  • Report:  #735412

Complaint Review: Cheyenne Crow Inc. Exmovere. - Internet

Reported By:
Luminita - Nuembrecht, , Germany

Cheyenne Crow Inc. Exmovere.
Erlenweg 1a Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
I am a victim from Cheyenne Crow Inc. Exmovere.

I meet him in a dating Boerse at 13 Juni 2010 and I am falling in love.

 I sell my store because hi said to me we will be together and we going to live in USA. Now I have no more existence. Hi beg me to buy shares from his Firma but I dont douit because I had no more many.

I have a daughter and we are both without a future the store was all what I had. 

Hi is a sentimental crook.

32 Updates & Rebuttals



#2UPDATE Employee

Wed, June 15, 2011

The Virginia State Corporation Commission has issued a stop trade order against the Villains, EXMOVERE HOLDINGS and its officers DAVID BYCHKOV AND CHEYENNE CROW. read report below.


Thank you State Corporation Commission. Amen.


Bychkov dominatrix?

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, June 15, 2011

Thinking of the two of them together is rather funny:) Of course, think of the underwear, the cologne, the hair obsession... and some other things which would be too explicit for this forum.

There clearly was a domination thing going on... Bychkov controlled Crow, yelled, screamed and  beat Crow as well. And he pimped him for money.  (Mostly I think Bychkov was jealous of Crow and wished to posses him or what he had that he himself lacks.)

Of course, there is the serious parental abandonment thing going on - Bychkov would do anything to please a dominating but absent father who did not think much of his son. Crow may have been a way to get back at this father as well... 

victim of cheyenne hurben crow

United States of America
Were Crow and Bychkov lovers?

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, June 14, 2011

I've heard the gay rumors as well. There's a good deal of speculation that the two Exmovere executives may have shared a little more than office space. oooo la la. Get tested, ladies!


United States of America
Is Crow gay?

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, June 14, 2011

Rumours are running around that Cheyenne Crow is a closet gay?  

Hence he beds women to repress his gay tendencies, because he is very Catholic -- but deep down really hates women, but cant be alone so he always needs to be with one, even it just to hug at night. He turns it on and off and only does it as a "duty" to get them to sign on the dotted line then moves on. I heard from my sources he had a "menage a trois" in NY. His romantic flowery language of "Soft kisses", "Passionately," "Darling" (darling this and darling that) reads like a script. He says it to every woman he has ever bedded! We have evidence of this in hundreds if not thousands of emails he has written to every lover he has ever had.  His words are something like,

"Darling, I miss you , coming back from a trip, cant wait to take in my arms, I really need to kiss you, mmmmmmm" --

then he adds the clincher in the middle of his email, "oh so you did send in your check didnt you? and you did talk to our transfer agent, and this is the amount you are investing, correct?... Kisses, Cheyenne"

That is the work of a true gigolo, charmer, scam artist who prys on women's vulnerability. Pretty soon, he will be doing the nursing home circuits and try to sell poor 90 year women in nursing homes emotiional underwear that will show their v*l age, or whatever he will be selling in the future related to measuring orgasmic pleasures, dildos and such, jeans that lift up your butt, if not already. Yes he is absolutely charming, but so is the Devil.

Busy man he was, or is, no wonder he never got anything done and is always tired and sleeps loads, his agenda was full of women, on 24/7 rotation. Therefore the outbursts of violence, sociopathic behaviour and a world of fantasy. An escape from his reality.

You have to just be sorry for this pathetic soul who has segmented his soul like Voldemort to many pieces by bedding soo many women -- this action of whoring is very very bad for your soul and eats up your humanity... he will be doomed to roam eternity in emptiness and sadness if he does not get mental help.   His dramatic weight loss is the result venom eating up his insides and he will continue be eaten up alive for all his sins to women.


Is Semyon Bychkov really aninvestor?

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, June 13, 2011

Yes, in many of these posts you can recognize Crow's language. We have read enough of his email to know... And the rest are Bychkov, as we recognize his words too.

Is Semyon Bychkov really an investor? Has anyone checked?


Palm Desert,
United States of America
Brittany is indeed really Crow

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, June 13, 2011

After reading this "Brittany's" rebuttal responses I do believe it is Crow.  I have over 800 e-mails from him and the language and way he places his words/sentances are EXACTLY like "Brittany's".  I have posted twice, if you want my assistance, contact me.

