  • Report:  #1516828

Complaint Review: Julius Darrington of The Darrington Group - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
Tamra - Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Julius Darrington of The Darrington Group
Los Angeles, California, United States
+1 (773) 501-0654
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Report Attachments

The darrington group LLC. 

Please be warned about Julius Darrington and his so called label that he operates. This man poses as a writer, an artist, Robert R. Kelly’s manager, Iman Shumpert’s A&R. Please be warned that this man is a fraud. He steals ideas and tv show concepts and has burned many in the industry. Please be warned about this individual. You can reach out to Artists such as Iman Shumpert, Sultan Zeshan, Sheree’ Whitfield about how this man has burned so many. 

Before you waste time do your due diligence on this individual and his shady business practices before giving him your money and your time. He is for sure to waste it. Report your complaints to the labor department, better business Beureu and here as well. 

Take care. 

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