  • Report:  #1096749

Complaint Review: Zain Arcane - Chicago Illinois

Reported By:
Mandy - Melbourne, Other,

Zain Arcane
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
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*** A word of warning for those who have been victims to Narcissistic abuse***

There is a person going under the name of 'Zain Arcane' AKA 'Alan Zain' who claims to be a 'Healer for victims of Narcissistic abuse'. He makes claims of being a victim himself and wanting to help others... actually, he claims to have "saved the lives of thousands of people."

He has a 'Secret' group on facebook called "Victim to Badass" that he adds people to after stalking them from other Narcissistic Abuse support groups. This group demands you show a real photo of yourself and expose publicly to the group details of your deepest painful abuse stories. This is extremely unwise in my opinion, and for anyone who knows what a Narcissist is, then you would recognize this as a Narc trap. The group itself acts in a cult like manner, cowardly booting people out of the group after sharing their personal details after disagreeing on the slightest thing, with either the man himself or the admins. They then continue to bad mouth the person with lies and venom without that person having the right to reply or defend them self. Their posts are deleted so the rest of the group cannot see the truth for themselves, and the group is instructed to seek out the deleted person and block their profile... if this is not Cult behavior, then I don't know what is.

I would recommend anyone proceed with extreme caution if being approached by the man or the group. This group or man offers no guarantee of privacy or ethical standards that a qualified therapist must abide by or be held accountable to, but does shamelessly promote himself potentially using your information publicly on his radio show and to profit from selling DVD's.

I recommend people do some research into both names "Zain Arcane" and "Alan Zain"... make your own mind up.

Even though the information he shares is valid, his actions do not reflect his words, and we should all be careful about who we let into our painful experiences... Narcs look for them just for the purpose of hurting you with them... be careful.

His name alone is a hint... zaiN ARCane... they always give hints to what they are.

21 Updates & Rebuttals


new jersey,
New Jersey,
Zain is all these things and more

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, January 22, 2014

When I first encountered Zain he seemed nice enough but he soon became overbearing and gods help you if you disagreed with him. He is a controling megalomaniac. He is a womanzing trap. Also, he may have some deep psychological problems as schizophrenia runs in his family (sister is locked up). He presented me with a list of reasons why he considers himself something called an "Indigo", which I found to be nothing more than a laundry list of reasons why he thinks he can treat anyone like complete s*** and be absolved of it somehow. He has a Jesus complex, belives he has other magic powers such as astral projection, believes he has a god living inside of him, believes he can talk to demons and other gods on an astral plane, and believes he has demons following him around "watching his back". IMO, he is dangerous and should be reported to the authorities. He has no therapist qualifications and I doubt sincerely he even has a high school diploma, although I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on that one. If you don't sucumb to his every whim, he will put you through mental and emotional abuse. I hope that he is found and brought down. 


British Columbia,
Stay in the present

#3General Comment

Sat, December 28, 2013

And just to add, I am not admin in zain arcanes victim to badass forum.  I have not been since early November 2013.  I was in the forum from the its start in late summer, until early November.  I was admin for about 1month of that time, and part of that I was not in the room at all (was away for 2 weeks of that monh).  The banning and chaos happened when I was not there. Although Mandy keeps referring to me as if I am in there presently, and doing these things, I am not in victim to badass and in no way associated with zain arcane any longer.  I have been out for 2 months.  As to your query about qualifications, I am exceptionally well qualified :).  I wish you the best of luck in your recovery, Mandy, and that is real.  Instead of this ripoffreport bash-o-rama, lets just focus on the task at hand .. taking down zain arcane and preventing further abuses.  


British Columbia,
Please get the facts straight

#4General Comment

Sat, December 28, 2013

In response, yet again, to the accusation that I was banning and bullying people while an admin in zain arcane's victim to badass group - Let me repeat - I never banned one person.  Not one.  I never went after anyone who left, in their private lives or anywhere else.  I think these reports are not to contain inuenndoes and false information about people?  I had no power.  Zain did all of that himself. Sadly, admin were there to do his dirty work within the room, at his command.  Spell bound, we all were.  Very sad and very abusive the whole experience, and admin got it worse of all in the end.

