  • Report:  #341862

Complaint Review: Child Protective Services - Conroe Texas

Reported By:
- porter, Texas,

Child Protective Services
2017 N. Frazier Conroe, 77301 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am a mother of two children, ages son 5 and daughter 2. I am also ( common law ) married with the father of my daughter. will be four years in July of this year.

My husband and I have been goin through finacial hard times the past seven months and for there causes stress. In december 2007 my husband went to jail for family assult on me which the police statement was not filled out with the whole truth.

I asked my husband not to be taken to jail then but they took him anyway. Now weeks pasted and he went to jail again for terriostic threat on me back in I want to say in May the first part. I did not fill out a ststement then but they took him any way. now i have signed two afidavids dropping all charges on my husband

Now on May 21 a call was placed to CPS reporting us and they came out that Friday couple days later. Now this is the kicker we live in San Jacinto Co. and the CPS investorgater that came out was from montgomery co.

The CPS workers also came out with two undercover gentlemen that were police to aide in the protection of the CPS workers because they said that my husband was violant.

The CPS workers interveiwed both my kids and my husband and I as well. After looking around in the house, taking photos of everything that they could nit pick at. the one worker called her supervisor and decided to remove my kids from the home due to they said it was not safe.

Now my husband and I were in the process of moving to another location and 90 percent of our belongings were already moved out. We had no electricity because we had it cut off BUT we did have a generator powering a 110 ac window unit which kept it very cool.

we had food, running water, and every thing we needed to take care of the kids. Now mind you we were going to be out of the house that weekend due to us moving. thats why we had it like that.

The CPS worker told us that they were removing the kids on a volunteer placement and we had to find a family member that would pass an full background check. no priors, jail, pretty much nothing on their record.

the only ones that passed were my parents. so thats were they are at this time. ok CPS said we had to pass a drug test whic we did, we were able to see the kids but could not sleep over the night with them. But we could but with them all day supervised by my parents.

about a week later CPS the one that came to our house called my husband and had got a attitude with him. he had caught her in some lies there on the phone. my husband was upset and all he said to her was " Im getting my kids back" now with the priors my husband had on his record she took this the wrong way.

she took it as a threat and called her supervisor in austin he then spook to my husband and decided to have the state take full custody of my kids. It has been a month since we have seen our kids we cant even talk to them on the phone.

the CPS worker told us we would have to pass 2 drug test now before we could see the kids. one we already passed. There was a court hearing on monday june 9th for the kids. the judge decided to keep the kids with my parents. the judge also ordered a folical hair test which i was told could take 3 weeks to wait for the order that being the second. thats messed up

i have asked the workers if in the meantime we take another urine drug test so we can see our kids they said NO... we have another court date on july 29th to see my husbands and my progress in the classes we need to take.

our kids are our life and come before anyone i dont understand how they could do this when the person that called in on us is just an mad x friend trying to get revenge. there were so many lies they told me , husband, and to my parents.

CPS will not return any calls i leave messages every day. and when the state took over it got switched to another county as well. some of the lies have been if i stay with my husband we would not get the kids back, and some told us if we did this togeather it would be better.

i need help somewhere due to this we have lost everything and I WANT justice and my kids back where they belong with their parents. CPS needs to be brought out in the open and by someone that isnt scard.

Post help below or lawyers can contact this website and they will forward us your contact info.


porter, Texas


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9 Updates & Rebuttals


Rally Against CPS

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, October 18, 2013

League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) will be having a rally to help families who suffer from the abusive activities of CPS. LULAC helps individuals and families who are experiencing civil rights violations within judicial, criminal and social administrators. We are asking for anyone who has experienced abusive acts by CPS to attend this rally and get informed about your civil rights.


Join us to stop the abuse of power by CPS.


Rally Details

Rally will be on Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Rally begins at 7:30 am to 10:00 am

At the Cadena-Reeves Courthouse

300 Dolorosa, San Antonio, Texas 78205

(back entrance at the corner of Nueva St. and So. Flores)


[email protected]



