  • Report:  #66944

Complaint Review: Aurora Loan Services - Scottsbluff Nebraska

Reported By:
- Garland, Texas,

Aurora Loan Services
601 Fifth Avenue Scottsbluff, 69363 Nebraska, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I don't know if you can help us or not but I am going to give it a shot.

We are having a terrible time with our lender. We called yesterday to make arrangements with them to pay the amount of $2,332.54 that was in the letter dated 8/29/03 to have paid within 30 days. We called to find out if that is wired to them on the 26th would that be all right. They have now added another $1,000 plus to that amount. I called last Friday also and asked for a payment history of our account and the man, James, who was very rude and said "It probably wouldn't get to you in time. Do you realize we are filing for-closure on the 29th of September"?

They bought our loan from 5th third bank on April 1st. Yes, I was late with the April payment. I paid $898.00 the first part of May. May 6th I received a letter stating that we owed over $2,441.50. How could this be? I called Aurora and spoke with a Renee in collections who was very nice and at that time she told me if I would send a check for $1,017 she would waive a fee of $517.00,that was for from Fifth Third Bank, until we found out what the fee was for. The actual fee come to find out is $526.20. She said that would bring our account current until June 1, 2003.

Where I thought our payment was $897.54 it reverted to the last payment we paid 5th third to $939.70. I admit I was not able to send another payment until July 15th for $1,000 and I sent another payment August 15th of $427.82. Both of these checks they were accepted but have not applied to our account. I somehow get the impression from the little bit of information that I can get that these funds are in a holding account.

However, after going through my cancelled checks last night to get copies off the internet I noticed my bank shorted $300 on the check I sent them for $427.82. I have deducted the shortage from the amount that we have paid.

Now here is the confusing thing our payments had been $897.54 with 5th Third the last payment went to $939.70 + late fees, which we paid, and they received March 31st and they showed at the time of our account transferring to Aurora that we had a zero balance with them and that a fee for $526.20 was waived before the loan sold to Aurora. I have documentation to back that up. We also received a letter from Aurora services stating that they would be taking over our account on April 1st and to make the payment of $897.54 to them.Payment stubs to mail in with other payments would follow. That is why I made the $898 payment. Their statements are very confusing. However, I received a letter dated July 1 that our payments dropped to $926.84. They said our escrow balance was short and if we paid it in full our payments would drop to $901.12. I don't understand all of this.

All right, so as of this date we have paid Aurora Loan services a total of $3,042.82

As of this date the total amount due since April 1,2003-September 1,2003 less fees they say they paid of $526.20 is: $5,818.30.

I have been trying to find out since May what the $526.20 fees are that they say we owe and that they paid from 5th third bank. I called our prior lender and they said those fees were waived at the time of the sale and that our account had a zero balance when it was sold and that Aurora had no right to charge us for those fees. They have sent me a payment history, which I made a copy and sent to Aurora. It is as if Aurora has not acknowledged the copy of the statement I sent to them. I wrote them also and asked for proof that they paid these fees and to who.

They have not sent this too us yet.

The lady we spoke to last night said that at the date of the letter on August 29th the amount was $2,325.13 but is now $3,289.56. Why? I spoke with a James last Friday about our account and he did not tell me this.

In our payment history that we recieved finally after several apptempts to obtain, it shows the $526.20 fee with no explanation. It also shows another fee for $1,077. It also shows two of my payments reversed and applied to these fees.

This, I believe is a "Predatory Lender" I have pulled up several reports about them from Rip-Off Reports. COM. They are in the business of taking homes. Our home is worth a lot more than what we have paid for it and that is why they are going after us so hard.

Would you please investigate this? I am trying very hard to find another job. Have received some good responses this week and have some interviews set up. I was making good money and am now on unemployment. This has created a hardship. I have copies of everything to back up my complaint. This whole thing has been extremely stressful.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Garland, Texas

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