  • Report:  #476559

Complaint Review: Aurora Loan Services - LIttleton Colorado

Reported By:
- Savage, Minnesota,

Aurora Loan Services
myauroraloan.com LIttleton, Colorado, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have been "dealing" with Aurora Loan Services for nearly a year now in an effort to try and lower my monthly payment. We had made our payments late a few times, but never missed a payment until our interest rate adjusted from 6.25% to 8%. That raised our payments by $400 every month! Around the same time, our 2nd mortgage interest rate DROPPED!?!?!?! And my husband's drywall business was deteriorating so our income was dropping quickly.

We did what we had to do to change our financial situation. And my husband found a stable job with a steady income, but it was at a 51% paycut. We have filled out and sent in our information at least 4 or 5 times. At first they would not help us because we could not afford the payment. SERIOUSLY?! They wouldn't lower our payment because we couldn't afford it?! So, we filled out the paperwork again after reviewing our finances again and sent it in. They had the info and it was in review. It had been in review for nearly 3mos! Then, when I am finally able to get someone on the phone, they inform me that my payments were going to be going UP another $300 per month! That's on top of the already $300 - $400 per month we can't afford!

I explained to the CSR that there was NO WAY I could make that payment. They attempted to get me a supervisor, and wouldn't you know it, not one could be found anywhere to help me. So now, I just got the paperwork yesterday. They want my husband and I to sign it all and send it back. It reads like we committed a serious crime, and we "acknowledge" that we are at fault for being so far behind in payments, etc. I don't think so!

We don't completely blame Aurora for our missing payments, except it really makes me wonder how is it that when the interest rates had been steadily dropping for more than 6 mos and our second mortgage rate dropped, why did our first mortgage rate go up? Also, had they worked out a workable payment plan for us right away, we would not be another 6-9 months behind!!

Out of sheer desperation and frustration I sent an email to my local congressman. They called me back with some information. I now have the number for a local, non-profit group that may be able to help me. It's a free service, so I won't have to pay several thousand dollars (that I don't have) to hope someone else can help me. I also received the phone number for local legal aid in the event I need their assistance. Plus, someone else told me to contact my Attorney General. I filled out the form and have everything ready to go for that as well.

I refuse to go down without a fight. Mostly, I refuse to let them bully me or anyone else anymore. They screwed my mom over several years ago when she was in a similar situation. They won't work with other friends I know who have them as their lender. They can't win this one! They need to understand that this isn't ok. Someone has to take them down, so if you need some help, let me know!

I encourage any of you who are dealing unsuccessfully with them to contact your local congressperson for some information. Also, try your Attorney General for your state.

Together we can bring this company to their knees and MAKE them understand that these are PEOPLE they are dealing with. People who DON'T make millions of dollars ripping off other people.


Savage, Minnesota


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