  • Report:  #891776

Complaint Review: 2nd District Courp of Appeal Florida - Lakeland Florida

Reported By:
feel your pain - Jasper, Florida, USA

2nd District Courp of Appeal Florida
2nd District Courp of Appeals Florida Lakeland, Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This court and judges are as crooked as the lower courts and the state attorney office of Pinellas/Pasco counties of Florida. After filing fraudlent affidivits and lying to the Kingdom of Spain, this group has commited a person to life in prison at the underhanded work of all these individuals and its a cult of deciet that runs this state.

When presented with case law after case law that they have no merit to detain this person and they refuse to even look at the ton of case law that and doumentation straight from the state attorney computer that fraud is an understatement. They know they are wrong and they are protecting the whole group of scum bags that run that state judicial system.

When they have all the evidence in front of them to appeal the wrong, they know they are caught by the short hairs, the slient the victum and block from the Supreme court.

RIPOFF! is a mild description of this crap. When in the hell did I get to the communist state. This state has the largest inmate population per captia in the United States. Do you think they are living by the Redemption Manual?

Beware people in the the State of Florida and vistors, this is a sate that does not operate within the rules of our Constitution. They dont even follow their own rules of the court. They are land sharks!

Rumor has it that there is a bet in between some of the judges as to who can rip off people from their freedom and convict with fraud. Stay away from here you will not win, protect your children. they will plug them in the system for the rest of their lives, young people  grant the state of florida a large sum of money.

Even this sorry group of people have even attacked this site! HaHa they didnt win cause this site gives us our right,to FREEDOM OF SPEECH. I do believe this in the U.S. Constitution.

Anyone with any idea to get this state knocked off into the ocean and let it float rite onto Cuba where it belongs.

6 Updates & Rebuttals

feel your pain

Hello Stephen!

#2Author of original report

Fri, June 15, 2012

Where did you go? Did that little bit of information scare you away? I have plenty more. since you found it so necessary to post DOC information, Do you really think these are going to stick? Do you think you know the truth? Do you think that ASA Hellickson is above the law? Do you think that the courts in "your" state are not corrupt? Take the blinders off BOY, you ain's seen nothing yet. Bring it on! I have more information than you could ever dig up, yours is based on fraud, mine is cold hard facts. I am ready to debate when ever.

feel your pain

Here is a little info for ya

#3Author of original report

Wed, June 13, 2012

 The victim in the case, who is present in the courtroom, has married the Defendant pending the disposition of these charges at the county jail. They were engaged to be married previous to the allegation that gave rise to the charges here.

She does not wish to see him prosecuted, and she has recanted her statement and would be willing to tell the Court under oath that the -- essentially she fabricated the story of sexual battery and robbery.

She's willing to do that today. She's willing to suffer the penalties of false police report, perjury, whatever else may arise from that recant of her earlier testimony. So that's the posture we're in, Judge.

THE COURT: And the State --


THE COURT: -- do you have a case that rises and falls simply on her word?



MR. RIPPLINGER: I am prepared. We're going to call our witnesses, and as I just told her, I expect her to tell the truth.


Just a followup

#4General Comment

Sat, June 02, 2012

The attorney did keep their word. I do not see a single life sentence on there.


Alan is clearly a victim

#5General Comment

Sat, June 02, 2012

Just kidding of course. The following info is available on the FL Dept of Corrections site:

05/30/1999    SEX BAT/INJURY NOT LIKELY    08/10/2007    PINELLAS    9909803    15Y 0M 0D
05/30/1999    SEX BAT/INJURY NOT LIKELY    08/10/2007    PINELLAS    9909803    15Y 0M 0D
05/30/1999    ROBB. NO GUN/DDLY.WPN    08/10/2007    PINELLAS    9909803    5Y 0M 0D
02/20/2005    KIDNAP;COMM.OR FAC.FELONY    02/12/2010    PINELLAS    0504078    30Y 0M 0D
02/20/2005    SEX BAT/INJURY NOT LIKELY    02/12/2010    PINELLAS    0504078    25Y 0M 0D
02/20/2005    SEX BAT/INJURY NOT LIKELY    02/12/2010    PINELLAS    0504078    25Y 0M 0D

Previously imprisonment.

02/07/1982    HOMICIDE,MANSL.CUL.NEGLI    11/01/1995    PINELLAS    8202234    8Y 0M 0D

If you are trying to say that a crime that happened off the coast of the US and does not fall under jurisdiction of the US also I assume it happened on a boat. Please tell us where the boat was registered or documented. Did it happen to be in the U.S.??? Yep jurisdiction of the US.

I never heard of a request for extradition that exempted a life sentence. I have heard that the death penalty was taken off the table though.