The complainant Mandy says these things about me (ban, read letters, skype), but they never happened.  As my previous rebuttal states, I never banned or had any power at all in zain arcanes group. I did not skype or read any of the letters from those wishing to get in to the group. I had NO power or say in any of these practices.  What other admins did, I do not know.  I was briefly admin.  I offended one person who has misunderstood my response to her at that time.  I have apologized to anyone, including her, about the unfortunate experience, for her/their struggle in that forum, or any part I played. Although I was under the spell of zain arcane at the time (as were also, all of the people who are raging about the terrible things admin did), I wish I had never laid eyes on zain arcane.

 I was emotionally violated in his forum, and now there are women who are trying to slander anyone who was anywhere near him.  The admin are being attacked now by these few women, even though no longer part of his group and have been abused by him. The facts about me being presented by these few women, and especially by mandy, are confused, and if you are reading this, you were also likely in some way confused by what occurred there.  I recommend you take these comments against the admins in his forum, with a grain of salt.  While I can only speak for myself, I repeat that anyone who was admin or in any way part of zain's so called support forum has been conned to believe he was doing a good thing.  We wanted to do a good thing, too.  Now we all know better!  I suggest that the attacks on the people surrounding zain end, and the focus returns to identifying the true guilty party, zain arcane.  Lets move on.  Mandy, here is your public apology! I apologize to you, in front of anyone who reads ripoffreport, as I did on your page that is now taken down.  I am sorry you got hurt.  I am sorry I was part of the story.  

Not impressed

Re; Seriously?

#5General Comment

Fri, December 13, 2013

Ms. Brown, as we see here, this is nothing more than a prime example of not few, but many at this point have been proving in the posted statements and copied private correspondances in these past number of months.

Your post here is not only condescending but clearly passive agressive in nature, skirting the real issues. What we don't see with both yourself and Alan Zain, per usual, is any kind of solid retort of questionable practices, problematic behaviors, and suspicion of any qualifications the two of you have in this endeavor of healing those that have been abused by narcissists. Furthermore you both are doing what you frown upon when it comes to others. The very things you have spoken about in the podcasts, and what Alan has professed in not wanting, "In my space".

In only a few short months there's now persons well in the double digits that didn't know of one another before that time in agreement of not only the forementioned, but being disrespected and disgarded from what they believed was a place where they could finally share hurtful experiences with others of the same. Instead, many being not only disrespected and tossed aside without real provocation. Others left on their own accord. One thing is certain, all tried to overlook Alan Zain's bizaare self-andgrandizing approach and laughable overture because there was weight in the message. What was being touched upon were things all could relate to.

But, as we see to a great degree things went south and statistically speaking it is not plausable for the two of you to view all others 'not in accordance' as being insufferable nitwits and those only out to create a 'smear campaign'. I would like to challenge both of you to clear just a few things up/make suggestions, if not only to dispell what all of these wrong-doers and nar-do-wellers are currently spouting to ruin your and Alan Zain's misunderstood reputations.

You are introduced to the masses as a freelance writer. Can you provide any links to your published works? In the areana of offering advice on narcissistic recovery, do you have any credentials, or is all you have to offer purely opinion? What we see in you in what has been presented is a what appears to be a woman doing a top hat and cane dance to remain in the position of this man's wing-woman and retain his good graces. And, you are clearly overweight and undeniably from the sound of your voice a heavy smoker. What is it we are to learn from you other than pure conjecture, given what we have here?

This brings me to the the self proclaimed, "God like me" himself. What is his education past receiving a GED and an EKG Technician certification? Any other educational credentials? Other areas from his self-proclaimation..

Acting - What has he done?

Artist - Evidence of this. Check.

Motivational Speaker and Life Coach - other than his website,  blog talk radio broadcasts, youtube videos, where has he applied these trades?

Producer, Director, Writer - Other than the forementioned, have any of these been done elsewhere?

Voiceover work - Evidence of that though sparse, as well as coaching others in a condescending manner as seen in recent videos. Check.

The Ghost Busting? Anything?

