York,
Hope is not this person, but she is a scammer.

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, January 07, 2015

Very tired of this twisted broad "Hope", hurting good spiritual workers. "Hope" of spsviewsforum, is just a disgruntled person, who unwizely spent many thousands of dollars in spellwork, running from spellcaster to spellcaster. Now she holds a chip on her shoulder and while pretending to be exposing scammers, calls most everyone scammers, minus two or three. 

Hope of spsreviewforum.com is the biggest scammer of all. She got her idea to open her site, when spells.net shut down. She started her scam site in Septemeber of 2010. She refers to herself as Matilda. Evidentally also as some type of blogger, or healer if you click on the post. (All this is shown in the link below.) 

It's not fair the way she allows others to be faulted, for her dirty work. She claims to have worked in person with a male spellcaster in August or September of 2010. She refers to herself as Matilda, but someone should reconize her and be able to go after the right person. Not even really sure if most of the people on her site really get what she does. A bunch of the good ones left that site after figuring her out and some on there seemed not quite well. Yeah I am ashamed I was on there for awhile too. It became laughable. She did not want anything but negative reviews. It was a bit enertaining to observe her twitch and freak out when new people came to explore the site.  





Oshun Dayo

United States of America
Advice from Orisha priest in Ogden, Utah

#5Consumer Suggestion

Thu, November 22, 2012

My name is Matthew Oshun Dayo.  I was fully initiated into Cuban Santeria (Regla de Ocha Lukumi) on February 25, 2006 in Philadelphia, PA by the hands of Robert Oshun Ade (San Diego, CA) and Tony Oni Oba Irawo (Allentown, PA).  The Oriate for my consecration was Lazaro Oshun Guere (Bronx, NY).

I am also a long time practioner of espiritismo and I currently work as an active Santeria priest and spiritual advisor here in Ogden, Utah.

Being that these Afro-carribean traditions are fairly new and virgin here in Utah, it doesn't surpise me that these types of complaints occurr such as those of www.orishaaye.com  and "Yaya Maria".  I call it the big fish in a small pond phenomena.  Basically the Santeria/Palo community in Utah is not well established or nonexistent therefore enabling unscrupulous activites to flourish.

Advice to anyone looking to join an "Ile Ocha" (House of Ocha) or "Munanso" (House of Palo) or any other African diasporic tradtions must verify the lineage and initiation of the said priest. 

Without hesitation, they should be able to tell you the date of their initiation, their godparents names, the name of the master of ceremonies, the location, the names of the witnesses.  There should be little or no hesitation for any priest to divulge this information to anyone who asks sincerely and respectuflly. 

If they refuse or don't know how to answer any of the above questions, then turn around the other way and run in the other direction.

I would be happy to help answer any questions in this forum to those who are interested. 

Matthew Oshun Dayo
Olorisha Lukumi
Ogden, Utah 

[email protected] 


new york,
New York,
United States of America

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, September 19, 2012

You really have been busy exposing this kind woman yaya haven't you? I am a member of this forum, it's free to join and no one will ever ask you for money. As I tell most people ISO anything, make up your own minds. Don't listen to my post here or the ones above. Go see for yourself. Obviously the scammers want you to believe them because they have been exposed on this site (sps) and its all too easy to create a bs name on a ror site and discredit the site that outed them. No proof needed, no identification needed...easy and cowardly. If you have a case against hope or yaya I would like to know why nothing has materialized since this first posting? Did you get found out after posting for your own services then banned? Sounds like it. To the general public: Go to sps. Don't buy a reading or listen to anyone....just read the posts and get to know the members. You will find we disagree more then anything else. Hope is careful never to offer an opinion bc she knows she is in a delicate position as the owner. She just provides a place to get to the truth . Everyone will see things their own unique way. There is no ONE caster that is god on that site. I can't believe these people go to such lengths to cover their asses. You don't believe in yaya? Hey then don't read with her....how's that for a solution? She ripped you off? Sue her. I triple dog dare you. You are pathetic and exposed . Live with it.



#7Consumer Comment

Tue, January 31, 2012

Do you pathetic frauds actually think anyone is stupid enough to read this crap?

What a waste of bandwidth and time.


United States of America
Former Forum members speak out against this Scam!

#8Author of original report

Mon, January 30, 2012

people from our group were informed about many sources online and given permission by several website owners to use the information we have found as quotes and credited information, they are giving there own opinions and invested responses freely.

The owner of www.TheRealWitchDoctor.com gave permission to anyone that needs the information to copy it and quote it if needed,  it is very valuable information about online scams in the occult and psychic world and gives prudent information according to the owners expertise in the area of Afro-Caribbean Religions that are being exploited by these scam websites spsreviewforum.com and OrishaAshe.com.

TheRealWitchDoctor.com website was made purposely to educate people how to spot frauds of the occult and specializing in Afro Caribbean Religious traditions that are being exploited by scams like your website OrishaAshe.com, the website doesn't only offer services but a service to expose frauds online like your websites. 

The Owner from the website www.therealwitchdoctor.com gives full permission to anyone who is wishing to have the information in order to help prevent and expose scams and frauds online that are exploiting Afro Caribbean Traditions
and Occult Practices.

you must be a regular Sherlock Holmes SPSREVIEWFORUM.com! all you needed to do was to contact that owners website and they would have said exactly what I just said and quoted from the website.

It only proves the facts even more about your scam websites and exploitations of those practices that you are using as part of your scam and many others online that are hurting alot of people, at no point on that website did it directly
say SPSREVIEWFORUM.com or ORISHAASHE.COM in anyway. so if you are assuming that the outline which exposes frauds on therealwitchdoctor.com entitled  "exposing scams a How to Guide to finding the truth on the internet" if you feel this is about you then, if the shoe fits, wear it. Many people have read this and agree with its information and details  we contacted many sources online to educated people from credible sources including TheRealWitchDoctor.com that weren't scared to post information about scam websites like SPSREVIEWFORUM.COM AND ORISHAASHE.COM. 

We(Former Members of the forum)  took a look at your forum which is only really slander about that website and really
you don't have anything solid on that owner of www.therealwitchdoctor.com just some fabrications.  

in your scam forum it has some very vague comments and manipulations that could be construed as lies or  misinterpretations, Many believe are just false or fake experiences from Fake IDs and clients, maybe a girl who liked him or something who is angry she couldnt have that guy, maybe an ex girlfriend or some kind of lie from someone with made up things and child like name calling that can be disproved.

Just visit the website and call the guy yourself and ask him. if you aren't satisfied at that point then make up your own mind on the subject as i did, Many believe the owner to be a very educated on these subjects, articulate and
polite who is very honest with people and is trying to do the right thing he isnt trying to sell himself or his beliefs , he spent a lot of time on the phone with me and even offered his services for free to me to help me out which
proves that what you made up is lies. so i made my own mind up, along with several ex forum members and we was right, my gut feeling said he was genuine. 

in no way is any of that information credible on your forum to anyone including our group of ex members of your forum. 
we have investigated the website in question (www.TheRealWitchDoctor.com)  that you claim made all these reports

Your Fake review just came out on that website when it was updated about Scammers like you recently and most of the complaints about your forum website are from 2009-present and your website forum has changed 4 times since then?  so how could you use this website as your scapegoat for your scam activities?

