  • Report:  #256428

Complaint Review: Barrister Global Services Network Inc. - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
- Tampa, Florida,

Barrister Global Services Network Inc.
905 Sams Avenue, Los Angeles, 70123-3225 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
my computer's power supply burnt out after moving to a new appartment in late april/early may. I reported this to circiut city, the company I purchased the computer from, and they reffered me to Barrister Global Services Network, Inc., the company that handles the in-home repairs and work orders via warranties for circiut city.

my initial response to the company was aprehensive, after hearing the words "woman-owned" in the automated recounting of the companies laurels while I was on hold. I have no problem with women owning and running businesses, but my initial subconcious response questioned why they felt that needed to be stated, what that said about their credibility, and why they hated me for being male?

the technicians (when I finally get one on the line after 11 minutes of holding) always seemed either hard of hearing or using a phone older than my grandmother, because I constantly had to repeat myself. after "trying" to update my information with them, they misspelled my address and didn't even bother updating my phone number, as I had insisted, because they ended up calling my grandmother's house, the phone number I used 3 years ago when the computer was purchased.

the incompetence continued as the tech told me a new power supply would be mailed to me directly through UPS, and then a technician would be sent out upon me calling to report the part's arrival... forgetting the fact that this part never showed up (three times in a row!), why didn't they just send it WITH the technician?!

the tech on the phone also conveniantly forgot to give me a case number or tracking number for the UPS package. after a week and a half of waiting, I called back, quite vexed with the situation.

the next tech, a girl named rachel (I remembered it because I have it written down) understands what I mean when I say I NEED my computer to succeed in college, and does her best to appease me, resending the package (that, according to her records, had not been sent in the first place, and how, in fact, the entire case had been erroneously written off as resolved), giving me a case number (702 242), and saying the package should arrive in 3 days, during which a local tech would call and set up an appointment.

the tech ended up calling my grandmother's house (after a second attempt on my part to correct their information and give them my current number) where they were promptly rejected and hung up on (my grandmother brookes no foolishness, and dislikes unheard-of companies calling her home). they ended up having to reach me through my mother (who was still the purchaser of the computer via Circiut City's records on her credit transaction) who promptly dirrected them to my number, where they managed to call me in the middle of a test in class, upsetting my instructor and costing me valuable class time and grading opertunity (after I had, every time I'd spoken with them, asked them not to call me during the hours of my classes, and had given detailed schedule information).

another 2 weeks pass. no packages arrive, no techs call, and UPS doesn't even leave a note on the door. I fell sick with bronchitis. miserably ill, my mother comes to care for me. a tech finally calls at 8:30 am (way too early for a night student), and I scramble out of bed, sick and half asleep, for a piece of paper to scribble this fool's number down on; a bus schedule that was promptly, but innocently, thrown away by my mother in an attempt to clean for me. his number was just as good to me lost as it would have been in my hand; the part never arrived, so he couldn't have done any work anyway.

I call again. my case number isn't valid. no body answeres their phones, and voice mail boxes are all full. I listen for manager extension numbers and start leaving angry messages on every one of them. call back, but to little cosiquence.

finally, after two months of playing this retarded game with Barrister, I call Circiut City to see if i can get it repaired on-location at one of their stores. I explain the ridiculous situation to them, express my anger, and tell them that all I need is a power supply, a relatively simple part, to my understanding. the tech reissues the entire case to barrister, and I almost screamed at him, although he DID help me finally correct the phone number and address on their records (the dopes at barrister had left out a crucial "North" denotation on my street, every time I told them about it). so, finally finding a ride to the nearest Circiut City, I take my computer in. I was prevented from doing this before due to my own and my friends class schedules and lack off transportation. they say they'll need to hold it for a week and a half while they wait on the part to come in. I ask them why they don't have any on hand? they fail to respond satisfactorily.

coincidentally, that night, while my computer was still in the back seat, a friend's room mate, who I was talking to when I came by to check up on said friend's pets while she was out of town, happened to have a handful of power supplies in his closet, and computer building/repair was an avid hobby of his. after 30 minutes of removing 6 screws, cleaning some dust off the fans, and putting the new power supply in, my computer works fine again...

so, why the hell did they make me wait two months for them to fix it (as they were contractually obligated to), only to damage my grades in a rather expensive technical institute and force me to get it fixed on my own time and money elsewhere?!

incompetence is the only thing that i think can explain it, but it certainly doesn't excuse it.

I want to know what i should do about this? I want reimbursement for the stupidity I was forced to endure! and I want it known that this company makes about as much sense as a football bat! I want to know if there is a lawyer that can advise me on this? and I want everybody else to know that Circiut City and Barrister are the Dynamic Duo of Dumbness.


Tampa, Florida


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4 Updates & Rebuttals

BGSN- Corporate Response

Corporate Response

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, October 05, 2009

We have set up a dedicated email with several team members working to address any issues. If you feel that you have a legitimate issue that you would like to address please contact us at [email protected]. You will receive a response within 24 hours.


South St. Paul,
You are not the only one

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, October 01, 2009

After working for Barrister I can reaffirm that this customer is not alone with his service experiences.  I also, have heard the exact same story from nearly all of my clients and I have personally experienced the same sort of incompetence. 

