  • Report:  #182569

Complaint Review: Career Education Corp - Hoffman Estates Illinois

Reported By:
- Lihue, Hawaii,

Career Education Corp
Schaumburge Illinois Hoffman Estates, 60195 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Career Education Corp aka CTUonline misleads people into believing they can achieve an education and work. They set you up to fail, they mislead you into believing that you can get your degre in 15 months, well I have been attending since 2004 and still nowhere near graduation AND I HAD PRIOR COLLEGE CREDITS, WEB DESIGN CERTIFICATION, PARALEGAL DEGREE AND 17 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS A PARALEGAL. I am now in the hole $24000 and they keep telling me I am not near graduation and they keep failing me over and over and I am pretty smart chick, I worked for the Attorney General - obviously not so bright because I have been duped by this fraud school. Congress needs to stop these online fraud schools and the department of education needs to stop funding this crap.

This is embezzling and racketeering at its finest and yet our judiciary system is allowing these fraudulent entities to rip consumers off, they are just sneaking and evil and reaping astounding profits off of unsuspecting struggling single moms like me (who is also saving my money what is left of it to put my son through college) at least I won't let my children go to any stupid "ONLINE" schools what a joke. Wake up america see here is another company getting rich quick by preying on citizens who just want an education.



Lihue, Hawaii

16 Updates & Rebuttals


You are incorrect about Colorado Technical University

#2General Comment

Sat, January 21, 2012

I started at Colorado Technical University back in March 2008 and I did obtain my A/S in Accounting.  It did only take me 15 months because I stayed focused and worked hard and did everything they told me to do with regards to assignments.  I was invited to Kansas City, Missouri to participate in commencement, which I participated in.  I am in my Bachelors program going part time and will be graduating this June.  They are not a rip off school.  They are a good school and I think that if you are having this much trouble, you should look for another school to attend.  Obviously you are doing things your own way because you are set in your ways but when you are older and going to school you have to make changes and do things differently.  I understand your frustration but you not passing your classes has nothing to do with the school, it has to do with you.  If you do not answer all of the topics that they want answered for a specific assignment they will take points off for that.  You need to re-evaluate your work and see if you are actually doing the work correctly before you go and bash a good school.


United States of America

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, January 21, 2012

I have been going to CTU online now 2 yrs. LOVE it!!!  best college experience...my ADMISSIONS Adviser is great...She is more than a sales person she cares about me as a student, she calls me periodically and has for 2 yrs!!!!  If u think of it as a paycheck than u must not be good at your job!!!  So glad I never dealt w/u bc u care more about your pay than helping students!!!

Feds Will Make Cuts


#4Consumer Comment

Fri, August 12, 2011

STAY CLEAR OF CEC- Career Education Corporation (CECO)

CEC operates numerous for-profit schools (school list below)

Please be cautious and research CEC and its schools carefully.

CEC owns and operates CTU Colorado Technical University

Contact you president and ask for a refund. It is illegal to deceive students.
Make sure this is done without delay. The longer you wait the more reason CEC has to deny refunding your money
because delay is taken into consideration. Contact other students and get the word out. This is huge and action needs to be taken. The more students the better off you should be. Good Luck

Contact Corporate:


Career Education Corporation
231 N. Martingale Road
Schaumburg, IL 60173

(847) 781-3600



CEC is being investigated by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) for deceptive or otherwise questionable statements, which included information about the colleges accreditation, graduation rates and its students prospective employment and salary qualifications, duration and cost of the program, or financial aid. Representatives at certain schools also employed hard-sell sales and marketing techniques to encourage students to enroll.


CEC - Career Education Corporation (CECO) a for-profit conglomerate is a highly untrustworthy corporation. Researching this company and its schools briefly reveals countless highly damaging reports including, but not limited to CBS investigations, scam school list, a degree mill list and regulatory investigative fact-finding reports into its business practices. Furthermore and more importantly, thousands of past and current students in addition to faculty have filed suit against CEC for enrollment and job placement fraudulence in addition to many other untrustworthy practices. It appears numerous lawsuits have recently been won by students and faculty with more lawsuits in the development stages. There is something wrong at Career Education Corp. and these judgments are evidence of that. Federal regulators recently tightened job placement and federal loan payback guidelines on CEC and its highly unlikely Career Education Corp. can satisfy the new guidelines.  Career Education Corporation final days are numbered.


