  • Report:  #193140

Complaint Review: Ameriquest - AMC Mortgage - Orange California

Reported By:
- Apple Valley, California,

Ameriquest - AMC Mortgage
505 City Park West Orange, 92868 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Back in April 2006 my husband and I received a letter from AMC Mortgage stating that our personal information was leaked to 3rd party brokers. Information containing possible social security numbers, address, first and last name and phone number. Although we received the letter to warn us and they paid for the 1 year subscription to equifax to monitor our credit they are still wanting to charge me a pre-payment penalty of $6000.00 because I signed a contract.

The way I see it is although we signed a contract we lived up to their terms and conditions AMC breached that contract by allowing an employee to give out our personal information.( isn't there a privacy act) The Office of the President (Do not waste your time in calling them)the highest you can go with a complaint (bullshit) told me today they will NOT waive that $6000.00 fee.

AMC does not care about the customers they have (obviously with all their lawsuites)they only care about the money. AMC violated our trust in them (what was left of it this isn't the only problem we've had) and they have the audacity to charge me and say it's because I signed a contract which THEY breached!

Please I beg anyone who is reading this NOT to go through AMC Ameriquest and pass it on to your family and friends. Their practices are illegal (the lawsuites prove that) and they deceave people( charged over $13,000.00 in my closing costs) and they do not monitor their own employees so your personal information can be leaked at anytime to anyone. If there is anyone out their in California because I am not the only one this letter went out to please respond to this. I have contacted an attroney but I'm still looking for one who will actually fight for me the little person. Please any attorney reading this I am not the only one.


Apple Valley, California

53 Updates & Rebuttals


Patrick ... Hopefully help is on the way for you

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, June 07, 2006

Your comments were the most ignorant I've seen yet. You are simply amazing. I say simply because simple is what you have come across as being. Yes, Patty, you DID know what you were getting into when accepting employment at this wretched company. Now, read again, what you wrote about the customers knowing what THEY were getting into. I had never heard of this company before I started getting s**t in the mail, constantly, and seeing their DO THE RIGHT THING bs commercials on TV. Oh wait, do I have to tell you there is NOWHERE on their website, commercials OR mailings that they are a sub prime lending company? So think BEFORE making comments on here or are you even capable of any kind of intelligent thinking? I seriously doubt it. You threw jabs by even commenting where you should not have been. Is there not a site for the poor, moaning, groaning ex-employees to comment about how rough their life is now that they have NO job? Like we really care. We have as much care as you did about the customers you screwed everyday. Sorry, but if you worked at Ameriquest, guess you DO fall into the scum category. And, hmmm, this is from a person now living in the South. Tell you what ... YOU get YOUR home refinanced at Ameriscum and then see if YOU will be quoting from the bible as well. Anyone and everyone has the total RIGHT to quote from the bible if they so choose. And I certainly want NO sympathy from YOU or anyone else who ever worked/works there. I pity you because you are so arrogant and self righteous. You are just wallowing in your own misfortune for ever being an employee at Ameritheft. I would be wallowing also if that were the case. But, I would never do so since I have ALWAYS BEEN EMPLOYED AT A REPUTABLE COMPANY who does not steal from AND lie to innocent hard working people. As for MY closing ... I ALWAYS do unto others as I would have them do unto me. Where do you get off even quoting that? You certainly did NOT practice this when working for Ameriquest. Yes, the customers have hatred for ALL Ameriquest employees/ex-employees/whatever because THERE IS NO OTHER WAY FOR US TO FEEL AFTER BEING SCREWED BY INDIVIDUALS SUCH AS YOURSELF! You are a sick person and desperately need help. Go cry somewhere else.


Palm Bay,
last laugh

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, June 07, 2006

Hey bud. yeah , news for you: I am a mortgage broker. I own my own mortgage company. I LOATHE ameriquest, and for that reason only -NEVER ONCE TOOK A CLIENT TO ARGENT. further to this you sorry azz exuse for a human being....... I WOULDNT EVER GET A LOAN WITH AMERIQUEST nor have i ever had one. Pretty tough to 'sign something' when i never applied for a loan in the first place. Or work there you total LOSER. Im here to mock you pieces of garbage now that you are burning in flames, JERKED OVER BY THE VERY EMPLOYERS WHO TRAINED YOU HOW TO JERK HOMEONWERS OVER. Not all is lost however. Now we get to ACTUALLY help all the Ameriquest victims get a REAL LOAN and get on with their lives. Thanks for all the business bud. looks good on ya. Good luck getting a job with 'ameriquest' on your resume.



#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, June 06, 2006

Tom- Not once have I asked for anyone's sympathy on this site because, yes, I made a mistake by working there...and if you would have read previous postings, you may not sound like such an idiot, key word being MAY! As far as that "You signed it!" remark...and this is to Tom only: In reference to the loan you signed and are now complaining about: You signed it! You signed it! You signed it!


Palm Bay,
my mistake

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, June 06, 2006

ken I have seen your posts on here before. I know who you are. I can read. Sorry i got the name wrong. I put 'ken' instead of 'patrick' . Other than that, get a grip on yourself old boy. It was just a mistake. Anyways, Its actually patrick and the other fellow Craig from ameriquest who are now draping themselves in the victim flag after they screwed thousands over. How do i know? I know from the AMERIQUEST EMPLOYEE MODEL. NOBODY WORKS THERE WHO ISNT TRAINED, INSTRUCTED, AND GOADED INTO SCREWING PEOPLE OVER. If you dont comply -you would have been fired. So save the BULL. getting screwed by your own employers? Cant sue em now cause of the STUPID 'non compete clause' that doesnt exist? YOU SIGNED IT............................... YOU SIGNED IT ................. how does it feel? huh?


Palm Bay,

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, June 05, 2006

hi ken i know you are a consumer advocate in this regard. I see your posts all the time and enjoy them. I am sorry my brain damage has taken over. However, this does not retract from my PURE JOY at whoever the ameriquest employee was on this thread GOT SUCKERED BY THEIR EMPLOYERS...... you signed it............. you signed it.......................LOL im lovin it....


Palm Bay,

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, June 05, 2006

hi ken i know you are a consumer advocate in this regard. I see your posts all the time and enjoy them. I am sorry my brain damage has taken over. However, this does not retract from my PURE JOY at whoever the ameriquest employee was on this thread GOT SUCKERED BY THEIR EMPLOYERS...... you signed it............. you signed it.......................LOL im lovin it....


Palm Bay,

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, June 05, 2006

hi ken i know you are a consumer advocate in this regard. I see your posts all the time and enjoy them. I am sorry my brain damage has taken over. However, this does not retract from my PURE JOY at whoever the ameriquest employee was on this thread GOT SUCKERED BY THEIR EMPLOYERS...... you signed it............. you signed it.......................LOL im lovin it....



#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, June 05, 2006

Ken- he was trying to address me and sounded like an idiot doing so. As far knowing what I was getting into before I started a new line of work? Listen to how ignorant that statement sounds! Could not the same be said for knowing about Ameriquest's practices before signing the loan? Come on! I'm guilty of not knowing what I got into as an employee but customers aren't?! Those statements make absolutely no sense. And why did I stick around for nine months? Well, its not always a quick process job searching while working from 9-8 Monday thru Friday. And not only were you incorrect in referencing Ken and not myself as an ex employee, but you were also incorrect about Ameriquest getting shut down. Should they be, yes...but they haven't been yet, just consolidated. I did not throw jabs until everyone else started. And furthermore, you put me in the same class as all Ameriquest employees and the guy who decided to make an ignorant comment about southerners...and I made one simple remark in the beginning with nothing derogatory intended. As far as why I am not comfortable with bible quotes, because the hatred expressed to everyone who has ever worked for Ameriquest should not allow someone that liberty. You want me to calm down, give you sympathy, let you wallow in your misfortune? Fine...It will not get anyone anywhere in life. One simple point in the beginning was my only intention...So, I'm sorry, good luck, whatever else you want me to say, but hate will get no one anywhere. And in closing: the Golden Rule is something that we all should live by, and most don't. "Do onto others as you would have them do onto you" ex and current employees consider that customers with hatred for ALL Ameriquest employees consider that.


Tom are you ok?

#10Consumer Suggestion

Mon, June 05, 2006

Hey gang look tom thinks i work @ ameriquest LMAO. Tom you should really read the post above or any post on this forum that has my name on them. I have never and will never work for ameriquest.I have been screwed over by ameriquest. So clean your glasses or put new contacts in and read again lol . But i do have one question why in the hell are you in here.And who asked for your opinion! Thanks rip off report for the great job you guys are doing!!!!!!!!!!


