  • Report:  #138952

Complaint Review: Child Protective Services - Seattle, Spokane All Other Cities Washington

Reported By:
- Spokane Valley, Washington,

Child Protective Services
Washington State Seattle, Spokane All Other Cities, Washington, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Please help the Washington Families that are unjustly being destroyed by our child welfare system.

Parents and children's rights are being violated which are guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America:

The violations of parents and children's rights are cloaked in secrecy under the guise of the confidentiality laws and are actively championed in Family Courts. The actions of the CPS and the Family Courts are accomplishing the unjustified status of due process' while these despicable practices are; state sanctioned tyranny and oppression on a wholesale scale against innocent parents and children.

Parents are not being allowed to exercise their freedom of religion. CPS removes children for various religious practices.

Parents do not have the right to petition the Government for redress of grievances. Parents' petitions to elected representatives at the local, state, and federal levels go unanswered and unresolved while CPS tramples on their rights. CPS workers are protected by immunity and there is nothing anyone can do.

Parents do not have the right to be free from threats, duress, coercion, or intimidation in their dealings with the State. Parents are subjected to threats, duress, and coercion by Social Workers. They are told they will never see their children unless they confess. Children are also told that unless they disclose, they will not see their

parents again.

Parents do not have the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures. CPS and police officers, steal children without warrants, and search homes for evidence without warrants or evidence of any crime. This is all done in the name of protecting the children. The warrant less searches are used by CPS to obtain access to the children. They interview them on the spot away from the parent, inflicting trauma on the child with total disregard to the rights of the parents to be with a child when they are being questioned. Children are often strip searched and photographed, again inflicting trauma on the child.

Parents do not have the right to not be compelled to be a witness against himself. Families are court ordered to cooperate with CPS and to disclose information that is often twisted and manipulated into lies and is presented as fact to the court. Families are not informed that

the information they give can and will be used against them in court. They are court-ordered to sign releases of private medical and psychiatric information. Failure to sign these releases results non-compliance with the order and they could lose custody of their children.

Parents do not have the right to not to be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. Parental rights are effectively terminated when the CPS agent leaves the home with the children. This does not protect the right to due process. Parents are denied the right to be present at interviews and examinations or to even speak with their children. If they have visitation, they are forbidden to speak about the case. They have no say in any aspect of their children's life, who will care for them and how, or in the treatments the children

will receive. Parents are denied access to their children without having been found guilty of any crime. This is often denied arbitrarily, and often as punishment for the parents' refusing to admit guilt. This is denial of due process; it is cruel and unusual punishment for both the parents and the child.

When children act out their anger and fear due to the State's actions, they are drugged into compliance. Parents should have the right to refuse unwanted or unneeded medical or psychiatric evaluations, treatments or drugs, for themselves and for their children.

Parents do not have the right to cross-examine witnesses and impeach testimony. Under the guise of protecting the childs confidentiality, parents are denied the admission of evidence in their favor. They are subjected to hearsay evidence against them. Parents should have the right to not be subjected to hearsay evidence against them. In a child abuse case, hearsay evidence is routinely admitted into court. . This he said, she said' testimony is a violation of a fundamental constitutional right. To put someone on trial, or to convict someone, based on hearsay is a farce.

Parents do not have the right to a trial by jury. Their children are at risk and the decisions left to the Family Court judge, who is, in far too many cases, predisposed against the parent. A trial by jury must be allowed for all Family court proceedings to protect the rights of both the parents and the children.

Parents not have the right to confront the witnesses against them and they do not have the right to have access to all evidence and witnesses against them. Parents are denied access to many forms of so-called

evidence against them under the guise of confidentiality' laws. The motives of the child abuse reporters are not investigated. A false report of child abuse is slanderous and libelous in nature. Prosecutors

refuse in most cases to prosecute the cases of false reports. The accused must have the right to confront the witnesses against him.

Parents should have the right to be legally protected from slanderous or libelous reports against them; and the right to be able to seek real retribution for any such violations against their character. When a parent's name is entered on a registry' of child abusers, without

having been convicted of the crime of child abuse, it publicly presents this person as a though he were a convicted criminal and has the effect of legally slandering and libeling his character. The process of

placing a person's name on a registry has no safeguards, nor is it employed only after due process, in order to protect the rights of the persons listed and is therefore facially unconstitutional.

Parents should have the right to have effective counsel for their defense. The most important issue to most parents is their children. Court appointed attorneys do not fight effectively for our children most of them have large caseloads and cannot spend the time needed on

each case. By their own admission, attorneys have too much to lose by presenting a vigorous and effective defense.

