  • Report:  #661999

Complaint Review: box250squared (eBay ID) - Springfield Ohio

Reported By:
Arthur - Cerritos, California, USA

box250squared (eBay ID)
2071 N Bechtle Ave, Ste 250, Springfield, OH 45504 Springfield, 45504 Ohio, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

In August of 2010, box250squared bid and won an item from me on eBay.com
Item #: 150476304159
Title: Panasonic AG-HSC1 HSC1UP AVCHD HD Camcorder w/Extras!!
Buyer eBay User ID: box250squared
Box-two-fifty Squared
2071 N Bechtle Ave
Ste 250
Springfield, OH 45504-1583
United States
PayPal e-mail: [email protected]
personal email: [email protected]
No other legal name provided.  Legitimate?

The buyer failed to pay for the item after almost 3 weeks after winning and I had to file a complaint on August 23, 2010.

Buyer still could not pay and received a Unpaid Buyer Strike.

A final value fee was reimbursed and a free relist credit was issued to me and the item was relisted.
Date: Sept 10, 2010.
Item #: 150491575489

Box250squared won the item on Sept 17, 2010 and asked for me to remove the unpaid buyer strike from our previous transaction. I declined since it was a transaction that he failed to pay for.  In turn, he paid for my reslisted item and asked me to ship this item and remove the unpaid buyer strike from his last transaction.  I called paypal on Sept 25, 2010 and was ADVISED BY PAYPAL not to ship the item as this appears to be a retaliatory gesture, and to contact the seller to back out of the transaction.

My messages were not responded to. I explained the situation to the buyer, and the buyer ignored my messages, questions, suggestions, offer for his opinion, and demanded (in all caps) for a tracking number in one sentence, without any regard or sense to the context of the situation that I was advised by paypal to negotiate to back out of this transaction.

On Oct 12, 2010, buyer leaves me a negative feedback leaving out all aspects of context- a clear retaliatory gesture of the unpaid buyer strike he received for failing to pay.

More recently, buyer has threatened in emails that "Getting our money back by force will not be enough. Not even close."  As a sidenote, buyer said he will go to various internet crime complaint and law enforcement services, but this is fine since I encourage the justice for a situation like this.  Buyer, however, continues to promise defamation: "Various google searchable internet sites (already started). List will grow. We'll also be sure anyone looking for you or your AKA's will find this story via google.  Paperisdelicious: Ebay scam artist and wire fraud."

For the record, I do not have the buyer's money.  when the buyer escalated the claim in paypal, paypal held the funds from me (putting me into negative balance) until the issue was resolved.  I called paypal (since the refund option was not available in an escalated claim), to release the funds since I did not ship the item (as per paypal's instructions).  They said they would close the case and release the funds to the buyer.  Paypal apparently has not because the buyer is claiming I am fraudulent and that I still have his money.  I have encouraged the buyer several times to please CALL paypal to get his funds released, but he continues to refuse to do so.  He simply tells me I have an intention to cheat him and that he called weeks ago (which is not a relevant date to the matter at hand).  My last response to the seller asked him not to believe me, but to please call paypal to hear from them that I do not have his money.

He claims I continue to lie, claiming loopholes in my story that dont exist, for exmaple, that refunds are handled online, not phone (loophole!...?).  For those experienced eBayers out there who can help advise mr. box250squared.  We do know that in an escalated claim, paypal holds those funds and begins their own investigation.  These funds are released by paypal when the item is returned to the original seller, or the goods shipped to the buyer claiming non-receipt.  All shipments must be provided with a tracking number, and any tracking information submitted to paypal would've been viewable by the seller. However, since I did not ship anything and told paypal i did not ship anything, there was no tracking number, thus the case was closed in the buyer's favor.  So either paypal still has his money and the buyer thinks I'm scamming and coming after me with everything he's got.  Or the buyer is scamming me himself and claiming I still have his money when he already has it.  I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt and think its still held by paypal.

Thoughts, opinions, questions, regards? Please feel free to email me  at (((REDACTED)))@yahoo.com.