The website you claim is a scam site has been investigated for a very long time to prove the credibility on that website as true and its sources have been confirmed by multiple sources as AUTHENTIC. we have been forum members of SPSREVIEWFORUM.com 

as ex members of your forum it just looks like you have a bunch of lies on your site, like many of the ones you tell to cover up your scam when people get to hot on your trail to finding out about it.  we asked the owner of  www.therealwitchdoctor.com website his opinion about several websites and to verify they were authentic practices almost 2 years before you opened your section up on the review forum website about TheRealWitchDoctor.com
website (very strange)  to try to "expose" that website after only last month???  you opened your section up with a fake new accounts on that website look at some of the posts they are 1-4 posts new members , so if anyone is attacking anyone with slander it is YOU and YOUR website with slander and lies about other peoples websites.

www.therealwitchdoctor.com wasn't even mentioned on your scam review forum website until recently (that website has been registered and up since 2005, we checked into it look it up yourself)  It has a perfect record with Pay pal
and verified and confirmed with a perfect record since 2004 how could you make up lies with the facts are there for people to research themselves and prove you are a liar.

when the owner of www.TheRealWitchDoctor.com started to put up new information for people to read about "how to spot frauds and charlatans" online including your fraud site OrishaAshe.com (which is the same religious and spiritual practice as TherealWitchDoctor.com website, Strange don't you think , attacking that website now because it proves
OrishaAshe.com is a scam?)  And review sites, people only had to do a simple web search:  "How to spot frauds, psychics, witchcraft online" and your scam site and other websites pop up along with hundreds of others which came up in the search engine.

then you and your cronies started to target and attack that website with fake client accounts on your review forum because people started to find out about your SCAM from looking at the information on www.therealwitchdoctor.com
website and put your scam together because you are exploiting his afro Caribbean religion with your scam website OrishaAshe.com

on therealwitchdoctor.com it gives details on how to spot frauds in those faiths which many people found out now because of that website information and you didnt like that to much so you decided to start a campaign
against it.

 we used therealwitchdoctor.com as a source for information back in July 2009 when several ex members of your review forum felt that your review forum was a scam we started having questions and we all then started to investigate your
site after we started getting referrals from YOU and YOUR FAKE Account members and documented it.

what a surprise you didn't start to mention that website until recently when www.therealwitchdoctor.com started the brand new section this Jan 2012 on how to expose frauds of Palo Mayombe and Orisha religions which gave explicit information how people can target your scam website OrishaAshe.com online with prudent information that
people could use to expose your scam what a Shocker?

not one of those people on your site in that section for scammers have any proof that they were even legitimate clients of that website and if they are they should post there information so people have some kind of credibility to
fall back on.

Why didn't they? because maybe..... they are fake accounts.

Show us some solid proof that ANY of those people on your forum had negative experiences from that site, prove they were actual clients with a recipt of purchase or any others who made negative comments prove they are from actual
clients, Receipts, names anything credible or anything like that to prove they were actually clients of that website or any others and not just some made up fake accounts or fake emails that have been manipulated or doctored with fake,
made up information so you can just give your own referall to your own scam services , give everyone some solid proof , purchase receipt , names to prove it by your forum members, if your website says that other websites are scams
and the ones you refer are real why are there so many complaints that your referrals cost them thousands of dollars and that they were scammed because of your website spsreviewforum.com?

they all called it a SCAM back in 2010 and then you just blame the other websites for it in 2012? Nice scam you have going on there. Where can others see some credible information to back anything up that you aren't using your website to refer people to your own scam site?

People don't really know even on your own review forum that YOU could possibly be behind it all, that YOU are scamming them all aren't you?  What proves whatever you are saying isnt a LIE? it was not fair to put this owner of this informative website under the bus so i wanted to state some facts here about it so that its completely fair to the
owner. THE OWNER OF THAT WEBSITE (www.TheRealWitchDoctor.com) ISNT HIDING ANONYMOUSLY LIKE THOSE PEOPLE ARE DOING! That Owner freely gives his name, address and phone number and information for in person consultations to prove his authenticity which he provides out to every single client, every communication, in all phone calls, you can contact him by phone anytime to ask specific questions if you have any doubts about anything and I have never once not seen the owner not answer the call or email like these Scam artists hide.

if any one of those people on your forum say they were unhappy with any services provided to them why didn't  they contacted that website owner directly to get a refund immediately for services? 

Why didnt those people on your forum have any records to prove it? Why didn't they file any charges with there banks or other authorities to get a refund from the services or try to pursue that website if you claim its a scam site?
Why has that website been up since 2005 with a perfect online record and just before it opened the new updated section on "how to expose frauds online" explaining about Frauds and Charlatans in Afro Caribbean Faiths
which is directly connected to your scam website OrishaAshe.com  directly afterwards you targeted and attacked that website calling it a scam because it exposed your scam website?

It doesn't add up and its just more of your many compulsive Lies.





lets take a look at some real people that have been scammed by spsreviewforum.com




16th of Nov, 2011 by   BillTheSkeptic

If they do not endorse any psychics how do you explain this Hope is the person who runs the forum. She endorses a website called asheorisha.com a lot. Examples below.

Hope - "I do believe very much in Yaya Maria and have seen her work very hard with my situation."

Hope - "She always gives me strength and brings me back to reality when I start going crazy or getting sad about the things that happened in my life."

Hope - "Please keep us updated, if you do not get the refund by tomorrow, I will personally ask yaya maria to refund your money, i talk to her often and will make sure she stands by her word."

If you read the exposed scammers then it seems like they don't endorse any psychics, but if you make an account and read the psychic discussion page then you can clearly see the administration endorsing certain psychics.

Also Latinoguy2013 - you only have 14 posts on the forum as of writing this. Did you know that I have an active account on the forum that actually has more posts than you do? One I use to watch and observe and play along with the scam? I have been on the forum seeing it happen longer than you. With only 14 posts, how could you possibly be in a
position to know or trust if spsreviewforum is a scam or not?

Stick around a little longer and you will see. As far as the very first post I don't know. The forum itself doesn't
make money. Maybe they meant they lost money to one of the psychics.

18th of Nov, 2011 by   ScamDebunker

A forum to expose "scam" psychics and find "genuine" psychics? You already know it is a forum made by some psychic someplace. I do not doubt there are misguided people who believe in psychics and lose money to them. Hi
Bill. Thanks for showing me this. You're spot on as usual. No normal person would create a forum to expose some psychics and then promote other psychics unless they were a psychic or a highly deluded person who
believes that real psychics and witches and warlocks are advertising their services on the WWW. That is to say, to any actual skeptic or debunker it makes no sense.

If this Hope person owns the forums (I am assuming she does from the reports) and is also telling you that some psychics are real, others are fake, that she has a favorite she talks to, and even has enough influence over to "make sure" that they give someone a refund, Bill is right that Hope is endorsing them. Even collaborating, by definition. It
could be that Hope just really likes this psychic a lot and they are BFFs or it could be they are working together or even the same person. I can't say I have a problem with forcing psychics to give people refunds though.

I'll make an account too we can play together Bill.

20th of Nov, 2011 by   SFTW

This forum is a dangerous scam, Hope and her cronies pray on vulnerable people when they are low. I was a member, and noticed that a few psychics were endorsed by Hope, and any that she does not like had posts about them deleted, or got moved to the public 'exposed scammers' section. Hope sent me a message asking for a donation in exchange for
recommending a spell caster. She and the forum are nothing but a psychic scam.

22nd of Dec, 2011 by   horani

Note: www.spsreviewforum.com is a SCAM ITSELF! Hope is located in the UK. to  HOPE will help "fix their reputation" or "drive down the post's rankings in the search engines" for a hefty fee.

http://www.spsreviewforum.com again I A SCAM ITSELF!

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26th of Dec, 2011 by   Michelle03702
This is all the same SCAM -- I was a forum member !!! www.spsreviewforum.com

New psychic scam called the Spells and Spirits Review Forum

www.spsreviewforum.com . This is a forum claiming to expose scammers but in fact promotes psychics, has FAKE members, deletes threads and will  ban you if you post a claim contrary to one of their "approved psychics." Most of these are sellers of "spirit objects" and psychic readings on eBay.

The tagline of the website is "Seeking for true and genuine online practitioners." Very telling. Let me start by saying if you are claiming that some psychics are "real" while others are "fake" then you are already part of the scam.
The basic problem with this ridiculous site is that it seems to make the absurd assumption that there are real psychics. That assumption tells you one thing, the site is a complete and utter fraud.