CPS agencies and the courts routinely leave truly abused children in the homes of their abusers. These are the children who die, and CPS knew of the abuse and did nothing to prevent it. The State covers up the abuse of children they have in their custody and there are no

provisions for independent investigations into such complaints. The children suffer at the expense of State. If the State wishes to raise children, let them bear their own. The State has no right to interfere with family matters unless they present a real danger to the child.

Children are removed from their homes and placed in foster care instead of kinship placements where they are at far greater risk of abuse. The State does not make a good parent; it has no vested interest in the child. The best way to avoid trauma to the child is to place the child with blood relatives. This is the right of the blood relatives. Blood relatives should not be required to meet the same requirements as strangers who apply to be foster parents or adoptive parents. To require more is a violation of the integrity of the family bond and

patently immoral. Blood relatives should have the first option of to have the child before foster care. They should be given the child in all cases except for previously proven abuse or neglect against the relative who wishes to have custody of the child. Blood relatives are systematically denied their rights to these children.

The right to refuse to participate in unwanted or unneeded treatment plans. All treatment plans proposed by the CPS agencies do not have a clearly defined termination point. Parents are given hoops to jump

through, and when they do it - expecting to get their children back - they are only given more hoops to jump through. Most treatment plans are irrelevant to the circumstances that precipitated the intervention.

The right that all men must live under the law; that no man who is in a position of authority over them is above the law; that those who have been victimized have the real ability to seek civil and criminal punishment against those who use the authority of the state to act

outside the law with impunity. CPS, mandated reporters, and the courts have all been placed above the law, by being granted unqualified immunity to act against any person in this country. By not being held

accountable for their actions, whether these actions be legal or illegal, has created a class of person who can act with impunity and without fear of justified action against them. These people have been corrupted by absolute power and our children are paying the price.


Kelly Vick, Co-Director American Family Rights Association of WA

[email protected]

Suzy Nickel, Director American Family Rights Association of WA [email protected]

American Family Rights Association http://familyrightsassociation.com/

Washington Chapter http://www.washingtonafra.com/


Spokane Valley, Washington

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Child Protective Services

7 Updates & Rebuttals

Mity Quinn

United States of America
Change it!

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, May 12, 2011

Tremendous Report....  There is not one word or meaning behind this report that is not true to its fullest extent.  I had an experience within the last four years with CPS, and a gardium ad litem through our juvenile court system, regarding my grandchildren, and I only have one thing to say, we the people can change laws, it will just take determination, and will.  It is wrong and no body is above the law, and immunity wont be a word when I am done, even if it takes the rest of my life, people will be held accountable, and things will change.  If it doesnt change, society as a whole will suffer, not just the families and childrens who's lives they have torn.  And shame on the part of our government who adds to this temptation with money insentives, such as for each successful adoption of a child, into thier own personal bank accounts.  CPS will wish they never messed with me, and my family..... You will all know my name some day.... and CPS will never beable to forget it because I will find a way, to bring this to justice, and justice served, and unjust compensated, and people held accountable.  Immunity is a fancy word  to excuse those people with power, to go above the law... I dont think so, this makes me so mad and angry, its pathetic the way our system works and how certain people believe they are better, or above all else just because they have a fancy word like immunity to cover thier butts for the wrong they do, when the truth of the matter is they are more ignorant than the people they meliciously slander daily.  So, the next time someone like CPS intimadates you or threatens you, just smile to thier face knowing you are the better person by far....  thank you and God Bless us all


Please read!! parental rights being taken away for americans

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, May 10, 2009

Please go to this website ( parentalrights.org ) to view what the United States Government and the United Nation's has in store for the American parents rights and how they are taking away your right as a parent and giving them to court systems. Read about the treaty that the US government is supporting and ratified. If a treaty is signed and ratified by the US government it supersedes the Constitution and is above all State and Federal laws we have currently in place, giving the governments the full authority of the best interest of our children regardless of what we as parents fell about it. The UN is having the elections for a committee to create and enforce this new treaty on May 12 2009. We as Americans need to stand up for our rights as parents. Please go to the website ( parentalrights.org ) and do some research and determine for yourself. If you believe they are taking your rights away then sign the petition on that site to have an amendment added to the constitution to protect us from that issue. They are destroying what this country was founded on and what is means.

Jennifer The Great

have you ever?

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, August 28, 2008

Have you ever had your kids riped from your home? Do you yourself personally work for cps. Sounds to me like you do. You are not the one to place any judgement until you loose yours. And have the fate of your child's lives in some one elses hands. And who made it okay for others to decide if your tactics of parenting and correct. Everyone parents diffrently. I dont agree with the way cps works and never will. Mabye you should take a look at the system because they are giving meth addicts back there children in less than a week and then the parents who are GOOD parents have to suffer and deal which might I add hurts the children being took from a good home good parents who love them. I think you are very narrow minded and dont know what your talking about. YOU MUST BE ONE OF THEM!!!!

