  • Report:  #569559

Complaint Review: www.paybags.com - dallas, georgia 30132 Un Internet

Reported By:
NeedJustice - Newark, California, United States of America

4816 old cartersville rd, dallas, georgia 30132 Un, Internet, United States of America
(607) 821-7798
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

This site advertises that they sell authentic Louis Vutton, Chanel, Prada etc designer handbags.

So, I went ahead and ordered few handbags, before ordering checked with them many times asking whether they are authentic; they said yes. They are authentic. If they had told that time the products are replica, I wouldn't have bought them.

When I received the bags, I took LV bags to LV store and they said these bags are total fake, not even close to real LV bags. He showed me the same real LV bag and it was not even close to the bags I got from Paybags.com. He said the the material, craftmanship, even the shape, structure, everything is different, though they said the same model of LV bag.

Same experience is with Chanel. Chanel store said the bag I got is the perfect example of fake Chanel bag and they also explained me all the points to show how that bag was fake.

When I came back, I contacted paybags.com and they are still saying their bags are authentic. They said, I can return, but they will charge 15% handling fees and I have to pay for postage.

These bags are fake, why should I bear 15% handling fees and postage. It is illegal to sell fake, counterfeit items and buyers should not be punished for that. Paybags.com is still saying their products are authentic, where as I have full proof that their bags are counterfeit.

I contacted paypal, paypal said, user agreement gurantees you get item, they don't guarantee the quality. By saying that they are fully supporting the illegal activity. Paypal said that they provide buyer protection only to eBay auctions and not to any other transactions.

Please provide me justice.


(607) 821-7798



[email protected]

Feedback: [email protected]

Suppliers: [email protected]

Legal: [email protected]

Paybags Inc


4816 old cartersville rd, dallas, georgia 30132 United States

274 Overdown Road (RG31 6PP), Berkshire, Reading, United Kingdom

126 boul pierre-bertrand (g1m2c2), quebec, Canada

128 ShanDing Road, Hongkong

Paybags manufacturing and storage:

lei hong     
Ripoffreport Report Imageroom 402,#6,fei e road 50,baiyun 

Ripoffreport Report Imageguangzhou ,guangdong ,china 510410 
Ripoffreport Report Image telephone number :13726742372


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