  • Report:  #169645

Complaint Review: Ameriquest - Orange California

Reported By:
- South Elgin, Illinois,

ameriquestsucks.com Orange, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I found this website while surfing for information on my mortgage company and have waited awhile to tell my story under advice of my attorney.

My husband and I have had a mortgage with Ameriquest since 2003 and then we refinanced not too long after through a broker.We also found out that since we had gotten that big check when we originally did our loan with them that the check we recieved was all the equity we had in our house and we were not told that at the original closing.(When you are broke with kids you don't realize the things you will not ask questions about for a little money)

At the end of 2003 we decided that we would try starting our own company, well needless to say we lost mostly everything due to the fact the person we were contracted with went to jail for

50+ years and could not pay us for the work we had done.

In 2004 we spent many months trying to refinance to no avail, noone would refi us due to the fact that Ameriquest stated the value on our house was way more than it should have been. We got behind and decided to file Chapter 13 bankruptcy. That did not work out for us due to the fact that between the trustee payment and the mortgages we were broke. And they still would not accept our payments when we were in our 13.

Ameriquest continued to say they could not refinance us and put us into collections until we decided to file a Chapter 7. As most know when you are in a bankruptcy of any kind the creditors cannot contact you, well Ameriquest is special and as soon as they got the stay lifted off the house they started calling here 5-6 times a day. I have documented calls for one month at 50+ calls in 30 days. That does not include the other 2+ months they called here.

At this point I was 7 months pregnant and on bed rest due to stress related early labor problems. The phones calls got worse over the 3 months that we were waiting for our 7 to be discharged. I was told I was "trash for living in a house I was not paying for" " Would I like to be kicked out on the street". These people would call here at all hours of the day and night.

Finally after telling them repeatedly to stop calling, my bankruptcy attorney called them and they told him that "they could call me anytime they wanted to". He sent letters to their attorney, to no avail they continued to call. We finally had enough and filed a lawsuit against them and even after being served with papers continued to call and harass us.We even told them that we had all our phone calls being monitered by the police. Here is the number that they use which is untraceable by the phone company: 1-800-430-5262 Says TOLL FREE CALL on caller id.

We have gone to court several times to no avail and they keep saying they will settle but our house is still up for foreclosure sale this month. Merry Christmas to me and my family. Our lawyer keeps calling their lawyer and he will not return the phone calls.

We have tried to get a new mortgage, but because they are still reporting as foreclosure on our credit we cannot buy a new house without a huge down payment.

We have told them that we are going to the papers and they don't care. They are a predatory lender and look for people like us to screw over.

Some things I have learned in researching this company: They don't accept any partial payments due to the fact that then they cannot foreclose on your house if you are making some kind of payments, trying to get a hold of them is like pulling teeth, even though we no longer are in debt to them they continue to run our credit every month.

Here are some of the names that they go by: Ameriquest,AMC Mortgage,Argent Bank,Duestche Bank, Town & Country and I am sure there are more. Kind of surprising for 1 person to own all these companies and be the Ambassador To The Netherlands too. (Money is a very powerful thing, wish I had some) It also seems that everyone is suing them or investigating them all over the country and people still continue to get new mortgages from them.

This is the short version of my story and soon I will have no- where to live with my 3 children. I am sure that this will come back to bite me in the (you know where) but I am trying to educate people about the experience that we are still going through. Be carefull all and when the deal seems too good to be true stop and look futher into it before signing your name to that stack of papers.:):):)

This is not all of our story, it would take time to explain all the wrong they have done to us in the past 2+ years.


Somewhere, Illinois

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Ameriquest Mortgage Company

8 Updates & Rebuttals


Please Help

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, April 04, 2007

This is to Ken from Holland Michigan. I am also a victim of Ameriquest/Argent and my story is similar to yours and others I have read. I have tried to find the Holland Michigan Post that you are speaking of and am interested in the information that you say is contained there. Thanks


North Richland Hills,

#3Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 22, 2007

So, what has happened since December?


Hey Jennifer

#4Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 29, 2006

I think both of our cases are in the same court district. Look @ your papers and you will see my name on the docket sheets.The judge for this case is Marvin E Aspen US District Court Judge. This Judge has a huge amount of cases against Ameriquest. I think you may also have my e-mail addy. If you dont read both of the holland michigan post word for word and you will be able to get ahold of me and we can compare notes. Have a great New Year to all!


South Elgin,
Not a Happy New Year

#5Author of original report

Fri, December 29, 2006

So, they waited until the last minute to appeal. Hired new lawyers and all that crazy stuff. Now we are back to the "they get 10 days, we get ten days" saga. I thought it was over finally, not so much. Ken, we are here for the long haul. Thanks for the support everyone. Thanks:)


Hey Jennifer

#6Consumer Suggestion

Sat, December 16, 2006

Im so glad you won your settlement with ameriquest. This will be the first of many many more! Can you fill us in on your case and tell us about how it all went down.