Palm Bay,

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, June 05, 2006

Now i have heard it all: To Ken who worked at Ameriquest: let me get this straight....... You go to work for ameriquest to 'do the right thing' -or was it to get away from frying burgers or sweeping a floor? NO loan officer with experiences goes to work for ameriquest. You must have been brand new. They insist on their newbies knowing nothing about the industry for brainwashing purposes. Secondly, the company gouges people for years and finally gets SHUT DOWN due to violent acts of fraud and abuse. Did you know, a MAJOR corporation such as Ameriquest doesnt get totally shut down for small reasons right. There has to be a spit in your eye-bald faced-cant get out of FRAUD and ABUSE for a company this powerful to get taken down. Do you get that yet? But according to you , yes yes... you were somehow one of the 'good guys' -whatever....... chances of that are slim considering their brainwashing, marketing, employee demands etc...you were probably the same shmuck as the rest, now trying to deny it. Save it. Heres the BEST PART: You sign a 'non compete' clause so that you cant leave ameriquest and find a new job. LOL. Im LAUGHING MY a*s OFF. I CANT BELIEVE THE JUSTICE. dude.....did you know.......A NON COMPETE CLAUSE HAS NEVER EVER ONCE STOOD UP IN COURT. THEY RULED LONG AGO AN EMPLOYER CANNOT FORCE AN ex EMPLOYEE TO STAY UNEMPLOYED SO HE CANT MAKE A LIVING. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO LEAVE YOUR JOB OR GET FIRED OR WHATEVER AND WORK WHERE EVER YOU WANT. 'signed non compete clause' -or not. THEY SUCKERED YOU. did you know............after you were canned, they 'let you off the non compete clause' (that is non enforceable and illegal) IF YOU PROMISE TO WAIVE ALL YOUR RIGHTS TO LAWSUIT AGAINST AMERIQUEST. YOU SIGNED AWAY YOUR RIGHT TO SUE FOR NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY TOTALLY SUCKERED YOU AGAIN!!!!!!! LOL.....LMAO .......WOO h*o...... DO YOU FEEL IT ? hey dude..........YOU SIGNED IT .....right? Aint that the same thing you told THOUSANDS of your broken hearted customers that you just SCREWED OVER???? sound familiar? FEEL GOOD????? IM LOVIN IT..........



#12Consumer Comment

Sun, June 04, 2006

I am in shock! I have read TWO postings from TWO different people in a row and it wasn't some raving lunatic from Ameriquest. Thank you so much to both you and Kay. I'm so happy you will be going to federal court. I don't see how Ameriquest can have any kind of defense. I mean, they screwed us and now must pay the price. I have been sending letters to Ameriquest at least three times a month just so they have to respond. I figured I would make at least one employee miserable who must take the time out from HER busy day of processing bogus loans to type a letter and send back, filled with lies of course. I have not received a response, however, of the last letter I sent. I caught them in a big lie and asked her to explain. There is no explanation so that is why I have received nothing. HA! Anyway, keep it up Ken. I know you will come out the winner! I enjoy reading your comments and look forward to the day you tell us you have decided to take early retirement, buy a yacht and Porsche that has been funded by Ameriquest!



#13Consumer Suggestion

Sun, June 04, 2006

I talked with my attorney on friday and he said we are going to federal court. If ameriquest new what was good for them they should of just settled with me right away but the longer they wait the more pist off ill be so if they want to play games that ok ill play not a problem. Every employee that comes in on these forums always say its our fault that we didnt read our docs and thats all they have as ammo. So ameriquest if thats all the defence you guys have your in bigger trouble than i thought. They should save all the attorneys fees that they will have to pay and just make it right with everyone that was screwed. I see another ENRON here and i will be sure to get a front row seat to see old roland arnell go down. I know they and roland reads these sites you guys really should come up with another game plan guys. But then again i hear the food is better in federal prison you will actually get to have steak so i guess it wont be that bad. Well i got to get im going to church, roland and the rest of the ameriquest employees should start doing. And make it right with god then all the families they put out on the streats and the ones that they are trying to put on the streets. Although im so pist @ameriquest i will still pray for them, greed is a terrible thing and its finally catching up to them! CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


I'm all for a celebration!

#14Consumer Comment

Sun, June 04, 2006

Thanks so much for your warm comments Kay. If companies continue to downsize, I may need you to hire me! Ha! This nightmare we are facing WILL end. It just seems to take so long. But, good things come to those who fight the devil, evil companies such as we are stuck with. I believe ALL loan officers within this company have the talent, if you can call it that, to lie without having another conscious thought about it. They made their money so why should they care of the devastation they have left the families to deal with. The good thing is ... a lot of them are now feeling the pain after getting booted out of their comfortable, money making jobs. I hate that I felt really good when hearing of the many people who lost their jobs but I have Ameriquest to thank for that. My entire atitude has changed since becoming a customer. They have ruined my trust of any person that may or may not be of help. I look at people differently and wonder if they would sell their very soul just to make a few bucks like the reps at Ameriquest. I love your idea of meeting and celebrating after we all win. And you know we will win. Ameriquest doesn't have a chance for what they've put so many people through. I definitely have a case I was told yesterday so I'm feeling pretty good. Let me know if there is a way for us to exchange information. I understand why this site won't post personal information but it makes it hard to contact others. Anyway, your attitude seems to be just fine and I wish the very best for you. Take care.


Kathleen, you are great!

#15Consumer Comment

Sun, June 04, 2006

I, like Kay, think you have some latent lawyer talents in you - no doubt about it. I would love to see you work in court. You would be awesome. Good luck to everyone filing against Ameriquest. May you all get back "DOUBLE what the devil has stolen". - to quote the Bible. Sorry if I offend you Patrick. Maybe you should find a good church family. I could suggest some if you like...


St. Louis,

#16Consumer Comment

Sat, June 03, 2006

Thanks Kathleen, you are great. Ithink you should be a lawyer, and I would hire you. I hope you never have to work 3 jobs to make your payments. Our payments went up to over 1300.00. Thanks for defending me about the Bible. I believe to GOD and I know he will see us all thru this. He does help give me strength, I can't sleep wondering and crying when this will end.When I had my depo my loan officer lied so bad, and I had to sit there quietly. I just wanted to be in a room alone with him for 5 minutes, but they wouldn't let me.I ofter wonder if he sleeps at night, knowing what he did, And the thought of bein laughed at, I hope he's reading this, He knows who I am. I have one thing to tell him.I will win this.When a lier tells a lie, he can't remember how he lied, but when you tell the truth you know it from , back, front, middle, nothing changes. When all of us win, we need to meet and celebrate.WE WILL WIN GUYS. God Bless all of you



#17Consumer Comment

Sat, June 03, 2006

Patrick, what were you trying to say? * Thank you for stating that everyone with a job, except for of course you, is out to get screwed?* What does that mean? Clarify please if you are able to do so. I attack when it is necessary and you most certainly deserved it. Why am I on this site? Like Kay said, to vent and see what ignorant comments the employees/ex-employees make. AND to get even more ammo. And don't worry yourself on what I have. I have enough. Patrick, NO, I can honestly say I have NEVER worked for or with someone who ever screwed someone else UNLESS you are talking about office affairs. Well, maybe since that seems to go on in some office environments. But that is a far cry from fraud, don't ya think? So no, I am not guilty nor do I have trouble sleeping at night. THAT IS WHAT I AM SAYING. If you had read the comments of screwed customers a little bit better, you would have kept your comments of signing documents to yourself. Did you not understand or comprehend that DOCUMENTS ARE FORGED? And Patrick, just because you are not comfortable quoting from the bible, don't put Kay down. You were with Ameritheft NINE MONTHS, long enough to see the deception going on around you. Actually, you knew what was going on BEFORE you signed on. You are not being BASHED for your former associations, you are being put in your place for the uncalled for comments you have made. If you read Kay's comments and took the time to THINK about them, you would have seen that they were addressed to you AND Craig, the intelligent northerner who feels superior to all others. Yea right. If you do not wish to be harpooned, then don't make comments that antagonize the customers that have put up with Ameriquest's BS for years. Ken is right. Why do you guys feel the need to comment on the screwed customer postings? I mean, don't you think they/we/I have put up with enough from this scum company without having to hear the disrespectful BS coming from you? And we don't care at all about the ex-employees. Why should we? We see NO care in their eyes! Kay, Ken, David, Laura and all other customers of this horrible company ... I believe the comments made from ignorance just makes us stronger. Keep on fighting and keep in touch! Good luck to you all!


