  • Report:  #24770

Complaint Review: capital first - miami Florida

Reported By:
- Reno, OH,

capital first
18495 south dixie highway #228 miami, 33157 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was called on June 17,2002 The company debited my account for 29.95 at that time

I was told i would have a seven day trial period before the membership fee of 99.95 and a processing fee of 59.95 was deducted from my account

The package was mailed on July 2 and i received it on july 8. On July 10 the 99.95 and 59.95 was deducted from my account.

they say i cannot receive the 59.95 and 29.95 fees refunded. I cancelled on july 11. I received another mailing on july 13 for a telephone card for 54.99 a month.

I also canceled this the same day I received the letter. I have called twice and am told each time the processing fee and the other fee is nonrefundable.


Reno, Ohio

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