#3General Comment

Tue, September 17, 2013

 ok i had my kids removed from me this year earlier than the case was supposed to be over there was no clause NO supporting evidence whatsoever nothing stating what happend nor what the cause for removel was nothing cps stated they WOULD help to get us from point a to point b if gas or vehicle problems arouse and when such things did no one was around to help when kids were removed instead of having both parents sign pimk slip only my husband did then kids were removed  same night then after kids were taken we were BULLIED by case worker and court appointed lawyers to sign our rights away bc they didnt want to take it to court then later on decided to fill us in on taking it to court and winning children back but stated case worker needed the bonus with no proof of evidence our children were gone on our final goodbye visit KETERAH GOOSBY with cps in conroe decided to wait until the last minute to call me and notify me that my visit was on a specific day instead of calling me a head of time she never told me a specific date or time because of her my kids were wrongfully taken from me my son went to hospital bc of bleeding no one including drs told us what was going on or anything when asked to have copies of pictures that were taken at hospital she claimed to have lost them and half our paper work im now waiting to have a copy of my cps records to fight for my children back the stuff she had done and the stuff written in the reports were completely and totally FALSIFIED never brought up in court nor stated if i were you anyone reading this report and deciding to have children in the montgomery county area GET OUT ASAP worst place to have chhildren cps begging for any little LITTLE thing to remove children several ppl deserve to have kids removed always seeming to be the parents trying who become devistated by the selfishness of keterah and other case workers

mark t

United States of America
Living words

#4General Comment

Sun, November 27, 2011

NO ONE under ANY circumstances should EVER call ANY government authority to police political correctness into family life. The family is sacred and sovereign. The family is in fact an independent and autonomous living entity that declared its own creation and which has its own immune defense system. It heals itself as it grows and fixes glitches within its body politic. To forcibly dismember a family is technically committing MURDER ON A LIVING BEING ! ! Violence begets the same karma. The family politic is the REAL driving force propelling our great species - - AND NOT short lived socialist empires with their scorched earth final implosions.

Child Advocates

United States of America
Re: Ex-Employee's Comments

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, March 23, 2010

I have to disagree with Ex-Employee's comments based on what we (and I am sure a LOT of others) have witnessed and personally experienced.

In  'defending CPS'  I can agree that the work they do in actual - factual & substantiated - abuse or neglect cases is commendable. 

However, the fact that they can and do overstep their boundaries in some cases is unacceptable.  The 1st Question would be:  What constitutional authority permits the violation of the 4th Amendment and how does CPS justify doing so.  The false accusations they are allowed to present even when they are unsubstantiated, unproven and discredited by attorneys or the families, the intrusive manners in violation of the rights of the parents as well as the children (and things being told to the children by case workers that would, in my opinion, constitute child abuse by CPS), the "promises" to uphold the the rules and regulations stated by the DFPS in regards to 'time frames' that are not met, excessive delays and noncommunication with the family members and promising "foster care" when there are no foster homes available (instead banishing the children to a "shelter" where they stay an extended amount of time - much longer than the "30 day" rule).  Does the "shelter" even have workers who are knowledgeable and experienced in special needs kids?  

Everything is supposed to be "in the best interest of the children", yet it seems the children are completely forgotten by the case workers, the case workers are changed numerous times.  The "Family Service Plan" that is never provided to the parents or family, the visitation that is not allowed for 40+ days (at which time the children are left to believe they are completely abandoned or that something they did created this horrendous and life altering experience).  Also questionable would be the "psychiatrist" exam (for meds) preceding the 'psychological' exam - the children being put on medications without notifying the parents or family of what they are doing - or Why.

The statements by workers that the children "now belong to CPS" and everyone has to answer to CPS for every place they go, everything they do, everything will be "monitored" - how can that be when they have family whom they have lived with safely and securely before and who can care for them just fine without "government interference" or intrusion into everyone's lives. 

I know people who could write 10 page statements on their own personal experiences with CPS.  Again - in regards to "time frames":  In the recent case I have witnessed, the children have very loving and caring family that have been involved in the kids' lives since birth and are willing to take them in, yet that "placement process" has been postponed, ignored, delayed time and again for no apparent reason.  I can honestly say that I believe the damages done thus far by CPS far outweigh anything they could come up with against the parent(s) in regards to 'neglect'.  There was No "Abuse" by the parents, however the 'abuse' by CPS has certainly been questionable and apparent, and the entire family (and extended family and friends) are concerned about the long-term mental damages done to these children.

There are educated people, researching and studying the laws daily, who cannot afford legal counsel and are left to their own defense. That in itself gives the overall feeling of "helplessness".  And yes, it does appear from most of the research that this IS indeed "... all about the money".




United States of America

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, January 13, 2010

I must say.  I have a CPS case just opened on me and I really didnt think it was going to be a big deal, but after reading online, I am terrified.  My case is full of false accusations that was brought on by someone who knows nothing about me and my family.  They were angry at my husband (common law).  They have only seen my children once and it was for a very brief period of time.  I pray for your and your children and hope you get your babies back and I pray my case is seen for exactly what it is. Bull.