Of course they state that they try to find the frauds but, of course, what they are really doing is a sneaky way to promote their own list of recommended frauds. This Hope (the admin of www.spsreviewforum.com) know there are no
psychics at all and has found a pretty unique way to get attention to her/his scam artists.

People who are deluded by psychics will no doubt fall for this new trick, but people who have a lick of brains don't need a web site to seek out the frauds, they know for a fact that psychics are ALL 100% frauds so they don't need anyone to help them find the bad ones, they are all bad.

www.spsreviewforum.com promote their own list of recommended frauds like the anon registered domain www.orishaashe.com (Yaya Maria) which is a SCAM too.

Many people lost a lot of $$$ to www.orishaashe.com and www.spsreviewforum.com.

10th of Jan, 2012 by   Jeffrey1

www.spsreviewforum.com is a scam itself!!!

They state that they try to find the frauds but what they are really doing is a sneaky way to promote their own list of recommended frauds and hurt the competition. They create a forum and then a bunch of fictional characters to
manipulate potential victims into trusting a specific website. A quick review of the forum will show you that most of the posts are made by the same group of individuals most are likely the same person.

It is just a FAKE Psychic Review Forum! The scam forum is maybe from Dulles, Virginia.

18th of Jan, 2012 by   Spsreviewforum.com - Scam Alert

Hope, you are a scammer! Karma will catch up to you soon enough!

NEVER trust any positive comments made about Hope or her scam site SPSReviewForum. Complaints are filed on this website to expose scammers like her every day.

Fortunately, we are working on shutting down her website and filing a lawsuit to ensure people get back every dollar these crooks took from them!

Scammers eventually get caught and it will not be long before Hope is turned into the authorities. When this day comes, we can all breeze a little easier knowing that they can no long scam people. Their website will be shut done permanently and people will feel safe again!

Burn in hell HOPE!

19th of Jan, 2012 by   WEAREWATCHING

file a complaint against www.spsreviewforum.com with the Internet Crime Complaint Center


if www.spsreviewforum.com will open a new scam forum, file a complaint aginst the new forum again!

we know it all www.spsreviewforum.com and the promoted website www.orishaashe.com are scam.

This scam is quite simply, they create a forum and then a bunch of  fictional characters to manipulate potential victims into trusting a specific website. a quick review of the forum will show you that most of the posts are made by the same group of individuals most are likely the same person.

they post about other spell casters on the forum without any proof of the charge and without checking the statements just to hurt the competition and lure victims to their scam websites.

20th of Jan, 2012 by   Hope is a former Waffle House Employee

********************* SPSReviewForum is a Scam *********************

Hope (aka SPSReviewForum) is all of the following: "swindler, charlatan, scam, ripoff, con artist, fraud, rip-off artist, and sham!

Hope started her scams on http://www.spellsforum.net and then discontinued using the site once everyone caught on to her scam.

Then she created a new forum called: spellscams.freeforumsblog.com "hoping" to deceive people and gain back their trust under a new name.

Now she hides on SPSReviewForum under the alises name of "Hope", who many believe is a obese unemployed man in his late 30's. He lost his job at the Waffle House during the recession but was let go for stealing tips from other waitresses on duty.

With no education and no skills to get a real job, Hope has turned to  into a thief who plays the role as an innocent user on her forum.

Hope goes under many fake profiles on her website to manipulate you into trusting the wrong people. You then find out you were scammed and Hope bans you from her forum when you have no money left to give.

Mark my words that Hope will change forums once again. SPSReviewForum is a complete scam and I would encourage people to file a complaint against www.spsreviewforum.com with the Internet Crime Complaint Center


You can also contact Blue Host to have Hope's website removed off their servers.

Contact: [email protected] and let them know spsreviewforum scammed you.

Do not trust anyone who talks positive about SPSReviewForum. Hope likes to make many fake profiles on this website in efforts to prevent people from knowing the truth.

The Truth: SPSReviewForum is a complete scam!

********************* SPSReviewForum is a Scam *********************

 20th of Jan, 2012 by   victimofspsreviewforum I am willing to file a complaint against www.spsreviewforum.com with the
Internet Crime Complaint Center. Thank you for the information.

 20th of Jan, 2012 by   I was robbed by Hope I will be doing the same! www.spsreviewforum.com scammed me out of $2, 700 USD. I want my money back within 24 hours Hope, or I will file a report with the Internet Crime Complaint Center.

How can you look at yourself everyday for ripping people off?

Ignore the scare tactic It's just another fake profile created by Hope.

20th of Jan, 2012 by   Josephine49

sorry hope but why there are so many people make scam reports about the spsreviewforum how should we trust you now?


20th of Jan, 2012 by   Scammed three times by Hope Unfortunately I fell victim to Hope who promised me that my husband would come back before Christmas. Sadly this didn't happen and I must of lost close to $4500 on her spells.
I was strung along and scammed by all three sites below. All website listed were recommend to me by Hope.

Now I fear that I will not be able to pay the mortgage on my home. Hope banned my account on her forum as soon as I refused to give them more money.

What a scam!

 22nd of Jan, 2012 by   Hope - Criminal and Con-Artist The reason why people are reporting your site as a scam is because it is a scam.

Hope still ignores my emails after I demanded my money to be returned. Hope or whatever new account you come up with next... The Complaints people are posting here are true. We are all victims of your scam site (spsreviewforum.com).

When you rip people off, there are going to be consequences. Why should people simply ignore the fact that you stole from them through manipulation? I would encourage people to use any social media tools to get the word out.

I am in the process of filing a class action lawsuit against spsreviewforum.com . So far we have collects a list of over 350 victims who will be taking part in this lawsuit. If you are a victim of spsreviewforum.com please contact me to join. There is power in numbers!

You will receive details on the case along with the lawyers who will be filing the papers against Hope and her website spsreviewforum.com.

I not only look forward to making sure everyone gets their money back, I look forward to spsreviewforum.com going offline so they cannot continue hurting people.

Smile for your mugshot Hope! Practice makes perfect!

Let's take these criminals down!

22nd of Jan, 2012 by   SCAM!!!!! - SPSReviewForum

One of my close friends was scammed by Hope. Fortunately for Hope, my friend was too passive to take matters into her own hands. However, after hearing how deeply she was scammed I have decided to stand up for her and take action.
How dare you rip-off my friend. You have her is tears after what you did to her!!!

I have reported them to:

Start worrying Hope! You better start refunding every person you have scammed.

 23rd of Jan, 2012 by   Torrey1

flooding forums with fake comments is a new strategy in business marketing. many marketing firms also seed forums with comments in a bid to create viral interest in a company or events. fakes can be spotted by analysing their patterns of activity and the words they use.

believe me spsreviewforum.com will be closed down soon and victims claims will never push people to this fake forum victims claims make this forum useless.

the best you can do now is a complaint to ripoffreport.com/directory/spsreviewforum-com.aspx

27th of Jan, 2012 by   SPS REVIEW FORUM EXPOSED

anyone that has been effected or ripped off by this "new psychic scam" can contact our group directly to get involved in the legal proceedings, investigation and class action law suit. your business and all the parties involved may be entitled to damages and settlement, with your interview and testimony before a criminal court along with the criminal investigation proceedings a civil and criminal court juncture and testimony may be necessary after giving your own personal accounts of how spsreviewforum.com and orishaashe.com effected you or your business negatively because of ANY actions taken by these websites including defamation, slander or possible criminal conduct

if you feel you have been ripped off or scammed by these parties ion any way or if they negatively effected your business using slander, libel or defamation of character on the spsreviewforum.com website you may be entitled to damages to your business, you are urged to contact us immediately to take part in this investigation, criminal and civil
class action court proceeding.

please do not contact us unless you are a party directly involved,  business or service that has been effected by these websites negatively and would like to take action by taking part in this legal proceeding against spsreviewforum.com and Orishashe.com

We will not reply back to any pleas of parties not involved in this matter or any other emails that are not directly involved in this proceeding we are ONLY looking for people and business's that have been effected negatively by this website forum service (spsreviewforum.com and OrishaAshe.com)

if they have a review about your business on the spsreviewforum.com website in a negative context, you are urged to contact our group and give your testimony immediately, if you were a private party looking for "Spell Casters" on this website and have received personal responses back from any member on this website including private messages on this website forum giving you ANY direct referrals to other website services, please save this data, copy and keep this for your own personal records, you could also be entitled to damages and are urged to contact is immediately

This group represents multiple personal parties involved and several business's that have been directly effected negatively by spsreviewforum and OrishaAshe.com website business's and we are working together to serve justice to the community.