Cheyenne Crow Victim Hotline


#8Consumer Comment

Thu, June 09, 2011

With the two ladies from Europe who have just contacted the hotline this week the total is now ten women who have now contacted the hotline. They have been hustled out of more than $400,000 to invest in worthless Exmovere stock which they were told they could sell for double their money but for which there is virtually no market leaving some of them without their life savings and destitute. It is a very sad story.

Cheyenne Crow Victim Hotline


#9Consumer Comment

Thu, June 09, 2011

With the two ladies from Europe who have just contacted the hotline this week the total is now ten women who have now contacted the hotline. They have been hustled out of more than $400,000 to invest in worthless Exmovere stock which they were told they could sell for double their money but for which there is virtually no market leaving some of them without their life savings and destitute. It is a very sad story.


Crow running forever

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, June 07, 2011

And how is that different from before? Crow is always hiding from someone and available only to take one's money.

He's probably in NYC. Where is Irina - should we be worried about her?


United States of America
Crow has gone "Dark" - Bad Karma

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, June 07, 2011

Crow has gone "dark" ladies and gentlemen. He is in hiding! Shall we do a "Ransom?"

No one knows where he is since he was evicted from his luxyury apartment in Mclean a few days ago. Maybe David does but he wont say. Crow has gone undercover (or under someone's bedcover) and is not taking calls and only uses text messaging to certain people he trusts -- text is not so hard to trace as phone calls or emails -- so all the comments here of people with complains will fall on deaf ears unless you do something about it! 

Like Hannibal Lechter he will disappear in the crowd and continue to do what he does best, romance women and get their money. He has perfected the formula and can replicate it in any city, or country. He sees himself as Jason Bourne....(LOL)

Fear will get you nowhere!!! Nothing will be accomplished by posting on this stupid report unles real action is taken! You can go on and on of what this Crow guy did, how he hurt you, how he cheated hyou, blah, blah, blah. Even if you are so pissed  are all at him, but if you dont do anything, it will not solve the problem! He'll continue what he is doing! Have a complaint about the Company or Crow? File a legal complaint for God's sake!

Guys, if you have complaints, do something about it! File a complaint to the SEC, SCC or FBI instead of wasting energy on blogging in this report. File a missing person's report, do something instead of sitting around complaining.

In any case, Crow has collected such bad karma in this life that it will take him many lifetimes to cleanse it unless he repents and asks forgiveness from everyone he ever lied to, cheated, and deceived -- especially to the women he has had multiple sex with and fooled. Those who gave their hearts (and wallets) to. If he repents, his karma will get better. If not, he is doomed to a recycle of life over and over again. I would be so frightened if I were him of getting sick with all the women he bedded. Women, get tested!

Remember that slimhy character "Benny" in The Mummy? Remember what happened to him in the end? He got his cumuppins in the end -- He got eaten alive by those flesh eating insects, alone in a tomb full of treasures?  Bad way to go.

Life has a way of settling scores and if not now, tomorrow or the next day. Karma is like the IRS, it will always be there to haunt you....

Take action -- make it happen instead of just doing nothing but complain about the Crow/Bychov dog and pony show in this report! 

"You are only as sick as the secrets you keep." This will be my last entry in this stupid report.

Never Give Up and Make it Happen folks.

Report Attachments


Abusing and insulting women

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, June 06, 2011

Calling women names is an old tactic and excuse of Crow's. It turns out, it is he who went after women's money, praying on the weak and defensless and shamelessly cheating the people who trusted him.

Aren't you tired of it all, Cheyenne? It must be exhausting to be cheating all the time to so many people. You not worried about all of the bad karma you are collecting? 

If they are such great businessmen, why did they not go for real savvy investors? Why is such a huge chunk of their shareholders women who felt in love with Crow, mislead by Bychkov's manipulation techniques used by Crow and the hugely exaggerated stories of what and how well Exmovere was doing.

If you are a real company that is dedicated to succeed and earn the money and trust of its shareholders, then prove it!

