Elgin,#2Consumer Suggestion
Wed, December 28, 2005
Before you went to work there, you should have looked that company up in the Rip -Off Report! They have already been reported many, many times. It's the same old story no matter where they are located. As long as there are more desparate people than there are jobs -- and the people are so desparate they will put on the polyester uniform to feed themselves and their families -- only to find out they have made one hell of a bad career move -- then so-called "Security" companies will never run out of cannon fodder and realize that they will have to change how they do business (e.g. , NOT RIP OFF THEIR EMPLOYEES and treat them in an honest, professional manner instead of so many peons, fieldhands and worthless, easily replacable and disposable chattel). Until the people who use private security contracting companies wake up and realize that the companies are ripping them off and they aren't getting what they were promised and, furthermore, they are perpetuating a subculture of indigent, mistreated people.. then these private security contractors will just keep on RIPPING their employees OFF! Bottom Line: Read the Ripoff Report before you even think of hiring a security company to put a uniformed person on your property or have a patrol service come by and check it out for you. Read the Ripoff Report if you are looking for a Private Security Contracting company to go to work for because most of what I have seen here are legitimate complaints. This is the stuff that ACTUALLY happens and if you don't read this first and you go to work for one of the companies complained about here; TOO BAD FOR YOU!