  • Report:  #1393621

Complaint Review: ZTE - Nationwide

Reported By:
Anonymous - East Brunswick, New Jersey, USA

Nationwide, USA
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 I purchased a ZTE ZMAX PRO from a local metro pcs store in June of this year 2017. I really liked the look of the phone and everything metro pcs described on the display of the product below the non-working demo phone above. There must have been a reason for not having a working demo at the counter. So as I was purchasing the phone at the checkout, an employee for metro pcs unexpectedly told me I should look at purchasing another phone for example an LG. That should have been a red flag right there. I asked him why and he had told me that they "sometimes" have problems. My question was then why would you sell this product in your store? He replied saying it wasn't the best of phones but it was ultimately my choice to make. I thought to myself that he was only trying to upsell me, what could it hurt. I really liked the price plus the look of the phone. Besides how bad could it possibly be? It has been an utter nightmare ever since.

Within the first month I started having problems with the phone randomly calling people, poor call quality, not properly charging, dying randomly, not wanting to turn on once dead. I took it back to the metro pcs store because the phone eventually wouldn't turn on at all, the female employee their then showed me how to reset the phone fixing the problem or at least so I thought. The funny part is that even she warned me about this particular model ZTE phone having all sorts of problems. At this point I was glad she got the phone working for me. I should have demanded a refund right there but I decided to go about my business thinking she had solved the major problem of the phone not charging or turning on. The phone had worked good for about another two weeks, then all a sudden it would die and not take a charge. I mean 1-3 days at a time this phone died and would neither charge or turn back on. All while using the correct charger received with the phone. The charging problems were not so bad at first. Then rapidly at an ever increasing rate became overly problematic. It is to the point where this phone doesn't even want to charge or turn on for a minimum of 4-5 days now.

After 2 months of owning the phone and having consistent problems I decided to call ZTE USA customer support. And let me tell you I have never talked to a customer support number that was more terrible and unprofessional as this company was. It blew my mind at how uncaring this company really was/ is. Especially with the fact that everyone selling the phone knows they are junk. They told me they would have to hard reset my phone for it to work. Meaning I would lose everything on the phone. I told them I wanted a new phone. They informed me that they could repair my phone but it would take 10 business days before I would have it back. And because of a very small knick(something that has nothing to do with the aforementioned problems to even begin with) on the side top right corner of the phone I would have to pay $80 dollars out of my own pocket to fix the phone. The knick wasnt there until 2 weeks ago, way after the phone started to give me problems. I spent a $100 dollars already on the phone to purchase it to begin with. Why would I pay to get this phone fixed for a problem you already must have consistently known about before was taking place? Why should I the consumer have to put up with your poor product along with your nasty customer "support" team. Who by the way did nothing for me what so ever besides confirm how terrible and non caring your company ZTE USA really is. Even better yet if you were to go on to Metro PCS' website while looking at the reviews for this phone you will see that they are deliberately hiding the negative reviews. While people all over the internet have left completely different reviews.

The Metro PCS website branded this ZTE ZMAX PRO as an amazing affordable phone which is so far from the truth. That all leads me to believe that these two companines willingly manufacturer and sell a misleading product in which has possibly cost me an important job, time, money, and way more. And the behavior toward this known problem with the product will never be resolved nor fixed. All in the name of greed do these companies find there premise of not accepting full responsibility for their actions. Through this whole process of being a very dissatisfied customer I have come to learn that you as a company do not care about your customer with any regards. I would like an immediate refund from ZTE itself for manufacturing such a terrible product and obviously being aware of the problems this model phone has. If not from ZTE, I should at least expect a refund from Metro PCS for knowingly selling a false product of a phone to a new and unknowing customer. I feel betrayed by both companies. I do not ever see myself purchasing another ZTE product again. If Metro PCS can not help me either I will be cancelling my service and taking my business elsewhere for the simple principle that this is not how you conduct business professionaly nor truthfully. The production of this phone should be stopped immediately!

My question to Metro PCS is; why sell a product that even your own employees know isn't good for the customer to purchase? Why did you sell me a phone I couldn't use up to 10 days out of the 30 days of the month that I pay for? Do you not care what products you sell to your customers? Sincerely, Customer X

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