Bill & Ted

That's Great Jen!

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, December 15, 2006

I'm Glad for you! :o) Thanks for letting us know.


South Elgin,
Case resolved...we won!!!

#8Author of original report

Wed, December 13, 2006

No settlement was offered, judge dropped the gavel and it was in our favor.... Kudos to our attorney!!! Now it's time to pay up AMC...Merry Christmas to us:):):):):)


HSBC SUCKS TO Ameriquest has been telling me they are going to settle with me since April..

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, December 30, 2005

TO Someone:Hurting from mortgage servicing fraud. I pulled this from MSFRAUD.org this is my responce to you. I put your post there to. &&&&&&&&&&& ameriquest has been saying they are going to settle with me since April 2005, the last time was in the end of July. On January 20, 2006 it will be a YEAR RENTING and MAKINGMORTGAGE PAYMENTS! I started making my payment to my attorney to a trust account in October 2005 because I don't trust ameriquest. does ameriquest know they have an attorney? do the attorneys know that they are working for ameriquest? Ameriquest and their attorneys know that I am making my payments to a trust account, now they are charging me late fee's its up to $75 dollars. My sister started having more nosebleed yesterday December 29, 2005 its very hard to see your sister that can't hardly breath have nosebleeds because of ameriquest, I took a few pictures so I can show them to the Jury and Judge. If my calculations are right then after making on time payments for a little over a YEAR now with ameriquest that NONE OF THE MONEY HAS GONE TO PRINSAPALE. My Principal Right now is 97.79? I made a payment of 50.00 on my first payment to ameriquest, then one for 49 dollars to HSBC, then Ameriquest TOOK the insurance check from the hurricane damages cashed it, it had my name on it, and put 49 dollars to the principal, paid off the escrow and put the rest to interest. So that would put the principal amount in the RED. At this time last year I was trying to tell HSBC that Ameriquest was trying to scam them as well as me, that TOOK form December 2004 till April 14 2005 when I sent HSBC a letter telling them I was holding them reasonable for the total loss of our home and content plus expenses, that letter was addressed to Greg Gibson of HSBC. What DID HSBC do, they sent a letter thanking me? Then SOLD US BACK UP THE RIVER TO ameriquest the NIGHTMARE MORTGAGE COMPANY FROM HE//!!!! is that how HSBC resolves things? they are in violation to of RESPA LAWS and more. Thanks HSBC.... and GERG GIBSON...NOT! now I'm with AMC ameriquest little sister company, AMC is in violation to of RESPA and more also. I am going to ask my attorney to give ameriquest 10 days to resolve this or forfeit the contract. I have asked my Attorneys to File charges against ameriquest on January 6, 2006. I have been Protesting on line and on the sidewalks in TAMPA FLORIDA in front of Bush Gardens and WILL BE AGAIN. This Time I Will BE AT A FOOTBALL GAME OR NASCAR RACES OR AT A GOLF TURNMENT. HUM TV CAMRAS MAYBE IF I HANDCUFF MYSELF TO ONE OF THE GOLF BAGS, SOMEONE WILL DO SOMTHING? MORE TV CAMRAS I have to do something about what ameriquest is doing to us and other families everyday its not fair and its NOT LEAGLE! THERE IS A LAW AND I WILL FIND SOMEONE TO INFORCE IT! RICO TILA HOPEA SABRAN OXLEY RESPA AND MORE, OR ALL! My mom is trying to survive cancer from this year so I am trying to resolve this ASAP, so that the stress will not cause her more harm... ameriquest has been asked by my attorney not to contact me but they still do. ameriquest has been asked for documentation by me and my attorneys still nothing... I believe that the ameriquest attorneys are just as much to blame as ameriquest is for the things they are doing! &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& This is to the person?that reads this for ameriquest: I hope when you are at HOME you think about how you are helping ameriquest HURT US every day, and putting families with KIDS OUT ON THE STREET! DID YOU GET A BONUS THIS YEAR FOR HURTING FAMILIES? You better have fun now, why? because WE are going to FIND YOU AND MAKE YOU PAY TO! So have fun while you still can! BIG BUBBA WILL HAVE YOUR NAME! &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& This is to the Person that started this thread: Keep up the fight! I Hope you will NOT be HOMELESS SOON! look for mortgage servicing fraud forums you will find some support there, there are a lot of people struggling with this same kind of thing everyday who have been struggling for YEARS! most of them know the ropes to well. watch out for BROKERS! GOOD LUCK TO AND ALL OF US! &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& This is to GENE: I Would like to Thank Gene who started the thread, How I won in Orange CA. He helped me find this web site, the rip-off report. Thank's GENE and Thank you Ed and your team for running this Great site! / Forum &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& This is to George: who with out HIS, Ameriquest Ships Sinking, I would not have found the Mortgage Servicing Fraud Forum,org were I have found the most support and information so far. Thank's To George and everyone there. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! AND MAY WE HAVE A BETTER YEAR IN 2006

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