  • Report:  #1446582

Complaint Review: 7 Figure Cycle -

Reported By:
Rick - MN, United States

7 Figure Cycle
United States
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I can't say it any better than John has in his post. The creators of 7 figure Cycle are completely dishonest and masters of an elaborate Internet marketing scam. Two of the founders are behind Ecomm Elite which is the predecessor to 7 Figure Cycle.

I first found Ecomm Elite through an affiliate link for vetted webinars and it seemed legit. I signed up for their training and I subscribed to their Wholesale Buying Club to access their wholesale suppliers in order to buy product, after using their UPC tool to sort through supplier files looking for profitable products to sell on Amazon. I lost money on almost every product I purchased and sent to Amazon FBA. I figured I must be doing something wrong?

Then I received an email with the offer for an upgrade to 7 figure Cycle at a discounted rate, with free access to the Wholesale Buying Club, and the new Profit Hunter tool to make it all much easier than using the UPC tool. Also the offer of a "free" money making product to get me started as proof of concept was included and the money back guarantee made it seem like it was risk free, plus there was even a double your money back guarantee if you don't succeed by using their system. All of it was a pack of lies!

Their support system is a sham, taking days or even weeks to respond. Their warehouse has been backlogged for months and I am still missing hundreds of dollars in inventory that has been in their warehouse for nearly three months that never made it to Amazon. The excuses for the endless delays were always attributed to "growing pains". I've made numerous requests to have my stranded products shipped to me since many of them are now either brand restricted or no longer profitable, if they ever were in the first place. I'm still waiting for them despite even talking to the owner of the warehouse on the phone and being told they were being sent to me.

When voicing complaint on their Facebook group about these issues because of the lack of response through their support system many of us were told that we were nothing more than whiners and complainers and had our posts deleted or edited, and some were even banned from the group all together. Now that Facebook group had been completely shut down in favor of another platform that they have more control over.

After several requests for a refund that were at first refused and then finally threatening them with legal action I finally received a refund for my 7 FC upgrade, however I  am still out nearly a thousand dollars for the Ecomm Elite membership and hundreds of dollars for the Wholesale Buying Club subscription prior to joining 7 FC. This has been a very costly lesson to learn and one that I could not afford. Forget about the money back guarantee and most of all the double your money back guarantee because you will never see it!

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