Job recruiter:

Most for-profit degrees are worthless. Our company will not interview students from these "colleges" due to the low quality. All they care about is getting loan money.


(* Lawsuit Filed)    CEC Schools:                    11 Student Population:

CTU Colorado Technical University ------------- 28,100

* AIU American InterContinental University --17,600

IADT International Academy of Design --------   10,000

* La Cordon Bleu ---------------------------------------               13,200

* California Culinary Academy ----------------------  ^^^^

* Briarcliffe College ------------------------------- ----   N/A

Brooks Institution --------------------------------------   N/A


(Please do your own research)




This company will have a difficult time with imminent federal spending cuts.


Those who purchased shares of Career Education Corp. (Public, NASDAQ:CECO), have certain options and should contact the Shareholders Foundation at [email protected] or call +1(858) 779 - 1554.



Shareholders Foundation, Inc.
Trevor Allen
3111 Camino Del Rio North - Suite 423
92108 San Diego
Phone:  +1-(858)-779-1554
Fax:  +1-(858)-605-5739
[email protected]

Report Attachments

One Who Knows

15 month degree completion does NOT mean it's worthless!

#5General Comment

Wed, August 10, 2011

I graduated from CTU Online is 15 months with a BS in Business Administration.  Yes, I did it in 15 months - BUT (and this is a BIG "but"): that is not starting from Ground Zero.  If you need to begin from the beginning, with no credits and no ability to get them, the degree will take you four years or close to it.

In my case, I had twenty years of business experience (albeit without a degree) behind me when I started.  I prepped for and took a near-record number of CLEP tests (administered by the College Board - the same folks responsible for the SAT).  Each CLEP test was worth credit for a particular course.  I took and passed CLEPs in College Math, Science, Literature, American Government, and College French, among others.  I also had an extensive work portfolio with numerous exhibits that demonstrated college-level work performance.  Between the CLEPs (which got me the lion's share of credits) and the work portfolio (which yielded a few more), I entered CTU as a junior, not a freshman.  I therefore needed only two years' courses.
Working straight through with no breaks or vacations, I did in fact complete the two years in the busiest 15 months of my life.  Not a week went by that I wasn't working on a paper or researching several assignments.  They were nonstop.  Friends who had attended traditional universities agreed that mine was a very tough curriculum.

Nonetheless I graduated with a 4.0 GPA, never receiving a grade lower than a 93 on any individual assignment.  Was it easy?  Absolutely not.  I can see how any number of students wouldn't be up to it.  Was it worth it?  Absolutely.  I graduated in 2006.  I own my own business and proudly list my CTU degree on my CV.  Never once have I had a client comment negatively on it, and my client base is comprised largely of Fortune 500 companies.



United States of America
CTU Excellent Education

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, September 06, 2010

  I can't imagine why you had such an experience, unless you just didn't apply yourself. Online education is not for the lazy.  It was hard work, but so worth the time and effort.  My background is not too different from yours and I received my BSBA in Project Management in 15 months.  Most of my instructors were excellent.  I am disabled and they worked with me to complete my work within the 5 1/2 weeks of the class.
  As far as the universities that accept transfer credits: All of my credits are acceptable to the University of California system; California State University; Purdue University (IL), Mid-Western and others.  Additionally, Colorado Technical University (CTU) is also credited by the Project Management Institute (PMI).  CTU is the only university with a master program accepted by PMI.  May I suggest you research what an "accredited university" is.
  As for the guy that is an admissions adviser (he prefers to be called a sales person); my experience with my admissions adviser was excellent. He followed me all through my program and was of insurmountable help to me the whole time.  I don't think he was paid every month for my attending  school. 
  My only unfavorable experience was with the career center.   However, I graduated in September 2008 and jobs were already becoming scarce. The economy was not CTU's problem.
   You need to research your facts and not blame some else for your failures.



Colorado Springs,
United States of America
Know what you're getting

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, August 16, 2010

ANY baccalaureate program that can be completed in a little over a year is suspect.  You don't get something for nothing in this world, and it's just not possible to get the same kind of education online in a year as someone attending a mainstream brick-and-mortar college full-time for four or more years.  

