  • Report:  #335633

Complaint Review: CBCS CBCS National - Columbus Ohio

Reported By:
- Somewhere in, California,

CBCS CBCS National
www.cbcsnational.com Columbus, 43216 Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
CBCS contacted me May 28th regarding a bill that was not mine from 8 years ago. The woman was screaming at me, insisting that I owed this money and, frighteningly, she knew my birth date and my middle initial and contacted me on my cell phone.

Anyway, as I don't take to kindly to people screaming at me over the phone, I refused to give her any information AT ALL. Especially when she asked me to verify my social security number... AHEM, I wasn't born yesterday, screamy lady...

She kept insisting that I verify the account number, or phone number I was calling from, but since I was not being cooporative, she decided to give out some information. I learned that there was apparently some AT&T line in my name that I don't remember having being billed to an address that I don't remember living at. When I informed her of this, her tone changed, and she managed to stop screaming long enough for me to get a fax number out of her. The weird thing was that she wanted me to fax her a copy of my driver's license and SS Card!!! DO NOT DO THIS!!! Can you say, identity theft, anyone??? After HOURS of internet research, calling the BBB, the Attorney General of Ohio (where they are located) I managed to gather a game plan of how to beat these jerks. I wanted to share that info with all of you who are in the same boat.


1) go to http://www.fair-debt-collection.com/disputing-debt-collections.html

find the letter that suits your needs, copy and paste the template into your word processing program, fix it to be accurate for you and print!

2) fax the letter (I have read many reports on this site of victims' dispute letters being returned in the mail) with "ATTENTION: Mrs. Blue" at the top (some sort of code that you don't owe the money they say you owe) to (866) 291-7413.

3) sleep easy knowing that the law is on your side in matters like these!

Good Luck To ALL!


Somewhere in, California


5 Updates & Rebuttals


Follow the Law

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 09, 2011

I had experienced something similar with a particular credit collection agency.  I have a relative who lives 300 miles away who doesn't pay her bills.  To be blunt, she doesn't have any intentions of paying her bills when she borrows the money. We are not very close but even if we were, I am not responsible for paying her bills and shouldn't suffer the consequences when she refuses to pay them. Now I am getting the sense that they are calling any relative with a landline (considering so many people only have cell phones).

I informed the people that she doesn't live here and that I don't have much contact with her, but that was only the beginning of my problems.  They decided that they were going to harrass me as if it was my bad debt.  They would use profanity, call me senile, and anything else you can think of that your mother wouldn't condone. 

I would remind them of the law, but they would just blow me off. My advice to all of you is to file complaints with the FTC for every violation. I know what you are thinking, the FTC won't help you with your problem and yes you are correct. Individually, they won't help you, but if they get too many complaints against a particular company, they will act with an iron fist. When they take action, the punishments can be so severe that a lot of these crooks end up going out of business.  Your complaint could be "the straw that broke the camels back?" Even if you owe money, you have rights!

For this person to say, the person was just angry and that is why she was screaming at you tells me that he/she is a crook too.  They are dealing with people who don't pay their bills, but the law says they have to be professional. 