You can contact our group at [email protected]

28th of Jan, 2012 by   Kathleen14

spsreviewforum and OrishaAshe.com hide the contact details through privacy protection. Our attorney will contact [email protected] to get the REAL NAMES!!

By: a guest | Jan 24th, 2012

Did you hear that the spsreviewforum is a scam? WELL YES, it is a SCAM! Here's a basic description How the scam
works: spsreviewforum.com created a forum and  then a bunch of fictional characters to manipulate potential victims
into trusting a specific websites. A quick review of the forum will show you that most of the posts are made by the same group of individuals most are likely the same person. They post about other spell casters on the forum without any proof of the charge and without checking the statements just to hurt the competition and lure victims to their scam
websites like Yaya Maria orishaashe.com and other.  Don't become the next victim of spsreviewforum.com FAKE Psychic Review Forum! This is just a new psychic scam. Visit and join the spsreviewforum.com and see for yourself the truth!  spsreviewforum.com SCAM ripoff, con artist, fraud, rip-off

26th of Dec, 2011 by   Judith1

I have paid more than $700 to Yaya Maria last year. She promised me so much.

29th of Dec, 2011 by   JenniferJennifer

I know this forum and I know it is a FAKE Psychic Review Forum I lost $1400 because of www.spsreviewforum.com
They try to hurt the competition and promote their own psychics scam Why is spsreviewforum.com protecting some psychics from the Google search results?

Excuses like "stopping spam" or "privacy" make no sense because anyone can register to the forum and read them. The only reason is an attempt to promote their own psychics and hurt the competition.

The admin of www.spsreviewforum.com found a pretty unique way to get attention to his scam artists.

They state that they try to find the frauds but what they are really doing is a sneaky way to promote their own list of recommended frauds.

This is a new psychic scam called the Spells Psychics Spirits Review Forum


All these people are liars also? All these accounts of people are fake also? All the complaints filed are not for good and just causes?  You ripped people off there is the proof for people to see. Justice will be done.


United States of America

#9Author of original report

Mon, January 30, 2012

people from our group were informed about many sources online and given permission by several website owners to use the information we have found as quotes and credited information, they are giving there own opinions and invested responses

The owner of www.TheRealWitchDoctor.com gave permission to anyone that needs the information to copy it and quote it if needed it is very valuable information about online scams in the occult and psychic world , TheRealWitchDoctor.com website was made purposely to educate people how to spot frauds like your website, it doesn't only offer services but a service to expose frauds online like yours. 

The Owner from the website www.therealwitchdoctor.com gives permission to anyone who is wishing to have the information in order to help expose scams and frauds online. you must be a regular Sherlock Holmes! all you needed to do was to call that owners website and he would have said that. It only proves the facts even more about your scam website and many others online that are hurting alot of people, at no point on that website did it directly say you or your websites in anyway.

so if you are assuming that the outline on therealwitchdoctor.com entitled  "exposing scams a How to Guide to finding the truth on the internet" if you feel this is about you then, if the shoe fits, wear it.

we contacted many educated people that are a credible sources including TheRealWitchDoctor.com that weren't scared to post information about scam websites like yours. 

I took a look at your forum slander about that website and really you don't have anything solid on that owner of www.therealwitchdoctor.com  in your scam forum it has some very vague comments, just some false clients,
maybe a girl who liked him or something who is angry, maybe an ex girlfriend or some kind of lie from someone with made up things and child like name calling that can be disproved pretty easy.

Just visit the website and call the guy and ask him yourself. if you aren't satisfied at that point then make up your own mind on the subject as i did, i believe the owner to be a very educated, talented and polite person who is very
honest and is trying to do the right thing, he spent several minutes on the phone with me and even offered his services for free to me to help me. so i made my own mind up and i was right, my gut feeling said he was genuine. 

in no way is any of that information credible on your forum to anyone including our group of ex members of your forum. 
we have investigated that website (www.TheRealWitchDoctor.com) for a very long time to prove the credibility on that website and its source and it was confirmed by multiple sources as AUTHENTIC.

we have been forum members and now since it has changed hands to a new website domain.  as ex members of your forum it just looks like you have a bunch of lies on your site, like many of the ones you tell to cover up your scam when people get to hot on your trail to finding out about it.

we asked the owner of www.therealwitchdoctor.com website his opinion about several websites and to verify there authentic practices almost 2 years before you opened your section up on your review forum website about that website
(very strange)  to try to "expose" that website after only last month you opened your section up with fake accounts on that website, so if anyone is attacking it is YOU and YOUR website with slander about peoples websites .

www.therealwitchdoctor.com wasn't even mentioned on your scam review forum website until recently (that website has been registered and up since 2005, we checked into it)  when the owner started to put up new information for
people to read about "how to spot frauds and charlatans" online including your fraud site OrishaAshe.com (which is apparently the same religious and spiritual practice as that website, Strange don't you think now attacking that website now?)  and review sites, people only had to do a simple web search: 

 "How to spot frauds, psychics, witchcraft online" and your site and that site along with hundreds of others came up in the search engine.  then you and your cronies started to target and attack that website with fake client accounts on your review forum because people started to find out about your SCAM from looking at the information on therealwitchdoctor.com website and put your scam together because you are exploiting his religion with your scam website OrishaAshe.com and on therealwitchdoctor.com it gives details on how to spot frauds in those faiths which apparently many people found out now because of that website information.

we used therealwitchdoctor.com as a source for information in July 2010 when several ex members of your review forum felt it was a scam we started having questions then started to investigate  about your site from many members of your own forum who also left. 

what a surprise you didn't start to mention that website until recently when therealwitchdoctor.com started the new section on how to expose frauds of Palo Mayombe and Orisha religions which gave information how people can targeted
your scam website OrishaAshe.com online with prudent information that people could use to expose your scam
What a Shocker? not one of those people on your site in that section for scammes have any proof that they were even legitimate clients of that website and if they are they should post there information so people have some kind of credibility to fall back on.

Why didn't they? because maybe..... they are fake accounts. Show us some solid proof that ANY of those people on your forum that have negative experiences from that site or others that made comments were actual clients, Receipts, names anything credible or anything like that to prove they were actually clients of that website or others and not just some made up fake accounts or fake emails that have been manipulated or doctored with fake, made up information, give everyone some solid proof like a proof of purchase receipt , names to prove it by your forum members, if your website says that other websites are scams and the ones you refer are real why are there so many complaints that your referrals cost them thousands of dollars and they call it a SCAM and then you just blame the other websites for it? Nice scam you have going on there.

where can others see some credible information to back anything up that you aren't using your website to refer people to your own scam site?  People don't really know even on your own forum that you could possibly be behind it all, you are scamming them all aren't you?

What proves what you are saying isnt a LIE? Let me just say this, it was not fair to put this owner of this informative
website under the bus so i wanted to state some facts here about it so that its fair.


That Owner freely gives his name, address and phone number and information to prove his authenticity out to every single client, every communication, in all phone calls, you can contact him by phone anytime to ask specific questions.
if any one of those people on your forum say they were unhappy with any services provided to them why didn't  they contacted that website owner directly to get a refund immediately? 

