  • Report:  #280206

Complaint Review: Aaron's Rental - Lufkin Texas

Reported By:
- Wells, Texas,

Aaron's Rental
2950 S John Redditt Dr Lufkin, 75901 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have purchased several items from Arron's and for the record the ONLY good thing (it has it's bad side too) I can say about them is they actually reported our paid off accts as good credit marks. They only listed the good credit in my wifes name even though I was listed as a co-applicant on all contracts.

I have had dealings with them in store, on the phone and at my front door that were to say the least pretty heated.

I have no problem paying more for items I want but if I am paying and sometimes paying late charges and especially if I have a long history of buying from you, DON'T keep harassing me! Funny how the computer we bought crashed beyond repair shortly after payoff.

I am hoping our latest purchase of a big screen tv is not the same way.

I've been late a few times and every single time I get some jerk screeching about my payment and threatening to come pick up the stuff. One particular time was when this lil fellow showed up and i informed him i would be in within 3 days and make a payment, he told me he would need to go ahead and get the stuff unless I paid him right then.I started to get rather impatient after having to re explain to this idiot several time that he was NOT entering my home nor was he getting payment at that moment and I would be in the store in 3 days to pay them.

This dummy decides I need to talk with his manager on his cell to resolve this matter. I told him it was time for him to leave and if I wanted to talk to his boss I would call him from my phone.I shut the door and he just stood there on his cell for 5 more mins then knocked again. I was very irate by this time and stepped out to issue my final warning to this punk that he was to remove himself from my property immediately or I would remove him. This doofus had the nerve to set his clipboard down of my porch rail and step up in my face and ask if I was threatening him. OH YEAH BABY!!! I was indeed making a threat and as he soon found out I was DEAD serious!

This is the part where I lost it, blew up, snapped, or whatever you want to call it. I went back in and called his boss and informed him that if he did not tell this idiot to leave right now, I would stomp his narrow butt all over my yard and if he wanted to retain this guy as an employee he had better hang up and call the law to come save him because they would be the only ones that would stop me. He was on lil mans cell before I could get to the door and sparky was driving away within secs.

I spoke to the manager again and warned him to never send this guy or anyone else this rude to my home again and they have not. No need in threatening to come into someones home and take rental property and being rude about it when I have always paid them!

Short of getting a court order via a lawsuit they cannot enter the home to retrieve merchandise without my express permission and that would cost them way more then they would be willing to spend anyway.

They added a late charge naturally to this, but no at home visit charge which I have only been charged once and that was for a payment that they had never visited.

Do what you want and sometimes people are forced due to credit or other situations to buy from Aaron's and places like them, but be forewarned, they can be bullies and very rude and dishonest.


Wells, Texas


6 Updates & Rebuttals


"Kid" Skippy

#2Author of original report

Fri, July 09, 2010

LMAO I am more then sure I have a higher I.Q. then you and I have always held a good job. I never rented anything I could not have bought outright, I simply wanted to try things out before buying them. My record with them clearly shows out of quite a few purchases I have always paid it off within the same as cash period. I've never rented any item for the full term, that is just stupid considering the final cost. Some items I returned within the first week even though I had paid for the entire month upfront.
I am pretty sure you have not experienced every situation while employed there so you cannot state facts if you do not know and cannot state how every employee has ever handle things.
Know firsthand the facts about an issue before just jumping in and acting like you know all the details. It only makes you look ignorant.
Other then this one incident with this one employee I have never had any real issues with them that upset me. He was out of line but Oh yeah I forgot, you are all knowing when it comes to how each employee behaves themselves.
I'm willing to bet you are just some young kid hired by them and made to feel like you would make a big difference.
Good luck to you kid, you have a lot to learn.You might want to keep your eyes open so you'll start seeing everything that happens around you instead of just thinking something could not or would not be possible.

Kid Skippy

Skiptard? You're a bright one.

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 09, 2010

Actually, I have not been fired.  I left the company in the past month.  But I am all too familiar with customers like you.  I can tell by your namecalling (Skiptard?) that you are of below average intelligence as you don't have the temperment to deal with someone who merely disagrees with you.  I simply stated facts and was not derogatory by any means.  But you chose to act with anger and disrespect.  This type of behavior is why you have to rent to own tvs.  Get a grip and maybe you could hold down a decent job and pay cash for things.



#4Author of original report

Wed, July 07, 2010

It happened as I stated Skiptard whether you've personally seen this happen or not. The little mexican dude was at my door and had a bad attitude from the get go.
I freely admit I was not always on time and they knew my pay schedule from the first day of my renting anything from them. I did however always pay when I said I would but every time they called or came by I was told it was company policy and not to worry about it, they HAD to call or come by.  This was told to me by several different managers over years of doing business with them.
My may complaint was the attitude the jackass they sent to my house had and stepping up on me like he wanted to fight. Very unprofessional and I promise it won't happen again without that person having the crap kicked out of them.
If he had been polite and professional, I would have gladly handed the property to him and even helped load it. Attitude is everything and his almost cost him some personal damage.

I would love to rent something and have you, Mr. ex employee skippydoodah be rehired and be the one to show up. I bet you would not leave with the property or a smile on your face! Even if you had the law with you there would not be a single item leaving this house.

You were probably fired anyway so I will disregard your ignorant posting...

Kid Skippy


#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, July 07, 2010

I highly doubt they were at your home if you were a day late.  Also, a phone call letting them know your situation generally keeps them from showing up at your door. Also, I am sure , as you stated, that you have "always paid them", but most likely in an untimely manner.   And finally, your admission of threats is just plain stupid.  The merchandise belongs to Aaron's...not you.  You signed a self-terminating contract (read it).  Technically, the merchandise CAN be returned to the store if you are so much as a day late, but the store will gladly accept a commitment to pay within a week's time if you stay in contact.



Dear, Dameloth Nacogdoches

#6Author of original report

Fri, April 09, 2010

If you do not get your paycheck until after your payment due date (by a day or 2) then how might you suggest it being paid on time? Offering the advice to pay your bills on time is as stupid as anything I've heard considering you have no clue of someones situation. Maybe someone needs a computer for their child's school work, and if the payment is due on Wednesday but you don't get paid till Friday how is it going to be paid on time?? Just because someone may get paid every Friday does not mean that Fridays will always land on your due date. The store can change your due date but not every time a payment is due.
Maybe if you read what was said you might understand the words better. The point had nothing to do with someone paying their bills on time or complaining about a late fee, it was about the RUDE behavior of the employees. Step to my door and make a threat to me in person and see how far that gets you knocked across the yard or in some cases shot! I pay all my bills but sometimes the due date does not correspond with my pay check. I still pay for everything I get but if I am a day late I would not suggest showing up and telling me your gonna come into my home and take my s**t
Maybe you should take a reading comprehension course so you will better understand what the main subject is rather then assume someone is trying to get out of paying their bills.


Your situation

#7Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 09, 2010

To be frank. You can avoid all this if you just pay your bill on time, call to say you will be late, pay when you say you will be late at that point, and if you cant/wont pay, give them their stuff back.

Pretty simple hu?

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