St. Louis,

#18Consumer Comment

Fri, June 02, 2006

Patrick I did not state that medical isues were more important that homes, I stated I was on medication. Also I'm sorry if the Bible verses offend you, and yes you are correct there are no verses that say we are to hate, we are suspose to love our enemies and pray for them. You also have to realize there are alot of people on this site that have been hurt beyond anything you could imagine. And people need to vent to try and heal from their torture, Not all x-employees are bad, and I never said they were. As a whole AMC showed a pattern of their practices, in every state all the complaints are the same. So something is very wrong here. People are in fear of losing their homes, Why? I myself made a mistake by assuming, legal doc's could not be changed and appraisals could not be inflated to where your stuck for life. Only the guilty know who they are, And if one isn't guilty, they don't have nothing to worry about. Have a nice day Kay


Hey patrica and craigy

#19Consumer Suggestion

Fri, June 02, 2006

You guys top all the other past and current employees of ameriquest. First craig you say that you are smarter than most because you live up north. Where do you get those facts please fill me in because i have gogled it and i found nothing.That just shows everyone in here just how STUPID you really are to make a comment like that. Now patrick man i wish i was able to help you seek some medical attention for that little rock inside your head you call a brain. You are both very very lost! But stick to your guns and keep posting, it just shows your mentality ( ones intellectual capacity) just in case you dont know what that word means. Ill be slow with both of you ok. Their has been so many past and current employees that come on this site and add their 2 cents about nothing. Everyone on here has a story of what has happened to them and all you guys keep saying is you should of read your docs. Is that the only defence you guys have? Please before you guys come on here and run your d**k suckers ( your mouths) please get your facts strait. And if you guys work their for so long and have seen so much why arent you talking, go to your news media and tell your story. Well i have a term paper to complete and i have a life, so craig and patrick do yourselves a favor get hobbies, go run in traffic, or better yet create your own web sites for people that have worked and still do work for ameriquest and give your oppinions on your site im sure you will have a great responce to your web site i mean really their are ALOT of ex-employees that would love to have a place to piss and moun. Because on here nobody really gives to shits they lost their jobs. Thanks rip off report for such a fine site for people that have been screwed over by ameriquest to vent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kay- Please don't

#20UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, June 02, 2006

Kay, Please do not start quoting bible verses. Why? First of all, I agree with the proverb, but I am upset because myself, and other former employees are being labeled because of a company we USED to work for and found out shortly after that we did not agree. I was only there for 9 mos...its not like I stuck around witnessing these things for years. Where in the bible is that quoted as acceptable to bash someone for their former associations? Where in the bible is it okay to express the same hate that is being thrown out towards me? Secondly, I never made a comment about southerners nor did I respond to it because I didn't appreciate it either... I'm from the north but have lived in the south, my wife is from the south, and my son was born there. Again, labeling me for something someone else did or said. Also, again being bashed for not sticking my neck out for you and you continue to bash me. And you are very wrong about medical issues not having as much effect as a home- especially when they get attached to the title of your home and very much so effect your credit. My intent was never to throw jabs or bash anyone... but, don't be upset at me for standing up for myself after just trying to make one simple remark at the beginning of this posting and getting harpooned for it.


Apple Valley,
Craig and Patrick

#21Author of original report

Fri, June 02, 2006

First of all you go Kathleen I agree with you totaly. As for Craig obviously you have nothing better to do with your pathetic life than to defend a company who maliciously steals money from innocent customers oh wait you did say you are a quick witted hustler from the north. No wonder you are labled as scum now and when you worked for AMC.Being a hustler to me means you would agree with AMC because you are just as s**+**y as them. As for the priest comment yes the vast majority (and to break down the definition for majority means MOST in numbers dominant group)of priests are child molesters. About the fraud with CEO's yes every company has one but AMC through a court of law remind you actually got caught. So don't compare other companies and priest to AMC. As for Patrick's comment about not going to the authorities because he didn't want to put his family through it what about our families that this sh** is effecting us the LONG process to correct a wrong. Our families are suffering as well and losing our houses doesnt compare to medical insurance. Losing a house ruins your credit and the chance of getting another house also the chance of renting not to mention having to live on the street or if you are lucky with family. My child should not have to live in trash because some company a long time ago decided to take advantage of people like me. For AMC employees even the ones who may have given good loans not to stand up for the customers only proves to me that EVERYONE at AMC has no morals or ethics. Me personaly would stand up for my morals and ethics even for other people who I knew was ripped off. We ALL need help and it's people like you who allow companies to rape customers. So heres a scenario since all of you are adding stupid sh** like priests, Wal-Mart and crap like that heres one for you. What about the women who are being kicked and punched in public by their spouse would you not stop to help? Or will you be the AMC employees that sits back and watch? Same thing different scenerio. My docs that I signed at my house were loan docs but you forget that AMC has a bad reputation of forging and including those docs into our files. I'm finding out now (copy and paste). I did get in touch with a lawyer and he is willing to look over my docs. You see Patrick you do have an advantage over us (stupid southerners) customers that being you can understand all the mumbo jumbo in the loan docs. I can read beleive it or not and reading that sh** is like reading my tax manuals. Now you see why we lable employees of AMC because of people like Craig lableing us stupid southerners these are the people Patrick you were working for and the same people who we call and get the same type of response from. So I do feel that I am not labeling I am stating Fact and then you defend them.


Kathleen- thanx you!

#22UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, June 02, 2006

Kathleen- Thank you for stating that everyone with a job, except for of course you, is out to get screwed. Your 2nd to the last paragraph stated that in more than enough words. I have not read this site before this posting and was just making a simple point to the first posting. You attacked me first, along with others. Question (rhetorical): If you have all the ammo that you need to go after Ameriquest, why are you on this site? If you have all of this ammo, than I'm sure that you have the "pre-payment addendum" with a falsified signature? Or the RESPA packet which reflects it? Kathleen, have you ever worked for or with someone who ever screwed someone else? If so, does that make you just as guilty? That is what you are saying. Here is my recommendation to most of you on this site: The next time you have something come up where you need to receive financing, REQUIRE a copy of the Good Faith Estimate from the lender. Bring it to an attorney or even better yet your personal bank. If they feel it is a good deal, and the number match at the closing table sign away. If the numbers don't match, don't sign. If your banker tells you not to do it, ask them what they are going to do to help you.


St. Louis,
I agree with Laura and Kathleen

#23Consumer Comment

Fri, June 02, 2006

I think your comments Patrick and Craig are a little harsh towards Laura and Kathleen, you minus well add my name to the list, because I agree with them. I don't think all the employees committed fraud, but I do know for a fact the ones that handled my loan did. And apparently 1000's of others. A Co. does not close over 200 branches for bein nice. When a Co. closes that fast with no warning, not even to their employees, There NO GOOD PERIOD.AMC has ruined my life, they destroyed my health, YEA you guys say well it's our fault for not reading the paperwork . Was it our faults they inflated appraisals so high, Your stuck with them for life. Fact they prey on people, and hook them while their down and out, and set them up to foreclose on them. Why did they put lies on legal doc's, why do they change things after you close on the loan, Is this right? I have refi'e with 2 other co's in the past 10 yrs and I will tell you it was nothing like AMC. If there was 1 penny off they made you re-sign. And another thing, there has been alot of x-employees stating they were trained to cheat and lie, Now is that right? Fact they trained people to cheat and lie to make them selves rich. Like I said before. THE BIBLE SAYS IN PROVERBS 13:11 (american standard Bible) """" wealth obtained by fraud dwindles""""" I REST MY CASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Patrick and (ugh) Craig ...