Ripped off in VA

United States of America
Exmovere' s He-She-Crow-Fly

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, June 06, 2011

This Brittney is defintely a He-She-Crow-Fly on the walls of "Executive-leader-CEO" of Exmovere. This fly , in another woman's report of rip off by Bychkov/Crow, claims to know a lot of things about that woman and her relationship with the Crow and Bychkov. Claims to be a "woman Lawyer" / Perhaps also the same fly that in the same forum also claims to be the mother of Bychkov's CHILD.!!

Fly Fly Fly a way ...


United States of America
How do you know so much Britney from NY?

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, June 06, 2011

Hey Britney from NY -- Your seem to have a lot of insider information on what was happening in Germany with the Bychov/Crow activities with this German woman -- how do you know all that insider stuff and other activities they did with the stock what was discussed? Were you actually there in Germany when that happened? Or were you one of Crow's other girlfriends that accompanied them to talk to this German woman? I doubt that. 

Crow/Bychov were like Bonnie and Clyde, they acted alone, did their things together as a team, they were so tight until the falling out that you would think they were married to each other! They were like brothers, so tight that no one could get in -- so I think either you were a fly on the wall listening to their conversation -- or you are not who you say you are. Unless, as stated in another posting, you are actually Cheyenne Crow, defending yourself, trying to pretend you are a woman. Anyway, I think it is mostly Russian women who want to immigrate to America and try to find American husbands, not so much Germans. I might be wrong -- I will check immigration statistics -- not very many Germans immigrate to the USA -- if they did, they would have the same impact the Latinos have in American culture-- we'd have German TV, more German speaking people roaming the streets, German restaurants etc. Having visited Germany a few times, and knowing many German, Swiss and Austrian friends, they (people from that region) are very nationalistic, like the French, and love their country, few immigrate to America. But you might already know that.

Report Attachments


New York,
United States of America
Exmovere CEO Leader

#15Consumer Comment

Mon, June 06, 2011

CEO leader Bychkov raised millions of dollars along with Crow and all seems to be in order with signed stock purchase agreement forms on file and signed by Bychkov. Crimes that you mention must be things these women are making up for their rejection of stalking of the two executives for their money and power. There are no SEC violations of record.


United States of America
Exmovere and Nadja Madjid

#16Consumer Comment

Sun, June 05, 2011

As to the involvement of Nadja Madjid in the Exmovere scam story, see e.g. page 17 of the following document:

Checking the past activities of the BT2 International members is also recommended.

 CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Cheyenne Crow Victim Hotline

Don't believe the Achtung posting by Britney

#17Consumer Comment

Sun, June 05, 2011

From another posting made by Britney it appears that Britney may actually be Cheyenne Crow. If that is the case as we believe you should not believe a word of the Achtung posting above.

Luminita appears to be truly a victim of Cheyenne Crow as her story about living with him jives with what other women were promised by Crow in his romances with them.


Bychkov's response on Exmovere stock

#18Consumer Comment

Sun, June 05, 2011

Exmovere stock is not worth $14... it is now on Berlin stock exchange at 3.25 Euro... offered at that price, but no trading volume it seems. Nobody is buying this stock, nobody wants it, and no shareholder can sell it, despite Bychkov's promises. Try and sell and you will see.  So your money are stuck, lost - only Bychkov and Crow have any benefit from your "investment" 

Also, check out their other buddies in the board

Here is the link to the Berlin exchange listing:



New York,
United States of America

#19General Comment

Sun, June 05, 2011

This woman is an opportunist trying to thrust herself to men. She appears to date and come to the USA, France, and England to become a citizen. Bychkov and Crow did nothing wrong except to meet her and explain, mostly in the German language from Bychkov, about the company she was interested in investing. When she couldn't obtain her investment money in time to buy stock, she finally sold her store to a relative, made plenty of money, and this had nothing associated to Bychkov and Crow.

I invested in the company and believe in it's technology and stock value. Every new company starts slow and the stock is now valued at approximately $14 per share. I purchased it at $2.50 per share. The only victim that this woman is talking about is herself that she couldn't get a free ride. Spoken from myself being a woman, she should take her money she made from selling her store and move onward to the next man. Calling Bychkov and Crow a crook for her broken plan to migrate to the USA is strange. Bychkov and Crow weren't interested in her except for business. This looks like the typical foreign alienation imigration scheme to get a man to bring a woman, her, to a different country so she could leave Germany. An opportunist woman like her gives all women a bad name. She should be ashamed of herself.