United States of America

#7General Comment

Thu, December 31, 2009

It amazes me the poor advice that people give. I am neither an employee of CPS nor a parent whose child was taken, but I am an expert in the field.

The CPS employee advice on the whole is much better than the other posters, but blindly complying with CPS requirements probably isn't a great idea either. Once CPS has removed your children, you should immediately comply with all requirements that the courts puts on you (including any requirements that the court allows cps to dictate like time and place of visitation), or risk losing your child permanently.

As for the law:

In Texas parental rights can be terminated only if:

1) it is in the childs best interests

2) a ground for termination from the Family code is met

Both elements must be proven in trial by clear and convincing evidence (a standard higher than the normal civil lawsuit standard but lower than the criminal conviction standard). C&C evidence was established as the standard for the entire country by a US supreme court decision in 1982.

As the above posters link shows, every state has different grounds for termination (#2 element). Texas has a whole bunch of them which are found in the following sections of the TX family code - 161.001; 161.002(b); 161.007.

161.001 has roughly 20 different grounds (they are identified by letter and D&E are the most common grounds used by the state at trial) that can form the basis for terminating a parents rights against their will in Texas. None of those is due to the child being in foster care for a specific length of time. However, federal law (Adoption and Safe Families Act) does require that any state who has a child in foster care for 15 of the last 22 months FILE A PETITION to terminate rights, or RETURN THE CHILD. In no way does this mean that 15 months = termination. The law is intended to prevent children from languishing in foster care and to help establish "permanency" for children. The State still must prove both elements by C&C evidence. It's a way of telling CPS to s--t or get off the pot.

Again, I can not stress enough how important it is for a parent to comply with the court's orders once their children are taken. In Texas it is a ground for termination if a parent "Failed to comply with the provisions of case plan established for the parent to obtain the return of the child" ('O' ground)- it is also a ground for termination if a parent "contumaciously refused to submit to a reasonable and lawful order of a court" ('I' ground)


United States of America
To the ex employee..

#8General Comment

Sun, November 01, 2009

I don't know what's what here..as far as who this ex employee is. But I just had to comment on their response of "A parents rights can not be legally terminated with no knowledge from the parents after 15 months in foster care.* Apparently, you didn't know your job. YES it can. It was a law passed during the clinton administration, at least in MY area. In fact, the lawyer let us know this the moment we met with them. However it states anywhere from 15 months to 22 months in foster care. Now this website, a government website STATES the law, and the grounds to terminate rights. It's the very last one on the list.


Interesting, huh? So maybe YOU should know your codes, facts, whatever it be.

to the original person who wrote this. I'm sorry, I have nothing to offer you. I'm in the midst of my own battle with this. I can't even say much on the subject. But the law is true, and it's very disugsting that it is like that.