#24Consumer Comment

Thu, June 01, 2006

You guys keep on saying we put all employees/ex-employees in one group which we call scum. Well, why don't you put yourselves in our position and see how you would feel. We have talked to no one decent and with any common sense at this company. We have been screwed royally. It's a daily battle for me. I just get settled down and here comes another lovely letter from Ameriquest. If it's not a response to a letter I've sent requesting answers with the same old bs it's a letter stating that my interest rate will go up again. It's a d**n nightmare. Maybe if one of you guys had answered the phone, I might feel different but it's hard for me to believe that you treated customers fairly and with respect when I have seen nothing of this from anyone at Ameriquest. I've been a customer, unfortunately, since January 2004 and have not seen one bit of decency from any employee. So, yes, it's not hard to put them all in the category of scum. Nothing is easy when it comes to dealing with a problem with the company you are employed by. Nothing is easy being a customer either. But, all in life is not easy or fair. You can rest easy because I would not want anyone who works at Ameriquest, or who has worked there, to defend me. I have all the proof of fraud and deceit I need. And if I didn't, well, I would just have to work with what I have. I could not and would not trust anything that an ex-employee may say they were helping me with. I trusted the reps at closing. Reps that looked me right in the eye and lied like hell. Oh, and the very same reps who cannot be located now. Hmmm. They were either fired or probably moved up the ladder since they were such good liars. I would love to meet with Ms. Tolbert again. So, Patrick, I would NEVER ask you to put your family through anything for me. I mean, just because people at Ameriquest didn't give a rats a*s what they were putting MY family through doesn't mean I would do the same to others. I honestly DO have morals and ethics. It's funny how I saw nothing at all about a pre-payment penalty, or privilege as the paperwork I now see states. Privilege my a*s. Somehow, someway, a document has appeared with this penalty. It sure isn't in the original contract I signed. Rex stated borrowers he met with were asked what their 3-5 year plans were for their homes. Wish the reps had asked me that. The only thing I heard was, if I were you, I would refinance with another company, for lower rates, in ONE year. Then the bastards stuck me with this so-called pre-payment penalty which I knew absolutely NOTHING about. Whatever I agree with Laura about the uncalled for comment of white hoods and burning crosses. That was just about the most ignorant comment I've heard yet. Nothing surprises me anymore though. And nothing really gets to me either except the continually rising interest rates and ignorance of employees. As far as signing an employment letter with Ameriquest is concerned, from what I've researched and read from ex-employees, they knew BEFORE becoming an employee what this company was all about. And lastly, dear ole' Craig. You are just about the worst scum I've come across yet. You have commented on people's situations many times on here that you know nothing at all about. Hey, you've commented on mine! Do I care? NO. You love to compare stupid crap to Ameriquest ethics. Like the priest thing. How ignorant can you get or actually, how low can you go? Do I think every CEO commits fraud? Probably. Do I think every President screws around? Probably. Do I think every physician doles out unneeded medication because they get a little side money from doing so? Probably. And for your information, I am from the North so does that mean I am as quick witted as you? You stated you may need to spell it out for dumb, slow southerners? That's a laugh. I lived in the North, dumbass, and the people here in the South are much quicker and smarter than a Northerner could ever hope to be. I will stop generalizing and complaining, as you say, when you stop antagonizing every decent person who tells of the living hell they are going through since becoming an Ameriquest customer. You are pathetic.


Patrick and (ugh) Craig ...

#25Consumer Comment

Thu, June 01, 2006

You guys keep on saying we put all employees/ex-employees in one group which we call scum. Well, why don't you put yourselves in our position and see how you would feel. We have talked to no one decent and with any common sense at this company. We have been screwed royally. It's a daily battle for me. I just get settled down and here comes another lovely letter from Ameriquest. If it's not a response to a letter I've sent requesting answers with the same old bs it's a letter stating that my interest rate will go up again. It's a d**n nightmare. Maybe if one of you guys had answered the phone, I might feel different but it's hard for me to believe that you treated customers fairly and with respect when I have seen nothing of this from anyone at Ameriquest. I've been a customer, unfortunately, since January 2004 and have not seen one bit of decency from any employee. So, yes, it's not hard to put them all in the category of scum. Nothing is easy when it comes to dealing with a problem with the company you are employed by. Nothing is easy being a customer either. But, all in life is not easy or fair. You can rest easy because I would not want anyone who works at Ameriquest, or who has worked there, to defend me. I have all the proof of fraud and deceit I need. And if I didn't, well, I would just have to work with what I have. I could not and would not trust anything that an ex-employee may say they were helping me with. I trusted the reps at closing. Reps that looked me right in the eye and lied like hell. Oh, and the very same reps who cannot be located now. Hmmm. They were either fired or probably moved up the ladder since they were such good liars. I would love to meet with Ms. Tolbert again. So, Patrick, I would NEVER ask you to put your family through anything for me. I mean, just because people at Ameriquest didn't give a rats a*s what they were putting MY family through doesn't mean I would do the same to others. I honestly DO have morals and ethics. It's funny how I saw nothing at all about a pre-payment penalty, or privilege as the paperwork I now see states. Privilege my a*s. Somehow, someway, a document has appeared with this penalty. It sure isn't in the original contract I signed. Rex stated borrowers he met with were asked what their 3-5 year plans were for their homes. Wish the reps had asked me that. The only thing I heard was, if I were you, I would refinance with another company, for lower rates, in ONE year. Then the bastards stuck me with this so-called pre-payment penalty which I knew absolutely NOTHING about. Whatever I agree with Laura about the uncalled for comment of white hoods and burning crosses. That was just about the most ignorant comment I've heard yet. Nothing surprises me anymore though. And nothing really gets to me either except the continually rising interest rates and ignorance of employees. As far as signing an employment letter with Ameriquest is concerned, from what I've researched and read from ex-employees, they knew BEFORE becoming an employee what this company was all about. And lastly, dear ole' Craig. You are just about the worst scum I've come across yet. You have commented on people's situations many times on here that you know nothing at all about. Hey, you've commented on mine! Do I care? NO. You love to compare stupid crap to Ameriquest ethics. Like the priest thing. How ignorant can you get or actually, how low can you go? Do I think every CEO commits fraud? Probably. Do I think every President screws around? Probably. Do I think every physician doles out unneeded medication because they get a little side money from doing so? Probably. And for your information, I am from the North so does that mean I am as quick witted as you? You stated you may need to spell it out for dumb, slow southerners? That's a laugh. I lived in the North, dumbass, and the people here in the South are much quicker and smarter than a Northerner could ever hope to be. I will stop generalizing and complaining, as you say, when you stop antagonizing every decent person who tells of the living hell they are going through since becoming an Ameriquest customer. You are pathetic.


Patrick and (ugh) Craig ...

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, June 01, 2006

You guys keep on saying we put all employees/ex-employees in one group which we call scum. Well, why don't you put yourselves in our position and see how you would feel. We have talked to no one decent and with any common sense at this company. We have been screwed royally. It's a daily battle for me. I just get settled down and here comes another lovely letter from Ameriquest. If it's not a response to a letter I've sent requesting answers with the same old bs it's a letter stating that my interest rate will go up again. It's a d**n nightmare. Maybe if one of you guys had answered the phone, I might feel different but it's hard for me to believe that you treated customers fairly and with respect when I have seen nothing of this from anyone at Ameriquest. I've been a customer, unfortunately, since January 2004 and have not seen one bit of decency from any employee. So, yes, it's not hard to put them all in the category of scum. Nothing is easy when it comes to dealing with a problem with the company you are employed by. Nothing is easy being a customer either. But, all in life is not easy or fair. You can rest easy because I would not want anyone who works at Ameriquest, or who has worked there, to defend me. I have all the proof of fraud and deceit I need. And if I didn't, well, I would just have to work with what I have. I could not and would not trust anything that an ex-employee may say they were helping me with. I trusted the reps at closing. Reps that looked me right in the eye and lied like hell. Oh, and the very same reps who cannot be located now. Hmmm. They were either fired or probably moved up the ladder since they were such good liars. I would love to meet with Ms. Tolbert again. So, Patrick, I would NEVER ask you to put your family through anything for me. I mean, just because people at Ameriquest didn't give a rats a*s what they were putting MY family through doesn't mean I would do the same to others. I honestly DO have morals and ethics. It's funny how I saw nothing at all about a pre-payment penalty, or privilege as the paperwork I now see states. Privilege my a*s. Somehow, someway, a document has appeared with this penalty. It sure isn't in the original contract I signed. Rex stated borrowers he met with were asked what their 3-5 year plans were for their homes. Wish the reps had asked me that. The only thing I heard was, if I were you, I would refinance with another company, for lower rates, in ONE year. Then the bastards stuck me with this so-called pre-payment penalty which I knew absolutely NOTHING about. Whatever I agree with Laura about the uncalled for comment of white hoods and burning crosses. That was just about the most ignorant comment I've heard yet. Nothing surprises me anymore though. And nothing really gets to me either except the continually rising interest rates and ignorance of employees. As far as signing an employment letter with Ameriquest is concerned, from what I've researched and read from ex-employees, they knew BEFORE becoming an employee what this company was all about. And lastly, dear ole' Craig. You are just about the worst scum I've come across yet. You have commented on people's situations many times on here that you know nothing at all about. Hey, you've commented on mine! Do I care? NO. You love to compare stupid crap to Ameriquest ethics. Like the priest thing. How ignorant can you get or actually, how low can you go? Do I think every CEO commits fraud? Probably. Do I think every President screws around? Probably. Do I think every physician doles out unneeded medication because they get a little side money from doing so? Probably. And for your information, I am from the North so does that mean I am as quick witted as you? You stated you may need to spell it out for dumb, slow southerners? That's a laugh. I lived in the North, dumbass, and the people here in the South are much quicker and smarter than a Northerner could ever hope to be. I will stop generalizing and complaining, as you say, when you stop antagonizing every decent person who tells of the living hell they are going through since becoming an Ameriquest customer. You are pathetic.