This guy is clearly a violent criminal and needs to be in jail for life.

feel your pain

OMG! Read below! Note embeded emails in letter

#6Author of original report

Sat, June 02, 2012

Florida State Attorney (Pinellas/Pasco Counties)

Bernie McCabe

14250 49th Street North

Clearwater, Florida 33762

RE: Alan Boyd Curtis 459710

       Hamilton Annex

      11419 S.W. County Road 249

      Jasper, Florida 32052-3735

Mr. Bernie McCabe,

This letter comes to you after a long thought process of many actions and results of what is believed to be a magnitude beyond belief of fraudulent behavior within your office and staff. I have been referred to you by the Florida Attorney General office to report to you and have you police yourself and  your office staff. Therefore, I will comply and attempt to explain my complaint in the shortest version possible with documentation available via Clerk of Courts or myself via Freedom of Information to substantiate of said concerns, at best it will be lengthy. I am sure you are aware of this person stated above as I have documentation with your signature on it. The following statements are not speculative, or hypothetical, they are documented fact and records.

March 3, 2005, Assistant State Attorney, James Arthur Hellickson filed a three count felony information under oath against said Alan Boyd Curtis. Mr. Hellickson claims to have a sworn testimony from a material witness under oath prior to filing felony information.  MR. HELLICKSON DID NOT HAVE SWORN TESTIMONY OF MATERIAL WITNESS PRIOR TO FILING FELONY INFORMATION. This is violation of Florida Constitution , Declaration of Rights, Section 10. Florida Statues, 923.03(2). Also violation to oath of office, United States Constitution, 4, &14TH AMENDMENTS. I realize that these allegations of Mr. Hellickson are serious however they are base on fact and records. As a state prosecutor you should know he has violated a host of  state and federal criminal laws. This is not acceptable behavior of a state officer, not to mention Mr. Curtis constitutional rights.

It is further noted direct from Mr. Hellickson computer that he was not satisfied with Detective Judys one paragraph statement of said complaint and has gone to great length and detail to bolster said complaint, (Tampering with a witness statement).

Mr. Curtis was out of the country on pre plan business and Mr. Hellickson sought international extradition and began working hand in hand with Department of Justice. Mr. Hellickson then began  to fabricate affidavits in request for extradition. Altering Det. Judy statement and becoming a complaining witness himself, swearing to facts that he had no personal knowledge about. This is too a violation of criminal law also. Here is E-mail records to support these acts from Mr. Hellicksons computer.


(1) Hellickson, Jim

From: [email protected]

Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 6:17 PM

To: Hellickson, Jim

Subject: RE: Florida v. Curtis

Attachments: Curtis.PA.MOJ.wpd; Mime.822


Jim, , '

7 4.

These look pretty good. A few comments l.The facts in your affidavit are not entirely consistent with the facts we submitted to

France in the provisional arrest request. Inconaistencies_ ban result in major problems.

I'm attaching the provisional arrest request we sent, so you can compare it -C-16geTTF7-7,

both your and the agent's aff. Tn ynnr aff fyou s , Y_Curtis droveler_b_ack,_,

__to shore The PA request says she drove. Also, I think we ga- fingers" in the PA request.

2. The facts in your (and possibly the agent's) affidavit might need to be bolstered alitt e to support t e Ki napping c arge.

3. Your aff, para 5 should state what judge signed/issued the arrest warrant, and what court.

4. No need to include the complaint as an exhibit. It will only confuse the French. Just include the operative charming document, and explain in your7ifridavit that the felony information supercedes the compiaint.

5. Your aff, para 9 should state the total punishment Curtis is facing on all counts, inaddition to the breakdown you already list.

(2)Hellickson, Jim

From: Hellickson, Jim

Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005 3:39 PM

To: '[email protected] '

Subject: RE: Florida v. Curtis


Sounds good.


Original Message

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005 3:21 PM

To: Hellickson, Jim

Subject: RE: Florida v. Curtis


I got back my supervisor's comments. She likes it. Let me just put her comments into the document and I'll send it back to you


Original Message

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005 9:40 AM

To: Olson, Amy

Subject: RE: Florida v. Curtis


Thank you.


(3)Original Message

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005 9:26 AM

To: Hellickson, Jim

Subject: RE: Florida v. Curtis

The number of days varies by treaty. Under our treaty with France (article 13), it's 60

days. I expect to get any comments from my supervisor today.


(4)Original Message

From: [email protected]

[mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 5:31 PM

To: Olson, Amy

Subject: RE: Florida v Curtis

To: Olson, Amy

Subject: RE: Florida v. Curtis


Thank you.

I thought we had 40 days from the date of arrest to have the paperwork translated and to France. If we had 40 days that would only give us until 4/5/05.

I have 3 certified copies of all documents (I'll send two original affidavits to you and keep a third original here in case we need it).

