  • Report:  #1243486

Complaint Review: Cayuga County Department of Social Services - Auburn New York

Reported By:
Frank - Auburn, New York, USA

Cayuga County Department of Social Services
160 Genesee St Auburn, 13021 New York, USA
193 Vananden st
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I have had physical custody of my now 17 year old son since he was 6. 

Social Services has allowed my 17 year old runaway son to collect from their program through a woman that is in no way a relitive, nor legal guardian. He comitted a felony and 2 misdomenors while hanging out over there.

Up until recently, I did not know this was where my son was staying. I had filed a missing person's report because after having P.I.N.S. agree to getting him before family court for taking off all hours day and night, he eventually did not come home at all. The police found him and told me that because of his age(16 at the time) they didn't have to tell me where he was if my son didn't want me to know.

The beginning of the summer of 2014, my son was arrested in the beginning of one week for shop lifting at wegmans, then again for burglary and posession of burglary tools by that Friday and was put in jail for 12 days. He was charged with one Felony and 2 Misdomenors. They let him out and I brought him home. Within 3 days he was sneeking off again, until he decided to not come home at all again. I did not file another missing person's report due to what the police saying he was old enough to where I had no bearing on the matter.

I went to criminal court to see what would happen with my son, and they tried him as an adult. The judge asked him where he was living, and the 20 year old friend of his spoke up telling the judge he was staying with her on Woodruff place. 2 blocks away from Wegmans where he comitted his first crime, and around the corner from the victum of his Burglary that is on Easterly ave.

By this time I still had heard nothing about my petittion for family court, until I received notice that it was thrown out because of 3 reasons. The first was because none of us where there, but none of us had received a date. The second was because of my son having criminal charges. The 3rd stated was because of my son age. This judgment was made on Jessie's 17th birthday.

 I did shortly after get served with child support orchistrated by Cayuga County Department of Social Services, in the name of the girl my son was staying with as a runaway. Up to then I was getting food stamps from the very same organization, but they did not feel the need to contact me, the custodial parent and inquire into the matter?

My point is that no matter what I try to do as my son's father and legal guardian, no one will help because of his age. How can the last part of our system that didn't even contact me as his legal guardian have somene of no relation nor guardian status take me to court for anything? Why would I have to pay for my son to live with his friends because he doesn't think he has to follow my rules, and how can the support Magistrate have allowed someone of no relation nor legal status to my son even have her name on this petition since the guidlines for filing such a petition require either status?  

I know the matter was eventually thrown out of court because my son stole his friends rent money and was doing drugs in her house, leading to him being thrown out, but how the hell can I continually have to hear officials all over this system admit that it is broken, do nothing about it, and let it get that far too? Every one of them claim any matter going across all of them such as family court, child support, Social Services, claim so many issues just like mine that overlap all of them, and claim each any other part is not a matter of their court/concern? This system was not designed for tax payers to pay $40,000+ to each official employee and enable such a chain of events. Somewhere, someone should have done something to stop it. What a waste of tax dollars.

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