Rock & roll guitar player. Any proof of this? No doubt if this were true, videos of him doing so would not be hard to find and in number on all available media bearing his name. He would be atop a hill in the sunset with the breeze blowing his open shirt and receding hairline playing the lead riff to Freebird in leiu of the the canned audience clapping he's currently utilizing.

Thank you in advance for your time & looking forward to the clearing up of many if not all of these preceived falacies.



#6Consumer Comment

Wed, December 11, 2013

LOL you people are idiots.  It is not something I "admit" to, it is something I promote that can be heard by anyone anywhere lol.  It is a radio show, for Gods' sake.  It is free to listen to, and can be found here:  http://www.blogtalkradio.com/victimtobadass  This page is the one that I created (that is being referenced to here in the post I am rebutting) for all here to view:  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Victim-to-Badass/695260137151238  It is public and promoted as well, and I hope everyone enjoys the positive posts there.  I thank all who have supported VTB Radio and the work that I do regarding it, and obviously has dismissed the insanity found here...the feedback has been very positive, supportive, and immense.

Report Attachments



#7Author of original report

Wed, December 11, 2013


And this is just in from Anita Brown on Narc-ology page:

Anita Brown:
I have never said one word on VTB about what I am doing here lol. And I did not share from his page, I shared from MY page. The Victim to Badass page is not one that Zain created, it is mine.
Like · 35 minutes ago

Manda Panda:
Well there you go... thank you for confirming what we'd been saying about you Anita; YOU ARE A WILLING PARTICIPANT IN ZAIN'S SCAM!
Like · 3 minutes ago


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Damage Control; The Admin has a very short memory

#8Author of original report

Sat, December 07, 2013

Very interesting post from his admin 'Rheen', and a very short memory.

There is much evidence at this page about this conman: facebook.com/pages/Zain-Arcane-Victims-to-Badass-Radio-VTB-Destiny-is-a-Narcissist/226168117559197


It was his other Admin 'Tess' that had posted something of Sam Vaknin (a diagnosied Nacrissistic Psychopath) which lead to a discussion of how hypocritical 'Zain Arcane' AND his Admins were for not allowing anything produced by 'Sam Vaknin' in the group when their videos present identical information... except Sam Vaknin's are much more informative, and 'Zain Arcane' is also a Narcissitic Psychopath.The fact that I was refusing to be told to feel abused just by watching a video from Sam Vaknin despite the fact I clearly stated I would not post anything of his, and that I told others not to get all their info from one source as that is how people are sucked into Cults, the admins attacked me and threw me out because I was considered a "danger to the group"... CULT LANGUAGE. People were feeling distressed from seeing the treatment I recieved because they had disclosed deeply painful personal information to the group; they could see that what was unfolding was in no way conducive of a "Healing" environment. It was reported to me by members still in the group, that after I had been banned and blocked, the admins and Zain Arcane led the group into slandering me.

WHO would want to be part of a group of people like this if known prior? Not me. I'm thankful to be out.

Great on her acknowledgement that we were right about this, but it did not stop her from being rude and using bullying tactics in a public forum; and the fact that she is saying this was not as an admin but as herself, yet she did not announce this at the time... shows her own choice of how to treat people in a so called healing environment.


Yes Rheen, you were a victim and conned by Zain Arcane too, but no-one forced you to be rude and abusive to others... that was a power trip.


The REAL issuses were pointed out right throughour this report. You, Tess, Zain/Alan, Anita and whoever else is doing his work for him have NO BUSINESS putting yourselves in a position of influence over Victims of Abuse... what qualifications do any of you have to be "healing" people with severe PTSD or any number of effects people are left with from abusive relationships??

We've seen on the page linked above the real 'Zain Arcane' in a video where he claims he is a 'God' whilst abusing a woman; he is a fraud, he is NOT a healer.



Report Attachments


conned admins and the real issue

#9General Comment

Thu, November 21, 2013

As well, please be sure you are citing accuragte information.  I live in a city of several million people.  There is more than one person with  my name, I know for a fact.  I am NOT an employee of the ymca, as suggested.  But you have just put a person's name , same name different person, in a report who has no involvement whatsoever with this situation.  I sometimes accidentally get her mail, and she gets mine.  Clear that up, please.