As soon a_you tell me what additional Chan es to make I can make them and have the paperwork up to you the next day.
My schedule looks pretty good all next week.

You have a nice weekend too.



(5)From: Hellickson, Jim





[email protected]

Monday, March 14, 2005 5:08 PM

Hellickson Jim

RE: Florida v. Curtis

curtis- affidavit JAH.doc; curtis- det affidavit (2).doc; Mime.822

curtis- affidavit curtis- det affidavit Mime.822 (136 KB)

JAH.doc (48 ... (2).doc


We've decided we think the best thing would be to include the info on the probation violation in the affidavits, after all. This means we would need to include facts on that offense, as well as the arrest warrant and complaint for that. I've taken a stab at amending your aff to include all that. I left some blanks. Can you fill them in, and

then make'SiMilar chan es to the facts of the detective's aff? Here are the latest versions(including the revised exhibit list at the end of your aff). I also think we should probably be using the capias warrant, instead of the Feb 25 warrant for the present case, as you had suggested previously in one of your emails.



Original Message

From: [email protected].

Mr. Hellickson sought the life sentences base on the false information that he filed. Long story short  Mr. Curtis was arrested in France deprived of his property to the tune of 345,000.00 U.S. dollars. Mr. Curtis was  release in France, re- arrested in Spain and fabrication of more affidavits substantially different from the ones sent to France, again swearing to the fact that he has know personal knowledge of said facts. Then Mr., Hellickson came to you when Spain refused to extradite. Mr. Hellickson came to you personally seeking written assurance from you  and submitted to Kingdom of Spain that you would not seek a life sentence. This was a demand from Spain to gain extradition requested by the Kingdom of Spain. Now for your knowledge, Mr. Hellickson did not have any intention to honor  the Kingdom of Spain. He had no intention  to not seek 1 but sought 3 life sentences and then rubbed egg all over in your face with the intent not to honor the agreement that you had given. This if called fraud in the inducement of an extradition. Mr. Hellickson did repeatedly breach the agreement with the Kingdom of Spain that he had much involvement in procuring.

(6)From: Romano, Nicolette

Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 10:37 AM

To: ljhellicksonCaj'co.pinellasnusl

Cc: Kinsella, Megan

Subject: RE: Florida v. Alan Boyd Curtis


We received word from S ain that the court there wants assurances that if Curtis is sentenced to life imprisonment it does not necessarily mean life imprisonment, i.e. he will have access to parole or other early release options available. We need to present the assurances in 45 clays from the date we are officially notified.

Please let us know whether you can provide these assurances and forward us a letter to that effect.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks,


Nicolette Romano

Trial Attorney

United States Department of Justice

Criminal Division, 01A

1301 New York Avenue, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20005

Phone: 202-305-1559

Fax: 202-514-0080

Email: nieolette.romano2usdpj.gov





State Attorney


July 26, 2006

Ellen Vv'arlow

Director, Office of International Affairs

Department of Justice, Criminal Division

Office of International Affairs

1301 New York Avenue, N.W., 9th Floor

Washington, D.C. 20005

Attn: Nicolette Romano


CRC 05-04078 CFANO

CRC 99-09803 CFANO

Dear Ms. Warlow:

Please assure the Kingdom of Spain that if ALAN BOYD CURTIS is extradited to the United States of America to face charges in the above-captioned case, the Office of the State Attorneyi or the Sixth Judicial Circuit of Florida will not seek a sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole. The Office of the State Attorney will do everything within its power to ensure that ALAN BOYD CURTIS receives a determinate sentence.


Post Office





State Attorney

VIA I_ .S. MAIL AND FACSIMILE 202-514-0080

August 7, 2006

Mary Ellen Warlow,

Director. Office of International Affairs

Department of Justice. Criminal Division

Of of International Affairs

1301 New York Avenue, NAV_ 9 6" Floor

Washington, D.C. 20005

Ann: Nicolette Romano


CRC 05-04078 CFANO

CRC 99-09803 CFANO

Dear Ms Warlow

Please assure the Kingdom of Spain that if Alan Boyd CURTIS is extradited to the United

States of America to face charges in the above-captioned case, the Office of the State Attorne 

for the Sixth Judicial Circuit of Florida will not seek a sentence of life imprisonment, which under current Florida state law would automatically be without the possibility of parole. The Office of

t he State Attorney will, further, take all necessary actions to ensure that CURTIS receives a


determinate sentence.

Sincereo. 'ours.

Bernie McCabe

State Attorney

Mr. Curtis was subsequently extradited and convicted on circumstantial evidence only. Mr. Hellickson then conceals the four affidavits and extradition records that he fabricated and sought 3 life sentences and lied to the circuit  judge that he had no knowledge of said extradition agreement and subsequently obtained the 3 life sentence. As a state prosecutor I am sure you know of the State and Federal criminal laws that Mr. Hellickson has violated!