I agree with Patrick, you are grossly stereotype everyone just because others are guilty of fraud

#27Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 01, 2006

I can't agree with Patrick more. You label everyone here a traitor and tell us to read the stories of the ex employees on here and blah blah blah, but you are grossly stereotype everyone just because others are guilty of fraud. Do you think all priests are child molestors now? Do you think every chief executive commits fraud just like Kenneth Lay and company from Enron? Stop putting everyone in one group. It defines how ignorant some people can be. Since I am a quick witted, hustler from the north, do I have to spell it out slowly for you dumb, slow southerners? No, I think we all understand the same thing here. Just stop generalizing and complain about the ones on here who antagonize...


Then stop commenting like one Laura!

#28UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, June 01, 2006

Laura, You tell me that I am calling you a racist and are upset by that. Yet you also keeping saying "you put me in this loan", and others keep saying "I'm glad all Ameriquest employeed lost their jobs" and "all Ameriquest employees, current and ex, are scum!". Then you ask why we didn't envoke our rights for the whistle blower campaign?! First of all, its not easy and is a long drawn out process that will effect one's family as an ex employee until it is settled. Secondly, the people that I would be standing up for would not be the loans that I did because those people did receive good, beneficial loans, where all rates, fees, prepayments penalties (which almost all lenders have and every state is different, only 2 months of interest Minnesota- and that is only if the property is refied- not sold- please check your individual states laws because AMC was required to follow each individual states) were disclosed by me before it ever reached the closing table. So that means that I would be defending the people who are calling me scum and other names even though I did not agree with Ameriquest and left because of my beliefs and still suffered because of it. Why would we as ex-employees with ethics, put our families thru that for those people who hate us because of where we worked PREVIOUSLY? That makes no sense! And as far as red flags about what we signed, the same can me said for the mortgages that everyone is complaining about (rightfully so) where the papers at the closing table were different... Again, I am not bashing you, I just find it quite odd how you claim you made mistakes by signing a loan and we should feel bad for you (which we do) but us making a mistake by signing an employment letter doesn't matter...we are not asking for sympathy, just not to be thrown under the bus and labeled, which any type of labeling is a form of discrimination...so call it what you will.


Reply to Laura Apple Valley - TWO

#29UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, June 01, 2006

This is reply number TWO, answering the question about an optional prepayment penalty. Laura, it is difficult for me to comment accurately on the documents that were in your loan as I left AMC in 2003. While I was there, documents changed and I believe that they changed several times since I quit. When I say changed, I mean that documents were added or deleted. One document I remember being added was a document that clearly stated that your loan had a prepayment penalty. Although this is noted in 3 places on the document set, a separate page was added to inform the borrowers. Why add a separate page? My guess is that borrowers were not reading all the documents thoroughly. The clause that you quoted may be "new" since I left AMC in 2003. I will say this : Borrowers I met with were asked what their 3-5 year plans were for their homes. If they were not selling the home in the 3 year period, then "buying down" the interest rate in exchange for accepting a e-year prepayment penalty clause in their note was suggested if they preferred the lower payment. The interest rate might be .5% lower. I would calculate the payment at the two rates developed by the software used at Ameriquest and present the corresponding payments. Say the rate is 6% with a PPP and 6.5% without. The monthly mortgage payment could be $100 different. For most people, $100 per month is a figure that causes action. For most people, if the payment difference is $80, they would say that it didn't matter. (This part is psychological, no doubt - math is math). The whole B.S. about refinancing within a year and waiving the PPP is exactly that : B.S. In order to refi with AMC after FICO scores increased, a new loan must be signed with Portfolio Retention and the $dollar amount of the points (discount rate) on the HUD form was always higher than the PPP amount. This is one of the many problems I had with that company. New employees were taught to tell their customers that they could refinance a temporary loan within AMC after about a year (when credit scores went up; when job situation improved; when income increased; when 30-day late on mortgage was 12 months or 24 months old; value increased and LTV decreased, etc.) This was usually a 2 year fixed with a 28 year adjustable period. Or, an interest only loan. The problem is that the mortgage cost the borrower 3.XXX points. The PPP equals about six months of interest on the loan. To refi after the borrower's conditions improved cost AGAIN 3.XXX points. How is that helping anyone except the company? I can't say why you didn't receive a copy of the application or other documents, except that somebody probably got lazy or sloppy. The borrower's cert & auth may simply be a new requirement. As a result of many lawsuits in many states, AMC was increasingly required to disclose more in their document sets. I don't have specific details. Laura - Once you receive your documents, please do keep them all in one envelope or box or whatever and make a second copy and store them outside of your home. Maybe at a friend's or a relative's home. The key is to have two sets of the same documents in two locations for safe keeping.


Apple Valley,
Thanks Patrick for calling me a racist

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, June 01, 2006

First of all when you said you were Forced to sign something wouldn't that cause a red flag to go up. People are not forced to do anything they do not want to do. About you can not go after the company is another red flag because ANY employee that witnesses illegal practices has a right to go to the authorities. It's called a "whistleblower" i'm sure you heard of it with the Enron disaster. Whistle-blowers are protected by law. I am sorry you had to give up medical benefits but had you gone to the authorities you wouldn't be in the postition you were in.Because of AMC next year I will most likley be FORCED out of my home. So what about my child and my husband not having a stable home or a house to call home. Does AMC employees think about that when they manipulate us into signing what us as a customer believes is a good loan. I think not. We put our trust in you mortgage people to help us get into our dream homes and then you rape us of that dream so you the loan officers can afford your over priced luxuries. As far as wearing a white hood and burning crosses you have no idea who I am and for you to say that is slander and un-called for. Do you talk to your customers with that mouth..... oh I forgot you worked for AMC ( was that taught in the training manual?). Get ready, with that racist remark I will not be the only one commenting. lol


Kansas City,
Come one Laura and Kathleen

#31UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, June 01, 2006

The comments about all ex-employees being scumbags is very discouraging, some people here are trying to help give you advice and yet you keep grouping all ex-employees in the same group. Please realize that not everyone was shady and full of B.S. and realize that there are people here trying to help you out! Some of us here are trying to help you (customers that were screwed over by scumbag employees) out and fix your situation and get back at this horrible company!


Kansas City,
Come one Laura and Kathleen

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, June 01, 2006

The comments about all ex-employees being scumbags is very discouraging, some people here are trying to help give you advice and yet you keep grouping all ex-employees in the same group. Please realize that not everyone was shady and full of B.S. and realize that there are people here trying to help you out! Some of us here are trying to help you (customers that were screwed over by scumbag employees) out and fix your situation and get back at this horrible company!


Kansas City,
Come one Laura and Kathleen

#33UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, June 01, 2006

The comments about all ex-employees being scumbags is very discouraging, some people here are trying to help give you advice and yet you keep grouping all ex-employees in the same group. Please realize that not everyone was shady and full of B.S. and realize that there are people here trying to help you out! Some of us here are trying to help you (customers that were screwed over by scumbag employees) out and fix your situation and get back at this horrible company!


Kansas City,
Come one Laura and Kathleen

#34UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, June 01, 2006

The comments about all ex-employees being scumbags is very discouraging, some people here are trying to help give you advice and yet you keep grouping all ex-employees in the same group. Please realize that not everyone was shady and full of B.S. and realize that there are people here trying to help you out! Some of us here are trying to help you (customers that were screwed over by scumbag employees) out and fix your situation and get back at this horrible company!


