  • Report:  #1488488

Complaint Review: Ashley Hawthorne Wells Fargo - Columbus Georgia

Reported By:
Charles - Phenix city, United States

Ashley Hawthorne Wells Fargo
5538 Whittlesey Blvd, Columbus, 31909 Georgia, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

We was forced not to sue Ashley and chaz hawthorne in order for them to drop the harassment charges agaisnt my mom but I was harassed by them to along with my name being tarnished! So if she insists on keeping falsely accusing us I insits on continue to complain on here! And I don't care how many cronies from phenix city are watching me!

  They have no right to continue to harass me after how they got my mom falsely in trouble for harassing them! When it was ashley hawthorne who started screaming at us during 05/12/2012 and telling my mom that she needed to take "HER MENTALLY RETARDED SON BACK IN HER HOME! Yet the police let her file harassment charges against me mother for her screaming back at her! Which alabama is a stand your ground law!

She has gotten all my neighbors against me and its kind of funny how they are getting these new vehicles after they dropped the charges on my mom but ashley hawthorne doesn't want me or my mother to have ANYTHING!

Between 04/01/2013-to now12-02/2019 we have been harassed buy their cronies for no reason and the current neighbors who live in my neighborhood along with their renters! On 05/12/2015 ashley hawthorne caused us to lose our checking account because she lied again saying we harassed her and the cronies who work at the phenix city location branch saying she harassed her in the bank.

  We had no way of knowing that she was in the bank we was being set up by her again because the judge told us to stay away from her. They was telling us to keep coming back in the bank and ashley made sure to be their because they was stalking us! It has just been a pure nightmare and in 2016 she had her family move in their home so she could futher torment me and my mother. This is what psychos do when they have gotten away with lying!

And how her brother and relatives are saying untrue things about me that ashley and chaz hawthorne have said that I was the problem. No they were the problem. I JUST STUCK UP FOR MYSELF AND THEY CAN'T STAND IT. Because they are used to bullying and pushing people around! And nobody fighting them back!

20 Updates & Rebuttals


Phenix city,
United States
Wells fargo wasn't exercising their right to close my checking account from 03/2013-05/2015 it wasn't until after ashley hawthorne lied to them falsely accused me of harassing her at the bank

#2Author of original report

Sat, November 04, 2023

I had my checking account open for over 1 year. Prior to 05/01/2015.  When out of the blue my online access had been disabled. They told me from the 800 number. I had to open a new account in a wells fargo branch. Why oh why did they allow me to open up a new checking account? If they were going to do me this way? They me going back and forth. When I thought something was fixed. I had to come in and fix it.

Unknown to me it was ashley hawthorne setting me up. To falsely call 911 and have me arrested for harassing her. Well, the police saw I wasn't doing anything. And didn't bother me. Boy did this make ashley hawthorne MAD. She went to Wells Fargo Security Dane Chambers at the time. To falsely accuse me of harassing her at the bank.

He is a police detective. He wasn't a good one. Had he looked at the security footage? Besides automatically taking her side of the story. It would show she was lying.

  My new account was only open from 05/15-2015. There was nothing wrong with them to close it.  It wasn't in the negative.  I was treated like scrum because of ashley hawthorne. It was ashley hawthorne who was harassing me. But she managed to convince everyone else. Like the police, I was harassing her.  I tried to make a purchase on my debit card and it was declined. Which caused me to be embarrassed.

I called wells fargo and told them. Then I was told the business relationship went bad. Yeah, it was ashley hawthorne falsely accusing me. Wells fargo thought they were being clever by not saying it.

  Dane chambers told me. You know what this is about. Wells fargo and ashley hawthorne are corrupt to the core. Then they have some nerve to give to charity. They can legally steal from their own bank. To wrongfully enrich themselves.

Wells fargo always responds. That they have the right to close my account. But not trying to set me up to have me falsely arrested. When they wouldn't work out ashley hawthorne pulled this. I had no idea what was going on. Until the day I tried to buy something and it was declined.


Phenix city,
United States
CVS has hired bad pharmacist and they keep them employed even though they have a drug addiction problem

#3Author of original report

Fri, November 03, 2023

Because this pharmacist got an education to become a pharmacist.  They shouldn't be held accountable for how they treat patients. They just can't pick and choose which customer's medication to fill. I had to go to Walmart and they don't make a big deal to fill my prescriptions.  All these injustices that is going on. People are unlawfully discriminated and civil rights are being violated. 

