  • Report:  #44928

Complaint Review: Buyloud.com - San Fernando California

Reported By:
- Fremont, California,

233 North Maclay Ave.#416 San Fernando, 91340 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On 5/09/02 I placed an order online at their website.

On 5/10/02 I canceled the order online because by phone was not reacheable.

On 6/25/02 I received the product without any knowledge why,

on 7/01/02 I sent it back of course with their approval first,

I called them and they said ok no problem and without any RMA #,

and on 7/05/02 they received it by ups and signed "Dolinski".

They said refund takes 3 weeks approx., till 11/22/02 they said

my card was already refunded and that they where deducting 10%

due to process, and their website does not say that, on 11/25/02

they said the refund was made on 10/26/02 with a confirmation # 12696,

of course my bank said it's not true, they've been lying ever since by emails.

On 11/26/02 I placed a file on BBB.org, but they could noth help me,

they say they did not answer.

Probably the only way I can have my money back is taking them to court and pray to god.


Fremont, California

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