Apple Valley,
Rex or ken or David I have a question

#35Consumer Comment

Thu, June 01, 2006

I was going through my first loan with AMC and there are certain papers in there that I know I didn't sign on the second loan. For instance on the loan now they are charging a pre-payment penalty like the first however, unlike the first loan we did not sign Borrowers certification and authorization (which means they can not sell my info right?) we did not sign The adjustable rate note or initial the adjustable rate rider. We also do not have a copy of our loan application. All those forms I found in our first loan but not in this one. So when I get my copies from AMC it will interesting if those are in there. Since we did not sign those rate forms for the pre-payment penalty can AMC still charge us the pre-payment. Does it transfer over to the new loan from the old one or because it is new we had to sign it all over again. Also I realized AMC's good faith estimates the ones I have are neither current amounts. The good faith the ones I have from both loans are the estemates before we dicided to take out cash or payoff bills. neither are the current loan amounts. So the money AMC gets for the points exceeds by atleast $2000.00 Don't they have to send a good faith estimate with the correct loan amount we will be financed for?


St. Louis,
You Ladies got that right

#36Consumer Comment

Thu, June 01, 2006

Laura you are so right, when that notary came to my home, she first was 2 hrs late, and had a back to back closing, So we got it too, for one thing I thought it was illegal to lie on legal binding documents, Boy was I wrong again.Even when I called the presidents secretary, she blamed everything on me. She was not nice at all. So I filed a complaint with the Attorney General's office, and found a lawyer. I also did not know you had to have a degree to close on a loan, I just don't understand why the x-employees get on this site and admit all the fraud, but will not make it right by doing something to help. I'm glad I don't lay my head down on their pillows at night. Just the thought of bein a joke to them as they laughed at my husband and I. Makes me sick inside. Kathleen you are so right with your statement, The x-employees should refi with Ameriquest now. And see if they read their doc's. BUT THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL AND WE WILL ALL BE WINNERS IN THE END. Have a good night ladies


Apple Valley,
Thank you Kathleen: Rex I have a question

#37Consumer Comment

Thu, June 01, 2006

Thanks so much Kathleen what I forget to say you say for me. I have a huge question I've been going over the docs the title company sent me and the unsigned copies I have here ( until AMC mails my signed copies) Question? AMC is charging us a pre-payment penalty if we leave before 3 years. The thing is I was actualy reading the docs I have and the form that explains the pre-payment states "AMC gives you an option to select a pre-payment however if by not chosing the pre-payment it can lower your rate and if you plan to move within 3 years not to select the pre-payment" The loan offer we dealt with (I will be calling again for his name) told us we had no choice a pre-payment will be added. Our first loan with AMC was the same way we had no choice. So why do I have a doc stating we had an option? So we signed for a pre-payment penalty under the impression we had no choice. Did we have a choice is my question? So And by the loan officers charging us a pre-payment how does that benefit them commission wise? I am so scared to see what else I will find and sinse no lawyer is calling me back. Any lawyers please look over my docs I'm sure you will find something. PLEASE!!!!!! I'll be on more often as I go through all my docs for questions so any response will help me.


Apple Valley,
Thank you Kathleen: Rex I have a question

#38Consumer Comment

Thu, June 01, 2006

Thanks so much Kathleen what I forget to say you say for me. I have a huge question I've been going over the docs the title company sent me and the unsigned copies I have here ( until AMC mails my signed copies) Question? AMC is charging us a pre-payment penalty if we leave before 3 years. The thing is I was actualy reading the docs I have and the form that explains the pre-payment states "AMC gives you an option to select a pre-payment however if by not chosing the pre-payment it can lower your rate and if you plan to move within 3 years not to select the pre-payment" The loan offer we dealt with (I will be calling again for his name) told us we had no choice a pre-payment will be added. Our first loan with AMC was the same way we had no choice. So why do I have a doc stating we had an option? So we signed for a pre-payment penalty under the impression we had no choice. Did we have a choice is my question? So And by the loan officers charging us a pre-payment how does that benefit them commission wise? I am so scared to see what else I will find and sinse no lawyer is calling me back. Any lawyers please look over my docs I'm sure you will find something. PLEASE!!!!!! I'll be on more often as I go through all my docs for questions so any response will help me.


Apple Valley,
Thank you Kathleen: Rex I have a question

#39Consumer Comment

Thu, June 01, 2006

Thanks so much Kathleen what I forget to say you say for me. I have a huge question I've been going over the docs the title company sent me and the unsigned copies I have here ( until AMC mails my signed copies) Question? AMC is charging us a pre-payment penalty if we leave before 3 years. The thing is I was actualy reading the docs I have and the form that explains the pre-payment states "AMC gives you an option to select a pre-payment however if by not chosing the pre-payment it can lower your rate and if you plan to move within 3 years not to select the pre-payment" The loan offer we dealt with (I will be calling again for his name) told us we had no choice a pre-payment will be added. Our first loan with AMC was the same way we had no choice. So why do I have a doc stating we had an option? So we signed for a pre-payment penalty under the impression we had no choice. Did we have a choice is my question? So And by the loan officers charging us a pre-payment how does that benefit them commission wise? I am so scared to see what else I will find and sinse no lawyer is calling me back. Any lawyers please look over my docs I'm sure you will find something. PLEASE!!!!!! I'll be on more often as I go through all my docs for questions so any response will help me.



#40UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, June 01, 2006

Laura- I apologize. My comment was directed to Ken who threw the first uppercut, not you. As far as standing by SOME of my former coworkers, not all, as I have clearly stated, I will continue to do so. And why have I not done something since I do not agree with them? When I was hired, and accepted the position, it was based on the company's motto which was "Do the Right Thing". This motto was preached to us as we were forced to sign a no compete clause. I would venture to guess that most people have started employment with a company only to find they did not have the same values after they started?! This is what happened. Then as a discontinuation of employment, we were given an ultimatum of being able to work for a competitor as long as we signed an agreement not to come after or against the company for any reason. I have children and need employment, and happen to enjoy helping people... no matter what you say. As far as me not wanting to know how it feels to be taken advantage of, that is correct.. and I also do not wish it on you or anyone else. My point was that I do not understand and do not want to be in a position where I would understand. You are correct... I do not know you, nor do you know me... If you want to be bitter, be bitter, that is your right. But do not be vindictive and hateful to someone who left on their own accord because they did not like what was going on and in turn, was forced to surrendor medical insurance to have their outstanding medical bills exceed the amount of Ken's mortgage! Am I against Ameriquest and their morales, no question. I took the stand that I could at the time and it cost me dearly via healthcare costs and lack of quality healthcare for my children because of no longer having insurance. How dare anyone think they know me and claim I have no ethics or morales! This was not mentioned previously because AGAIN, my initial response was just pointing out why one lousy inaccurate letter was sent by Ameriquest. Some of you are the ones who started attacking me! I have never stood up for Ameriquest, just some of their employees. If you do not understand my points and continue to hate everyone who has ever been associated with Ameriquest, regardless of how it ended up for them, than feel free...I just hope that a higher power can see thru those people with so much hate and will remove their white hoods and burning crosses and forgive them for their ignorance and discrimination! You all say that you made a mistake by signing with Ameriquest... yet for those of us who state we made a mistake by signing an employment letter with Ameriquest, that is unforgiveable. I thought the Salem witch trials were over. I truly wish everyone the best and will not respond again...as long as you know that not every ex employee is the devil.