Why don't those people on your forum have any records to prove it?  Why didn't they file any charges with there banks or other authorities to get a refund from the services or try to pursue that website if you claim its a scam site?
Why has that website been up since 2005 with a perfect record online and just before it opened the new section up on "how to expose frauds online" explaining about Frauds and Charlatans in his faith which is directly connected
to your scam website OrishaAshe.com  then directly afterwards you targeted and attacked that website calling
it a scam because it exposed your scam website?





16th of Nov, 2011 by   BillTheSkeptic
If they do not endorse any psychics how do you explain this Hope is the person who runs the forum. She endorses a website called asheorisha.com a lot. Examples below. Hope - "I do believe very much in Yaya Maria and have seen her work very hard with my situation."

Hope - "She always gives me strength and brings me back to reality when I start going crazy or getting sad about the things that happened in my  life."

Hope - "Please keep us updated, if you do not get the refund by tomorrow, I will personally ask yaya maria to refund your money, i talk to her often and will make sure she stands by her word." If you read the exposed scammers then it seems like they don't endorse any psychics, but if you make an account and read the psychic discussion page then you can clearly see the administration endorsing certain psychics.

Also Latinoguy2013 - you only have 14 posts on the forum as of writing this. Did you know that I have an active account on the forum that actually has more posts than you do? One I use to watch and observe and play along with the scam? I have been on the forum seeing it happen longer than you. With only 14 posts, how could you possibly be in a position to know or trust if spsreviewforum is a scam or not?

Stick around a little longer and you will see. As far as the very first post I don't know. The forum itself doesn't
make money. Maybe they meant they lost money to one of the psychics.

18th of Nov, 2011 by   ScamDebunker
A forum to expose "scam" psychics and find "genuine" psychics? You already know it is a forum made by some psychic someplace. I do not doubt there are misguided people who believe in psychics and lose money to them. Hi
Bill. Thanks for showing me this. You're spot on as usual. No normal person would create a forum to expose some psychics and then promote other psychics unless they were a psychic or a highly deluded person who believes that real psychics and witches and warlocks are advertising their services on the WWW. That is to say, to any actual skeptic or
debunker it makes no sense.

If this Hope person owns the forums (I am assuming she does from the reports) and is also telling you that some psychics are real, others are fake, that she has a favorite she talks to, and even has enough influence over to "make sure" that they give someone a refund, Bill is right that Hope is endorsing them. Even collaborating, by definition. It
could be that Hope just really likes this psychic a lot and they are BFFs or it could be they are working together or even the same person. I can't say I have a problem with forcing psychics to give people refunds though.

I'll make an account too we can play together Bill.

20th of Nov, 2011 by   SFTW
This forum is a dangerous scam, Hope and her cronies pray on vulnerable people when they are low. I was a member, and noticed that a few psychics were endorsed by Hope, and any that she does not like had posts about them deleted, or got moved to the public 'exposed scammers' section. Hope sent me a message asking for a donation in exchange for
recommending a spell caster. She and the forum are nothing but a psychic scam.

22nd of Dec, 2011 by   horani
Note: www.spsreviewforum.com is a SCAM ITSELF! Hope is located in the UK. to  HOPE will help "fix their reputation" or "drive down the post's rankings in the search engines" for a hefty fee.
http://www.spsreviewforum.com again I A SCAM ITSELF!

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26th of Dec, 2011 by   Michelle03702
This is all the same SCAM -- I was a forum member !!!

New psychic scam called the Spells and Spirits Review Forum www.spsreviewforum.com . This is a forum claiming to expose scammers but in fact promotes psychics, has FAKE members, deletes threads and will ban you if you post a claim contrary to one of their "approved psychics." Most of these are sellers of "spirit objects" and psychic readings on eBay.

The tagline of the website is "Seeking for true and genuine online practitioners." Very telling. Let me start by saying if you are claiming that some psychics are "real" while others are "fake" then you are already part of the scam.
The basic problem with this ridiculous site is that it seems to make the absurd assumption that there are real psychics. That assumption tells you one thing, the site is a complete and utter fraud.

Of course they state that they try to find the frauds but, of course, what they are really doing is a sneaky way to promote their own list of recommended frauds. This Hope (the admin of www.spsreviewforum.com) know there are no
psychics at all and has found a pretty unique way to get attention to  her/his scam artists.

People who are deluded by psychics will no doubt fall for this new trick, but people who have a lick of brains don't need a web site to seek out the frauds, they know for a fact that psychics are ALL 100% frauds so they don't need anyone to help them find the bad ones, they are all bad.

www.spsreviewforum.com promote their own list of recommended frauds like the anon registered domain www.orishaashe.com (Yaya Maria) which is a SCAM too.

Many people lost a lot of $$$ to www.orishaashe.com and www.spsreviewforum.com.

10th of Jan, 2012 by   Jeffrey1
www.spsreviewforum.com is a scam itself!!!

They state that they try to find the frauds but what they are really doing is a sneaky way to promote their own list of recommended frauds and hurt the competition.

They create a forum and then a bunch of fictional characters to manipulate potential victims into trusting a specific website. A quick review of the forum will show you that most of the posts are made by the same group of individuals most are likely the same person.

It is just a FAKE Psychic Review Forum! The scam forum is maybe from Dulles, Virginia.

18th of Jan, 2012 by   Spsreviewforum.com - Scam Alert

Hope, you are a scammer! Karma will catch up to you soon enough! I would encourage victims to post here:

NEVER trust any positive comments made about Hope or her scam site SPSReviewForum. Complaints are filed on this website to expose scammers like her every day.

Fortunately, we are working on shutting down her website and filing a lawsuit to ensure people get back every dollar these crooks took from them!

Scammers eventually get caught and it will not be long before Hope is turned into the authorities. When this day comes, we can all breeze a little easier knowing that they can no long scam people. Their website will be shut done permanently and people will feel safe again!

Burn in hell HOPE!

19th of Jan, 2012 by   WEAREWATCHING

file a complaint against www.spsreviewforum.com with the Internet Crime Complaint Center

if www.spsreviewforum.com will open a new scam forum, file a complaint aginst the new forum again!
we know it all www.spsreviewforum.com and the promoted website www.orishaashe.com are scam.

This scam is quite simply, they create a forum and then a bunch of fictional characters to manipulate potential victims into trusting a specific website. a quick review of the forum will show you that most of the posts are made by the same group of individuals most are likely the same person.

they post about other spell casters on the forum without any proof of the charge and without checking the statements just to hurt the competition and lure victims to their scam websites.

20th of Jan, 2012 by   Hope is a former Waffle House Employee

********************* SPSReviewForum is a Scam *********************

Hope (aka SPSReviewForum) is all of the following: "swindler, charlatan, scam, ripoff, con artist, fraud, rip-off artist, and sham!

Hope started her scams on http://www.spellsforum.net and then discontinued using the site once everyone caught on to her scam. Then she created a new forum called: spellscams.freeforumsblog.com  "hoping" to deceive people and gain back their trust under a new name. Now she hides on SPSReviewForum under the alises name of "Hope", who
many believe is a obese unemployed man in his late 30's. He lost his job at the Waffle House during the recession but was let go for stealing tips from other waitresses on duty. With no education and no skills to get a real job, Hope has turned to into a thief who plays the role as an innocent user on her forum.

Hope goes under many fake profiles on her website to manipulate you into trusting the wrong people. You then find out you were scammed and Hope bans you from her forum when you have no money left to give.

Mark my words that Hope will change forums once again. SPSReviewForum is a complete scam and I would encourage people to file a complaint  against www.spsreviewforum.com with the Internet Crime Complaint Center

You can also contact Blue Host to have Hope's website removed off their servers.
Contact: [email protected] and let them know spsreviewforum scammed you.

Do not trust anyone who talks positive about SPSReviewForum. Hope likes to make many fake profiles on this website in efforts to prevent people from knowing the truth. The Truth: SPSReviewForum is a complete scam!

********************* SPSReviewForum is a Scam *********************

 20th of Jan, 2012 by   victimofspsreviewforum

I am willing to file a complaint against www.spsreviewforum.com with the Internet Crime Complaint Center. Thank you for the information.