The board of pharmacy also picks and chooses. Which complaints to take action on.  These pharmacists are from the new generation. Who was born in the 1970's or 1980's. They are the most ugly and disrespectful to customers. That you can ever imagine.

Management over these cvs pharmacies. Doesn't do anything for the customers. Who are to take being abused and wrongfully denied their medications.


Phenix city,
United States
The hawthornes love to play dirty like wells fargo for the wrong they did against me I can't bank at wells fargo due to ashley hawthorne falsely accusing me of harassing her

#4Author of original report

Fri, November 03, 2023

I can't bank at wells fargo due to ashley hawthorne falsely accusing me of harassing her. Wells fargo even said it in writing that I harassed her. She is the one harassing me. But she managed to convince people at wells fargo that I harassed her and they took her side. She falsely called 911 while I was at the bank opening my new account. I had no idea she was at the bank.

She was intentionally coming around me. She even had her family move in after the evil thing she did to me.  The hawthornes have a gang over here in sommerset dr to harass me and my son. But I have dash cam and security cameras on my house and a door bell camera.

Ashley hawthorne caused my son to get assaulted by the neighbor who lives next to her. When they followed us in traffic. My son was recording them on his cell phone. They were even having their own son blocking us from passing them. My son was recording them both and didn't like it he was recording her son.

Well, they shouldn't have involved him in criminally harassing us and following us. While we were minding our own business. We have  always minded our own business but still manage to get harassed and falsely accused.

Other neighbors seem to think they have some type of power over us. Due to the police helping ashley hawthorne against me. When they knew good and well we were being harassed. The police and judged ignored.

When i told them she told me to take my MENTALLY RETARDED son back in my home. Like she had some type of authority to do. Because the police gave her and her family the authority to harass and abuse me.

Phenix city,
United States
Christina and pharmacist Matthew need to be locked in the nut house for how they acted they had no right to tell me to leave Matthew is the one who got Christina involved but I have them both recorded

#5Author of original report

Tue, March 17, 2020

I have Christina and Matthew the pharmacist recorded on my cell phone them telling me to leave and Matthew said he wasn't going to refill my medicine. Because this is what my main complaint was to the board of pharmacy! But I have never been told to leave after filing a complaint and the phenix city police telling me I couldn't come back to the store.

 Christina ran away when she saw my call phone recording her. But she still lied to the police that I was the unruly one. It was her and Matthew being the unruly ones! I just can take it anymore!


Phenix city,
United States
When people knowinglly make false statements to their friends or the police with intent to financially harm them then you can report them on this site

#6Author of original report

Fri, January 03, 2020

When people tell lies with them, knowing they are false! This can cause financial harm to you if you can't get hired for a job than this falls under that category or getting people to hate you, which is a violation of my civil rights! But the police side with them because they are corrupt!

This anger I have and hate for ashley and chaz hawothorne along with their cronies friends because they keep bothering me! When its suppose to be over, but the BOOZE has messed up their brain for why think they allowed to continue to harass me and spread untrue rumors! But the police sure didn't hesitate to charge my mom with harassment! But they that I was guilty to!


Phenix city,
United States
I found out why I and other people have been denied justice is because the court of the clerk at the time was corrupt to the core she wasn't fully elected and was giving the job after accusing a

#7Author of original report

Fri, January 03, 2020

  The court of the clerk at the time was corrupt to the bone!  She wasn't fully elected but was giving the position after accusing two city councilmen and was giving a large cash settlement But she denies people justice but she wanted justice herself when these two city councilmen harassed her. Which makes me think after how I was lied about. She falsely accused them too!

  It makes me mad as heck! I can see why people act the way they do in phenix city! She also said she was married to a police officer this is a conflict of interest! And the main reason why so many people are denied justice! But who is she who gets to decide who gets justice! Who is the city clerk to decide who gets justice or not!

The city clerk got the job by bribery!  Because her police officer husband worked it out to falsely charge my mother with harassing ashley hawthorne! It doesn't make any sense! Things are getting worse in phenix city because of the corruptness!