And consider this - the real issue is not that a person disagreed with you in that support forum about what was ok to post.  The real issue is that there is a conman running the entire show.  Stick to the real issues ..  



British Columbia,
Zain Arcane's admins

#10General Comment

Thu, November 21, 2013

There is only one guilty party in the support group discussed here.  You know who he is.  The admins who took on various support roles were also conned into believing they were/are doing something purposeful.  I was conned, duped, tricked and played into believing I was doing something good to help others who had been hurt in such relationships.

I am NOT admin in that group and  I was only very briefly.  I left on my own terms, once I realized exactly what was happening there.  I questioned the main man Zain about a few concerns I saw with what was being exposed, and I was ignored.  

I had NO power in that group.  I had no say, I banned no one.  I had one disagreement with a person in the room ..exactly one and only one.  That was not as an admin, but was something I personally challenged with that person, as the group was for people who are abused by Narcissists, and she posted or supported a video from a Narcissist.  One of the main things to feel safe in that room was NO Narcissists were welcome.  Bitter irony, as I did not yet know who was running the group!  I offered many very sincere responses to people about how to exit dangerous relationships, how to think about what was happening to them.  

I think before names are tossed out there for the world to see, the poster should be much more careful of who they are now hurting.  Not everyone associated with Zain Arcane is evil.  Remember your initial accusation?  If you were conned, then don't you think others (including the admins) were also conned??

Not impressed

Some things to ponder considering 'authenticity'.

#11General Comment

Tue, November 19, 2013

One of the graphics this individual has designed for his goods for sale reads, "Authentic - if you don't know what that means don't waste my time."

Let's touch upon the topic of authenticity when it comes to Zain Arcane.

This self-proclaimed 'One Impenetrable Force Against Evil', has not done his homework when it comes to trademark infringement when delveloping 'his' graphic designs.

Louis Vuitton has been contacted about the apparent lifting of the their monogram design on the suitcase for the 'Sometimes Freedom Looks Like This' shirts. This company is known for coming down swift and heavy to those that use their patented monogram logo for their own financial gain.

The sarcastic & passive agressive quotations and designs on the $19.95 coffee mugs, and $16.95 caps and other pricey offerings are in the clear it appears, but will be monitored often for reports of other possible inauthentic copying of Trademarked designs.

With the mass appeal and popularity that comes with simple word of mouth after saving the lives of hundreds, mending broken hearts, not even including the countless living more fulfilling lives having their homes and/or loved ones rid of those evil spirited entities by this modern day marvel, some numbers don't seem to add up, logistically.

His Twitter account has been open for close to three months. There has been only 9 posts favorited including a post of his that he favorited himself, and 13 retweets of posts that he has made. Yet, his account has 769 followers. Do these numbers make sense, or, can one reasonable assume that a vast majoity of followers have been purchased?

Keeping the formentioned in mind with where sheer numbers should be with his self-proclaimed accomplishments and Internationally reknown recognition, his 'Help The Critters' campaign, with a link provided from his name sake web site that surely by now has reached hits in the hundreds of thousands, has received one $5.00 donation since December, 2012.

Ask yourselves with just these examples concerning numbers and self-expressed accomplishments in the number of people he has claimed to have 'helped', and ask yourself if this person is himself being 'authentic'.


New York,
My name be having a** in it cause ma boi be having narc in his

#12General Comment

Sat, November 16, 2013

Man all yous schizophrenias ain't listened when ma boi told u that he don't be playin like dat dadummmdee. Yous need to mine you business and stop steeping to us like you a straight G. Yalls are doing ask that schizophrenia stuff and it be Trippin ma boi out. Yous lost he be saving animals making clothes reading books for those who can't reed and fighting ghosts you aint no bother. Ma boi trying to help the people. The reals people. For only 75 one dollar bills ma boi will gives you some real smarts on getting rid of your narccist. He be knowing hes used to be one. He da Regulator. Da real regulator. Not no regulator like you saw geedeelumdum. SIxteen in the clip and one in the hole,