I highly recommend watching or reading the transcripts of the hearing on for-profit colleges by the US Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee held on Aug 4th, 2010.  I watched the entire 3+ hour hearing, and the testimony made it very clear how paper-thin the accreditation process is.  The committee questioned the Executive Director of ACCSC, which accredits a large number of online and career types of for-profit colleges.  He described the process (used by most of the other accreditors as well), where they have the target institution evaluate *themselves*, followed by a follow-up spot-check by their staff --less than ten people in the entire outfit, responsible for accrediting hundreds of institutions.  The institutions pay for their own accreditation, and are free to take their business elsewhere (called "accreditation-shopping") if they don't like what the accreditors have to say--very similar conflicts to the ratings agency fiasco that helped cause the Great Recession.  The take-away for me was that accreditation does not--cannot, with the limited resources applied to it--provide a meaningful guarantee of a quality education.

I worked in the human resources branch of a very large organization, and we did not view degrees obtained from online programs as equivalent to a traditional four-year full-time course of study.  You'll have the diploma, but many employers know and do care where it came from.  Only you can decide if you are getting value for the very-expensive tuition.  Some programs at CTU require industry certifications after graduation (i.e. professional engineer exams), but good luck finding the success rates of their graduates from them.

A previous rebuttal here stated that "admissions counselors" are actually trained salespeople.  My experience with CTU would confirm that--they used easily-spotted techniques that would be right at home in a used-car lot.  God save you if you give them your phone number, because they'll pester you to death.  Again, watching the HELP hearing would be instructive.

CTU's Colorado Springs "campus" struck me as more of a corporate office building.  They also do not publicly list their professors and their qualifications.  Their graduation rate is not listed as they are too new to have accumulated five years worth of data, and they don't disclose what data they do have.  All of this struck me as warning signs.  The recently-released Dept of Education student loan repayment study shows a 39% repayment rate for CTU, so more than 60% are presumed to not be finding post-education employment sufficient to pay down their student loan debt.

Bottom line--look before you leap.  Don't depend on salesman pitch material on the school's reputation or your future employability, and don't assume that accreditation means quality education. 


United States of America
CTU is an excellent school

#8UPDATE Employee

Tue, March 23, 2010

This is in response to Michelle and her accusations against Colorado Technical University and their online program. First of all they DO NOT set you up to fail, I obtained my first degree in less than 15 months (as promised). Secondly if she is actually a paralegal she would know that there is no such thing as embezzling (embezzlement) and that would not apply to her situation. I would be a little worried if I were her in making such liable and slanderous claims. Finally each and every college/university has its own policy on credit and transfers so therefore even Harvard may not accept certain credits from Brown. This is the ranting of someone who mistook online to mean (EASY) and thought they could skate through without putting in the work and it is work,sacrifice and especially time management. I will graduate again later this year with my BSCJ and already enrolled in the Masters program . I researched quite diligently prior to choosing CTUO and I believe that I made an excellent choice in higher education, so much so that I recommended to three family members and four friends who are all current students and by the way they LOVE it! As for her failing over and over well that is unfortunate because they offer tutoring and the professors will allow for extra time if you are experiencing certain difficulties so that claim I know is absolutely (BOGUS). I could not set by and let someone make such outlandish claims against my school without writing a rebuttal.


United States of America
Matter of Opinion

#9General Comment

Sat, December 05, 2009

I am not going to tell you one is more effective than the other, because that in it self is an untruth. However, I will say the determining factor lies with the individual. I am starting my graduate studies at John Hopkins in January. I graduated from CTU in 2007 with a 3.85 GPA; the area I was focusing in at that time was a BSSE in Software Systems Engineering and I did complete it in 13 months.

While I was attending CTU, I was working full time while being a single mom. I am saying this to encourage you to complete your degree no matter which route you choose. I would suggest that you take a step back and see which format fits your nature and how you excel in learning. And saying that if you decide to stay with CTU know in advance it will require you to be disciplined with your time and studies. One thing that is important is the scheduled classes,I noticed those who got behind or seemed to be struggling never participated in the classroom activities, and waited to the last minute to complete there assignments here is where the difference happens between passing and failing in the virtual world.

Also for your own piece of mind;the US Department of Education accepts CTU's accreditations along with the USC's of the world. If you want to check out all the universities that are accredited by the US Department of Education; just go on there website and type in the school you are interested in.