It disgusts me to read responses from individuals, like "ME", who can do nothing but negatively attack someone because of their spelling or gramatical sentence structure.  It's the content that carries weight and is important.  Think again "ME", before attacking my credibility with weasel comments.  I DO have two Bachlors degrees and a Masters in Networking, as well as over 18 years of experience in IT and 16 years as an entrepenteur of my own consulting company.

As for Barrister, they cannot even get the proper parts ordered.  I had a processor that was in need of replacement for a client and after nearly two (2) weeks of waiting I recieved a Hard Drive for a laptop instead of a new processor.  This was common place when dealing with Barristers customer service and technical support.  They have NO CLUE!  They are poorly trained, lazy with their attitude, and adaquate responses are nearly non-existent. 

I for one, totally empathize with this customer and can produce many more recent examples to corroberate his experiences.  Barrister claims to be proactive with their training, however it is clearly ineffective.  For a company who claims to be "woman owned", it is totally run by a man.  It can leave little wonder as to why this company has serious operating issues and deserves little to no support.  Company's like this one tend to weed themselves out of existence through their own actions, or lack thereof. They are their own worst enemy.


Circuit City doesn't exist anymore and Circiut City (as Phillips calls them) never did

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, May 28, 2009

While I NEVER use all capitals letters I think Phillip would make his 'prose' easier to stomach if he'd use the occasional capital letter at the begining of a sentence. I have a lot of problems with companies but 11 (eleven, that's what I think Phillip meant, but seeing his 3rd grade level of writing skills, maybe he meant TWO) minutes is not too long to wait. I rarely speak of technicians always having problems hearing unless I've decided it wasn't ME. It would appear that Phillip spoke to more than one, but why do that? At least on the first day. It also appears that Phillip conveniently forgot to ask for a tracking number and didn't tell his po' ole grammy that unheard of companies MAY call her. How is incompetence (as Phil calls them) exhibited when someone says they'll send a part via UPS? Hmmm? Forgetting the fact that what? It seems you DIDN'T forget. Not unlike the claim Phillip says he remembers Rachel's name. That's not REMEMBERING, it's READING! Hopefully Phillip will succeed even WITHOUT a computer, many people do it, or find one, but Phillip blames everyone else about his poor skills in the brain department. FINDING A RIDE!? Phillip doesn't blame Circuit City for his lack of an automobile? Wow! I'm not sure I'd be using this guy to diagnose the problem as a power supply, but it is usually pretty simple. The symptoms could be a system board however, and I'd hate to be him waiting for the part to come in. Or trying to get a ride to... wherever. Expensive Technical Institute? Have you ever heard of a library? You shouldn't HAVE to use one, but when you're computer is dead (and I'll bet they never told you in that stupid warranty they sell, how long they have to FIX it) Your education and study is YOUR responsibility. I'm sure you'll find someone to take your case about the problems you had, but since YOU decided to fix it yourself, I can't see you winning. In closing, I agree you were screwed, but you caused most of it. Grandma's number notwithstanding, the REAL problem was the power supply never made it. You not getting all the information from people that aren't obligated to conform to all of the differences between all of the consumers out there is YOUR fault. Hopefully you've learned something your 'expensive' technical education hasn't helped you with (that and I hope you're getting a technical writing course in that batch because your prose was boring and whiny, but mostly 3rd grade level spelling) Me


Corporate Response

#5UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 01, 2009

Barrister provides some direct warranties and facilitates services for other companies warranties. Often, customers do not understand that Barrister is not their warranty provider, but, rather, the service provider for their warranty company. We are limited in the services by each company for whom we perform warranty services. A customer should always refer to their warranty documents to determine the actual warranty provider, along with the terms and conditions of their warranty. These documents clearly spell out what is covered by the warranty and what is not covered. Sometimes, a customer may think something should be covered, but it is excluded by the terms of the warranty. We are happy to assist any customer who has a question concerning warranty coverage and the customer should feel free to contact us. If we cannot assist them, we will direct them back to the warranty provider Barrister has been in business for over 35 years, serving customers throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. We have business relationships with most of the major OEM manufacturers and companies in the United States. We are a strong, capable company with a proven history of successful operation. We care a great deal about the perception of a client or a vendor and anyone with a concern should access company management via our company website www.barrister.com Barrister employees both employee technicians and utilizes the services of thousands of independent contractor technicians throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. When technicians join our network, they are thoroughly screened in a variety of ways, including assessment of capabilities and certifications. Every technician who enters our system has been determined to be fully capable of performing the work for which he is signing up to perform. Occasionally, we will find that a technician, although qualified and certified, may not possess the ability to perform to our standards. When that occurs, he/she is removed from our system. We are very proud of the caliber of technician who performs work on our behalf. They are competent, talented and capable and they are well managed by our Technical Support and Client Services team to insure that the work performed meets the requirements of the customer. Barrister employees approximately 20 in-house technical support agents who are on hand to assist technicians and customers via telephone. Their goal is to provide a one part/one trip fix for the repair in question. We utilize the latest training methods and our in-house technicians participate weekly in on-going training sessions to provide them with hands-on repair scenerios to better acquaint them with the kinds of problems technicians and customers may experience. We also utilize vendor provided help desks to further support our technical team whenever there is a need. Our in-house technicians are monitored on performance and evaluated on trips and parts per fix on the calls where they are involved. This insures that they are motivated to provide the very best off site technical support available.

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