  • Report:  #1195977

Complaint Review: AAPI/All Animal Protection Inc. - Parker Pennsylvania

Reported By:
VJD - Clearfield, Pennsylvania,

AAPI/All Animal Protection Inc.
522 Parker Pike Parker, 16049 Pennsylvania, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

 This rescue is run by a "PA Humane Officer" Penny D. This officer has been removed from 2 of the 5 counties she serves due to her behavior.  The rescue is professed to be a 501C3 rescue, but will not provide the names of board members when asked even though it's the law in PA to do so. The reason for this is that there is only 1 board member rather than 3 as required by PA law. That one board member is in fact "Penny D". Penny also lives off of the donations to the resue that is also not legal for a "non profit" group.  Facts concerning the removal of this "humane officer" can be verified by going to the "PA Dept of Ag" and searching for the humane officer of Butler Co. PA. It will show you that she has infact been removed from Butler Co and other counties. She is under investigation also for the remaining counties she serves. This rescue adopts out their animals with a contract that is no way legal. I have had this contract checked out by attorneys and a copy is also under investigation by the DA of Armstrong Co. Where this "humane officer" still serves for the time being. 

This person "Penny D" will stop at nothing to get her own way. She wants to be in controll of everything and when she doesn't get her own way she will lie, cheat and bash anyone that doesn't abide by her wishes. A friend of mine runs a "Legal" Pa rescue and assisted Penny when Penny asked for help with 25+dogs, cats and several other animals Penny said was from a hoarder case. My rescue friend had the animals in question signed over to her rescue when the animals were surendered.  Penny of AAPI was nothing but happy for the help with these animals until Penny didn't get her own way. All the dogs from this case were taken into my friends rescue and placed into foster or forever families after vetting and the animals were found healthy. The dogs in question were full blooded labs and had papers available. My rescue friend does not in any way promote breeding of any animal due to the over population we already have. Penny insisted that the available papers for the dogs be offered to potential adopters/fosters. When the rescue refused to hand out papers, stating it "in their opinion"promotes breeding, Penny then demanded the dogs be returned to her and stated that the dogs were "stolen" from her rescue. Penny demanded that the dogs be placed in homes with out adoption fees. The rescue can not do that because unlike Penny's rescue, they do not adopt out animals with out vetting. Penny was furious with the rescue for not abiding by her wishes. Penny even went as far as obtaining a bogus surrender form from the original owner of the dogs. I respected Penny for what she did as a humane officer and I was friends with her on FB until this situation with this rescue showed me just what kind of person Penny was. I told Penny what I thought of her actions. Of course, this also put me in Penny's book and in the line of fire for her bashing and harrassment. I can not disclose the name of the "legal rescue", due to the fact that there is current legal action being taken by this rescue to correct the wrong done by Penny and her rescue.

I adopted a horse from AAPI. AAPI states that they never ask for an adoption fee. The horse was brought to my home by Penny D. I agreed to pay her $100 for fuel for hauling the horse to us. After the horse was here and unloaded, I was then informed that there was also a $50 adoption fee that I also paid. Penny was very happy with our barn and stated that she fed her own horses the same feed I fed mine. Penny handed me a contract that was blank and told me to just sign it and she would pick it up. Penny was on her way to Harrisburg to complete her by-yearly requirement for humane officers. Penny picked the contract up on her way back through our area. I didn't agree with everything in the contract, but never dreamed there would be a problem with this contract or Penny. So I signed the contract figuring there would never be a problem. I had been friends with Penny on FB for quite a while and trusted her. My bad. Penny is not to be trusted in any way. 

The horse I adopted from AAPI/Penny D. arrived here in not deplurable condition but not the condition I would expect from a rescue run by a humane officer. The horse had not been groomed in some time and had rain rot on his head. I took the horse to a stall and proceeded to groom the horse. Loads of dead hair came off the horse and I noticed that the horses back bone was sticking out a bit leading me to believe that the horse was not being fed properly while at Penny's rescue.

Everything was fine between Penny and myself util the incident with the dogs and my friends rescue. Then I left Penny know that I was not happy with her or her actions. That's when Penny then stated that she would remove the horse I adopted from her and her rescue if I continued to not promote her and her rescue. I have gotten multiple messages from Penny on FB herrassing and threatening me about the horse I got from her. I informed Penny that this horse will not leave our home unless a judge or legal magistrate etc. stated the horse had to be returned. In no way did we violate the contract, as this horse is well cared for and very happy here with us. Penny only wants to get even with me for not siding with her rather than my rescue friend and is using this horse to get back at me.  Penny has multiple FB pages that she uses to spy on people and bash them. Penny messaged me constantly threatening me about this horse. I found it necessary to block Penny so she could no longer send threatening messages. Penny then stated that I violated the contract by blocking her. 

I have filed a report with the PA Atty Gen and also contacted the DA in Armstrong Co about Penny and her practices. 

You will find that once Penny see's this report, she will not defend herself by posting the board members of her rescue or any such thing. She will resort as she always does, by bashing, lying and degrading me or anyone that speaks out against her. Penny has resorted to obtaining pictures of peoples property and posting them or personal information on FB to bash and try to destroy them. I expect she will try to do the same to me. Just ask yourself, what kind of "humane officer" acts in this mannor? Is this the kind of rescue you would want to adopt from or give donations to? Penny has a gofundme account currently asking for $20,000 to build a rescue? She has obtained $5 of that $20,000 as to the last time I checked that account. Be aware that there will be retaliation from Penny on this report. She will do nothing but try to bash me and try to force me to return this horse, not because the horse is not being cared for here, but because she is using this horse as a weapon to get at me.

38 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Proof of fraudulent accusations

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, April 26, 2021

Ms. d**k has continued to post lies about me so here is my proof all charges filed against me where FALSE and all set up to bring me harm. I proved IN COURT I was INNOCENT and ALL charges dismissed. Learn to read Ms. d**k-NOT GUILTY-DISMISSED NICE TRY! You Lost in court, you have harassed me to no end by calling every body and anybody you think would shut me down. You adopted a horse, breeched the contract, LIED in court and was found GUILTY! Costing you $2600 which we will be collecting very soon.

I will continue to provide my proof that your a LIAR and a harasser. You make up good stories but again nice try. I will continue to sit and watch KARMA take care of you. So again enjoy the proof you LIE! The only reason you post here is because NO ONE believes a single word, since I post the facts.

Report Attachments


United States

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, March 12, 2019

Listen up 2 faced h*o- you came to this page with your filthy lies so bring on the lawyer! You are by far an evil bi*ch with 2 faces. I never went to court regading any miller nor did I pay. Hoffath made the post and claimed I wrote it so f*ck off. what is your adgenda here? attackinig me and then telling me not respond-bwahaha oh hell no it don't work that way.

You used to message me and tell me s**t about your so called friends and then message them about me. what a 2 faced h*o. Does the campground know how you stab them in the back? I have messages from you begging me NOT to show online or did you forget about those? You made a specific point to tell me you used to deliver newspapers to my home and now you want to claim you don't know me bwahahaha.

I do not nor never did know or even met pam but you drug me into your filthy sh*t of lies. DO your freinds know how you belittle them and laugh at them? Karma will take care of your evil a*s so bring on the lawyer stupid you started this! bwahahahahahahaha


United States

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, January 10, 2019

Listen Looser I have been found INNOCENT of ALL charged fraudulently brought before me. Do you homework big mouth b***h! I had NOTHING to do with the campground or PAM! You keep associating me with her and I never met her, spoke to her or delt with her. FYI I never paid one cent to the camp ground! I investigated Peacefully valley in 2010 and found nothing wrong so why would I take part in bashing them? hmm? see it's YOU who are two faced and spread rumors and LIES about the campground then oyu blame others to save face. How two faced can one be? Bring on your lawyer b***h-you are evil pure evil!

go find some one else to bash- AAPi has board members or it would NOT exist!