Cheyenne Crow Victim Hotline


#20Consumer Comment

Sat, June 04, 2011

If you are interested in learning the latest news about Cheyenne Crow or have information that you would like to tell us about you can call the Cheyenne Crow Victim Hotline at 877-697-4557 or at [email protected] in complete confidence.

Report Attachments


New York,
New York,
Luminita You Are Victim Number Ten

#21Consumer Comment

Sat, June 04, 2011


Our hearts at the Cheyenne Crow Victim Hotline goes out to you as a victim of Cheyenne Crow. You are one of nine other women that we know of - you make number ten.

Your posting is not very clear - we presume from what you have written that you met him on an Internet dating site and that from his sweet messages, poems, music and videos he sent you you fell in love with him. He told you a story of moving to the United States where he would buy a large house in the Virginia area where you would live with him with your daughter. Then he romanced you into selling your store and investing that money into Exmovere stock, stock that you can not sell making it worthless. Then he tried to sell you more stock but you could not buy any more as he had taken all you money. Then he disappeared from your life as he did with the other women.

You will be horrified to learn that from April through June, 2010 he romanced three other women in Virginia into giving Exmovere $100,000, $9,000 and $17,000 with the same stories and also in June, 2010 he was dating a lady in New York City that he currently lives with after taking her for $25,000 for Exmovere stock. She ironically still stays with him even though she knows all about him - thus is his Svengali dominance over her just as he had with had with his other women.

We would like to know from you how much money you gave him, how long your relationship lasted with him and how he disappeared from your life along with what promises he made to you and what he did you convince you to sell your store and invest in Exmovere as we are writing a book about Cheyenne Crow and his antics in victimizing women. You can contact us at [email protected] or call us at the Cheyenne Crow Victim Hotline at 877-697-4557 in the United States.

Report Attachments

Ripped off in VA

United States of America

#22Consumer Comment

Fri, June 03, 2011

I bet Madjid the wife knows a lot : both recently had gastric bypass surgeries in Mexico ( where they vacation every year) using shareholder money which they syphon off for their personal expenses as a matter of routine.This Madjid works for the Voice of America Indonesian service and was quite heavy until recently - just like her husband i.e. until both used shareholder money for a little scientific research adn development on themselves.  
Check this link: see the reason why they now have a new accounting firm instead of the previous Stephenson and Co.

Also check out this in Motley crew:

Is it going to be bye-bye-exmovere next ????


Are Semyon Bychkov and Nadia Madjid involved in this?

#23Consumer Comment

Fri, June 03, 2011

Did anyone attend the electronic Exmovere shareholder meeting?  Did any of you vote?
Someone better get them before they disappear with all of our money...
Has anyone talked to Semyon Bychkov - is he really involved in this? David may not be his son at all...
And Nadia Madjid - does she know what is going on here?


One more report on Crow and Bychkov and Exmovere scam

#24Consumer Comment

Fri, June 03, 2011



One more report on Crow and Bychkov and Exmovere scam

#25Consumer Comment

Fri, June 03, 2011


Cheyenne Crow Victim Hotline


#26Consumer Comment

Fri, June 03, 2011

Our heart goes out to you as a victim of Cheyenne Crow. You are one of nine other women that we know of - you make number ten.

Your posting is not very clear - we presume from what you have written that you met him on an Internet dating site and that from his sweet messages, poems, music and videos he sent you you fell in love with him. He told you a story of moving to the United States where he would buy a large house in the Virginia area where you would live with him with your daughter. Then he romanced you into selling your store and investing that money into Exmovere stock, stock that you can not sell making it worthless. Then he tried to sell you more stock but you could not buy any more as he had taken all you money. Then he disappeared from your life as he did with the other women.

You will be horrified to learn that from April through June, 2010 he romanced three other women in Virginia into giving Exmovere $100,000, $9,000 and $17,000 with the same stories and also in June, 2010 he was dating a lady in New York City that he currently lives with after taking her for $25,000 for Exmovere stock. She ironically still stays with him even though she knows all about him - thus is his Svengali dominance over her just as he had with had with his other women.