Are You Kidding Me


#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, June 08, 2009

First off, I am not a lawyer, but I do have a ton of experience in this subject. If the police came to your home for a Domestic Dist., then they can arrest 1 or both of the parties involved based on the information obtained. If they found evidance that your husband did commit Family assault, then it DOES NOT matter if you tell them you do not want to press charges. They can arrest him anyway. Since he was arrested of this offence and the terroristic threat, red flags went up when the Investigator recieved this case. This is information that the Investigator uses to ensure the childs safety. The San Jancinto, Liberty, Montgomery counties lines are not set instone since they all intersect out there near cleveland/porter. (They work for the state of Texas, not the counties) They try and stay in certain counties but that does not mean that they can not cross country lines. CPS does not have "undercover police". Since I was not there when the Investigator was there I can not comment on what she found while she was out there. I do not know if there was food or power, so I will leave this alone. Drug testing once a child is removed is standard. A hair folical test is court ordered...CPS has no control over that test. Based on the comment left. If you follow those "guideline" that was put out, you will do nothing to help out your case. In fact you will do everything the hard way. n**i's...really? Big Difference between killing people because of their faith and saving childrens lives, but hey, to each their own I guess. By not letting a CPS Investigator in to your home will only start things off badly. A CPS Investigator will call local Law Enforcement to assist. If you still do not let them in, there is a good chance that both the CPS Investigator and the Officer will assume that the child is in danger. This gives LE just cause to enter your home. Your right to to be priviate is no long an arguement. You can also be charged with interfearing with a state investigation. Statements made by the worker, such as, "let me in or I will take your kids" is against the law. I have never heard a worker say these things. Just by saying no to a caseworker then can get a court order to enter the home based on the alagations. This is not a criminal case, this is a welfare check to make sure the children are safe and are in a safe home. I do agree with the statements to record everthing. This can only help you later to remember information, cause lets face it, there will be alot of talking and alot of emotions, there is a chance you can forget something. I do NOt agree with the satement that CPS Investigators have to take a certain number of children into state care. That is just the stuipest thing I have ever heard. Since you are "up: on CPS law, please show me in the Texas State Penal/Family/Criminal Code where it says this. I would like to know. No Investigator likes to take a child in to custody for a few reasons. 1, it does not good to help a family if that child is taken away. 2 the foster placements are getting full. And 3, the worker does not want to fill out the 50 or so pages, wait for placement, and then have to go to court. A drug test is not to prove you wrong or to prove your innocense. Its to prove weather the allagations are true or false. By no taking a drug test, CPS will court order you to take on. If you still say no, then you are in violation of a court order. What plans did you sign that said you were guilty? A saftey plan? That is a good faith plan. That says you are willing to work with the department. (PS if you read it, read the bottom, its a non-binding agreement.) Those plans are put inplace to not take your children away IF you do waht it says. If you fail to do waht is asked then you are going against what the worker felt was appropaite for the safety of that child. A plan is not put infect until the worker found evidance to support the alligations. No your parental rights can not be terminated just because your child was in care for 15 months. This is FALSE. Again, read your codes. About prior cases, tell the worker. Be honest. There is alittle something called computers and data bases. If you lie about old cases they will find out, trust me, a check is done! School's have to, by Law to let a caseworker interview your child. Even if you put it in writing, CPS superceeds that note. As for having a child interview with a lawyer, the child has to answer quesions as it pretains to the case, even questions you might not think are right to ask. A Lawyer can not stop these questions, he can observe but can not refuse questions from being answered. It is a very good idea to keep your child doctors records close by. The bottom line is this. CPS does not just go in, and remove a child. There is about 156 steps before this happens. Its not fun for anyone. There is reason for the removal. I know alot of yall out there are bitter because you had your child taken away and rightfully so. I do not doubt that I would be bitter too if someone took my child away. But being on the other side of it, a child being taken into state care is the last thing anyone wants to do. You can clam up and say nothing, get thrown in jail, and still could have your children taken away becuase you choose to follow this person advice, or, do what they ask. I am not saying you should hug them or take them to a movie, but work with them with what they ask. Read your Texas Codes that deal with Child Abuse. Ask questions.....lots of them. Call and speak to their supervisor(which by the way are not in Austin, they are in the county office (Conroe for the woman in Porter)).