Best wishes,


You are incorrect

#10General Comment

Sun, October 18, 2009

I wanted to inform you that I just graduated at the end of June 2009 from CTU Online with my Associates of Science in Accounting.  I started my eduation with CTU Online in April 2008, so for you to sit there and say that it can't be done is incorrect.  I worked full time, raised my infant daughter with help from my husband, and participated in all of my classes and received outstanding grades.  My daughter ended up in the hospital with seizures and I still did my class work.  If you are continuing to fail your classes it's because you are either plagiarizing, not completing the work assigned, or just doing a half a** job at the work you are turning in.  I have never had any problems because I did all of the class work that was required.  Just because you worked for the Attorney General's office doesn't mean squat.  DO THE WORK OR BE PREPARED TO FAIL AS YOU HAVE BEEN.


Your Wrong

#11Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 04, 2009

First over all, I am doing my ASBA and I have been fine doing the 2 classes at a time. Granted I will admit it is stressful when you have other things going on in life, but I am active in the military, I have a job, and family problems and I am 3 months away from Graduation, maybe doing the 2 classes at a time is a pace you can not control, before you blame the University , you might want to evaulate why you are failing the class. Do you even Participate?


Just Facts

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, June 29, 2009

Michelle Online schools are not just a joke, you should do your research for yourself.CTU is a regionally accredited university, accredited by the North Central Association of colleges and schools.A University cannot be granted a regional accreditation unless it meets certain standards--be it Private, Public, etc--and CTU meets and surpasses those standards according to the North Central Association of Colleges . Are you all really suggesting that it is a 'scam' and that agency is letting it slip through? The fact that you contacted UNLV or any other school that you named is irrelevant because the way credits transfer in depends on the program and just because a school does not accept certain credits does not mean the previous institution was not legitimate.Schools have choices not everything will transfer everywhere. These are undisputed facts. I earned my undergraduate degree online and was able to 100% transfer my previous credits to CTU and it only took me 7 months to complete my BA;so maybe you should take a closer look at your previous education before you jump to assumptions because you are not completing your program in a timely manner and your previous credits did not transfer in the way you wanted them to. I did not have a problem with passing my classes--but the online program is not for everyone. It is important to give the facts not just a one sided view because I was able to get into a private well known university for my masters program without any problems.If you are having trouble passing your classes ask for help and if you did not like the way your credits transferred in, since you said yourself that you were pretty smart maybe you should have appliet to UNLV or one of the other schools that you named and tried to get accepted there.


Just Facts

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, June 29, 2009

Michelle Online schools are not just a joke, you should do your research for yourself.CTU is a regionally accredited university, accredited by the North Central Association of colleges and schools.A University cannot be granted a regional accreditation unless it meets certain standards--be it Private, Public, etc--and CTU meets and surpasses those standards according to the North Central Association of Colleges . Are you all really suggesting that it is a 'scam' and that agency is letting it slip through? The fact that you contacted UNLV or any other school that you named is irrelevant because the way credits transfer in depends on the program and just because a school does not accept certain credits does not mean the previous institution was not legitimate.Schools have choices not everything will transfer everywhere. These are undisputed facts. I earned my undergraduate degree online and was able to 100% transfer my previous credits to CTU and it only took me 7 months to complete my BA;so maybe you should take a closer look at your previous education before you jump to assumptions because you are not completing your program in a timely manner and your previous credits did not transfer in the way you wanted them to. I did not have a problem with passing my classes--but the online program is not for everyone. It is important to give the facts not just a one sided view because I was able to get into a private well known university for my masters program without any problems.If you are having trouble passing your classes ask for help and if you did not like the way your credits transferred in, since you said yourself that you were pretty smart maybe you should have appliet to UNLV or one of the other schools that you named and tried to get accepted there.