What donations do I live off of? please provide proof! As it is I have supported the animals in AAPI as ignorant comments like your makes fundraising almost impossible. SO please do provide your proof LIAR!

AAPI Contratc is legal and was made bay a lwayer LMAO!!!

bwahahah you make me laugh! Happily ever after is a crooked rescue and refused to take NO for an answer and went behind my back on a case that was NOT about cruelty and LIED to make money off of it.

Again were do you come up with info bwahaa. I cannot tell another rescue how to adopt out thier animals. Contract or not. fees or not its not my busineess. you really look like the a*s you truly are Peggy. You continue to bash me for how long now? Because infact it was YOU that could NOT control me.

The unnamed so called rescue you refer to is Vickie d**k and she is NOT a rescue. SHe Breeched our adoption contract, was sued in court of law and lost to the sum of $2,600. so who lies Peggy? See our contract held up in court and Vickie d**k lied thru her teeth and was busted!

The horse named SOZO was not in poor condition nor did he have rainrott he had winter hair and was shedding how dumb can someone be?

Yes d**k filed with Attorney General and was laughed at. AAPi was cleared and d**k called everybody she possible could seeking revenge. SHe even called Butler suicidal hotline saying I was suicidal. who does this kind of thing? clearly d**k has great mental issues and certainly hope she seeks mental help.

I have every right to defend myself against LIARS. I have provided all my evidence on the other posts for ALL to view. If defending oneself against lIARS is bashing then so be it as I post nothing but the truth. Go see the evidecne for yourself. The Horse SOZO is property of AAPi and Keri COble has stolen him and has him in hidding. Aapi has filed a lawsuit against Koble to retun said horse.The only person attacking  wiht lIES are you d**k and You Peggy Gato. This report was made just to attack me casue your mad you lost in court. so keep retaliating and we will sue you yet again. It is a crying shame when one person has so much hate filled within themselves they will never clinb out of thier own evil obiss. You Lady's have fun and keep bashing as the evidence speaks for itself. I sincerely hope you BOTH seek mental help as for me & aapi weproved you Liars and won in court so have a great day and happy bashing its all you can do to peas yourselves. BWAHAHAHAHAAA

fyi the board members have commented on previous posts! again keep up the lies Karma will kick your butt!

Report Attachments


United States
How many times will you get arrested

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, April 25, 2018

I want to know how my name came in to this conversation that you Penny Deworhal are having about a Karen Miller...You are one sicko.I did not know, have never known and don'the wish to know a Karen Miller..You are just upset because the campground you are referring to took you to court along with Pam for harrasment.Look where Pam ended up, in Jail..you'll soon be there. HOPEFULLY they will have a nice comfy bed for you. And I don't know if it should be in the men's part or the ladies part.. But leave me out of your sicko conversationso or you will be hearing from my lawyer.....


United States

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, December 03, 2017

Ms d**k was gound guilty in court of law and I was awarded $2,600.. Ms. d**k continues to lie and I have been cleared by the IRS, attorney general,bbs, pa. state, dept of chairty, as Ms d**k called many orgaization out of revenge. AAPI passed with flying colors PROVING Ms. d**k nothing more than a vindictive liar!



#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, June 04, 2017

As you can see the truth says it all. Ms. d**k was sued by AAPi and LOST. thi sis what her rantings was over-she breeched her adoption contract and disposed of AAPI property illegally in the process. AAPi has NO complaints and has saved hundreds of animals. Unfortunately there is one bad apple in the whole bunch. Ms d**k has shown she has a wild imagination and has done everything within her power to disgrace AAPI. She has FAILED! the truth always wins!

Report Attachments


state audited

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, January 15, 2017

AAPI has been audited by the state and proven to be LEGIT!

also to the Attorney General, state of Pa. charities and BBB and every body Ms. d**k has lied to.


took Dick to court and she LOST!

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, October 13, 2016

well we took Dicks advice and took her to court. She lost to the tune of $2,600. bucks. NOw we have filed court action against Kari Coble from One dog at a time in Lewistown, pa. for refusing to return AAPi property. She adopted out Sozo without the legal rights to do so. what a scam!

Report Attachments



#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, April 09, 2016

Well Ms. D*** it seems karma has her revenge for your BS and LIES! enjoy her rathe without a husband, soon to be homeless and horseless! I just love Karma!


Bull crap!

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, March 23, 2015

to bad you don't get your fact and story straight! The dogs where surrendered to me NOT to HVAIN. HVAIN stole those dogs and refused to even speak to me about them from day 1. so your version of the dog story is no more than c. johnsons LIES. The dogs where NOT part of a HOARDER situation but where all breeders and very well taken care of. They had thier vaccinations and rabies which was also verified by dog law. C. Johnson also lied saying dog law had a case against the dog owner and that was a LIE! so You MS. d**k are just like you freind   C. Johnson, LIARS! If your going to tell stories atleast get both version of it before you decide who is the liar. You change your version of this story several times now all in an attempt to get us to back off and devert the attention off of Sozo. Yes you have Breeched your contract and will have to pay and return sozo. oh and keep shining with your sparkles!


your nutz

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, March 10, 2015

Vickie d**k goes to all extreme to get what she wants not only has she called district attorneys, attorney general, irs, pa. charity, she has now called the butler county center for crisis and told them I am sucidal and going to kill someone. OMG to what extreme will this psycho stop at? seriously? who will you call and make another false report to next? you are seriously deranged, NO sane person does these things so PLEASE seek mental health you truly are sick. guess I will get a visit from obama himself next!


How's those donations going? Closing doors are we?

#13Author of original report

Thu, February 12, 2015

My information came from the same place you "claim" your's came from ya dope. You told people to look at the NSLS page and how "I" bashed a young girl? It's in your report right here. You are the one that bashed that person not me. You are the one creating multiple FB accounts to do nothing but spy on people and make threats. Your contract is rubbish as was told by anyone that know's what a real contract is. Your's is not legal in any way shape or form. So take your threats of taking Sozo back to your rescue that is begging for feed, hay, and complaining you had to close your doors due to no funds. What judge or law inforcement would send this horse back to a "rescue" that begs for supplies to care for the ones they already have? 

And unlike you, I do have friends that help with fee's and things. None of your business who as you would only hound them to send you funds. 

You also posted on FB that you were no longer taking calls to "investigate" animal abuse. Should I remind you of a horse that was in your area under your watch, that came here to us in such bad conditon that people that saw him thought he would die? Is this how you investigate animal abuse? This horse was in your area, you never offered to even take him into your rescue but rather sent him straight to us. He has since flurished in our care. But is this how you keep animals in your area's safe? Best thing that could ever happen is for you to give up the badge and let real investigators do the job that can handle it. You threaten to kill dogs that jump on you? Is that how a rescue acts? I think not. And that's what I'm supposed to be sending this horse back to. 

#1. Your rescue can't support and care for the animals already in your care. You just posted on Fb that you are closing your doors at least until spring, due to no donations.  You posted you will no longer be doing investigative calls due to no funds. 

#2. This horse is presently in our care where he gets fed, groomed and is flurrishing and happy. We are not advertising for funds to feed, we are not posting for a "live in helper" to take care of them.