#41Consumer Comment

Wed, May 31, 2006

You know Patrick? WalMart may get sued every 30 seconds but isn't that a little trivial? So they get sued for charging someone $10.00 when an item they bought was actually on sale for $8.00. A far cry from a mortgage company taking advantage of people over thousands of dollars. AND the most valuable asset they own. Come on. AND, if you search on this site, it is obviously clear that Ameriquest has the most complaints and they are the most corrupt, fraudulent company. So comparing WalMart and churches is a little lame. As for the Mayo clinic, you might have something there since it may deal with life and death but it is still not a good comparison. We are all in trouble. There are crooks everywhere. Most work at Ameriquest. This is a large company, with good advertising (false but good) who lure innocent, hard working people into signing bogus contracts. Their reps look the potential customer right in the eye as they build up their deceitful company, knowing full well they are coaxing the customer to sign their home right over to Ameriquest. What a bunch of s**t. You can trust absolutely no one. Of course Ameriquest was processing thousands of loans per month. They advertise that they treat the customer right. I believe NO loan was beneficial to anyone except to the lying reps and their fraudulent company. I certainly don't believe you have Ameriquest customers calling you to send referrals. They may be calling but only to cuss you out for placing them in a loan that is virtually impossible to pay off. In fact, a loan that has caused the customer grief, heartache and a lot of money in fees they can't even explain. We, the screwed customers, do look down on anyone who worked for Ameriquest. And to back Ken's story I must say, he is so right. I have had reps hang up on me when they didn't know the answer to my question. They have yelled at me for no reason. They have told me that I shouldn't have gotten a loan if I was going to be divorced later. That's a good one. Upon trying to explain an issue I was concerned with, the rep talked over me with a bunch of bullshit. Need I go on? And I, like Laura, have talked to at least a couple dozen, maybe more. I have yet to find a decent human being working there. So, I must also agree with Laura that there are, and have never been, any good employees working for this company. I am also glad they are losing their jobs and find themselves with no income to pay for their high priced homes, cars and boats. Sorry, I've read too many stories of how they gave a customer a s**t loan only to laugh later with their co-workers. Now, we the customers are laughing also and it feels good. You left because you didn't like what was going on as a whole. You left behind the employees we have had the pleasure of dealing with. The employees are scum who care nothing at all for the people they screw every single day. And your comment of Laura not reading her closing documents like she didn't read your comments was uncalled for. You say you can't, NOR DO YOU WISH TO, understand our dilemmas? Get your home refinanced with Ameriquest then get on here. Maybe we can understand YOU better then. But, most importantly, YOU will understand us.


Apple Valley,
This is my last comment to you Patrick

#42Author of original report

Wed, May 31, 2006

My point exactly. You are just like all the other ex-employees and employees of AMC. You come on here and put down a screwed customer and and try to make it a point that it was my fault by stating I pretty much got screwed because I did not read my closing doc.So pretty much everyone on here is stupid because most of us got screwed the same way. For your info AMC does not allow you to read these docs without rushing them out of your face. Plus you need some law degree to even understand what those forms are saying and God knows the person AMC sent to your house does NOT explain the forms to you. As the stupid remarks for Wal Mart blah blah this site isn't about Wal Mart it is about Ameriscum like you. So for you to make those comments are just plain stupid. Get a life Patrick. About those customers still referring you then they are just as dumb. If you left AMC because of their practices why didn't you call the authorities and save thousands from losing their homes. I'm tired of all you ex-employees saying how terrible AMC is and the illegal practices they teach get off your a*s and do something about it. Don't come on here and put me down (although how suttle it was it was till an insult) And yes I will always think of ex-employees and current employees of AMC as scum sucking trash and I give credit to AMC for making me think that way. So if you don't have something useful to say please don't comment my personal commplaint again I'm tired of getting e-mails saying a rebuttal from Patrick.


You are so correct!

#43UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, May 31, 2006

First of all, Rex, you are so correct. They can provide those documents, and are required to as well. It is also, no matter what it is, one's responsibility if they have issues to keep a copy of all documents in a file for themselves. As far as addressing the rest of the comments, I see that you read my last statement about as accurately as you read the closing documents, and that is why Ameriquest was able to take advantage of you. That should not be the case, but it is. I am no longer employed there, left at my own free will because I did not like what was going on as a whole. My comment was addressing the remark that you are happy that thousands of people lost their jobs and that their are no good employees who have ever worked for Ameriquest. Walmart gets sued every 30 seconds. The Mayo clinic has malpractice suits all the time. Churches of all denominations are constantly being investigated. Multiple not for profit agencies are constantly being sued. So, if what you are saying is accurate, than anyone who has ever been employed by Walmart, the Mayo Clinic, any church organization, and any not for profit organization must be a crook who does not care about anyone but themselves... we are all in trouble! I have no idea how many they are doing now, but at one time Ameriquest was doing 20,000 loans a month. You can not possibly believe that every single loan was no benefit. I am still having my old Ameriquest customers calling me on my cell phone to send me referrals. That does not happen by deceiving my customers. I have yet to have a loan that I originated go into foreclosure and I told more people to keep what they had than I did loans. I initially responded to this report to make the comment that information was leaked due probably to them closing over 300 branches leaving those employees without work, rather than current employees leaking your personal information. And that I could see Ameriquest trying to sugarcoat what really happened with their letter stating that they were proactive by terminating employees for doing so. If you interpret that as me standing up for Ameriquest, I guess I don't know what to say. I am simply standing up for those employees, current and ex, who are looked down on and would never intentionally put someone else in a worse position. I can't understand fully how you feel nor do I honestly wish to. But I do understand that you are upset for good reason. I was only hoping to open your eyes a little about them taking care of the issue.


Reply to Laura Apple Valley

#44UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, May 31, 2006

If you request (in writing) copies of the documents that you signed, they are required to honor this request. Be forewarned that some other AMC borrowers have not rec'd their docs when AMC claims that they have misplaced/lost them. This is BS. They have redundant systems for safekeeping sets of documents. We're all being reminded here of a rule which should never be broken : Always receive a copy of everything that you sign, everywhere. Your dentist's office, the kids' fundraisers at school, wherever. Every document. (Then, you have to make your own rule for a system of storage and retrieval.) Rex


Apple Valley,

#45Author of original report

Tue, May 30, 2006

I did not make those statements out of anger. I meant every single word that came out of my mouth. Have you even read the complaints people have on here or do you just like to through your two cents in because you are an employee of Ameritheft. You said there are good people at Ameritheft keep telling yourself that. Whatever makes you sleep at night. My question is where are they to defend all the customers your precious company ripped off. Tell that to all the people who have lost their homes or are in the process of loosing their homes. What about us! I don't give a s**t about anyone who defends that company even slightly. It is proven and in a court of law that AMC are theives so yes Patrick everyone deserves what they are getting. Maybe now they will think twice and re-evalute their morals. About my personal information if you read correctly it is also my social security that may have been leaked. I understand that information can be sold however it should be illegal to do that but my social was illegaly obtained and sold. Yes I am trying to persue the person who actualy took my social but AMC will not release the name and this is ironic because of privacy. So until you have been ripped off royaly by a scumbag loan officer from AMC then you have no place to tell me anything. Until they forge your docs put your name on docs that you never signed (from what I hear)and charge over as in my case $13000.00 in closing costs then to give you an extremely high interest rate and APR well above the national average then talk to me. I am requesting loan docs from both AMC and the title company because learning from other peoples experience with AMC they FORGE documents. You may be a nice guy and all but you can thank AMC for ruining that with the rest of the pissed off customers. If you are so interested enough to make a comment to me read the rest of the pissed off complaints and get out of AMC why work for a company with A LOT of bad apples?



#46Consumer Suggestion

Tue, May 30, 2006

You know pat just like many other ex employees and current employees all of you guys JUST DONT GET IT DO YOU. Every one of you say that you were the poster child for ameriquest and their were so many other people who work their are so nice and helpful? Well let me be the first to tell you i have delt with atleast 2 dozen different people @ ameriquest and i havent ran into one yet so get your head out of the sand and take a moment to read a few of these complaints and tell me if you find one just one person that says he or she has talked with an employee that was helpful? I have had an employee from ameriquest tell me to pack my stuff and get out of their(ameriquests) house. Then this lady had the balls to tell me i should cut back on my grocery bill (their is 4 of us i spend about 75 a week) then after that she asked if i had any pets and i said yes we have a cat and she says i should get rid of the cat to the human society so i dont have to buy cat food for the cat. That is just a few things that i was told their are more but i dont want to bore you with it because like you and all the other ameriquest employees always say their were nice ones with the company and i say BS if you guys really want to show how nice you are go to the attorney general and tell them what you were taught and what you seen, start their! Well to all the other regs on these forums tell this guy how many employees that you know that where nice to you ? Well hope everyone had a great weekend and talk to you soon!


Are they telling the truth?

