  • Report:  #140555

Complaint Review: Central Readers Club Of The Central Coast - CRC - San Luis Obispo California

Reported By:
- phoenix, Arizona,

Central Readers Club Of The Central Coast - CRC
Po Box 3043 San Luis Obispo, 93403 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Around May 2004 I joined Crc of the Central Coast. I spoke to a very nice representitive that explained that I had worked with them before and would just be renewing my orders with them.

I agreed to set up automatic payments for my subscriptions and verified my info with a supervisor.

Several weeks later I was laid off from my position and suffered 30% loss of income. Because of this all of my creditors were past due and I am still playing catch up.

In August of 2004 I notified CRC of my situation and requested to cancel any further subscriptions. I was told that my account would no longer be automatically debited but they could not cancel the subscriptions due to contracts their company had with the magazines.

I advised CRC that any available funds I had would go to my creditors and that magazine bills are not seen as necessities or secured debt therefore would need to be cancelled.

I was told that the account would be put on hold but they couldn't stop the bills. I again stated I can't afford any extra bills so I want to cancel.

The calls stopped until December. I was told by "Supervisors" and "Managers" that they have no records of my previous statement. Each time I recieved a call I stated I can not afford this bill it is an extra expense and I want it cancelled. Every time they sent a bill I returned it with the words Please cancel.

Every call starts the same. The rep gives their name asks how I am doing. They try to make small talk, then state they want to check on the payment for the bill owed. Each time I explain my job situation, my other bills and I want to cancel.

I would recieved 2-3 calls (one day I recieved 5)per day. This was regardless if I spoke to someone or not. Eventually, when the calls came in I stopped answering or would answer I don't have money to pay you please cancel and stop calling and hung up.

Except this last time. I spoke to a rep that questioned me in a way that I feel was rude and unethical. He began with the usual opening but then starting saying how he can't believe after 10 months I have absolutely no money.

Then he questioned me on what type of vehicle I drive. Sarcastically I answered "an expensive one". He states "I thought so." At this point I am insulted so I tell the rep I am ending this conversion. He says no, we need to take care of this ... By this time I say have a nice day and good bye then hung up.

Seconds later my phone rings again, then a second time then a message is left by the rep stating we have been disconnected. I called the number back to verify who I spoke with and the same rep answered the phone.

I have recieved calls from the mortgage company, the credit cards, the phone company you name it and never have any them ever treated me the way this magazine company did. My creditors have even laughed at the fact that CRC would even think techniques like that work.

I wanted to file this sooner but thought I could handle this on my own. But if this is how CRC is going to continue on with the phone calls, the bills, the rude representitives,then I need to make sure others know of their practices.

What can the say about me? I signed up for magazines and now I want to cancel? I paid them 3 payments of 64.80 then decide food, water, and shelter were more important? I revealed very personal information in hopes they would understand. Instead I have someone tried to demean me for it. That's not just lowest of low, it's unacceptable.


Phoenix, Arizona

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