#3. Like I've told you multiple times in previous posts, this horse is not leaving here with out a court order and a police officer present. Do not come to our property for any reason as you will be once again arrested for tresspass.

#4. I talked to the Sheriff in Butler Co where you reside. No paperwork has crossed his desk concerning this horse. Thus you have no paperwork from that office, nor do you have any paperwork from the Sheriff in our area. Seems pretty stupid for you to go to Butler Co sheriff since they are the ones that helped oust your butt from that county as HPO.

Hm, anyone reading your posts here can see who the psycho is. They can see how you contradict yourself over and over again. They see the psycho. Could that have anything to do with the lack of donations to you? I hope I've been able to shed light on this and save a few animals the ill care in your posession. Sozo came here underweight, and ungroomed for a long time. He will not return to a life of neglect.

I've posted pictures of his condition when he got here. His back bone showing, the ton of hair after his first grooming he got here. Also pictures of rain rot on his head when he arrived from your rescue.

I will now post screen shots of you stating you have no funds to care for animals nor investigate. Screen shots don't lie, but you do.



#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 12, 2015

I said it once, twice and will say it again, YOU truly are psychotic! The so called person I had a debate with was over 18 and never committed suicide. where do you get your info? I was verbally attacked by a child adn I refered the conversation to her mother and the kid never commited suicide, again where do you get your stories? I think you drink to much or  went off your meds? eithor way you make me laugh! Only LIARS protest as much as you do. Only LIARS will go to any length to get what they want, well all your feble attempts have FAILED!!! so what will you try next? bring it on! we have nothing to hide from anyone nor do we have anything to gain or loose. infact you do, sozo! which will be leaving soon! say "NO" all you like but he is NOT your property! enjoy him while you can, it will not be long now he will be returning home. FYI. Nice try trying to get more free horses from EOTL,  everyone is one up on you and no one is going to donate so you can take another horse for free. Hoarding mean anything to you?

Yawn! your boring and a psychotic liar!

Report Attachments


Please by all means, go to the pages PD said.

#15Author of original report

Sun, February 08, 2015

You will see who the bully was that created a page to bash that young girl and it was not me. It was Penny D herself. Lately she attempted to tag the photo of a 13 year old girl to use in her postings, but was caught by the childs mother and the attempt was stopped. 

Wow, what a liar this woman is lol. Please do go to the page she suggested and look at the posts about this person and her rants. She can not defend herself as everything said is true, so she tries to turn the table to point fingers at others. 

Your day is coming very soon Ms.Dew. Take a picture of that badge because soon it will be nothing but a hunk of scrap. Why PA would give a person like you a badge to begin with is beyone me and I intend to ask the AG dept just that. Why they gave you a badge.

Please find attached to this message the latest rants and raves by this Pshcho just posted by her today. 

Everyone have a nice day and please enjoy the continued rants and posts by a mad lady named P.Dew. lol

hateful people

cyber bully

#16REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, February 06, 2015

If you go to  face book "Not so lucky starZ" page or "Pleasant veiw farms rehab services NOT" page you will see the kind of cyber bully this V. d**k truely is. Please do so and see for your self. I understand she was a cyber bullying a kid and that kid commineted suicide. It's all on those pages. She also admits to stalking, hounding, making false reports to Da"s and attorney generals and also admits to trying to have my badge removed out of revenge. So please do go to those and pages and read first hand for yourself what the likes of this hateful woman has to say. Her words as well as others will say it all.


Please stand by as I'm sure Ms. Dew will return many times.

#17Author of original report

Fri, February 06, 2015

I on the other hand have a husband living with me to take care of since he's not feeling so well with the flu and I have my animals to care for.  Please continue to be entertained by the lies and false accusations of Ms. Dew. 

Ms Dew stated in one of these reports, that she doesn't need a police officer nor a court order to remove this animal from my property.  On the contrary Ms. Dew, you do not have any legal rights as a humane officer in my county. You do not have my permission to step foot on our property to remove anything including animals that you claim you "own". My attorney would like to know Ms. Dew, how does one adopt an animal, and yet not "own" it. This animal was not a lease, it was an adoption. If I were to adopt a child, would the child still be the property of the adoption agency to remove at the drop of a hat when they get their fingers caught in the cookie jar.

No where in this contract have I seen, where it said the animal could be removed and contract revoked, (IF), the adopter offended the CEO of the rescue, by slapping her fingers when she tried to scam a friend. How did that go for you Ms. Dew when your butt was drug into the sheriff's office over this? Hmm, guess you were told to keep your trap shut and stop harassing my rescue friend?

And you were revoked from Butler County because of multiple complaints from people in the county about being harassed by you. Hmmmm, just like you are harassing me about this horse?

Anyway, one last and final warning,  Take this loud and clear ms.Dew. Do not attempt to come to "my" property for any reasion, including removing animals from my property, with out a police officer and a court order. Oh yes you do need one Ms. Dew. This is My property and "that" is the only way this horse may leave here is with a court order stating the horse is to be returned. Your contract does not give you the right to come onto my property for any reason. You Will be arrested for tresspassing if you step one foot on my property. I will not turn my back like your neighbor did when you went to her home and took pictures of her home, then sped off in your truck while she chased your a*s down the road. Take head Ms. Dew. This is posted, private property. Our property thank you and have a good day. Over and out. 


Disgrace to PA Humane Officers everywhere.

#18Author of original report

Fri, February 06, 2015

The purpose of my original report, was to inform people of the consequences of adopting an animal from this rescue. My intent was not to write a novel on Ripoff Report.  

This person is counting on the fact that people reading this report, are not intellegent enough to do a internet search on their own and find just what I have found on this person to be true and factual according to the Agriculture Dept of PA, along with other official offices of the state of PA and Pa counties.

I told you in the very first report, that this person would come back again and again with lie after lie and try to fling mud to cover her own tracks. She can't clean herself up as there is proof via. the state of PA, so what she does is try to make the accuser (in this case that would be me) look to be the bad person and she is the victom. This is classic behavior of this person that is in charge of AAPI and a PA humane officer to boot. Now ya see why she is blocked on most everyone's page on Facebook?  Because she doesn't know when to shut her trap and crawl back under her rock.  

Most of us have a humane officer or animal control officer that is in charge over the area we live in. Does anyone know of a humane officer that acts in this manor? I know the one we have in our area doesn't act anything like this. He doesn't go to peoples homes and take pictures, then post them on Facebook and post what a dump the place is. Nor does he create multiple pages on Facebook so he can spy on people and send nasty messages to them. Our animal officer in our area works with the rescue that "this woman" claims is the one in the wrong with the dogs she claims to have been stolen from her. Our animal control officer has often called on the help of "Happy Valley Animals In Need" for assistance on placing animals that need help. Never once has he had problems with this rescue. Now this woman claims they "stole" dogs from her when she asked for help and they stepped up and did just that. This person claims I am out to ruin a "good rescue that saves lives of animals", yet she is the one out to lie and cheat her way into "trying" to destroy a wonderful rescue in our area that is run by a reputable founder that has helped hundreds of animals and not by cheating other people or never once threatened to have a dog euthanized due to the dog jumping on her.

Now, If you want to take a chance and adopt an animal from AAPI with a CEO that acts like you see here in this report, then go for it. If you want to support a rescue that acts like this, by all means it's a free country and go right ahead. If this person is so concerned about the welfare of the animals, then why is she so bent on having the horse I adopted from her returned to her rescue, when the horse is well cared for here and very happy? Have you seen one time where she stated or can prove that the horse I adopted is not being cared for? So why does she want the horse returned? Is it for the good of the animal, or because she is just mad because she was caught in a lie and got burned on it when she lied about my friends rescue? Is that having the "best interest of the animal in mind"? I think not.