 20th of Jan, 2012 by   I was robbed by Hope I will be doing the same! www.spsreviewforum.com scammed me out of $2, 700 USD. I want my money back within 24 hours Hope, or I will file a report with the Internet Crime Complaint Center.

How can you look at yourself everyday for ripping people off?  Ignore the scare tactic It's just another fake profile created by Hope.

20th of Jan, 2012 by   Josephine49

sorry hope but why there are so many people make scam reports about the spsreviewforum how should we trust you now?


20th of Jan, 2012 by   Scammed three times by Hope Unfortunately I fell victim to Hope who promised me that my husband  would come back before Christmas. Sadly this didn't happen and I must of lost close to $4500 on her spells.
I was strung along and scammed by all three sites below. All website listed were recommend to me by Hope.


Now I fear that I will not be able to pay the mortgage on my home. Hope banned my account on her forum as soon as I refused to give them more money.

What a scam!

 22nd of Jan, 2012 by   Hope - Criminal and Con-Artist

The reason why people are reporting your site as a scam is because it is a scam. Hope still ignores my emails after I demanded my money to be returned. Hope or whatever new account you come up with next... The Complaints people are posting here are true. We are all victims of your scam site (spsreviewforum.com).

When you rip people off, there are going to be consequences. Why should people simply ignore the fact that you stole from them through manipulation? I would encourage people to use any social media tools to get the word out.

I am in the process of filing a class action lawsuit against spsreviewforum.com . So far we have collects a list of over 350 victims who will be taking part in this lawsuit. If you are a victim of spsreviewforum.com please contact me to join. There is power in numbers!

You will receive details on the case along with the lawyers who will be filing the papers against Hope and her website spsreviewforum.com.

I not only look forward to making sure everyone gets their money back, I look forward to spsreviewforum.com going offline so they cannot continue hurting people. Smile for your mugshot Hope! Practice makes perfect! Let's take these criminals down!

22nd of Jan, 2012 by   SCAM!!!!! - SPSReviewForum

One of my close friends was scammed by Hope. Fortunately for Hope, my friend was too passive to take matters into her own hands. However, after hearing how deeply she was scammed I have decided to stand up for her and take action.

How dare you rip-off my friend. You have her is tears after what you did to her!!!  I have reported them to:


Start worrying Hope! You better start refunding every person you have scammed.

 23rd of Jan, 2012 by   Torrey1

flooding forums with fake comments is a new strategy in business marketing. many marketing firms also seed forums with comments in a bid to create viral interest in a company or events. fakes can be spotted by analysing their patterns of activity and the words they use.

believe me spsreviewforum.com will be closed down soon and victims claims will never push people to this fake forum victims claims make this forum useless. the best you can do now is a complaint to ripoffreport.com/directory/spsreviewforum-com.aspx

 27th of Jan, 2012 by   SPS REVIEW FORUM EXPOSED

anyone that has been effected or ripped off by this "new psychic scam"  can contact our group directly to get involved in the legal proceedings, investigation and class action law suit. your business and all the parties involved may be entitled to damages and settlement, with your interview and testimony before a criminal court along with the criminal investigation proceedings a civil and criminal court juncture and testimony may be necessary after giving your own personal accounts of how spsreviewforum.com and  orishaashe.com effected you or your business negatively because of ANY actions taken by these websites including defamation, slander or possible criminal conduct if you feel you have been ripped off or scammed by these parties ion any way or if they negatively effected your business using slander,
libel or defamation of character on the spsreviewforum.com website you may be entitled to damages to your business, you are urged to contact us immediately to take part in this investigation, criminal and civil class action court proceeding.
please do not contact us unless you are a party directly involved,  business or service that has been effected by these websites negatively and would like to take action by taking part in this legal proceeding against spsreviewforum.com and Orishashe.com

We will not reply back to any pleas of parties not involved in this matter or any other emails that are not directly involved in this proceeding we are ONLY looking for people and business's that have been effected negatively by this website forum service (spsreviewforum.com and OrishaAshe.com)

if they have a review about your business on the spsreviewforum.com website in a negative context, you are urged to contact our group and give your testimony immediately, if you were a private party looking for "Spell Casters" on this website and have received personal responses back from any member on this website including private messages on this website forum giving you ANY direct referrals to other website services, please save this data, copy and keep this for your own personal records, you could also be entitled to damages and are urged to contact us immediately
This group represents multiple personal parties involved and several business's that have been directly effected negatively by spsreviewforum and OrishaAshe.com website business's and we are working together to
serve justice to the community.

You can contact our group at [email protected]

28th of Jan, 2012 by   Kathleen14

spsreviewforum and OrishaAshe.com hide the contact details through privacy protection. Our attorney will contact [email protected] to get the REAL NAMES!!

By: a guest | Jan 24th, 2012

Did you hear that the spsreviewforum is a scam? WELL YES, it is a SCAM! Here's a basic description How the scam
works: spsreviewforum.com created a forum and then a bunch of fictional characters to manipulate potential victims
into trusting a specific websites. A quick review of the forum will show you that most of the posts are made by the same group of individuals most are likely the same person. They post about other spell casters on the forum without any proof of the charge and without checking the statements just to hurt the competition and lure victims to their scam
websites like Yaya Maria orishaashe.com and other.  Don't become the next victim of spsreviewforum.com FAKE Psychic Review Forum! This is just a new psychic scam. Visit and join the spsreviewforum.com and see for yourself the truth!  spsreviewforum.com SCAM ripoff, con artist, fraud, rip-off

26th of Dec, 2011 by   Judith1

I have paid more than $700 to Yaya Maria last year. She promised me so much.

29th of Dec, 2011 by   JenniferJennifer

I know this forum and I know it is a FAKE Psychic Review Forum I lost $1400 because of www.spsreviewforum.com
They try to hurt the competition and promote their own psychics scam Why is spsreviewforum.com protecting some psychics from the Google search results?

Excuses like "stopping spam" or "privacy" make no sense because anyone can register to the forum and read them. The only reason is an attempt to promote their own psychics and hurt the competition.

The admin of www.spsreviewforum.com found a pretty unique way to get attention to his scam artists.

They state that they try to find the frauds but what they are really doing is a sneaky way to promote their own list of recommended frauds.

This is a new psychic scam called the Spells Psychics Spirits Review Forum


All these people are liars also? All these accounts of people are fake also?  All the complaints filed are not for good and just causes?

You ripped people off there is the proof for people to see.  Justice will be done.


Absolutely hilarious

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, January 30, 2012

So she claimed to be a "Yaya Nganga of Palo Mayombe" huh?  How dare she!!

People are just so stupid to fall for a bunch of hilarious crap like that.  Unbelievable!

As far as SPS review, you are just as bad, you have just found a new and creative way to rip people off by intimating that there are indeed valid psychics.  That's just as ridiculous as calling yourself a "Yaya Nganga of Palo Mayombe".

Amazingly hilarious.  Keep them coming. I love it.


United States of America

#11Author of original report

Mon, January 30, 2012


You just admitted you were the owner of both scam sites with your comment, you aren't very smart are you?

why are you defending your scam website Orishaashe.com? with your spsreviewforum.com ....


Because your Scam websites are now exposed for what they are.

I took valuable information off several website sources with the permission of the owners to get the answers we needed to find out you are a scam artist along with Orishaashe.com .....

We used multiple sources including that website who is ACTUALLY authentic!

the owner of that website is an authentic priest who we consulted with, he has a clergy license, and actual licensed Church of Palo Mayombe and is part of several support groups to STOP Con artists like Yaya Maria who calls herself a Yaya Nganga and priestess who is really just a fraud part of your scam website and tries to sell people a RELIGION!!!!!! but they are getting a SCAM!!!!!

that is not what that religion is about and the scam is now exposed!

This website you just listed only advised us about Yaya Maria who's claim is false after gathering multiple sources information, we were able to find out YOU are BOTH SCAM ARTISTS!

