  • Report:  #45175

Complaint Review: Youth Light 2010 - Pompano Beach Florida

Reported By:
- Westhampton, New York,

Youth Light 2010
150 East Sample Rd Pompano Beach, 33064 Florida, U.S.A.
800-811 8420
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Fraud not rip-off, that is criminal fraud. Youth light specifically and contractually stated a certain time for locating the units (usually 45 days from date of order) My istallations were over 6 months resulting in loss of potential income. Messrs. Wentz, Rolands et al conspired to deceive the dealers about locations and Youth light competition.

There are two other Youth Light installations within walking distance of one of my locations and they were placed with the knowledge of the Pompano Beach Boys.

If they want to return my money with just compensation for lost time I would probably agree to that sort of arrangement but I won't hold my breath, in fact as of today 2 / 12 / 03 their telephones have been disconnected.

I have well connected Florida and a Nevada lawyers (if necessary) ready to file civil charges. If any Youth Light dealers want to participate in this civil action please make that known on this venue.

I will also seek help from the Florida & New York States Attorney for criminal action.


Westhampton, New York

2 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
yes youth light rips everyone off

#2Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 29, 2004

i purchased 35,000.00 worth of these worthless pieces of equiptment that barely work andif at all require many many treatments.not worth 100 a half hour.many salons didnt want my units as they were outdated and many new and improved units that actually work were already out on the market.the company promised to place my units and of course never did.after much stress and great losses they have never even attempted to give me my money back.i also found out they went out of bus.the ceo and his staff have been ripping off people in the past.a perfect example of this is they gave my three referrals to personally call . i did and of course they raved about youth light,so i became very excited and spent the 35,000.00 they wanted only to find out these people work for the co.and were paid to do this.how lovely right? well i spent close to 60,000.00 between advertiseing,salon chairs and equipment the machines and lost sleep.but thats ok the federal gov. in florida contacted me and sent me a package to fill out because they are in th process of convicting them. and i will be glad to see that happen.im a mom and i could not afford what hapened to me.thanks for reading


Youth Light is no more

#3Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 13, 2003

Just to let you know in case you havent already figured it out, Youth Light 2010 went out of business. They were forced to by the state of Florida b/c of a suit filed by Diometics.

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