So I'm sure once again she will return with multiple threats, lies and accusations that she has nothing to back up. I have posted proof to everything I have said, has she? Things I have posted come from the state of PA not me. She lies about not being investigated when I called and talked to the DA of Armstrong County myself and was told that they are working to remove her badge but it takes time because she is not employed by the county. Kinda hard to fire a volinteer, but it's been done in 2 other of the counties this woman served and it will be done in the remaining 3. Easy enough to find out who is lying, just contact the Armstrong County Da and ask for yourself. Impossible to prove a lie, but it is possible to prove the truth.

Why is this woman a disgrace to other PA Humane Officers, because she proves it doesn't take intellegence to be a humane officer in the state of PA. Just look at her spelling, grammar and punctuation. So how do you get to be a humane officer, what are the requirements. By looking at this person, I would say the requirements are that you have to have a drivers license and a heart beat. That's about the only things I see in this person that qualifies her as a humane officer. I am not putting down every humane officer in PA. We have a wonderful "educated" humane officer in our area. But judging by this person, just wow, she makes them all look bad.

I feel very bad for the animals in this persons posession. They deserve a chance at a good home and life. I hope every one of them are placed and find happiness and safety.  Now just possibly AAPI could be saved and turn out to be a good rescue, "IF" they got rid of this person out of the rescue before she ruins the entire thing. It may not be the entire rescue that is bad, I've had not problem with anyone else from AAPI other then this CEO that is posting all the rebutals and lies. Just maybe they should cut their losses if they want to be a reputable rescue and just get rid of this flea on their asses.

Also be informed that this person is very likely to create multiple accounts on Ripoff Report so she can post here under fake identies just as she does on Facebook.

This person doesn't just post mistakes, she posts bold faced lies. My husband and son and our carpenter were all here when this woman brought the horse to us. They all saw her hand me the application, tell me to fill out "what I can", and she would take care of the rest. She then unhooked her trailer from her truck, "with my husbands help", then she left to continue to Harrisburg to renew her HPO badge. She never said anything about having the thing notarized. She dropped the horse and the contract off on May,2, 2014. If you look that is a Friday? She returned 2 days later to get the trailer she left sit here and the contract. How was I to have the contract notarized over the weekend? Upon returning she hooked up her trailer with my husbands assistance and away she went.

So as not to turn this into a novel, do your homework when giving your hard earned money to an organization. I would love to see a reciept from past contributors that have given to this 501C3 that claims to be legal, and see where they were able to claim this donation on a tax return.Anyway if you do your homework, you will find that there are other much more worth rescues in the state of PA to contribute to and to adopt animals from. One being Happy Valley Animals In Need and another being ODDAT, One Dog At A Time, both are wonderful and truthful with only the welfare of the animals in mind.

 Over and out. Take over Ms. Dew. And by the way, you stated in one of these multiple posts, that you and your "husband" worked for 33 years to support you? Is that the same husband that left you many years ago according to your neighbors? Hmm, things that make ya go What?

 In my final act, I will post a copy of the first page of the contract from AAPI "that I took the honor of making a copy", just the way it was handed to me the day Ms. Dew dropped it and the horse off. Notice nothing is filled out as to the horses name, or anything else.Also look at this contract and think to yourself, "do I want to adopt from a rescue that has a contract like this?".



#19REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 05, 2015

now if you would have been honest and showed the entire docket sheet you wouldhave seenit read "DISMISSED"



#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 05, 2015

again your priceless! just like nsls when you don't get things your way you lash and seek revenge by any means you can. NSLS is a HATE page and these people also hate you, now don't they? You keep trying to make yourself look innocent but your far from it. See the dogs you claim where not mine, are and this is my crueltyinvestigation that YOU compromised by NOT minding your own business. This HVAIN and my org has NOTHING to do with you. But yet you had to stick your big nebby nose where it did not belong which in turn cause more drama than was needed, You tell a good story of lies, nice try. See I dropped thehorse off and left my horse trailer there while I traveled 2 more hours and when I returned in 2 days you had your paper work all signed and ready for me to pick up. I did not stick around I loaded my trailer took the paper wortk and went on my merry way. You never had it notarized and said you would do so asap and never did. Now you want to go on face book and here and post false statements and spread more lies cause you want to keep a horse that rightfully does not belong to you. Bottom line. You sent lies to DA's, attorney general, state of Pa. and they all tell you the same thing now don't they, this IS a legitamte business!

so why do you post for funds to pay your anmals vet bills? your not a 501(c)3 resuce now are you? these are your personal animals. Now the ones at my org are not my personal animals and are available for adoption. MY income IS no body's business and I do NOT get paid to answer cruelty complaints, have you ever done anything to help anyone other than yourself with nothing in return? The organization is the one fund raising for money to answer cruelty complaints cause no body will answer these complaints.So as long as fuel comes in complaints get answered and animals get help. what do I get? satisfaction of a job well done and ignorant rantings like yours. This is why no humane society in pa. will hire any humane offciers,one they have to pay a salasry and 2. fuel is expensive. so that leaves me and my org. So if my org or myself fundraise for fuel it's because of the hundreds of complaints I answer without pay. What is it that you do? sit back and act like a child spreading viscious LIES after LIES after LIES cause your feeling are hurt. My answers to aligations are sufficiant enough for people to see who is the LIAR and who has the need for revenge, your actions say it all. again your the only one since 1993 and its cause your loosing a horse that does not belong to you. grow up d**k. There si no one left for you to lie to and your not getting my badge revoked so koodos to you. Oh and it was revoked becasue I was a whistle blower of bad judges and would do it all over again if need be. It had nothing to do with any additude and everything to do with animal cruelty. so get some knew material this does not make me a BAD person it makes me a person that tried to fight city hall and we all know you can't fight city hall with out millions of bucks. So keep trying to make me look bad I don't care and neithor do the people that know better. The only thing that does matter IS the animals that I save daily. And you would attempt to stop that, what does that say about you? IT SAYS IT ALL!


FYI your own words " the horse did not arrive here in deplorable condition". And facebook does not constitute freindships, it constitues facebook aquaintences. NOT FREINDS.

so pleas do tell whay does our fund rasing to build a no kill shelter have to do with anything?? again you want to try and stop something that will save hundreds of lives? all for revenge!


con artist your are

#21REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 05, 2015

Karen Lewdanoski, you are by far the lowest of the low. YOu set me up making claims and calling people/campdgound very bad individuals, but when confronted that you in fact are the one and only KAREN MILLER you change your page and hide. now you want to come out from behind the scenes and tell 1/2 truths. where is the parts about why I said what I said? where are the defaming remarks and unscroopulous pictures posted of myself with diseased viginia as my lips, where are all those pics? where are all those pic with all the remarks made by Ms Brooks herself, as if I where saying them myself? no? you don't post them why is that? again you  tell 1/2 a story and you don't get that right so you retaleate and seek vengence thru LIES. So mS. Lewdanowski/MILLER please do tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. See now I sit back and watch you and gather my evidence proving you are in fact in kahoots with Peggy Gatto and are secretly working together to intentionally cause me harm as well as the campground. The truth will come all cpme out and its been being pieced all together with every little post you make you slip up andleave more evidence behind. See what you two are doing is criminal and will carry jail time and I wil be the one sitting back with the 100% of the truth being told.

