  • Report:  #1260936

Complaint Review: Allstate Insurance - Moncton - Moncton New Brunswick

Reported By:
K-T - New Brunswick, Canada

Allstate Insurance - Moncton
1278 Mountain Rd Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada
506 802 7855
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

To all those innocent insurance seekers:


We have all seen the Allstate commercials and it makes them appear like an honest, hard working company that we should all belong to. 

I fell for it and I am sure many of you fell for it as well. However, their sweet and innocent TV appearance is not as it appears. 

I encourage any of you who have policies with Allstate to switch now before they come after you too. 



In June 2014, I called Allstate Insurance (Moncton) to get quotes on my properties and cars. I own several properties all with different needs and I also own a couple of vehicles. 

As I gave the agent all the required information over the phone for the houses, I made the following items very clear:

"I do not need sewer back up on my two city houses, but I do need sewer back up on my country house". I repeated this several times and even confirmed it via email with my spouse that I had made sure to ask for this specific set up. 

I then gave the agent the information for our cars. We own a truck and an SUV. The agent says to me:

"Okay, so you have a truck and an SUV. Obviously the truck is your husband's vehicle."

"No, the truck is not my husband's vehicle"

"Well mame, I am sure you don't drive the truck"

"What is that suppose to mean? I do drive the truck, more often than my husband"

"Okay, but I find that hard to believe"

Perhaps, after that conversation I should have just hung up the phone and walked away but they gave us such a good price on insurance, that I decided to overlook the hugely sexist and derogatory comment that was made by the agent about our vehicles. 

After this initial phone call, my husband finalized everything by sending in our banking information for payment and signing off on the policies. 

The evening he came home after signing the policies, I asked him where the policy booklets were. He said he never got any.

I immediately emailed our agent and asked him for the policy booklets as I wanted to review them to ensure we were adequately covered. 

The agent never returned my emails and even ignored by phone calls. 

Eventually my husband called and asked and the response was:

"I deal with the man of the house for requests".

Despite this offensive comment, we still did not receive our policy booklets. 

Life went on and I forgot about our request for the booklets and I will take responsibility for forgetting to ensure I had them. 



When our first payment came out in July 2014, we paid cash as it was a new premium and we had to put a lump sum down. 

In August 2014, we had set up for the payments to come out of our bank account. When we went to check on August 11, 2014, no payment had come out. 

My husband immediately called and the response he received was:

"Oh yah, I forgot to set that up" 

So what would have happened if we had not of called? The agent's reply was:

"Your policies would have been cancelled for non payment"

That is just wonderful customer service. 



In September 2014, one of our apartments in the city caught fire. 

The Fire Marshal completed a report and filed that no one was at fault (tenants or ourselves) and the file was closed. 

Allstate completed the claim and did all the repair work. 

It was quick, fast and there were no issues.

We were very impressed with how their adjuster handled things. 




In December 2014, our country house had a flood in the basement. Hence, the reason I asked for sewer back up on our country house. 

We called Allstate and we promptly advised, we were not covered for flood damage and it was our loss. 

You can imagine the argument that began between my spouse and the agent because we have specifically requested flood damage. 

The response my husband received was:

"If you don't like it, call the ombudsman"

I was not very happy, so I called the supervisor to our agent to speak with him. The response I received when he answered the phone was:

"Look sweetie, you screwed up, you don't have insurance. If you don't like, call the ombudsman honey because I don't care"

Again, more demeaning conversation from a male representative in that office and complete and total unprofessionalism and class when dealing with a client. 

I did call the ombudsman, only to be told to call Allstate Head Office. 

So I called Allstate Head Office and they said they would talk to the agents about their behavior but unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done about the insurance because they have no notes of our initial request. 

We left it at that because my husband was worried that if you continued to push the problem, they would cancel our insurance. 



In July 2015, our policies were set to renew and we knew we would be facing an increase because of our apartment fire. 

My husband was vigilent in calling the Allstate office and ensuring that the renewal process was happening and that we had the appropriate funds in our account to cover the increase.

We received our car insurance, the premiums had gone up even though we had no claims. 

We received two of our house policies and the premiums had sky rocketed, even though we had no claims. 

We never received our policy for the house that had the fire. We called and called and they repeatedly told us not to worry, it was at the underwriters and we would receive our new policy soon. 

Finally, in August 2015, my husband received a phone call that they were cancelling our policy for the house fire and we had 30 days to find a new insurance company. 

My husband asked why and they said because the tenants had no insurance and we had a checked a box saying they did. Well my husband was very confused because these tenants moved in two months after we had started with Allstate and he never sent any information in regarding these tenants or our other four sets of tenants. 

Further to this, the Fire Marshal wrote on the report that no one was at fault for the fire and our adjuster also wrote the same thing in her report. 

Allstate's response was:

"Well we feel it was the tenants' fault and since they didn't have insurance, we can't recoup our losses".

Regardless of the fact that tenants' insurance only covers belongings and not the building, Allstate maintained it was their fault and that the tenants should be paying the bill. 

To say we were upset was an understatement. To cancel our policy with no warning and a non factual reason for cancelation was unprofessional and frustrating. 

On top of them canceling our policy, every time we tried to contact a new insurance company, they wouldn't come near us because we had a cancelation listed on our file. 

It took us weeks to find a company willing to insure us. Once we found a company, we switched all our insurance to this company and canceled all of our policies with Allstate. 



When I canceled our policies with Allstate on September 22, 2015, the individual I spoke with said I had to email the cancelation request. 

I immediately emailed her the request on September 22, 2015 and canceled all our policies. 

On October 9, 2015, two days before our payment was due to Allstate, my husband called them to make sure they had actually canceled the policy.

Allstate's response:

"We never got a cancelation request, your payment is going to come out on the 11th"

We forwarded the cancelation email I sent to this individual and the response was:

"Well, that is weird, the request was never processed. You must have used the wrong email address"

Okay, so that was typical Allstate response, so now that you the email dated for September 22, 2015, cancel our insurance and stop the payment.

"Well, I can't do that, your payment is going to come out of the 11th regardless and even if I process the request now, it takes four weeks so your November payment is going to come out as well. Perhaps you should wait to cancel and rethink if it is a good idea." 

Excuse me? You are going to take two months worth of payments when I cancelled the policies in September? You are asking me to rethink my decision to cancel?

This was such a typical Allstate response, that my husband and I were not even surprised. 

We told them to cancel the policies and we went to our bank and put a stop payment on the account. We also demanded a refund of payments made for September 22, 2015 up to October 11, 2015. This will take four weeks to process on their part, while they continue to try and take two more months of payments out of our account. 

This is fradulent and blackmail in its finest form. 



Allstate should be ashamed of themselves and they individuals working in their Moncton office should be removed from their positions. 

They are sexiest, derogatory pigs (for lack of a better word), who are in the business of stealing individual's money and making up rules and reasons for it as they go. 

Shame on you Allstate and you have lost yourself a huge policy from us and several policies from other people that we have spoken to and told them to switch companies. 

It is not okay for a large company like yourself, to attack your consumers. 

This is a warning for everyone, stay away from Allstate. 



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