Consult The Rock

China, People's Republic of

#10Consumer Suggestion

Sun, June 22, 2008

I feel for you and your children which God gave to you and pray for those of you whom have been destroyed by the evil gestapo agencies. I have a blog and am collecting testimonials as to what is going on, the children murdered by cps, what the sorcerer psychologists are doing and so on. America is doing the precise same thing as what was done in n**i Germany. Only the Lord Jesus can heal the scars that our nation's children have been forced to endure by humanists whom are determined to destroy the institution of marriage and the family. http://nextaxpro.spaces.live.com/ I feel fasting and prayer are the only answer. Plus families must pray about whether to defend themselves. The gestapo cannot pretend that they are in the best interests of the children when they kidnap our children by force. The Jews did not defend themselves and the nazis had an easy time gassing many to death. Attaching some websites to show what is going on. These may be redacted. You will have ask around as there are many who wish to help you. The mafia always smells money and bullies in to the money. Abuse cases have risen since sodomites are allowed by evil judges to adopt children now. But not 50% !! CPS, DCFS and other agencies are doing experimentation. In one county in Kansas, 50% of the families had their children kidnapped. It's all to get more Federal funds. It would appear that the mob has gotten in on this as you will read. Fighting Child Protective Services False Accusations What to Do if CPS Agents Are Investigating You Here are some of my recommendations. Keep in mind that I am not an attorney and this is not legal advice -- so consider the source. Get an attorney if at all possible, and discuss these things with him/her. Your attorney will understand local procedures better than I possibly could. Record and Document Everything Check your state recording laws. Print out a copy of your state's law, and put it in a file folder entitled "Child Welfare Agents" near your front door. Have a tape recorder and blank tape handy in the house at all times. If a CPS worker shows up at your door, be prepared to tape the interview. You can, at that time, show them that you have a copy of the law. Don't be coerced not to tape -- this is your legal right if your state law says it is. Video tape is better than audio tape, if you can afford to do that instead. Furthermore, you must document everything that happens in writing! Take notes. An English activist recommends you write down every word and insist that the worker must wait until the words are properly recorded. You have the right. Keep a spiral-bound notebook on hand and use it to document every contact with CPS or CPS-appointed "service providers". Don't back down on this! Prepare in advance, and stand firm against CPS agents! After each contact, write a letter (some recommend having such a letter notarized) detailing what occurred, and request that the social worker confirm or deny the facts as you understand them within ten days of receipt of your letter. If no letter disputing the facts is received, then your statement of facts will be automatically confirmed. This form of documentation can later be used as evidence in your favor in juvenile court. Don't Invite The CPS Worker Inside - You are under no obligation to let that person into your house. Under the basic law of our land, the United States Constitution, Amendment Four, you have the right to privacy in your home. No government agent of any type is allowed to enter your home without your permission. We know of many cases where entry was coerced by statements such as "let me in or I'll take your kids". Do not give in! Do not give up your Constitutional Rights! Stand firm on this! If your rights are not honored, you can sue them later, but it is so much better to force them to honor your rights now. The only exception would be if the CPS agent shows up with a law enforcement officer bearing a search warrant. Usually that doesn't happen -- and I will tell you why. The CPS agent is there at your door to gather evidence. Usually he doesn't have enough real evidence to detain your child right away and there is not enough "probable cause" to obtain a search warrant. Typically, he will be just working on a phoned-in tip from someone who wants to retaliate against you for something. If you talk a lot, your words will be twisted in such a way as to be used against you in court {every time! -consult the Rock}. Also if you allow this person into your home, he will most likely find something there to complain about and use against you in court. A sink with 8 dishes needing washing can show up in his report as "a sink full of dirty dishes and a filthy kitchen" which of course would serve to make you look bad to a judge. Therefore, just don't let these people into your home. You have no idea what an issue they can make out of a pile of laundry sitting next to your washing machine! Don't Trust The CPS Agents {ever!! -consult the Rock} In other words, know the enemy. Know who CPS workers are. I used to work with CPS workers in the Dept. of Public Social Services, Visalia, California, so I think I'm in a position to tell you what these government agents are like, though I've never been one. (I was a welfare eligibility worker.) The typical CPS social worker is there for one reason: to have a job to pay his/her bills. This worker cannot afford to lose the job, so s/he will do whatever the supervisor says in order to maintain employment. Now, if this social worker is put into a unit assigned to go investigate referrals and to make decisions regarding detainment of children, then naturally this person would be suspect if s/he never detained a kid! In order to maintain employment, this worker will have to take a certain number of children into custody... therefore when they are at your home, they are thinking to themselves, "what can I find out about this family to build a case aimed at taking their kid?" They must have a case to take into court, and they are there, looking for evidence. Even if they seem nice and harmless, remember, this is how they make their money. To keep their jobs, they must take away children from their families. They are wolves in sheep's clothing. They come to your door saying, "I'm just here to help." The next thing you know, your children are in state custody and you are in court trying to prove your innocence. Remember, even if you like the