Zainarcane bout to make some narcs turn cold, Now they droppin and yellin It's a tad bit late, Reginald and Alan P. Bought to REGULATE. YA THAT'S WHAT IS UP. SCHIZOPHRENIAS. WE BE DOING PAPER AND PENS. Didodumdedum that boi cold yea.  So you best believe we's on that game and we don't need approvals from no schizophrenias. Back off we done toll u to dissiciate wit dis boi cause he don't be Rollin like you be saying.  Yous gone end up deregulated and we's gone give you some zain lax.  Dis ya boi Reginald signin out.  God bless you.  Come buy a shirt for your people who believe in the power of the one and only.  Peace, love and chicken grease to yous all. That's ya boy Reginald signing out.


What is missing for you all is Faith!

#13REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, November 12, 2013

Hello guys,

In my opinão you are worrying too much!

It well on one side and bad on the other, do not hesitate. Good and evil are in all of us, all the time in a conflict we need to make choices.

I think the important thing is that in the pursuit of healing and truth ... true ... I think we're not seeking it?

In search of healing and truth we are all doing the best.

What is missing for you all is Faith!

Why trust the other is very good ... deliver your pain is very good ... helps a lot ... and not import the other's intentions at the time if it helped you!

If I helped thank and continue your way ... confident ... no doubt ...

And do not worry! Because God will give them the "glitching" ... God is sometimes ironic ... hehehe ...

All have their "glitching" even the most naive .... but need to have Faith ...

"glitching" is a fraction of a second that the truth will be revealed.

God bless you!



My name is not stupid, because that's what I want!

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, November 08, 2013

dear ,

You really are sick ! Look at the amount of information you 're mixing around and considering all related ! Know how to call it? Do you know ? Schizophrenia ! Stop! Worrying about what others are doing ! Each does what he wants ... whoever follows and disseminates its history as you want! ! Do you think that victims of abuse are concerned about the disclosure of their stories ?

Who has to worry about the "image " that passes for society is the aggressor ! Why you are doing paper " aggressor" because you're worrying too much ! Did not realize there ? The victims have overcome and are healing and sharing the cure ! And there you are ... the dark side .... just rehashing and suffering !

I have a name so ... and this does not concern you ... because what matters here is the idea that I 'm giving ... for free ... if you do not want ... f*** you ! And if I write wrong English ... is because I am from another country ... because Zain is coming to other worlds (it makes you sick?) If he is coming to other worlds is because he is working hard for it!

And what are you doing? How nice words you've spoken to the world? Besides this crazy stuff here! I'll give you another one for free thinking, ok?


If Zain is a Narc ... great ... because he is doing a good job against the narcissism!

If Zain is a Narc .... great ... because it is healing!

If Zain is a Narc .... great .... because a Narc Narc ajundando against abuse is a redemption!

If Zain is a Narc ... does not matter ... because it will not interfere in the lives of others if he is doing work against the Narcismo!

And when I tell you that you are with schizophrenia is because you are afraid ... man ... Fear ... fear of things that have not happened ... fear of exposing wounds! Changes of life man ! And if you had a problem with Zain ... you should agur like a normal person ! A normal person solves ... talk to the guy ... or nevermind !

That's all you're doing is a great Schizophrenia ! I sincerely hope to have helped you ... because also no longer 'm more akin this thy schizophrenia ! Will seek help ... How others are doing :)


Do your due diligence...

#15Author of original report

Fri, November 08, 2013

Firstly, you speak as if you have intimate knowledge of ‘my’ dealings with ‘Alan’ AKA ‘Zain Arcane’ … this is very odd as I had previously stated, there was no person by the name ‘Anita’ in the group. Therefore all of what you say must be dismissed as complete nonsense… I suggest it is you who moves on to another report that you actually know something about.

Secondly, if you are either ‘Alan’ himself hiding behind yet another fictitious name, or indeed one of his admins, you’re responses have proven this report to be correct.

