My claim was rejected after they determind that the condition fell under the pre-existing medical condition, for my sons ear infection. My son first visit with he doctor was on June 26 for possible ear infection, and was treated with some ear drops, no reason for it not to be cleared up in one week.
We was planning to travel July 10 2019. We return to the doctor on July 3, and my son was cleared to resume all activity. On July 7th my son ear began to upset him and we return to the doctor on July 9th, and for precaution the doctor suggested that we not fly or swim as the infection had return.
But each time Allianz ask for notes statements, letters etc. and each time we provided what was ask for, we was given a new task. At every turn the reasons was changing. I contacted the California Department of Insurance for help and was told by the Department that Allianz would take closer look and get it right. Not happen. I was rejected again.