person, behind every pleasant personality is a need to keep the social worker job. Behind every seemingly nice caseworker there is a more experienced supervisor who may tell your caseworker to "find something" to use to detain your child. You would not believe some of the idiotic allegations I have seen in caseworker reports... but if they can get a judge to rubber stamp their side of the story, they can get away with keeping your children in state custody. Don't trust these people! You need to understand that CPS funding is closely tied in with "service providers". It is likely that the social worker will offer some kind of deal, saying you can keep your kid if you agree to "services" like psychological testing, drug testing, therapy, etc. What this offer really means is that they don't have enough evidence to take your child into their custody, but if you will just go to their "service providers" they may get the "evidence" they need through these "service provider" reports. Say, for example, you are accused of drug use. They want you to go to a drug testing service to prove your innocence. You say, "Okay, I'm not a drug user, I'll go". But then you find yourself facing false-positive results ... or if you miss an appointment, you are told that will count as a positive drug test. Your life is being severely interfered with because you have to go to scheduled appointments, miss work, make special child care arrangements, etc. Believe me, all this is not a "service" to you, no matter what they call it! It is only a way for the social workers to try to get "evidence" against you so they can take your children away. Do NOT sign their plans. Do NOT admit to anything. Force them to PROVE their cases in court, in a FULL TRIAL. Don't accept just a hearing where you are coerced to sign guilty to the charges. They will try every trick in the book to get you to agree to their sick "service plans". You must stand firm and just say "no" when they ask you to sign your legal rights away. Be prepared to face coercion... just like many others, I too was told I could take my child home that day if I would just sign guilty to the charges, and I was so desperate to get my baby, I signed. Thousands of us have done that. Believe me, it is better to say "No - I want a full trial - you must prove your charges!" If you give in to the coercion, you will be jumping through their "service plan" hoops for months to come. If you go through with a trial, there's a possibility you will win your freedom from this government interference in your family's life. If you go through a trial, and your child is adjudged a state ward, and you are court-ordered to complete a "service plan" or "reunification plan," then of course you should do your best to complete every part of it before the next court hearing. This plan will most likely include psychological testing and counseling -- that is a standard waste of taxpayer money. If the social workers want to court order you to anything that does not apply to your case, you should insist that your attorney fight this requirement in court. For example, if they want you to go to drug testing despite the fact that you are not a drug user and they have no evidence that you might be, then fight it! After the court hearing, if social workers try to force you into "services" that are not in the court-ordered plan you can refuse to cooperate. You are only required to do things that the judge has ordered. You should document all such illegal requests for additional services that haven't been required by a judge. You can request a State Administrative Hearing from the social services department to discuss these requests with an Administrative Law Judge. Likewise you may find that the social workers are trying to delay setting up services that are court ordered. You must document your repeated requests for such services and the excuses the social workers give for delaying the start of such services. The CPS agents have been known to delay services so that your case will last longer. If your child is in state custody for 15 months, your parental rights can be terminated on that basis alone. Your goal will be to get your child returned at the next court hearing, so don't allow delays! Say As Little As Possible Of course, when you first see the CPS agents on your doorstep, you want these people to go away and close their case. This will make you want to tell them things to clarify that you are not a danger to your children. Be careful what you say. As any activist will tell you, anything you say can be twisted and used against you! For example, I thought it was good that my spouse and I were already involved in therapy and a 12-Step group for adult children of alcoholics. However this statement was used against me. It was used as evidence that I had problems and needed "services". The fact that I was already taking care of my own needs and didn't need a court order to do these things didn't help. Another thing you really shouldn't tell CPS agents is whether you were once in state custody. When you tell them you were a foster child, first of all they know there's a file out there with your name in it from which they can pull documents to use as "evidence" against you. In my case, most of the paperwork in our thick file was pulled from my spouse's very thick state custody file. They claimed they had evidence that he was violent from the time he was in kindergarten and they were prepared to use that juvenile file against us, even though he had never harmed our child. Second, if you tell them you were a foster child, it marks you as a victim and makes them think you can be victimized more. Former foster children have their children detained at a rate much higher than most, so just be on the safe side and don't mention that fact if it pertains to you. It really is none of their business. You should not open your mouth to help them make a case against you. It is also not wise to tell them something like, "I am not an abuser - I should know what that is - I was abused as a child." What this says to them is that you were abused therefore you are likely to be an abuser. Believe me, no matter what terrible situation you went through as a child, it is better not to mention that to a social worker. They will not feel so sorry for you that they will just go away. No, it doesn't work that way. They are looking for bad things to say about you to pad their caseworker report when they present it to a judge. Yet another thing you shouldn't say