Report Attachments


Activity of this person and how she acts.

#22Author of original report

Thu, February 05, 2015

Ms. Dew...

As you know I enjoy sitting back and watching from behind the scenes. You have created a mighty fine show to watch.

 You have been on your defense and minimizing mode. So, let’s get some facts out again. After all you are “All about the truth - 100% truth”.

July 28th 2014 – you shared on your now “secret” group the home address of Ms. A. Brooks from one of your alternate accounts. In addition to showing the address you state from that account: “she lives with her mommy in a tiny little hut and has no of her own cause her mommy has to take care of her.”

July 29th 2014 – you posted map image of the front of a home you allege to be that of Ms. A. Brooks mother with the statement: “Ann’s mommys house! Pissed her off when I posted it so she wants to play dirty now. I hear she drives a cab called hookers on wheels. Roflmao! It’s time mommy dearest hears the truth about her cyber bully and spanks her A**!”

From your Penny Dew account you offer to release the home address via pm because facebook removed the post. (Don’t you love screenshots?) And the photo you shared of “ann’s mommy” was another image you used without owner consent and is not the person you allege it to be. Gotta love your facts.

You continue into August with a post about Ms. C. Adkins stating with a photograph “this is all the pasture this horse has! And must share it with a broken down camper?” Continuing into sharing photos of Ms. C. Adkins chasing you off her property and your defaming comments on her appearance and the property.

Then again on August 19th you share; “This is J.Shultz/Wilson and look how she made fun of people whom live in mobile homes! What does she live in??? wait she lives in the projects in pgh,oh my! Looks like the kids got flea bites, also looks like she is petrified to be on a horse, very bad seat! Wow and she has the nerve to open her pie hole?” Amazing is that you included 5 photographs with this statement.

You are currently claiming that you did not bring children or extended family into this conflict you have with Ms. Brooks and friends. Let’s move forward shall we?

Now moving forward to yesterday when you claim that Ms. Brooks and her friends started the “family attacks”. Posting; “Brooks, do us a favor and get some new material, YOUR BORING THE PISS OUT OF US!!!! You bring family into your b******* so when I post your kids, ….blah blah blah blah….so I have every right to post your family s*** and its coming!”

It took many months of your spewing inaccurate information as factual information before you finally were annoying enough to be put on the radar of Ms. Brooks and her friends. Finally when you are on their radar they kept the focus specifically on you and the accounts you used to promote your agenda, it was apparent that your family has been excluded from all the posts I have observed up until yesterday.

Now it is found that the child of your husband is a federal felon and you are quickly attempting to minimize the impact of this to your life. I can only imagine the repercussions that you would face if you have knowledge of his whereabouts and are not releasing that information to the proper authorities. Has he been apprehended yet? IF he was how were you involved in the release of information? We can assume that since you believe his being on a federal most wanted list is inconsequential that you may be aiding and abetting his freedom. It’s not much of a stretch based on your prior behaviors and comments.

I find it amazing that somehow you believe a warrant by the U.S. Marshal office is inconsequential. The Marshals Service occupies a uniquely central position in the federal justice system. It is the enforcement arm of the federal courts, involved in virtually every federal law enforcement initiative. How is this inconsequential? Also for violation of parole…. Of a federal crime?

Maybe a plate of crow would taste appropriate about now? If you disagree, please continue along your current path. The show is amazing, the popcorn is buttered and the prospects of returning your words to you are outstanding.

Have a star filled sparkling night.



Wow, you would think someone that has a PA badge, would be more truthful.

#23Author of original report

Thu, February 05, 2015

#1. I receive SSI that I paid for out of my earnings at work over the past43 years for. #2 My husband and son along with our carpenter friend stood right here when that horse was delivered and you handed me a "blank" application for that horse at the time he was delivered.  This person is a born liar. Such a shame when I thought she could be trusted at one time.  Anyone that wants to verify anything I've said about this person. Just look her up on the internet like I did. Everything is public knowledge.  This person is a disgrase to the state of PA as a hpo. thank God she is nothing in our area. Also if you have an income, then why beg on Facebook for donations to cover fuel so you can investigate complaints? You don't have fuel money? Wow.  Anyway, I'm not going on and on and nor am I reading all this lunatic puts on here. I have things to do better then that with my time. 

 Big question for anyone reading these rants of this person. Is this a person you would want to adopt an animal from or donate funds to? Would you want to adopt from a person like this? Look how she acts just because she is mad. Not because this animal is not being cared for. 

Anyone that wants to know anything about this wack job, just go to Face book and look at the "Not So Lucky Starz" page. You will soon see how much this person lies, cheats and stalks everything and everyone. Anyone that wants proof of this persons dishonesty just contact a real rescue called "Happy Valley Animals In Need". They have a FB page. 

Ok Ms Dew, lie on as you always do. lol.


sorry darling

#24REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, February 01, 2015

so darling but its clear your the raving lunatic, I think every one can see that clearly! the hhorse is noT your property, you do NOTown him, AAPI does and AAPI can revoke its adoptions for any reason at any time and due to your instability, spewing of LIES, attacking, insults, harassments.....I had to block you, your the one that keeps finding ways to attack me. The horse WILL be leaving your premesis and it will be by means of the contract that agreed upon. Returning said animal at YOUR expense. you keep ranting about how bad this horse was and how bad AAPI is and yet your the only one inall the years we have been in existance, since 1993. And might I add youhave made several other viscious false report on here about others cause you did not get your way. poor baby, grow up! seek mental health! now you keep  bringing up my authority see thats intent to cause harm honey adn you keep providing me withmore evidence than I need, thankyou! You are like a spoiled brat that awants her way and it' not going to happen! so, howmany more insults, name calling, lies, threats.....are you going to make? I think you just ran out of peoplpe to cry to. Everyone sees you need mental health please do so. may I recommend a shrink for you? fyi, I would be living under a bridge if I lived off of donation from AAPI. sorry you lie again. see you live off the state of PA. now don't you? I have my own income, my husband and I worked for 33 years together with our own business, not that its any of your business, nor is my income any of your business. would you like to know when I go take a poop to?

another lie, you recieved the contract long before I delived the horse and had it all filled out when I got there, but you did not notarize it and said you would send one asap and you never did.

where do you keep dream up these lies?? you have one wild imagination lady! aseriouly! even your tone of writing says "ranting lunatic" keep trying to get rid of me but it's not going to work and you will be returning the horse, like it or not, he is NOT your property.

ahhhhaaaaa the horse was shedding his winter coat and was just returned to my rescue due to previous adopters beng unable to provide for him. you knew all of this and now you claim I neglected the horse? seriously? you really do need medicated big time!

Report Attachments


Who is harassing who?

#25Author of original report

Sun, February 01, 2015

Information that I have posted is public knowledge. Anyone can search for themselves. I have no hold over the Dept. of Ag to make them post lies nor with any other public department. I have found it necessary to block Penny and her multiple pages due to her stalking and harassing me. Anyone that wants to check facts, just look on Rip Off report for a report filed against Indian Fields Pet Sitting. Check out the comments left by Penny about me and how I care for my animals. 

Do NOT threaten me about this horse. He will NOT leave here with out a court order and a police officer here. WARNING: DO NOT COME TO MY PROPERTY AS YOU WILL BE ARRESTED FOR TRESSPASSING. I have asked for a written letter in the mail, stating what part of the "contract" I broke to result in the horse being requested to be returned? I have gotten nothing in the mail, I also would like a copy of the contract that "You" hold. If that information is not in my hands in 7 days, any contact after that will be held as harassment and will be persecuted. Simple, just send the information requested.