Just Facts

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, June 29, 2009

Michelle Online schools are not just a joke, you should do your research for yourself.CTU is a regionally accredited university, accredited by the North Central Association of colleges and schools.A University cannot be granted a regional accreditation unless it meets certain standards--be it Private, Public, etc--and CTU meets and surpasses those standards according to the North Central Association of Colleges . Are you all really suggesting that it is a 'scam' and that agency is letting it slip through? The fact that you contacted UNLV or any other school that you named is irrelevant because the way credits transfer in depends on the program and just because a school does not accept certain credits does not mean the previous institution was not legitimate.Schools have choices not everything will transfer everywhere. These are undisputed facts. I earned my undergraduate degree online and was able to 100% transfer my previous credits to CTU and it only took me 7 months to complete my BA;so maybe you should take a closer look at your previous education before you jump to assumptions because you are not completing your program in a timely manner and your previous credits did not transfer in the way you wanted them to. I did not have a problem with passing my classes--but the online program is not for everyone. It is important to give the facts not just a one sided view because I was able to get into a private well known university for my masters program without any problems.If you are having trouble passing your classes ask for help and if you did not like the way your credits transferred in, since you said yourself that you were pretty smart maybe you should have appliet to UNLV or one of the other schools that you named and tried to get accepted there.


Just Facts

#15Consumer Comment

Mon, June 29, 2009

Michelle Online schools are not just a joke, you should do your research for yourself.CTU is a regionally accredited university, accredited by the North Central Association of colleges and schools.A University cannot be granted a regional accreditation unless it meets certain standards--be it Private, Public, etc--and CTU meets and surpasses those standards according to the North Central Association of Colleges . Are you all really suggesting that it is a 'scam' and that agency is letting it slip through? The fact that you contacted UNLV or any other school that you named is irrelevant because the way credits transfer in depends on the program and just because a school does not accept certain credits does not mean the previous institution was not legitimate.Schools have choices not everything will transfer everywhere. These are undisputed facts. I earned my undergraduate degree online and was able to 100% transfer my previous credits to CTU and it only took me 7 months to complete my BA;so maybe you should take a closer look at your previous education before you jump to assumptions because you are not completing your program in a timely manner and your previous credits did not transfer in the way you wanted them to. I did not have a problem with passing my classes--but the online program is not for everyone. It is important to give the facts not just a one sided view because I was able to get into a private well known university for my masters program without any problems.If you are having trouble passing your classes ask for help and if you did not like the way your credits transferred in, since you said yourself that you were pretty smart maybe you should have appliet to UNLV or one of the other schools that you named and tried to get accepted there.


Melrose Park,
Maybe not a scam, definitely unethical

#16UPDATE Employee

Fri, June 12, 2009

As an employee of CTU, I am not sure if this is a complete scam or not. What I DO know, is that there are no "admissions advisors". That is only their title. In reality they are all salespeople. From day one of training, they tell you that you are there to sell. There are quotas, and if they are not met, you are fired. Luckily for me, I'm a d**n good salesperson. Also, only reason I am here is because the pay is fantastic for my background. Can you say summer job?


You CAN work and get a degree -- it's not a scam.

#17Consumer Comment

Fri, August 11, 2006

I dropped out of high school in 1977 when my parents divorced and I suddenly had to enter the workforce. I obtained a GED in 1980. In November of 2004 I decided I'd had enough of being a high school graduate only, and I enrolled at CTU. At the time of my enrollment I had no college credits at all. My enrollment advisor suggested that I investigate the College Level Examination Program ("CLEP") to see what subjects I could test out of. I took and passed CLEP tests in literature, science, American government, French (my family lived there for several years), business law and a number of other subjects. Between the CLEP tests and a work portfolio (the latter was worth 18 credits) I was able to effectively test out of my first two years. I then completed my junior and senior years in fifteen months, precisely as claimed, graduating summa c*m laude in May of 2006. Yes, I worked my BUTT off for those fifteen months: I worked, went to school, and occasionally slept. It was not a vacation; a lot of the time it wasn't fun. But it also wasn't a scam: it was neither impossible (as the original poster here suggests) nor was it a diploma mill, where the degree is conferred upon payment of a fee, with no meaningful work. As with any college program, it was work. HARD work. I'm sorry the original poster is having such difficulties. But she does the institution and prospective students a disservice by claiming the instution is dishonest. Among other things, they charged NO TRANSFER CREDIT FEE to accept the results of my CLEP tests (other institutions do), and every credit I received via CLEP was one less credit I had to obtain through paid classwork. They also didn't charge to assess my work portfolio. So I obtained my degree for half of what it would have cost to enroll with zero credits and take every required class at CTU. They also provided books and materials as part of the tuition, not at extra cost as is the case with many other institutions, including brick and mortar colleges and universities. That hardly seemed like a ripoff to me. All in all I was very happy with my experience at CTU. Peter G. Stamford, Connecticut U.S.A.

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