‘Alan’ AKA ‘Zain Arcane’ and his handpicked group admins claim to be coming from ‘love’ and wanting to ‘help’ people who have already been victims of abuse, yet this is not what is demonstrated in his ‘secret groups’ at all; one of the most disturbing things about this is… his admin ‘Tess’ who claims to be an “Adjunct Professor of Psychology” has been reported by victims as ‘luring’ and ‘grooming’ abuse victims for this fraudsters cause. This is completely disturbing and I’m fairly certain would be considered a breach of the ‘code of conduct and ethics’ in her profession.

Many people observed her being extremely judgmental and manipulative in a very controlling manner. This is not how a professional behaves who is in the ‘healing’ profession.

One of the other admins going by the name of ‘Rheen’ I am led to believe that she also is in an occupation that carries GREAT responsibility as an ‘Outreach & Resource Consultant with YMCA Child Care Resource’ … unless these 2 admins are ‘posing’ as the real individuals with those names and occupations, then this only magnifies the ‘urgency’ for abuse victims to be aware of this predatory group of individuals.

These are the things that speak volume of ‘Alan’s Mission’, and you for supporting him, whoever you are.

Again I say to the readers of this report; Please be extremely careful who you allow into your personal painful abuse stories. These individuals operate on the internet in ‘secret groups’ therefore they are NOT governed by any ‘code of conduct or ethics’ that are designed to protect you and your rights to privacy.

The Psychopaths and Narcissists are masters at mimicry, ‘Alan’ AKA ‘Zain Arcane’ will tell you that, he’ll also tell you how GREAT he is, over and over and over… in fact every time he speaks or writes something, he will tell you this; he also tells you that this very behaviour ‘he’ exhibits, is an indicator of a Psychopath or Narcissist. Don’t get fooled by the magic tricks… it does not take much to produce a few videos on a well-documented subject of a Personality Disorder, and then claim to be a Guru ‘healer’ on that subject… there is another Psychopathic Narcissist out there who also does this by the name of ‘Sam Vaknin’; only difference is that Mr Vaknin, announces his diagnosis to the viewer at the beginning of each video. They share the same information, but Mr Vaknin, is not setting up ‘secret groups’ on the internet for his Narcissistic supply like Mr Alan ?, AKA ‘Zain Arcane’.

I encourage everyone to conduct their own due diligence for their own protection, and do not rely on my experience only, or rely on ‘Anita ???’ insisting you disregard mine and others experiences with ‘Alan ?’ AKA ‘Alan Zain’ AKA ‘Alan Zane’ AKA ‘Haunted Zain’.


As for the rebuttal from “Notstupid” … actually I think your rebuttal is so silly I am not going to comment any further.

I also have the feeling that ‘Anita’ knows he/she didn’t have a credible argument for ‘Dan’s’ comment and could only suggest using spell check… :-/

Report Attachments


Alrighty then...

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, November 07, 2013

I am thinking that I actually did not use the term 'slander' appropriately....it should have said 'libel'.  My mistake.  And you should definitely try out spell-check before using a truly butchered and overlarge attempt at the English language.  Beyond that, you lost me, along with everyone else who might come here.  Well done.

Dan J H

Dear Sir or Madam ,Tess AkA Anita

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, November 06, 2013

I find your response to be horrendously intellectually disengenuious.  I have no doubt this was intentional.  For the purposes of being perfectly understood I will address sections of your drivel indivdually. 

"You chose to join his group, you chose to watch his videos, you chose to try his advice and methods.  What you are not choosing is to acknowledge that it simply did not work for you, and move on as an individual."

On the contrary, I do believe she was "invited" into the group. Since Mr. Arcane is fraudeluant in the representation of who and what he truly is. The poster was denied all accurate and available information in which to make a truly informed "choice".  Upon watching the videos and participating in group, it was only then the poster had access to all available information upon which to "choose".  The poster then made the informed decision that Mr. Arcane is, in fact a con man looking to profit from true victims of narcissistic abuse. 

"There has been no ripoff whatsoever.  I am a member of Zain's group, and I have never one time been asked for one red cent to participate.  I demand that the person reporting this show proof immediately that there has ever been a business transaction between herself and Mr. Arcane.  One can have opinions on his approach, views, videos, etc. but this does not constitute as a Ripoff or grant license to slander this individual.  He has every right to express his opinions on the subject of narcissistic abuse as he sees fit, under freedom of speech".