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Thanks for the comments

#2Author of original report

Tue, November 16, 2010

I appreciate it guys. 

To answer a couple of questions.  First off the buyer (box250squared) has 100% positive feedback because he only purchases. Buyers cannot receive negative or neutral feedbacks anymore as of recent years. 

And in terms of requesting payment, I'm pretty against quick action and all for communication.  In the first auction I asked the buyer for payment several times and was responded iwth "next friday"  "next friday", etc.  Until I was frustrated.

With the second auction, I emailed to explain the whole situation and asked him what he thinks I should do based on paypals recommendation not to ship out the camera.  He responded with (all caps): "where is my tracking number?" So I explained the situation thoroughly again, this time he responded with a negative feedback along with the same type of email.  It was going no where.

He's not the type to communicate apparently.  I tried to clearly explain why I could not refund him in an escalated dispute, and how I dont have his money, I cant possibly have his money because its held by paypal and there was no tracking submitted that i shipped the item or he returned it, so the case closes in his favor.  I tried to clearly explain that to him in plain english- and his response?  No reply, but a ton of spam saying im a scam artist all over my flickr accounts (all easily removed thanks to one block button that removes all comments posted by that user), but it seems quite- immature, no?

Just not sure how to deal with adults who act like kids on ebay.  annoying, if you guys have had a similar experience.  Thanks for all the comments and input, i want to be as open minded and open to perspectives as i can be.


Ronny g

North hollywood,

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, November 15, 2010

..I don't want to overlook this important detail...the listing and final selling fee.

You do have to go through the resolution center and deal with it..and they will post the reason why the transaction was not completed. They will then not charge the final selling fee and will let you relist it free. It doesn't have to lead to an unpaid buyer strike.

When I have a problem with a seller taking to long to pay..I write them an email to the effect "...it has been (however long) and I have not yet received payment. Perhaps this was an oversight. I would like to ship the item, it is all packed and ready to ship. If for some reason you can not pay, please notify me so I can relist it. And this will require I go through the resolution center so I can have the final selling fee and listing fee refunded. If I do not hear back from you I will assume you do not want the item and I will need to relist it..thanks"

The few times this happened (because I typically list BIN), the payment was made the day I sent the email.

I checked on the sellers Ebay and he has 79 transactions as a buyer with 100% positive feedback. Granted one said he was nit picky and demanding, and one was removed,,he does not have any negatives or neutrals. I only mention this because it is evidence that this may have been able to be solved in a better way for both of you.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
I should add..

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, November 15, 2010

..hopefully you know this already..but all communications with the buyer (especially considering this is a dispute), should be done through the resolution center. This documents which parties are communicating, and it can provide proof as to any threats or lies etc if needed in the future for evidence.

Also did the buyer ever give a reason why he did not pay the first time? I am not defending the buyer in any way as I do not know the circumstances..but it is sometimes better to communicate then to leave an unpaid buyer strike or file a complaint.

Sometimes in life and business..it is better just to let things go..or it can escalate out of hand like what is happening with you now. Sure as a seller it stinks if someone does not pay...but what you are going through now is a lot worse then if you let it slide and simply relisted it. Just my advice. I do realize that other sellers can be helped by the unpaid buyer strike...but looking back if you could do this over would you have perhaps handled it differently?

Ronny g

North hollywood,
What a mess..

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, November 15, 2010

I would have emailed you but the site redacted the address. I am experienced with buying and selling on ebay, but have not had a bad experience like this. Usually the buyers or sellers I deal with are reasonable if there is a problem. As a seller if I make a mistake I take the responsibility. It has cost me a shipping fee, but it was worth it in the long run to maintain a 100% positive..as that can give me an edge over competitors.

It seems apparent here that the buyer is being retaliatory. However it does not matter what he claims other then to slander you. PayPal is either holding the funds, or the buyer had the funds returned. PayPal does not misplace electronic funds. They either hold, or release.

When you go to the resolution center what does it say is happening? Was it settled? Did the buyer leave a reply? All of this info should be well documented on the site.

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