is whether your child was detained in the past. A history of CPS interference in your family tells a caseworker you are on their hit list. If you have ever had a child taken from you by Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) move to another state or better yet, out of the country, and keep it a secret! There is a new law (ASFA) that gives the CPS agents the right to take away all future children if you ever had a TPR in the past. If this law is used against you, there will be no reunification plan, no "reasonable efforts" to keep your family together, and most likely no visitation. Another thing to beware of: they may ask you for referrals to people to help prove your fitness to parent. For example, I was asked for my ex-husband's phone number. Thinking he would give me a good referral, I complied. As it turned out, he was told that making a statement against me would help him keep custody of our children. The most damaging "evidence" they got against me were false statements signed by this ex-husband and his girlfriend, who had only met me briefly once and had never been in my home! This woman had the gall to make a twelve page false statement typed on legal paper regarding my parenting abilities! She called it an "affidavit" but did not sign it under penalty of perjury, and for good reason! Therefore I advise that you NOT give them "leads" to your friends, family, ex-spouses, therapists, doctors, etc. They are just looking for "evidence" against you and they are experts at coercing this sort of evidence from people who know you. Make them find their own evidence -- don't help them find or make contacts! So, if CPS agents are at your door, stand firm and say as little as you possibly can! If you feel they are making a case against you anyhow, get an attorney to help you through an interview in your attorney's office. Just Say "NO" To Interviews With Your Child The CPS agents will want to talk to your child alone. Just say "NO". Tell the agents that your child has the right to have an attorney present, and that if he insists on an interview then you and the attorney will be present and the interview will be recorded, preferably on videotape. Of course, if your child is attending a public school, you probably won't get a chance to say "no". What would happen is that the social worker would go to the school and, behind your back, get permission to talk with your children from the school employees. You can tell the school ahead of time (in writing) that you don't permit such interviews, or anything other than basic education activities, however you cannot trust school employees to go by your wishes. It might help to ask your attorney to write a letter to the school forbidding interviews with CPS workers. Keep in mind that the public schools are one of the major sources of CPS referrals. I have heard that caseworkers complain that public school employees actually want more child detentions than CPS agents do! My advice is not to trust the schools, and to home school if possible. I am a big home schooling advocate because I believe it is best for kids, and one of these days I will write a page about that too... but in the meantime, just keep in mind that it is hard to say "no" to interviews if your child's school will say "yes". Already the government has been putting CPS agents in public schools to look for target children. Eventually this may be the case in every public school. I think this is a good place for me to mention that I support the Alliance for the Separation of School and State. Please check it out. Be sure that your children know that they have the right to say, "I don't want to be interviewed without my parents and an attorney and a tape recorder present." Case workers will not tell your child that he has the right to say that. If there is still time, you must be the one to train your child how to deal with government agents. Be sure your child knows the consequences of CPS interviews. If anyone is detained, it is the child. If they say the wrong thing, they can be taken into custody and removed, possibly permanently, from parents, siblings, friends, their home town, their pets, and everything else they hold dear in life! They will be traumatized by that separation, and possibly put on harmful adult psychotropic drugs to deal with the separation. If they complain too much about being incarcerated in state custody homes, they may be put into mental hospitals, or placed in restraints, which are known to be deadly. "Teach your children well," as the old song goes. We live in perilous times. We owe it to our children to help them learn to deal with government agents that may harm them. Remember, children are eight to ten times more at risk of abuse in foster and group homes, so we are not over-reacting in teaching our children these self-protective measures. {It's a lot worse than that for many reasons. Read about the children whom have been tortured, brutalized, starved, dehydrated, murdered or simply disappeared on this website. I put in my blog, also. -consult the Rock} Advance Preparation Remember, I advised that you keep the following things on hand: a tape recorder, blank tape, spiral-bound notebook, and a file folder marked "Child Welfare Agents". If you have time to prepare for a visit before it happens, you are very lucky. Most people don't take the threat of government interference in their lives seriously -- until after it happens to them. To prepare, I suggest the following items be printed out from the internet and placed in your folder: your state and federal laws regarding child welfare services; court cases that insure your rights; the Bill of Rights, newspaper articles and statistics showing that children are not safe in state custody homes. Be prepared to show these things to the social worker that comes to your door, and question them about the wisdom of taking children into state custody where they are eight to ten times more at risk of abuse. Also if they want to take your kids, question them about the "reasonable efforts" requirement to keep families together, and about what "pre-placement preventative services" they are offering. If they want your child, ask about what "imminent danger" exists. Let them know that you know the laws! For example, if they claim something happened on Monday to your child but they show up on Friday afternoon to pick your child up, you should be telling these social workers that obviously no "imminent danger" exists or they would have acted on the