All this will go away and we can move on with our lives. Stop the ranting and calling names and flinging lies about my condition. Or post some proof of what you say. Everything I have posted is from reliable sources.

AGAIN. Do NOT come to my home with out a court order and a police officer as you will be charged and arrested for tresspassing other wise. I don't care who you think you are and your toy badge. This is my home and my property. I fail to see in the copy of the contract that I hold, where it states the horse can be removed for not liking you? 

This horse is well cared for and happy which is more than can be said about when he got here. 

Now the public can see why I had to block this crazy woman. She constantly harasses and creates fake accounts on FB to do nothing but spy and send stupid messages just as she does here.

7 days, have the information requested in my hand by certified mail, or forever hold your mouth.


look who is the ranting lunatic!

#26REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, January 31, 2015

Ms. d**k your getting pretty good at telling tales. Unfortunately I have proven to everyone that report me to that you are in fact the LIAR. Quite the ranting liar I may add. As people can see how far someone would got o get out fromunder an adoption contract. tisk tisk, shame on you ms. d**k. See the DA's, attorney Generals, Police dept. have nothing to do with my org or its contracts, they are legal and binding as you signed and agreed to up hold it as legal and binding so you better find a good lawyer and serious mental health. This is why the horse you adotped is to be returned asap. You go on any page you can find a way to harass me, stalk me, attack me... just like starting this bogus report. thankyou once again for the defam of character evidence. where do you get your information from? you dream these stories up at night? every false accusation you send is harassment with the intent to cause harm. so enjoy whats coming your way. I am not the one ranting and raving like a lunie, you are deary and it shows how badly you need mental help.

Horse Lover

Some sense of reason here

#27Consumer Comment

Wed, January 28, 2015

Thanks Carina, Vicki d**k has been long harrasing Penny on FB and her friends. I believe Vicki needs to move on and get a life..She certainly is bored with hers...She constantly libels and slanders Penny all over social media. She is the one in question here. Not Penny..


Do you see what I mean about uneducated and very unprofessional?

#28Author of original report

Tue, January 27, 2015

I surely would not support this rescue with a loon ball like this at the helm.  She is a liar and a cheat. That's why we are not friends anymore. She lied and tried to cheat my friends rescue.  Go ahead and look on the page she suggested and see the posts about this quack. 

Report Attachments


Does this sound like a person in control of her faculties to you?

#29Author of original report

Tue, January 27, 2015

Take a look at how many replys this HPO has on here. Exactly why I found it neccessary  to block her on Face Book. She doesn't know how to do anything but harass people.  This person was very happy with the care the horse was recieving here until she tried to lie about a rescue friend of mine and I called her on it and told her I did not approve of her actions. As you can see, this person is very uneducated and she is the one in her words, "a* hurt" because she did not get away with scamming and controling my rescue friend. I can assure you that this woman is in deed under investigation by the Armstrong County DA's office. I talked to the office myself and was informed that because this HPO is not an employee of the county it's more difficult to get rid of her but it will be done. They can not just fire a person that is not employed by the county. Very easy to check this out, just give them a call and ask. This woman as you can see, has been harassing me about the horse I adopted from the AAPI rescue since the falling out with my friends rescue. Before that everything was peaches and cream. I refuse to return this horse to this woman as she does not properly care for the horses as was evident by the condition the horse was in when he got here. He was under weight, had rain rot and had not been groomed in some time. I'm sure this person will return and run another multiple posts as that is what she does. 

Anyone wanting to confirm this persons standing as a humane society police officer, just go to the PA Dept of Agriculture web page and search for the animal control officer of Armstrong County, PA. It will come up with a list of 5 counties, 2 of which this person has been revoked. Public knowledge, anyone can see it. This person is a total out of control idiot with a badge. Sorry but that's just the way it is. She is a danger to the animals in the communities she still holds a badge for and the people living in those communities. She has been revoked from Butler County PA due to just this reason. She recently posted on Face Book a pit bull she still has in her rescue, stating that she could not handle the dog and he was knocking her on her a*, (her words) and it someone didn't take him she was going to have him euthanized.  Look up AAPI in Parker Pike, Parker PA and check with Google Earth and see if you can find any kennels to hold dogs. No one else could find any. This person creates Face Book pages for the sole purpose of spying on people, harassing people and please tell me what professional does this. We have an animal control officer local, but he doesn't make pages such as a page called, "Truth Be Told", Truth Be Told By You", Shitz N Giggles to name a few just to post peoples personal information and bash them.  No time have I ever gotten anything in writing about this horse from this person. Apparently this bozo thinks posting on FB is a legal document. I have contacted the State Police and the Da's office. Both said the contract is not legal, (not notarized) also the contract is poorly written and will not stand up in court. So why does this person insist this horse is returned to this rescue, for the good of the animal? I think not. Only because this person thinks she should always control the rescue world since she has a badge. Well to my understanding that badge will soon be gone. 

Now she is threatening to cause problems with my SSI lol. Yea does this sound like a rescue you would want to deal with? I think the doctors that have treated me and the SSI judge is just a bit more qualified to decide if my disability is for real or fake.

Also think for a minute, this HPO doesn't get paid for being an HPO. She doesn't work for a living. So, how does she support herself?  Could it be (just a guess) from the contributions to the rescue that are supposed to go to care for the animals in the rescue?

 Stand by and watch the lunatick post comment after comment making threat after threat. Proves my point, who would want to deal with this rescue. I'm thinking if this rescue AAPI is to survive, they need to dump this person and try to help the animals in need. This person is doing nothing but pulling this rescue down and ruining it's reputation. I

I will not continue to post here. Anyone can very easily check out my statement by goint to the Pa Dept Of AG and doing a search. Contact the DA's Office in Armstrong Co and ask about the investigation. I was told it just takes time, but it will be done. I found it necessar to file a report with the PA Atty General's office due to the constant harassing from this person. They are indeed investigating as per the letter I got from them.

 I will not play games with this person and waist my time on FB, nor will I waist it here. The purpose of this report was to inform other people of my experience so that they could avoid the bashing, harassing, and lies from this person. I feel very very bad for the animals in this rescue. There are the two pit bulls I have seen posted. Both get tied outside no shelter was seen in the photos. Other rescues are so full and over loaded but are trying to help these dogs. A person has stepped up to offer assistance in training the dog this HPO threatened to kill. If this rescue was any kind of a rescue, why could it not rehab this dog on it's own or find resources rather than threaten to have the dog killed.

you need mental health

you need mental health

#30REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, January 27, 2015

if you call controling AAPI property then so be it. These animals are AAPi property and has every right to place or reject them as AAPI OWNS these animals, you do not and this is what this reort is about. The adoption rejection was due to your inability to stop defaming this co. and myself. FYI learn how to use computer better as noone has any trouble finding us on guide star. You just want names so you can harass people like you do me. Please seek mental health you need help!