To Roberts' suggestion

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, July 16, 2008

Well since I'm not employed by them (see my rebuttals on AFNI, NCO, and other collection agencies) there's really no point to say I'm an employee. I am a concerned citizen because so many (may I say?) idiots piss and moan about fraudulent accounts and want to do nothing to dispute the account. Actually Robert you act as if you an know-it-all (perhaps you have lots of debts with CBCS since you are posting so much on here?). First of all I have worked in fraud department for companies similar to AT&T....it does sound like what you, Anonymous in California, are saying that CBCS bought the account from AT&T I am guessing that it isn't credit reported because it is too old but the debt can still be collected upon. So if it's fraud in our company (again which was similar to AT&T...so no it wasn't a collection agency) the customer was to mail in FTC fraud report...or bills when service opened/closed & ID/SSN to prove they didn't live at service address. And yes, we DID require them to fax them in...so how is that any different than what CBCS (or whatever collection agency is doing?!) You are right in regards about FDCPA /FCRA that if you are contacted by collection agency like CBCS/AFNI/NCO, etc...they have to send validation letter...I am guessing that is why Anonymus in California received and then called CBCS. While I am not one to put up with crap I imagine the lady who was screaming (?) gets mad because a lot of people are avoiding their bills which makes her angry. Not everyone is angry at a collection agency...and remember yes, you can request validation, you can request copy of bill, you can stop the calls BUT the debt doesn't disappear..the fact that it wasn't PROVEN TO BE FRAUD....then as you know, Robert...and the companies sell the debt....so really you are right in a way...but I was SPECIFICALLY getting it deemed as fraud (you can find more info about FTC ID THEFT REPORT on ftc.gov in their ID THEFT section). Companies just don't go deeming the accounts fraud because the consumer says so...if that were true then many of us could get out of paying our bills! You seem to know about about personal debts Robert...so you must be avoiding a lot of debts because you are requesting people to avoid proving it is fraudulent....and then want to get mad when people get calls about it. You can't have your cake and eat it too, Robert.....so if anyone has any sense they would want to dispute it with ID Theft Report if it is truly no the customer's debt. God Bless you, Robert


New York,
PDJ Debt Collector Tripe!!!

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, June 06, 2008

""First, I must state that all employees of collection agencies are screened (background and credit check)."" UTTER NONSENSE! IF a credit check is performed prior to hire, what's the "cut-off" of bad debts that will eliminate the "account professional" from being hired by the collection agency? I know of a person with terrible credit, with many debts in collection who was recently hired be a debt collection agency. ""Second, you say it's a fraud account but you refuse to give your information like address of last four of SSN. So how can the agent help you out? I don't understand, sorry."" What you don't understand PDJ, is that the burden of proof is on the debt collector-not the consumer. No consumer needs to proove "fraud" or comply with "fraud reporting proceedures" or any other such nonsense that you've posted. All a consumer need do is send a certified, return receipt requested letter to the debt collector to dispute the entire amount of the alleged debt (because it isn't their debt) and demand validation documents that cause the debt collector to believe the consumer is the correct debtor. That's it-the rest is on the debt collector. ""Third, you request everyone to send 'cease and desist' while that may give you peace of mind, that doesn't make the fraudulent issue go away..and it doesn't make the fact that it could be reported on your credit go away. "" This "fraudulent issue" could be caused by something innocent such as a clerical error with the SSN attached to the account. I know, it happened to me-2 digits where transposed a debt collector and PRESTO, the debt became mine. Also, in this report the debt is over 8 years old. Should the debt collector report it to the credit reporting agencies, they will have violated the Fair Credit Reporting Act and can be sued in District Court. ""Have a nice day"" You too! And perhaps you should post as an employee rather than as a "consumer suggestion."


Never send personal info to anyone

#5Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 05, 2008

Unless you are working with someone (or company as the case may be). Usually isn't a good idea to fax info to or provide info over the phone to anyone unless you initiated the call. Would you??????????????? These folks in all likelyhood bought the debt from AT&T. Since AT&T probably just provided name and last known address of whoever it was this company just did reverse lookups matching up a first and last name and calling or mailing out letters to who ever was there. This is simple enough to deal with without sending them forms. Just say you aren't the person they are looking for and you do not wish to be contacted in reference to this debt. If they persist then ask them for proof of debt then do the rest after that if they cannot do so.



#6Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 04, 2008

Dear Angry: First, I must state that all employees of collection agencies are screened (background and credit check). Please tell me why anyone would want to still your identity? I don't think anyone there at CBCS would want to be fired because of you. Second, you say it's a fraud account but you refuse to give your information like address of last four of SSN. So how can the agent help you out? I don't understand, sorry. Third, you request everyone to send "cease and desist" while that may give you peace of mind, that doesn't make the fraudulent issue go away..and it doesn't make the fact that it could be reported on your credit go away. Have a nice day

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