I was contacted by a sales rep [whom I cannot identify] that stated I could get Angie's list service for $300 "for the year". I confirmed this several times verbally. I know my budget, and did not have $300 to pay them per month!
After a couple of days, I received an email showing 20 categories of "handyman" activities I was not doing or did not want to be getting calls for. Scot Theobold [my account rep] called me to see how it was going [I may have received 1 customer call]. I explained that I did not like the categories they had me in. He said I could be added to another group for another $250 per month!
That is when he said they were charging me $300 per month! I repeatedly refuted the claim and said that the sales agent did not at any time tell me it was $300 per month. Scot said he would get back to me and confirm what I had said.
Several days passed. and I called Scot, but he was conveniently out of town. When I did connect with Scot again, I was charged $300 for the second month. Then Scot informed me it was illegal to record phone conversations in Washington, and that I could not hear the conversation. That is a bald-faced lie! I was informed the conversation was being recorded and did not ask them to stop recording [wasington state law]!
Later Scot told me I had agreed to a contract for $300 per month.
I told him to cancel my membership, and I received a cancellation fee for $1050. I disputed the second month and the $1050 fee with my bank.
Angies List is a rip-off to vendors, period. I had to cancel my credit card to stop the auto payment collection.
Many of the calls I received were way out of my pre-determined service area as well.