We would like to know from you how much money you gave him, how long your relationship lasted with him and how he disappeared from your life along with what promises he made to you and what he did you convince you to sell your store and invest in Exmovere as we are writing a book about Cheyenne Crow and his antics in victimizing women. You can contact us at [email protected] or call us at the Cheyenne Crow Victim Hotline at 877-697-4557 in the United States.

Report Attachments

victim of cheyenne hurben crow

United States of America
Have you seen the famous red grand piano?

#27Consumer Comment

Fri, June 03, 2011

It's was part of the story along with romantic Youtube videos, poems and Amy, the abandoned daughter in Geneva. He doesn't even play the piano...and, guess what...he doesn't really speak French!

Please call the hotline so we can get an accurate assessment of how many innocent women were defrauded into buying stock...or let us know if you were one of the lucky ones who made the prudent choice just to sleep with him and not hand over your life savings.

Ripped off in VA

United States of America

#28General Comment

Thu, June 02, 2011

I , too am a victim of the Bychkov- Crow -Exmovere scam ring.
Yes I , agree definitely it is not just Cheyenne Crow scamming vulnerable women into giving
Exmovere Inc. their savings . He has a puppeteer pulling his strings and guiding him. BTW, Bychkov and crow claim that they are defense contractors working for NASA, State Department ( bio stuff being made by them for Mrs. Clinton's protection !),Defense Dept. !!! Bychkov claims that he leaves the defense stuff to Crow because Crow has the security clearance and so Crow is the one who is in the Laboratories doing top secret work! while Bychkov is focussing on Exmovere's launch so he can make money for us poor stupid duped stockholder.  Hey , Crow claims he bought the condos at the Loft in McLean with his money(NO-they are rentals in reality) while Bychkov does one better and claims they 'have invested in the Condos at the LOFT in Mclean by buying his and Crow's condo's as a means of protecting and growing company money !!!!!!
How do we get our money back ? Really we need to go to the FBI, the State Corporation Commission, the Commonwealth Attorney's Office, the securities exchange commission, the police and the department of Defense and Nasa ( Cheyenne Crow wears a NASA badge around his neck to prove to unsuspecting victims that he works for NASA)..........


Crow as a marketing tool?

#29Consumer Comment

Thu, June 02, 2011

They knew what they had in Crow, and used him... Maybe he did not perform as well any more, so they got rid of him? They will now trade him for a newer model:)

victim of cheyenne hurben crow

United States of America
How many more victims?

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, June 02, 2011

If you are a victim, please call the Cheyenne Crow Victim Hotline at 877-697-4557. You can remain anonymous. There are a few of us who have formed an informal support group. If you'd like to be in touch with any of us, the best way to do so is to call the victim hotline. You will be given contact information. We understand how humiliating and shocking it is to have fallen for his charade. We all lost our hearts, our money and dignity to Cheyenne Crow.


United States of America
Cheeyenne Crow/Exmovere victims abroad

#31Consumer Comment

Thu, June 02, 2011

This is to confirm there are indeed Exmovere victims outside of the US, romanced into investing in Exmovere by Cheyenne Crow through dating sites.  I positively know he did so in 2 countries (outside of the US and Germany).
Mostly women of certain age brackets, with lower income or in some sort of difficulties.  (Presumably selectively targeted to make it difficult for them to hire a good lawyer).

However, Exmovere is most likely a result of a teamwork with some "proven know-how".  Cheyenne Crow was just their marketing tool.  This does not make him less quilty, though.


United States of America
There are many myslead by Cheyenne Hurben Crow and Exmovere, in the US and abroad

#32Consumer Comment

Wed, June 01, 2011

Yes, there are other victims abroad - they spun their web internationally, using dating websites such as Match.com and others. The FBI needs to look into this... and Match needs to be sued too.

Report Attachments

victim of cheyenne hurben crow

United States of America
You are not alone!

#33Consumer Comment

Wed, June 01, 2011

There are at least seven other women who were conned by this man. Question: did you ever meet him in person? You are the first victim we know about outside of the U.S. Do you think there are others? Did you give him any money? How long did your involvement with him last?

Please see these other reports:

Any information you can provide will be helpful in stopping his crimes.

Thank you for your courage!

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