report right away! If you don't stand firm and point out their mistakes, they will walk all over you and violate their own laws in many different ways. Yes, your child still might be detained, but if you show them you know their laws and can speak their lingo, they will think twice before choosing you as a new client. In addition to the paperwork detailed above, keep on hand in this "Child Welfare Agents" file your doctor reports showing that your child is healthy. Every time your child sees a physician, request in writing that the full report be sent to you. You should not give these reports to a CPS agent, but you can let him know you have evidence showing that you are a good parent, not an abuser. Flash the papers before his/her face, don't hand them over to be read... these are your own valuable documents and you don't need to share or tell the worker who the child's doctor is. Let the worker find evidence on his/her own. Don't help a CPS agent try to build a case against you. The point of having this folder is to let the social worker know that you know the laws and you are prepared to defend yourself! You are not going to share your "evidence" with a social worker. They have no right to it unless the case goes to court. Here's the link to an article I wrote about child welfare investigations and your rights: Investigations v. Rights What Others Recommend Learn As Much As You Can The Social Worker At Your Door: 10 Helpful Hints - dated April, 2006 - advice from the attorneys for HSLDA, the Homeschool Legal Defense Association I Need Help Fighting CPS Now - good advice at the site of the American Family Rights Association. Taking Over Your Case - defending yourself Sui Juris in juvenile court... great article with practical advice. The Social Worker at Your Door: 10 Helpful Hints - good advice from the attorneys at HSLDA. Your Constitutional Rights: Use Them Or Lose Them - learn more about your Constitutional Rights before its too late! Answering the CPS (Child Protective Services) Questions - a Virginia homeschool site posted this interview with a systemite. Immediate Hearing Rights - written for NY but valid in every state. Facing off with Children's Protective Services! - this page is on a website about Rett Syndome, but has a lot of good suggestions for any parent, not just those with handicapped children. If You're the Subject of a DCYF Investigation - attorney Paula Werme's advice on what to do when a child welfare investigation begins. Parents victimized by children's protective services - good notes on cases built on unconstitutional religious prejudices. What To Do If DSS Comes to Your Door - suggestions from a Massachusetts attorney, Gregory A. Hession. Dont's and Do's When Falsely Accused - this was written by a friend of mine back in 1995. Legal Survival - very awesome UK site with information on social services, courts, imprisonment, and just about any aspect of this nightmare you can think of. Lots of good information! Save Your Children - click on "When they knock" for some good information. Allegations of Maltreatment - This site was created for foster parents enduring false allegations. It has some good information on handling interviews and Minnesota child welfare laws. I suggest a careful reading of it whether you are a natural parent or fosterer in trouble. CPS, DCFS, DHS socialist anti-service agencies, shrinks, ABA, guardian ad litem: Here's some dirty tricks they play: http://www.massnews.com/past_issues/2001/march%202001/marfam.htm Every parent and foster parent has to read this: http://rscraps.com/NFPCAR/References/DirtyTricks.htm According to a DCFS spokeswoman, the agency does not track the sexual orientation of prospective foster or adoptive parents: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=29180 "What's going on here is outrageous," Humiston told WorldNetDaily. "Utah's juvenile courts eliminate all but a thin facade of due process." He said that by law, parents "can be anonymously accused and never get to face their accusers," with no right to a jury, no right to remain silent, and no presumption of innocence. Worse, he added, "all proceedings are conducted in secret," with the state regularly terminating "parents' rights without ever showing that (they) are unfit." http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=1777 Kinsey: Crimes and consequences. www.drjudithreisman.org www.jesus-is-savior.com "How you raise your children is between you and God alone. It is not a matter for the state or anyone else; it never has been." http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=62153 The "Texas Department of Child Abduction," which writer William N. Grigg "sometimes wittily refers to as the Department of Protective and Family Services," acted on an anonymous call from a shady character named Rozita Swinton. Rozita was released by the Texas ruffians after being briefly detained. The innocent victims of her mischief-making are being held indefinitely, separated from their mothers. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=62505 So there, femicommies and socialist bums [they certainly are NOT society workers}. "I don't know where social services ever got started, or where they got their authority," Shiflett said. "But I want to know why we have something in this country that violates our rights, that takes a parental right away." I know its sorcerer psychology; it's illegal, immoral and antiConstitutional. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that the State or the sorcerer shrink, or a judge or a communist worker is a parent of your child! http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=59581 Proverbs 23:13-14. Abominable, heinous, criminal CPS is fighting GOD!! Finally, a victory: http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=65997 Have you been brainwashed by radical femicommies who hate GOD, partiarchal authority, the Bible? http://www.newswithviews.com/Stang/alan34.htm A thoughtful, educational poem: http://www.fightcps.com/articles/callforchange.html http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evils%20in%20America/CCM/faith_hill.htm Don't be spam scammed! http://www.irs.gov/individuals/article/0,,id=155344,00.html http://www.massnews.com/past_issues/2001/march%202001/marfam.htm http://www.fightcps.com/pdf/expose4.pdf http://www.newswithviews.com/Stang/alan50.htm http://www.fightcps.com/pdf/expose3.pdf http://www.fightcps.com/articles/whattodo.html

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