(9)From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 10:27 AM

To: Hellickson, Jim

Subject: RE: CURTIS extradition


Unfortunately, I don't think you are going to pursue the violation of probation at all.

According to our extradition treaty with France, a person cannot be "detained, tried,

convicted, punished, or subjected to any restriction of his freedom in the [U.S.] for any

act prior to the person's surrender, other than the offenses for which extradition has

been granted..."

A probation violation is not an extraditable offense so extradition will not be granted

for that.

Can you get me revised and complete drafts of everything today? We need to get these

finalized and into translation.



(202) 305-7822

Once caught red handed, by obtaining said emails via Freedom of Information Act, on Mr. Hellickson computer, the Kingdom of Spain was notified your agent had sought and obtained not one but three life sentences totally against the agreement with the Kingdom of Spain via Diplomatic Note. Mr. Curtis filed a federal lawsuit naming Mr. Hellickson and yourself as to the actions of this deceit to the Kingdom of Spain and Mr. Curtis.  Then without authority Mr. Hellickson filed a motion to re-sentence Mr. Curtis as remedy of his election. Of course he is not authorized to file anything once he obtains a conviction beyond 60 days. This is an attempt to nullify federal lawsuit against him and you personally.

(10)From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 7:27 PM

To: Hellickson, Jim

Cc: [email protected]

Subject: RE: Florida v. Curtis

Importance: High

I have completed my review and revision of the extradition affidavits for Spain in this case. Please carefully review the attached affidavits. I have made many changes, in particular to your affidavit. Please note that on the exhibits, I dropped the change of plea form and moved the photo and the fingerprints to the Detective's affidavit. If you have any questions, please call me. Otherwise, please fill in the requested additional Information and then execute two copies of each affidavit as soon as possible.

When reviewing the draft affidavits, I noticed that the charges in case CRC05-4078 CFANO carry a maximum possible sentence of life imprisonment.

Consequently, before approving the extradition the Spanish will most likely ask for an assurance that CURTIS will not receive a life sentence without the possibility of parole after being extradited. Thus, before we can proceed further, I need a commitment from you

that your office will not .. seek a. life sentence Wit- out the possi-bility of parole against CURTIS and will do whatever it takes, including dismissing counts, to ensure that CURTIS does not receive such sentence. Are you prepared to do this? Please call me and we can discuss Curtis.


Don Ashley



What has your offices stooped to?  How many criminal laws State and Federal has Mr. Hellickson violated in your name to gain tainted extradition and conviction.

This is not going to be swept under the rug, dodged ,or avoided. You are his supervisor and you gave your promise to the Kingdom of Spain and you have  failed to supervise your Assistant State Attorney that is absolutely running rouge. And will do anything to gain a conviction, violate any law and promise. Its no wonder Mr. Hellickson conviction rate is astronomical! The poor souls that do not have the knowledge or resources to defend themselves from such an over zealous Assistant State Attorney. This is not Cuba and this is not a communist country and you need to fix this, You are required to fix this in your position of an elected official and supervising your office staff and their actions. Your response will be noted and published, will be published all over the internet this includes your actions of this enormous situation. Police your agency and do the right thing.

Your job, Mr. McCabe and Mr. Hellickson job is not to get a conviction, its to reach the ends of justice. Fraud upon the courts  from here to Spain is not justice. Bare in mind felony information not supported by sworn testimony is fraud upon the courts both Foreign and Domestic. Failure to respond or ignore this plea to have you do your elected responsibility will result in the public being notified of their elected States Attorney allowing his office and staff to run rogue. I will be forced to forward along to every agency and political entity. This would be insanity not to reprimand or recuse an Assistant State Attorney running rouge.

Also, Mr. McCabe, Mr. Hellicksons felony information that was not based on sworn testimony, alleged the criminal act occurred in Pinellas County Florida, For your information, 10.10 nautical  miles out in the Gulf of Mexico is not Pinellas County. Therefore, Mr. Hellickson and  the court lacked jurisdiction.

These actions of Mr. Hellickson is absolute abuse of power and authority. Seeking such at these levels have no business in your realm of business. You need to cull your employees.

Again, these proceeding statements are not speculative or hypothetical , they are facts and records.

Thank you for your time and immediate consideration of this complaint and the timely response you will be getting to me with your intention of solving this enormous trail of fraud.

Jeanine Saxton

1110 Clark Station Road

Fisherville, KY 40023


Alan B. Curtis

Hamilton Annex

11419 S.W. County Road 249

Jasper, Florida 32052-3735

Cc: USA Civil Rights Division

       Florida Civil Right Division

       Spanish Consulate



#7Consumer Comment

Sat, June 02, 2012

What is the ripoff?

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