1, Report:
Posted Date:
May 04 2014
Fast PC Solutions Tony Watter Bryan Christopher Moon Lance Mark Allen Tony Watters Ryan S. On January 24, 2014, I contacted the Company to help get my email restored. They spent several hours fixing the email on two computers. Quoted price was approximately 179 dollars per computer. Plus I was sold a Computer Cleaner and a Malware program for a lifetime $49 ea. They loaded the software for me. It turned out that both programs were free samples. The trial periods have now run out and I am getting requests to buy the programs from the Program's owner. I HAVE BEEN SCAMMED. Turns out all I needed to do was buy both programs and run and clean my own computer. I just want my paid for programs or 100 dollar refund and I will buy the programs from the supplier. This looks like a recurring problem with them. They do have a cookie cutter letter they have responded through the BBB of Sandy, Ut. to similar complaints. They are thieves!!!!!! Sandy Utah
On January 24, 2014 I contacted Fast PC Solutions, LLC, in Sandy, Utah on the internet per their advertisement. I needed their help in recovering my email on two computers. The installed a helper file so they could control my computer. The agent r...
Fast PC Solutions Tony Watter Bryan Christopher Moon Lance Mark Allen
Categories: Computer Service & Repair