What else can you say to defend your Scam websites now really?

Going to blame other websites and people?

Do you have any proof that your websites are not Scams?

Why do you both have similar anonymous website listings on similar services hiding anonymously on the internet?

Why have hundreds of people come forward to point out your scams?

ANYONE can look at the other hundreds of COMPLAINT REPORTS online and make a decision for themselves about your websites, you assumed that people wouldn't catch on to your sham and scam websites where you steal money from good people.

YOU Claim your websites are for good, honest people to learn who is REAL and who is NOT, but you fail to explain that you pick and choose who you feel are authentic to your members , you lied several occasions saying you dont make any personal referrals but they are all documented from multiple messages, emails and private responses with your name attached to them and documented.

thats what we call LIES!

when you use your website to target one group and then send them to YOUR services, that is Illegal and it is a SCAM!

Here are a few more examples to refresh your memory from many people that have been members of your own fake forum and found out about your scam themselves:

Quote From Bill:

If they do not endorse any psychics how do you explain this, latinoguy2013?

Hope is the person who runs the forum. She endorses a website called asheorisha.com a lot. Examples below.

Hope - "I do believe very much in Yaya Maria and have seen her work very hard with my situation."

Hope - "She always gives me strength and brings me back to reality when I start going crazy or getting sad about the things that happened in my life."

Hope - "Please keep us updated, if you do not get the refund by tomorrow, I will personally ask yaya maria to refund your money, i talk to her often and will make sure she stands by her word."

If you read the exposed scammers then it seems like they don't endorse any psychics, but if you make an account and read the psychic discussion page then you can clearly see the administration endorsing certain psychics.

Also Latinoguy2013 - you only have 14 posts on the forum as of writing this. Did you know that I have an active account on the forum that actually has more posts than you do? One I use to watch and observe and play along with the scam? I have been on the forum seeing it happen longer than you. With only 14 posts, how could you possibly be in a
position to know or trust if spsreviewforum is a scam or not?

Stick around a little longer and you will see.

As far as the very first post I don't know. The forum itself doesn't make money. Maybe they meant they lost money to one of the psychics.

Quote from Scam Debunker:

A forum to expose "scam" psychics and find "genuine" psychics? You already know it is a forum made by some psychic someplace. I do not doubt there are misguided people who believe in psychics and lose money to them. Hi Bill. Thanks for showing me this. You're spot on as usual. No normal person would create a forum to expose some psychics and then
promote other psychics unless they were a psychic or a highly deluded person who believes that real psychics and witches and warlocks are advertising their services on the WWW. That is to say, to any actual skeptic or debunker it makes no sense.

If this Hope person owns the forums (I am assuming she does from the reports) and is also telling you that some psychics are real, others are fake, that she has a favorite she talks to, and even has enough influence over to "make sure" that they give someone a refund, Bill is right that Hope is endorsing them. Even collaborating, by definition. It
could be that Hope just really likes this psychic a lot and they are BFFs or it could be they are working together or even the same person. I can't say I have a problem with forcing psychics to give people refunds though.

I'll make an account too we can play together Bill.

Quote from Eric Williams:

my name is eric williams and I was on this psychic's web page for some time now but never sent her money her name is Tara Medium and this is what this chick wrote me and almost made me want to send my 20 bucks to find out what the hell she was talking about but thought be i do so i should find out others have encountered dealing with her on google... this is what she wrote to me if you want to contact me after reading it if you choose to let me know at my email address ----> [email protected]

YOU HAVE TO ACT QUICKLY! after December 24th I WONT BE ABLE TO DO ANYTHING FOR YOU! Its extremely urgent you contact me as soon as possible: I must get in touch with you in the next few hours! eric, what follows will no doubt surprise you. Two important events that could totally transform your life are going to take place in the next few days.Read what follows very carefully.Last night I didnt think Id work long past midnight. I was putting my Files in order when I picked up your file. I immediately had a premonitory vision about you!Knowing what is at stake for you, I had to warn you as soon as possible!

eric, its absolutely essential that I explain certain things to you. Since you were born on 11 September 1981 you fall under the sign of Virgo. That means you could have a very rough ride in the year 2012.

WITHOUT MY PROTECTION not only will you become the unwitting victim of someone close to you, youll also miss your chance of winning a HUGE AMOUNT OF MONEY.

Once the premonitory vision was over, eric, I felt I had to prepare your Astral Chart, where I clearly saw your 7 Winning Numbers. 7 numbers that could bring you 136, 000 USD

Thats right, 136, 000 USD to make all your dreams come true and get you out of the tough situation you find yourself in now. But for that to happen you have to act quickly.

You can start a new life and put an end to the streak of bad luck thats been following you around for years!

Yes, eric, I know that, even without speaking to you. I felt so close to you last night, during the incredible and strange premonitory vision I had about you...

Despite the lateness of the hour I prepared this urgent message for you: you must react quickly! Your whole future is at stake. After December 24th, it will be too late for me to intervene effectively. eric, I dont like to be the messenger of bad news...

but without a rapid intervention on my part, the person who is trying to harm you could succeed within fifteen days.
I "feel" that out of jealousy they are getting ready to do something to hurt you. They have great determination and are extremely malevolent, which is something I really dont like.

The person who wants to hurt you is someone you know, but dont suspect.They could make things much harder for you, so that the hill youre trying to climb now could become much steeper from one day to the next.

It might be financial, psychological or even astral, eric, but I can assure you this person is going to do everything possible to cause you harm, and undermine the happiness that is destined to be yours soon.

Accept my help now! Ill be waiting impatiently to hear from you.eric, I need your response soon so I can prepare the RITUAL OF ULTIMATE PROTECTION for you. The Ritual will: - Ward off the threats that are weighing so heavily on you and help you avert danger.

- Break the chains of your streak of bad luck.

- Help you enjoy a new life, surrounded by sincere friends.

- Make all your dreams, both spiritual and material, come true and, with my help win 136, 000 USD!

Imagine for a moment what all that money would mean to you. No more financial worries, no more cutting corners at the end of the month, all your dreams at your fingertips: a beautiful house with a big garden in a nice part of town, travel, nights out... in short a life of ease.

You have to trust me, eric. Your happiness and your future depend on one simple act: - Send me your Request for your Sensorial Vision Study and Ill get it ready for you right away. Youll find the answers to all your questions, and with me by your side youll come out ahead in any situation. Ill clearly explain:  easy and effective ways to neutralize malevolent attacks; - specifics about the person who wants to harm you; - how you can win money in the very near future;
- your personal Lucky Numbers; - your Lucky Days; - practical advice to help you lead a rich and happy life from now on.

I can assure you, eric, the recommendations I give you in your Sensorial Vision Study are extremely precise. If you dont dare, youll never succeed. Try it and see. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Accept the fact that you too have a right to be Lucky. Have faith and believe me, Luck is with you. But you URGENTLY have to ward off the
plans of the person who wants to do you harm.

Dont wait, eric, you dont have a minute to lose. Your happiness depends on how quickly you answer me. I want you to understand, eric, that helping you is part of my Lifes Mission. Now its your turn to decide your happiness.

Your devoted friend,


Important: It was almost one thirty in the morning and I had just finished your e-mail when I had another clear vision about you, eric. The danger is imminent: the person who wants to harm you is getting ready to do something very soon. We only have a few hours left. Its very IMPORTANT that I get your answer right away. I must be by your side
within 48 hours.

Do It Now!

Another referral by spsreviewforum.com ...... Scam ? you tell me? Quote from SFTW:

This forum is a dangerous scam, Hope and her cronies pray on vulnerable people when they are low. I was a member, and noticed that a few psychics were endorsed by Hope, and any that she does not like had posts about them deleted, or got moved to the public 'exposed scammers' section. Hope sent me a message asking for a donation in exchange for
recommending a spell caster. She and the forum are nothing but a psychic scam.