Ms. Dick lies

Ms. Dick Lies

#31REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, January 27, 2015

Ms. d**k you really make me laugh! you will go to no lengths to get out from under the adoption contract simply because you feel you shouldnot have to abide by it. You really make me laugh! I spend my ownmoneyon these animals, NOT that youhave any knowledge of what goes on with AAPi and it's funds. So pleasr do tell how do I live off of donated funds? Have you attended any meetings? have you volunteered? I think not. so how do you know where our funds go to. We sent all our paperwork int to the state of pa. and have once AGAIN provento bea legitamet organization. The only fraud is you and your lies. Honestly what type of person sends letters with the intent to cause harm to an agency they have no first hand knowledge about?REVENGEFUL ignorant people thats who. People whom clearly know they are in the WRONG and are trying to WEASLE their way outof a binding contract. Your termination had everything to do with your unhappiness with sozo and AAPI, but yet you refuse to return him. You can't have it both ways. WE requested over and over againthat you STOP defaming our organization and it's members and you continue to this day lying and defaming AAPI. This bogus report and all your lies are proof in itself. do you see any other reports? NOPE! only you, why is that? cause you are WRONG!


disgruntled liar

#32REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, January 26, 2015

again Ms. d**k I have a signed and initialed contract signed by you agreeing that you ADOPTED and do NOT own sozo. Your the only person to ever make any such statements of lies about how er run our org. If you look us up your'll see you are the only one, Not one person since 1993 has filed anything against AAPI. Again your feeble attempt to lie your wayout of this contract show what kind of person you truely are. So you are on the DO not adopt to list and will never be able to adopt another animal from any rescue that uses the dna list page. Contracts are made to be followed and not broken. regardless of whtever you think of me I personally donot care, our concernis the animals. Like I sadi as soon as my trailer is repaired I will be coming for sozo like it or not and you willbe flipping the bill! Liars never win and you Liar shall loose big time. FYI HVAIN are the ones wrong, this was my investigation, my operation, my animals NOT HAVAIN. they are NOT humane officers and have no right to said animals and the courts will correct their wrongs and teach them a valuable lesson. Serious what rescue steals a humane officers evidence. Only your freinds and that says it all right there. enjoy the fall out coming your way you earned it!

Liar u r


#33REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, January 25, 2015

Younever paid one cent for sozo you paid for hauling fee and an adoption application fee.



#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, January 25, 2015

keeo trying LIar!!! there is nothing wrong with sozo accept he is with you temporariiy. As soon as my trailer is fixed I will coming for him and thereis NOTHING you can do about it. You have been rejected!

sorry HVAIN STOLE the dogs from a humane society policeofficer and the courts will deal with this issue. see again you butt you nebby nose in where it has no business being. how many fb people have told you butt out of thir business??? The only LIAR and disgrumpled peorson is you. you poston here to make us look bad in an attempt to keep sozo, well it will not work, I guarentee it.  in fact, nothing you do will work. I proved to everyone that sent a fraudulent letter to that you are in fact a LIAR. ANd you will be facing charges for defaming a humane officer. You made false claims and I do not even cover the county you live in. Vengence never wins and thats all your after, vengence thru lying. You make me pee myself laughing with every lie that comes from you mouth. thannks for more evidence! FYI Happy Valley Animals In need are being sued by me for breech of agremeent and theaft of evidence. Now I spoke to their attorney and agreed to not post anything about hvain but chane the hole game with your lies so I tell theTRUTH and the courts will decide this NOT you ms D***!



#35REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, January 25, 2015

Once again Ms. d**k seems to think I live off of the donation from AAPi. Not one red cent goes into my pocket, I spend my own money on these animals because AAPI does not make enough money. Ms d**k is the one whom scams people on Gofundme begging for money to pay for her own privately owned animals vet bills. Ms. d**k has certainly gone to extreme lengths to try and destroy AAPI but this will not happen. We are LEGIT, we are 501(c)3 and we ARE supported by the public.

this again is another ploy of hers to gt out from giving back a horse that does not belong to her. So ms. d**k kindly come up with some truth for a change.Yes we where FB friends not true freinds on Fb only and your again ticked off cause your not fit to keep oneof our animals. We can and will not have any of our animals anywhere where they are not happy and clearly you are not happy with AAPI so kindly return him, as it is in your contract upon our request you are to return sozo asap at your expense.

 I personally am sick of people that think it is appropriate to attack people when things don't go their way. If you don't want to abide by an adoption agreement then don't adopt one! you adopt you do NOT OWN!

This humane officer is not under investigation by anyone other than reviewing the lies Ms d**k has sent to da's. I do my job and do it well and she is just once again looking for a way out of her contract.

Why would someone go to such legnth when they don't even live in the same county???? Has never been on a cruelty complaint with me, never been to my facility, has no idea what my org does? Ms d**k is hell bent on vengence because sheis asshurt. My thought to you Ms d**k, GET A LIFE and stop lying about mine! I think social security shall get aletter from me about you defrauding a disability in order to get a check. From what I have witness and will testify to you are clearly NOT disabled. Once again a LIAR! If you go onto Not so lucky StarZ page on facebook you can see comments made by Ms. d**k against many people, including a child that commited suicide due to her bullying. This is the latest I just heard about on fb. Now now says enough about ms. d**k doesn't it.

pants on fire


#36REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, January 25, 2015

Ms. d**k once again tyou out do yourself with your lies. You post adds on gofundme for people to pay YOUR vet bills for YOUR animals and it is YOU that continue to bash me on facebook. If anyone would like the screen shots I have plenty of them and willgladly supplythem. I sent the to all DA's and attorney general and to my lawyer. The horse traveled 2 hours in a trailer and if anyone knows horses some of them are nervous and sweat. it was early spring and the horse was just shedding his winter coat and that is what Ms.d**k calls rainrot. Ms. d**k has lied and lied and lied to get out of loosing this horse but all the lies in the world willnot stop us from taking back our rightful property. Fyi my revokation in 2 counties was for my safety as the police depts refuse to to accept me or anyone as a humane officer and would tell people my paperwork was as good as toilet paper. lovely coming coming from a cop. Had nothing to do with any bad behavior so d**k get over yourself. Your on social security and drink to much. You don't know the truth from a lie anymore. Please seek mental health, but out of my business, yes you are interferring with a humane officers investigations and this will not be tolerated. SHe continues to tell people all over facebook, kindly look for yourself, that I am not ahumane officer a low life and a joke. Well Ms. d**k attorneys from this reprot page have contacted me about your allegations and they will coming for you! Again your pissed because you can't shut your mouth and stop defaming AAPI and myself and you are loosing sozo.

Bottom line thisis what this is about, her sneaky dirty underhanded caniving tactics to keep a horse that she does not own. She even threaten me telling me a freind if hers is a sherif, whoopidiidoo then your freind will have to do his job and return sozo. Now shall I start spewing all your private issues? telling the world how you had your own daughter arrested and thrown out of your house? shall I keep going?? no, it does not concern me. hte only thing that concerns me is sozo and I guarentee he will be coming home as soon as my trailer is fixed and you will have to pay the hauling fee and it will be more than 150.00! Disgruntled pepoepl in my opinion are the absolute worst! they will lie cheat steal do whatever they want to get what they want but in the end they loose. As you Ms d**k/longberger/weaver will loose!

Report Attachments


I have helped many animals on my own.

#37Author of original report

Sat, January 24, 2015

I have helped many animals on my own thank you including horses, dogs and cats. None of which I had people living with me just so they could do the work for me. I have a horse here that I adopted through this rescue. The horse got here with rain rot on his head, very wet from being hauled in a trailer that leaked water and under weight. This horse had not been groomed in some time. 