  It makes me even madder at how the police laugh at the victims they do this to! And psychos like ashley and chaz hawthorne are able to do this to other people!


Phenix city,
United States
Anyone who has lied about me or bullied me has always gotten things and they don't want me to have anything just like the psyho ashley hawthorne and chaz the bullies seem to get while the victims get

#8Author of original report

Sat, December 28, 2019

It's always the bullies and the ones who do evil against you always get things! While they go out of their way to make you lose what you have! The bullies have no trouble getting what they want!


Phenix city,
United States
It don't mean just because we agreed not to sue ashley and chaz hawthorne doesn't mean we can't sue them for slander in the future it was just for this one incident!

#9Author of original report

Mon, December 23, 2019

But ashley and chaz hawthorne can't comprehend anything because they have a pea size brain! And how she had employees at the phenix city wells fargo branch tell her what we were doing! So she could be there while we was trying to open up a new checking account! Then we get told by dane chambers that we can't come to any wells fargo!

Some investigators he is or was! Well dane chambers ashley hawthorne and chaz and those employees at the phenix city wells fargo can kiss off! There EVIL didn't work! NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER!

The criminals at wells fargo will burn in hell! for what they did to me and my mother! Wells fargo did pay the price for siding with such a criminal liars like ashley and chaz hawthorne! But stupid people continue to bank with them!


Phenix city,
United States
Ashley hawthorne and chaz have gotten the police against me and this is what they want if I have problems with other neighbors where they can harass me and the police will not stop the harassment

#10Author of original report

Tue, December 17, 2019

Ashley and chaz have gotten the police against me. To where if I have problems with other neighbors, they are freely allowed to harass and abuse me all they feel like and lie about me! And these other neighbors have done exactly that!


Phenix city,
United States
I'm not allowed to lash out in anger like how ashley and chaz hawthorne did to us why does everyone else get to break the law in harming you but you can't lash back at them!

#11Author of original report

Tue, December 17, 2019

Why is it everyone else can go psycho on you but you're not allowed to do anything back. Nobody cares about the personal things or stress in your life and it's not right when someone pushed you too far you get in trouble and nothing happens to the bully creeps who instigated it! The law has no mercy on the victims who was already under stress when they were pushed to the limit!

 Ashley hawthorne and chaz chose to scream in front of their son! But why was ashley hawthrone allowed to get away with calling me mentally retarded because they didn't like my mother screaming back at them! They are all corrupt in phenix city in the child protective services because nobody wants to do anything to the actual criminals!

Ashley and chaz hawthorne are sickos for using their kids to get someone innocent in trouble! But the phenix city child protective services refused to do anything about it! And i hate the police because they would not listen to my side of the story but chose to believe their side! I have been mentally tortured for the last 6 years.

With seeing other people buy new cars! If they say i don't deserve anything then they don't deserve to have anything either!


Phenix city,
United States
I'm getting tired of how people treat me because of the lies ashley and chaz spread about me and how childish they act these people don't know who I am to run away from me how was i know they was

#12Author of original report

Sun, December 15, 2019

How was i know they was suppose to be at this gas station. Nobody should even know anything about me. But their cronies just want to cause trouble by acting like i'm bothering them with them running away from me and going into the walmart parking lot and coming back just because i left.

  I don't know who they are. This crap is still going on since 2013 when they dropped the harassment charges! Even though it was ashley and chaz harassing us but with how corrupt phenix city is they let them! Ashley hawthorne don't want us to have anything so she slanders our name to get people against us and this violates my CIVIL AND HUMAN RIGHTS!


Phenix city,
United States
Why would they get upset over somebody filming in the lobby in the police department why don't they like being recorded then said they would get them for disordly conduct I really hate this town

#13Author of original report

Mon, December 09, 2019

Did I press the police and court employees nerve along with the district attorney office! Innocent people don't act so scared or worried about how they were in the wrong to charge with my mother with harassment because the city clerk was married to a police officer a direct "CONFLICT OF INTEREST" We was put through a NIGHTMARE for no reason! Because we fought back and the police seem to have a problem with it!

Well they should do their jobs in stopping harassment and they shouldn't be receiving our tax $$$$$$$ but they are and the county is suing them. But somehow they are winning all the lawsuits! They shouldn't be conspiring to get innocent people in trouble!