Once again your intellectual laziness is astonding.  Lets examine the term Fraudulent: deceitful. Characterized by, constituting, or gained by fraud.  Mr. Arcane fraudulently mis represents himself.  Manipulating victims from other, legitment support groups into joining his "secret" group, from which he then shamelessly promotes his radio program, pushing products for purchase, then directs them his web site where he hopes victims will "purchase" phone or Skype consult for 150/hr to 250/hr respectively.  Once again all while mis representing who he is.  Having obtained no formal education or degree, he simply is not in any postion to be dealing with victims who may be suffering with PTSD and the like, causing further harm.  Nor are you using the term "slander" appropriatly in this instance.  Minunimally Mr. Arcane is morally bankrupt and ethically lacking.  Feeding off societies most volunerable in an attempt to line his own pockets, while this may or may not be legal, it certainly is not something people of high character engange in.  The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. Considering Mr. Aracane numerous name changes and failed business ventures, it becomes abundantly clear his intentions in this matter, his newest endenvour, are far from admirable. 


You want to know who is the liar here?

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, November 06, 2013

You want to know who is the liar here?

Type in google the following keywords: "movie" "nora baker" "narcissistic" "cheaper by the dozen"

Dear, we are victims-of-bada** ... We're not stupid!




#19Consumer Comment

Wed, November 06, 2013

As I suggest that you find a way through whatever healing process you have chosen to learn to take personal responsibility for your choices.  You chose to join his group, you chose to watch his videos, you chose to try his advice and methods.  What you are not choosing is to acknowledge that it simply did not work for you, and move on as an individual.

You are not acknowledging that you chose to break a code of conduct with the group that was clearly posted.  These are all true signs of a need for you to examine yourself and what you may really be exhibiting the behavior of.  I am quite capable of acknowledging that I have chosen to support this mission fully and completely, and to help others where I can.  

I am also quite capable of acknowledging that there have been many people in my life that were not what I thought they were, and I never handled it like this; I chose an adult route.  I can also acknowledge that Zain is not one of those people.  I truly hope that you find a road to recovery before you harm any more people or tell any more lies about being victimized, and that you find your path to being a truly productive and stable individual.


This NOT a Hoax, this is Real...

#20Author of original report

Tue, November 05, 2013

Firstly, I am sorry that you have become one of his victims too, and sad that you have not realized what he really is about yet.

It is obvious that you do not fully understand what these reports expose... they also expose fraudsters and conmen of which he is both. There is no mention of handing money over from myself personally... whether this is the case for others or not I guess only time will tell as more of his victims speak out.

This is definately NOT a hoax, this is real... real people have been hurt by his betrayal after trust. Any person who wants to exploit and profit from your pain is the lowest of low.

I suggest you re-read carefully.

Report Attachments


This Report is a HOAX

#21Consumer Comment

Tue, November 05, 2013

There has been no ripoff whatsoever.  I am a member of Zain's group, and I have never one time been asked for one red cent to participate.  I demand that the person reporting this show proof immediately that there has ever been a business transaction between herself and Mr. Arcane.  One can have opinions on his approach, views, videos, etc. but this does not constitute as a Ripoff or grant license to slander this individual.  He has every right to express his opinions on the subject of narcissistic abuse as he sees fit, under freedom of speech.  


Highlands Ranch,

#22Consumer Comment

Mon, November 04, 2013

I believe that exposing your Ripoff Report on the worldwide web was a good idea. A Harvard Business Professor told his class of executives in late 2004 that exposure is a corporation's worst fear. You can type in 269041 at this site and scroll down to the consumer comment entitled "Blame it on a Lawyer" at Ripoff Report #269041 and read more of what the good professor said to his class of executives in late 2004.

I also believe that adding a photo to your Ripoff Report was a great idea. The photo will add more impact and allow others to see what this person looks like.

Good luck to you, and make sure to expose your Ripoff Report all over the web at sites like Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook every day!


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