#47UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, May 30, 2006

Laura, I can appreciate your concern, frustration, and feeling of being taken advantage of. And I believe that the letter stated that. However, if AMC has mislead you before, don't you think that they would again by stating your information leaving their hands was a result of their actions instead of a cause of their actions? I also hope that you are speaking out of frustration when you state that you are happy to see thousands of people lose their jobs and medical benefits. The companies motto is/was "Do the Right Thing". That is what it was when I was hired (and the main reason I took the job) and I did find it not to be the case so I voluntarily left when the opportunity presented itself. Not everyone had that opportunity. There were definetely some people without ethics, but the majority of the people that I worked with were there to help the customer and I never did a loan that I wouldn't have taken myself under the same circumstances. You are very correct in stating that it is criminal for employees to take customers personal information. And for those who did, they should be punished accordingly, because it is the law. However, I'm not sure if you are aware that it is perfectly legal for anyone who has your personal information to sell it to a third party. The only exception in this case, would be when you signed your closing packet, there is a form that you can sign off on in reference to this. It is part of the RESPA packet (Real Estate Settlement and Procedures Act). The interesting part is that Ameriquest and most direct lenders, are not required to have you sign this until the closing. All third party brokers are required to have this signed and submitted before a loan can even think about closing. Good luck to you!


Apple Valley,

#48Author of original report

Sat, May 27, 2006

If we request a copy of our documents from AMC by law do they need to give them to us. We have documents but they have no signatures from us or from the notiary. These signed documents are in their office and I want a copy of them to see all the signatures.


Apple Valley,
Sugar Coating Patrick

#49Author of original report

Sat, May 27, 2006

Thank you for your response however, the letter I received from AMC in April stated "AMC Mortgage recently uncovered the theft of certain customer information that was shared to third part brokers. The responsible parties' employment has been terminated" that is a direct quote from my letter. So, that tells me it was not an ex-employee. It was an inside job. About your statement regarding ex-employees being in a broke situation I say GOOD!!! Any person who works for a deceaving company such as AMC (Ameriquest) should be in the unemployment line. These employees are willing to sell their souls to the devil to make a commission and in doing so destroy the lives of thousands (or more) people. Until these employees get ripped off by a company or their personal information is leaked into some strangers hands then they could understand the anger and frustration we AMC customers are going through. If ex-employees are doing this that is criminal as well and they should go to jail for it. I did not give any written or verbal approval for some ex-employee to STEAL my personal information for their gain. This whole side of business makes me regret being a home owner which I thought was supposed to be the American dream.


Thanxs, Rex.

#50Consumer Comment

Sat, May 27, 2006

Good explanation and very helpful. I am copying this info off for my attorney for background info. This also may explain why my mortgage was never sold. It was a VERY dirty contract - no appraisal. MULTIPLE docs showing up with my and my wife's signature (that we NEVER saw at signing) that were so absurd that it's scary. GR office raided by the FBI 2 months after they originated my loan out of there. Appraiser had his license revoked and the State of Mich also levied undisclosed heavy punitive measures against him, shortly after he did my "appraisal", for his incredibly illegal practices. Etc, etc, etc. Half the paperwork missing. Copies of the "same" document from title co and from Ameriquest each had slightly different wording, proving one, or both, were fraudulent (both had our "signatures" on them). I'm sorry, but this is so hailarious, I am actually laughing as I type this! No wonder they kept mine "in-house". Thanks, again Rex.


Sugar Coating

#51UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, May 26, 2006

I definitely appreciate your concerns in regards to your personal information. It is definitely a companies resposibility to keep your personal information confidential. To clarify the reason why the letter was sent, and the timing of the letter, may not make you feel better about the situation but should open your eyes in regards to Ameriquest's ex-employees. Yes, I said ex-employees. Ameriquest has laid off thousands of employees in the last six months. Left without benefits and a salary, I am sure that some of these employees have been forced to go into the broker side of the business. My guess would be that is where the information has been leaked and not from current employees. Good luck to you! And out of curiousity, why would you be concerned about a prepayment penalty that will eventually expire unless one of the sources who has your information has contacted you and you are maybe looking to refinance thru them?


PrePayment Penalty

#52UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, May 26, 2006

Ameriquest makes money on mortgages several ways. Most borrowers are comfortable with the concept of paying interest on a loan. Ameriquest can earn interest up front (points), over time (traditional), and on the back end (PPP + selling/transferring the loan). The goal, it seems, is to maximize all three. It's legal. Once your first payment on the new loan was made, AMC had the option to sell your loan to "investors". It's been a long time since I was employed there, and their business practices changed from week-to-week while I was there. Let's also consider how much has changed since I quit. From reading this forum, it seems that they retained within their portfolio those loans which were extremely risky to investors and those which were obviously corrupt. E.G.: Stated Income / Forged(?) signatures. Clean loans were available for sale. The contract you signed includes a clause for a penalty for early payoff if you send in 20% (or more) of the the original loan amount. This guarantees a certain rate of return for the holder of the note (AMC). Either interest over time, or interest all at once when the PPP is paid within the first 3 years, by selling the home or refinancing the loan. Typically, loans of like kind are bundled in say, groups of $10 Million, and are sold to investors. Often, other lenders and insurance companies. Here's an oversimplified view. (I don't need to be corrected, I'm just making a point here.) For example : The CA state lottery will pay winners either 26 annual payments (paid from an annuity) equaling the prize amount OR, one payment equaling about one-half of the prize amount. The lottery winner receives either the present value or the future value (over time) of the annuity. It's somewhat similar with a 30-year mortgage. The lender (AMC) can collect your monthly payments over 30 years, OR, it can sell the loan for cents on the dollar to an investor. A $200,000 mortgage might earn them say, $70,000 today. (I don't know how much.) Multiplied by the number of loans signed per month, AMC are then able to turn around and lend MORE money to MORE homeowners and repeat the cycle. If you have cellular phone service and signed a two-year contract, it might cost you, say $270 for early cancellation. Similar concept. Neither company wants to let go of that guaranteed revenue. Not good news. Not 100% accurate. Helpful?


Apple Valley,
Bigger Than This ?

#53Author of original report

Fri, May 26, 2006

Thank you Rex for responding to my report. However, AMC Mortgage is still liable for their employees just like a doctor is liable for his or her staff they hire. We have alerted our credit report and the only good thing that AMC offered was to pay for a one year subscription to Equifax. The thing is we are now being harrassed by numerous phone solicitations whether they are from the ex-employeee's leak or they purchased my info from my title company we are receiving non-stop phone calls from brokers. Also this isn't the only problem we have had with Ameriquest AMC Mortgage this just added to the frustration on how careless this company is. Every employee should be monitored closely when dealing with such sensitive information as a person's social security and other personal information. If AMC can not provide excellent customer service and not be able to live up to the privacy act they send out to their customers then maybe they are too big for their britches and need to be shut down. I know all big business only want the dollar but their must be some standards to maintain. AMC's CEO, President etc. are liable for their employees and firing them is a step but I would have liked to know which companies this individual released my info to but AMC did not bother to ask that employee. AMC is doing the bare minimum of what they have to do customer service is not included. We asked to be released from the pre-payment penalty of $6000.00 to get away from their company insted I received a flat out NO they will NOT waive that penalty. I think that shows what type of values this company has. Although with all the lawsuites pending and will continue to be brought against them maybe they need the $6000.00 to survive. I just only wish and I do pray that this company will crash to the ground and ALL the deceiving employees that are willing to lie to their customers to make a HUGE commission will be in the unemployment line soon. I will not feel anything but extreme happiness if that were to happen. This is why I am getting my business degree and then to go onto study coorporate law. Any other insite will be greatly appreciated


It's bigger than this

#54UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, May 26, 2006

While I am sympathetic to all people whose private data is compromised, I feel it is important for everyone to remember that there really is no way for a company to maintain 100% confidentiality with client data. There just isn't. Consider this: The confidentiality of Medical records have been comprimised for years --- this was shown on national TV about 12 years ago (20/20, Dateline, something). In addition to your SSN, DOB, full legal name, your doctor may have access to your mother's maiden name (next of kin contact). Think about that for a moment. That means that if you provide your mother's maiden name to your savings/checking bank as the answer to a security question for ID purposes... draw your own conclusions. Additionally, tens of thousands of files of personal data are reported in the news as "lost" or "stolen" when an employee of a corporation loses a notebook computer. Shouldn't that data be encrypted? HP, Veterans Admin, Deloitte & Touche all lost many records. These are only the cases we are allowed to know about. SOLUTION: If you haven't already done so, please consider paying the small fee to place a "freeze" on your credit file. Until you subsequently order a release, no accounts may be opened in your name/social security number. I strongly recommend sending letters to the three credit reporting bureaus instructing them to add a note in your records stating "No credit shall be issued to this SSN without prior confirmation at the following phone number: XXX-XXX-XXXX." I use my cell phone number. This note will show on your credit report & should help to prevent anyone except your from opening new accounts using your SSN. Regards,

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