Quote From Horani:

Note: www.spsreviewforum.com is a SCAM ITSELF! Hope is located in the UK. to HOPE will help "fix their reputation" or "drive down the post's rankings in the search engines" for a hefty fee.

http://www.spsreviewforum.com again I A SCAM ITSELF!


This is all the same SCAM -- I was a forum member !!!

New psychic scam called the Spells and Spirits Review Forum  www.spsreviewforum.com . This is a forum claiming to expose scammers but in fact promotes psychics, has FAKE members, deletes threads and will ban you if you post a claim contrary to one of their "approved psychics." Most of these are sellers of "spirit objects" and psychic readings on eBay.

The tagline of the website is "Seeking for true and genuine online practitioners." Very telling. Let me start by saying if you are claiming that some psychics are "real" while others are "fake" then you are already part of the scam.

The basic problem with this ridiculous site is that it seems to make the absurd assumption that there are real psychics. That assumption tells you one thing, the site is a complete and utter fraud. Of course they state that they try to find the frauds but, of course, what they are really doing is a sneaky way to promote their own list of recommended frauds.

This Hope (the admin of www.spsreviewforum.com) know there are no psychics at all and has found a pretty unique way to get attention to her/his scam artists.

People who are deluded by psychics will no doubt fall for this new trick, but people who have a lick of brains don't need a web site to seek out the frauds, they know for a fact that psychics are ALL 100% frauds so they don't need anyone to help them find the bad ones, they are all bad.

www.spsreviewforum.com promote their own list of recommended frauds like the anon registered domain www.orishaashe.com (Yaya Maria) which is a SCAM too.

Many people lost a lot of $$$ to www.orishaashe.com and www.spsreviewforum.com.

Quote from Jeffery1:

www.spsreviewforum.com is a scam itself!!!

They state that they try to find the frauds but what they are really doing is a sneaky way to promote their own list of recommended frauds and hurt the competition.

They create a forum and then a bunch of fictional characters to manipulate potential victims into trusting a specific website. A quick review of the forum will show you that most of the posts are made by thesame group of individuals most are likely the same person.

It is just a FAKE Psychic Review Forum! The scam forum is maybe from Dulles, Virginia.


Hope, you are a scammers! Karma will catch up to you soon enough! I would encourage victims to post here: http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/wwwcreepyhollowscom-scam-wwwlifespiritssocietyofmagickcom-scam-rip-off-alert-c578612.html#c1154737

NEVER trust any positive comments made about Hope or her scam site SPSReviewForum. Complaints are filed on this website to expose scammers like her every day.

Fortunately, we are working on shutting down her website and filing a lawsuit to ensure people get back every dollar these crooks took from them! Scammers eventually get caught and it will not be long before Hope is turned into the authorities. When this day comes, we can all breeze a little easier knowing that they can no long scam people. Their website will be shut done permanently and people will feel safe again!


file a complaint against www.spsreviewforum.com with the Internet Crime Complaint Center
if www.spsreviewforum.com will open a new scam forum, file a complaint aginst the new forum again! we know it all www.spsreviewforum.com and the promoted website www.orishaashe.com are scam.

This scam is quite simply, they create a forum and then a bunch of fictional characters to manipulate potential victims into trusting a specific website.

a quick review of the forum will show you that most of the posts are made by the same group of individuals most are likely the same person.

they post about other spell casters on the forum without any proof of  the charge and without checking the statements just to hurt the  competition and lure victims to their scam websites.

Quote from Victim of spsreviewforum and Orishaashe.com:

I am willing to file a complaint against www.spsreviewforum.com with the Internet Crime Complaint Center. Thank you for the information.

Quote from I WAS ROBBED BY HOPE(spsreviewforum.com) :

I will be doing the same! www.spsreviewforum.com scammed me out of $2, 700 USD. I want my money back within 24 hours Hope, or I will file a report with the Internet Crime Complaint Center.

How can you look at yourself everyday for ripping people off?

Ignore the scare tactic. It's just another fake profile created by Hope

Quote from another Former Forum Member Josephine:

sorry hope but why there are so many people make scam reports about the spsreviewforum how should we trust you now?


Quote from Scammed by Hope:

Unfortunately I fell victim to Hope who promised me that my husband would come back before Christmas. Sadly this didn't happen and I must of lost close to $4500 on her spells.

I was strung alone and scammed by all three sites below. All website listed were recommend to me by Hope.


Now I fear that I will not be able to pay the mortgage on my home. Hope banned my account on her forum as soon as I refused to give them more money.

What a scam!


I cannot allow Hope to keep ripping people off. I know I'm not the only victim. Big mistake Hope!
To everyone who has been scammed...

Hope just emailed and threatened to go after me if I continued to post on this website. I don't care about her threat! Hope, you took me for a ride financially and I'm sure thousands of people feel the same way as I do right now: SCAMMED. Your a F****** scam and I want the world to know about this. I will defame until you return my money.

If you don't want to return my money then expect me to continue posting. I am a real person and Hope abused my trust and stole my life savings. Karma's a b***h and what goes around comes around.


The reason why people are reporting your site as a scam is because it is a scam.

Hope still ignores my emails after I demanded my money to be returned.

Hope or whatever new account you come up with next... The Complaints people are posting here are true. We are all victims of your scam site (spsreviewforum.com and OrishaAshe.com).

When you rip people off, there are going to be consequences. Why should people simply ignore the fact that you stole from them through manipulation? I would encourage people to use any social media tools to get the word out.

I am in the process of filing a class action lawsuit against spsreviewforum.com . So far we have collects a list of over 350 victims who will be taking part in this lawsuit. If you are a victim of spsreviewforum.com please contact me to join. There is power in numbers!

You will receive details on the case along with the lawyers who will be filing the papers against Hope and her website spsreviewforum.com.

I not only look forward to making sure everyone gets their money back, I look forward to spsreviewforum.com going offline so they cannot continue hurting people.

Smile for your mugshot Hope! Practice makes perfect!

Let's take these criminals down!

There are hundreds of more personal REAL accounts made by people NOT Psychics that were not only members looking for help from this forum but members that found out it was a SCAM!

tell us this Hope, OrishaAshe.com and any other accounts, websites and things you invent up we have just 1 question









Haters only hate the things that they can't get and the people they can't be

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, January 29, 2012

This will be my last post about the SpsReviewForum.com on this board, any further update and comments will be posted on the SPS Review Forum, this has gone long enough:


Anyone interested in finding the truth behind these attacks, visit and read the forum. We have exposed many scammers and we will continue to do so, lies and defamations will not stop us, intelligent consumers can  find the truth, the SPS Review Forum is NOT GOING ANYWHERE! Scammers are our motivators!!!!!!!!!!!

We know at least one person behind these attacks, not anonymous any longer, and it is not an innocent consumer, it is not a victim of Hope, and it is a victimizer, it is a spellcaster exposed in the forum. Now everyone knows where all the lies come from and why.

Enclosed is a capture of the statements posted on the website www.therealwitchdoctor.com on January 26, 2012, of course it was changed few days later, but our members found the page and took captures of it.

The SPS Review Forum is being attacked for letting people say the truth, our members are being threatened, intimidated and blackmailed, but it  will not stop us, at the end  JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL. If anyone wants to know the truth, please visit the forum and join our discussions.

Any future references to so called lawsuits and vague criminal investigations should include the
names of the courts or jurisdictions where they can be verified, or else it is just trash talk, not credible or verifiable.

I am Hope and I am done with all the lies. Visit the forum and see for yourself. I am just Hope. Any updates can be found in the forum:

Defamation Campaign against the SPSReviewForum

SPS Review Forum
Spells Psychics and Spirits Review Forum

Report Attachments


United States of America
Special Report about this SCAM!

#13Author of original report

Fri, January 27, 2012





[email protected]



[email protected]


United States of America
Special Report about this SCAM!

#14Author of original report

Thu, January 26, 2012





[email protected]



[email protected]

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