 Penny Dewhoerel had posted dogs that she needed help with on FB. I contacted a rescue friend of mine to help and she did. The rescue friend took 25 dogs from a breeder/hoarder that Penny had asked for help with. If Penny's rescue was so wonderful, why did she need help with this to start with. After my friend spent her time and resources making two trips to pick the dogs up then finding them fosters and having them all vetted. Penny insisted that the dogs be returned to her and they belonged to her. Penny even went so far as to falsify documents stating the dogs were release to her rather then the rescue that had spent over $3800 on vetting for these animals. Penny is very dishonest and will stop at nothing to get her own way including lying and cheating people. There are people presently working getting doccumented proof of the legality of this rescue. Also a court case is in the works.

This woman is such an upstanding HPO and rescue that she has been revoked in 2 out of 5 counties that she was an HPO in.  Presently there are actions in the works to remove her from the other remaining counties. 

There are many people that can attest to how this woman acts on FB with her scamming for funds although her rescue is not a registered to solicit funds in PA. Instead of just posting names, how about if you post legal documents that prove the "current" officers of the rescue and "current" status of the 501C3. It is a right to know in PA and documents are being requested.

This rescue recently posted on FB that they had a pit bull that was not able to be controled by this "rescue" and they were going to euthanize the dog "because the dog knocked Penny on her a**" all the time. Not because the dog was mean, but just because the dog jumped on her. This rescue ties the dogs out on leads rather than putting them in kennels. They even state that they let the animals run free to enjoy the grass and stars including cats in their care. They are presently trying to raise $20,000 to build another rescue? Maybe it would be a good idea for the rescue "if it remains a rescue" is moved to another location so others could properly care for the animals. 

I provide food and water for my own 6 horses saved from slaughter and my 12 dogs saved from being euthanized. I do all this on my own dime.  

I only post this report in hope of saving other animals from the fate of being sent to a rescue that is not capable of providing apropriate care for them. I have many rescue friends that save hundreds of animals and have not been forced to feed their rescue animals from their plates, because they have adiquate support from rescue supporters. And they have jobs to support themselves rather than live off of the donations to the rescue.

Report Attachments


Disgruntled Liars

#38REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, January 24, 2015

I am Humane Society Police Officer and CEO of AAPI and Ms d**k is disgruntled due to the fact that AAPI rejected her adoption of one of our Horses named SOZO and she refuses to return him. Ms d**k signed and initialed our Adoption agreement contract and now she does not wish to abide by the rules. Ms. d**k has been bashing this Organization by telling lies stating I am not a legal humane officer, I had my county revoked due to bad behavior, the horse was brought to her emaciated and full of rainrot, AAPI is not a 501(c)3 organization.....umongst the many other filthy names you can think of she spews on facebook, simply because she has to return this horse. The board of directors decided that because Ms. d**k would not stop spreading lies about us and they felt it was best to reject her adoption  have the horse return and break all ties with ms. d**k. The horse was given to her as we have no adoption fees, she did pay for fuel as she had no way to get the horse so we so kindly delivered him to her which is 2 hours from Butler. Pa. She was charged $150.00 for fuel and is now trying to claim she paid cash for this horse. NOT! WE do not now nor have we ever sold any animals. Ms. d**k has sent slanderous letters to DA's, police dept. Attorney Generals office and anybody that she thinks will hurt this organization. We have provided all necessary proof of our legitamacy and are now filing a defemation of character suit against ms. d**k. All these letters she writes (like this one) and all her attacks in attempt to keep this horse is in more than viscious attacks and she continues on facebook to this day even though she was asked a zillion times to stop. She was so nice to include my name address and phone number I feel it necessary to do the same. Vickie d**k (((Redacted))), Becarria Pa. (((Redacted))) phone number (((Redacted))). I f you would like to see a copy of her signed and initialed contract kindly message me and I will be happy to send you a copy. Our organization is also listed under guide star and is 501(c)3 with 5 board members. Ms d**k seems to not know how to look this up. SHe has requested information on board member in order to attack these  individuals as she has attacked myself and thats just not going to happen. As far as Happy Valley Animals In need, so called rescue she is referrring to, they where asked to help FOSTER 25 labs from a breeder whom took excellent care of her dogs and was NOT a hoarder by No means. HVAIN was extremely upset that i would not press charges of animal cruelty against the owner, this was clearly NOT their decision to make as I am the human officer and they are not.

After they recieved the dogs and placed them into foster homes I was told to not contact them any further that I was not getting any animals back nor any information about them. which included the rights to 10 puppies that the owner had every right to sell when they where old enough, this was all agreed upon and HVAIN decided to play judge and jury and also tell people I was not a humane officer nor a legitamate organization. Ms d**k and Ms Johnson are freinds and planned this scheme to keep the dogs for the money The dogs where healthy, vacinated and licensed. They lied to people telling them these dogs where kept in filthy cages all of their lives, when in fact they dogs where only placed in cages when the owners husband died. The dogs where in exceptionally clean cages and taken outside every day for excerise. This lasted one year and the owner was overwhelmed after one year and asked for help. The dogs had manners and where excellent condition. Now Myself an the owner of the dogs are forced to Sue HAVAIn and Ms. Johnson for the cost of the puppies. These animals where signed over to me on the 15th and HVAIN became involved on the 19th. It's a sad day when a so called rescue steals a humane officer animals and lies to the world about it. I was completely fine with the dogs being adopted out by HVAIn but not the puppies.I personally will never involve another so called rescue to help in any way with such a large case. Now Ms. Johnson and Ms. d**k continue to harass, stalk, hound, lie and breech contracts. And somehow I am the bad guy? I don't think so. Ms. d**k you will be returning sozo and Ms. Johnson you will have to pay for those puppies. You will also have to answer for all the defaming letters and accusations you made against myself and AAPI.

AAPI President

Titusville ,
Consider reporting correct information

#39UPDATE Employee

Sat, January 24, 2015

Its very sad that people assume so much information! I have been with AAPI for 7 years, just because I asked that my name remain confidential when it comes to handling cases, concerns and individual reports does not mean that I do not exist. I just do not have time for the drama. AAPI does in fact have 5 boards members consisting of AAPI President : Myself, AAPI vice president Ms BillieJo , Secretary Trisha Anderson and Treasurer Elisha Millard and CEO Penny. Please do not sit here and bash what we do, we take care of more animals in one day than you can possible imagine !

We do not ask for adoption fees because even charging an adoption fee does not cover spaying or neutering an animal , it is easier to require the adopter to maintain proper care of any animal that they may choose to adopt including proper pregnancy measure techniques. In the contract it states that any individual adopting an animal must provide vet information and spay or neuter which ever animal they are adopting immediatly. I am sorry if you feel the need to sit there and bash our way of caring for an animal, and you do this because you take every penny out of your pocket to provide food and water for every animal that comes in and out of our shelter right?

You bust your butt everyday providing for over 20 animals each and everyday by yourself right ? Penny does! I have been to the farm several times where exhausted Penny wouldn't even ask for my help rather than that I had to ask her to sit down for a minute and let us do something! She cares for all these animals by herself everyday, if we don't do enough fundraising to provide food and water for these animals than she takes every penny out of her pocket.. She wore the same winter coat holes and all for 8 years because the animals were more important ! So please tell me , how many animals do you help in one day? What do you do to show that you care all by yourself ?

Building a shelter up here by me gives me the opportunity to help her, to support her , to show her that someone else cares, so why not instead of sitting there bashing her because you feel that she did wrong, but you provide inaccurate information because you are upset! Please the next time you decide you want to sit here and belittle someone who would take the shirt off their backs for a complete stranger, care for an animal without and question feed them the last drop on her plate because they are hungry, why don't you provide food and water to help these animals instead belittling people because you had a disagreement! This is called slander and its illegal... Thank you and God bless ! Sincerely Carina 

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