1, Report:
Posted Date:
Jun 10 2008
Yoursavingsclub.com - Passporttofun.com is charging my mothers account and mine a $1.00 every month. never heard of this company or did i sign up for it. when you call. all you get is a computer. and also from passporttofun.com is charging a $1.00 each month. I never heard of them either' these people are ripping off people C d Internet
yoursavingsclub.com and passporttofun have been charging my mothers credit card and my debit card a $1.00 every month. We have never heard of these companys or artherized them to take nothing out. I don;t know these people. But they sure are ripping people off. Everyone look at your...
Yoursavingsclub.com - Passporttofun.com
Categories: Internet Fraud