  • Report:  #512672

Complaint Review: Yelp.com - San Francisco California

Reported By:
janet - San Francisco, California, USA

San Francisco, California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Yelp is a complete racket! I have had eight 5 star reviews removed but

one disgruntled associate loses her job and spend the next two months

becoming an elite yelper just so she can post a fake negative review

about my business. And, it will never be removed. Now they call weekly

to get me to advertise on their site. They want me to pay them money to

facilitate a blank bitching board for any peon to write any biased

review about my business without any verification or recourse? Oh Yes,

now businesses can respond but that doesnt affect the star rating

which is what clients see when they do a search. I am astonished that

there is no legal recourse. I am so looking forward to Yelp going down.

They are greedy bastards and deserve to be sued into oblivion.

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