  You should have seen how the police acted because someone was fliming in the lobby of the police department! THEY ARE DOING WHAT THEY DID TO ME AND MY MOTHER THAT IS WHY THEY FREAKED OUT BECAUSE SOMEONE WAS FILMING IN THE  LOBBY.

 I mean seriously what was the problem! This proves how corrupt they are. And those people wasn't bothering anyone until those B******  in the office called the police. Why don't they like not being filmed!

This one officer said they would be got for disordly conduct. I mean really just for filming being put in jail for filming. The police were being disordly and for the city manager to condemn the people for filming. It only proves that this city is corrupt! They weren't bothering anyone in the lobby and the police was acting so scared of being filmed.

Just like how they acted about my complaint on this site! Something very wrong and we already know why they go nuts when people expose them! The police cause everybody to hate them like me!


Phenix city,
United States
I have a right to stick up for myself regardless if ashley hawthorne or chas likes it or not or their cronie friends if they don't like it to bad they need to go seek help

#14Author of original report

Sun, December 08, 2019

I have a right to stick up for myself. If they don't like it to bad that don't give them the right to go to the police to falsely accuse somebody of harassing them!

But people will always try to get you in phenix city that is how dirty low down they are in this town. Things will never change in this CORRUPT CRIMINAL TOWN!


United States

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, December 04, 2019

Oh you can't because your credit is sh*t just like your mother's! AND you have yet to provide any proof that anyone cares one iota about your idiotic rants. Just like when MOMMY lost her nursing license, you could not get a job at a trucking company, neighbors harassing you, black people out to get you etc etc etc. OH Charles - Be Best. 


Phenix city,
United States
I don't have to move I always had to move in the past but not this time we was living here well before ashley and chaz moved in its their cronie friends who keep stirring up trouble and making up

#16Author of original report

Wed, December 04, 2019

Its their cronie friends who are making up things and acting like i'm bothering them. Just to get trouble going. I don't have to move! They don't have a right to do what they do! But it doesn't surprise me that people on this site defend bad people.

I've known some good white people and bad white people and good people in other races. And these are bad white people!


Phenix city,
United States
These neighbors want to harm physically based on the lies Ashley and CHAS Hawthorne have said against me and I am getting tired of it

#17Author of original report

Tue, December 03, 2019

 I am getting tired of it. But the problem is the police only want to believe what lies other people say against you! I being unjustly condemned because of Ashley hawthorne. These other creep neighbors make their own choice to harass me but it’s them not Ashley hawthorne who gets in trouble.

They need to stop acting so childish trying to get me back and wanting to harm me based on false lies they heard from Ashley hawthorne. It’s just ridiculous!


Phenix city,
United States
Stacy you can tell everyone to ignore me I will continue to expose these felon criminals I must be telling the truth for me to irk you so bad

#18Author of original report

Tue, December 03, 2019

I must be going something right for me to irk Stacy for why she tells people to ignore me. I tell the truth and I don't back down! People can ignore me I will alway's exist! The people on this site have no rignt to treat people the way they do!


Phenix city,
United States
Stacy what have I ever done to you for you to show out right hatred for me you don’t even know me mother do these other but I know you will never answer me

#19Author of original report

Tue, December 03, 2019

 Why does Stacy have such a personal vendetta against me someone that she doesn’t even know? And tells everyone to ignore me Stacy is just a psycho like Ashley hawthorne is who wants to pick on and bully people. It doesn’t bother me that she tells everyone to ignore me.

I have a right to make my voice heard just like she does. She is a hypocrite like Ashley Hawthorne. And the rest of team rebuttal on this site. Stacy is like all females a spiteful wench who is the one that needs to be ignored.

She needs to get over herself. As well as the other bullies on this site! They are the ones causing injustices to people.


United States
Ignore Charles

#20Consumer Comment

Tue, December 03, 2019

He complains about EVERYONE that does not believe in his racist rants. Just crawl back into your hole Charles and FYI when did you get out of jail?


United States

#21Consumer Comment

Tue, December 03, 2019

And the rip off was? Just because you are fueding with someone doesn't mean you have been ripped off.............................

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