Jennifer The Great

have you ever?

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, August 28, 2008

Have you ever had your kids riped from your home? Do you yourself personally work for cps. Sounds to me like you do. You are not the one to place any judgement until you loose yours. And have the fate of your child's lives in some one elses hands. And who made it okay for others to decide if your tactics of parenting and correct. Everyone parents diffrently. I dont agree with the way cps works and never will. Mabye you should take a look at the system because they are giving meth addicts back there children in less than a week and then the parents who are GOOD parents have to suffer and deal which might I add hurts the children being took from a good home good parents who love them. I think you are very narrow minded and dont know what your talking about. YOU MUST BE ONE OF THEM!!!!

Jennifer The Great

have you ever?

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, August 28, 2008

Have you ever had your kids riped from your home? Do you yourself personally work for cps. Sounds to me like you do. You are not the one to place any judgement until you loose yours. And have the fate of your child's lives in some one elses hands. And who made it okay for others to decide if your tactics of parenting and correct. Everyone parents diffrently. I dont agree with the way cps works and never will. Mabye you should take a look at the system because they are giving meth addicts back there children in less than a week and then the parents who are GOOD parents have to suffer and deal which might I add hurts the children being took from a good home good parents who love them. I think you are very narrow minded and dont know what your talking about. YOU MUST BE ONE OF THEM!!!!

Jennifer The Great

have you ever?

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, August 28, 2008

Have you ever had your kids riped from your home? Do you yourself personally work for cps. Sounds to me like you do. You are not the one to place any judgement until you loose yours. And have the fate of your child's lives in some one elses hands. And who made it okay for others to decide if your tactics of parenting and correct. Everyone parents diffrently. I dont agree with the way cps works and never will. Mabye you should take a look at the system because they are giving meth addicts back there children in less than a week and then the parents who are GOOD parents have to suffer and deal which might I add hurts the children being took from a good home good parents who love them. I think you are very narrow minded and dont know what your talking about. YOU MUST BE ONE OF THEM!!!!


Nine Mile Falls,
Thank God CPS cared enough for your children to step in when you, their MOM didn't.

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, May 07, 2005

I know my words are going to sound hateful and cruel, but you need to take a large dose of reality, and focus on the welfare of your children, nothing else. I do wish you well but first and foremost I pray for the safety and happiness of your children. Kelly, for your children's sake, stop blaming everyone else and accept responsibility for your actions. You said you were given hoops to jump through assuming the children, would without question be returned home. Throughout your letter you discussed the Parents rights excuse me but what about the right and safety of the children? It is crystal clear even to a blind man you are angry and hurt and in denial of what you created, and I understand given your situation feeling you are the victim, but I'm sorry Kelly, you are not the victim, your children are. It doesn't put you in a very good light. I am nearly 50 years old but the State Child Protection Services stepped in and 5 siblings and myself spent the next 4 years in foster care due to abuse. I was nine and I will never forget that night. Wish I could but the fact is they saved my life, my siblings as well as my parents. I recently lost my mom and 3 months later my dad also died. I can't nor will I even attempt to express my emotional meltdown and the pain and loneliness in my heart. I just wanted to share that with you to show how I don't blame them for what happen when we were children. Ok I am going to try to touch on a few of the issues you wrote about. #1. Whenever the safety of children is in question they must move quickly to ensure their wellbeing. I GUARENTEE you Kelly, if and when they make the decision to remove the child (ren) from their parents home they are required to justify it above and beyond a reasonable doubt. The paperwork has become 60% of their job. I, just as CPS would I believe admit they have made errors in some instances, but thank God they possible over reacted rather than under reacted. #2. When parent's religion compromises the health and safety of a child then yes, they should remove that child. Just because we birthed those children, we DO NOT have the right to subject them to danger. #3. Many child abuse and endangerment reports are made anonymously for many reasons i.e. fear of repercussions but family members make the majority of the reports. When they are dealing with the welfare of children they cannot discard a report because the caller refused to give a name. #4. Parents DO have the right to the evidence minus the confidential reports. There is a law they have to abide by just as many other professions do, it called the 3rd party disclosure law. Closing the door to anonymous reports would only allow many children to continue living with abuse, neglect and live in substandard conditions. #5. Parents can hire council of choice. If you were appointed an attorney at NO cost to you, paid for by us tax payers, and feel you are not being represented effectively you need to resolve the problem by being very active in your defense and become shall I say one with your free attorney. Or you do have the option to retain your attorney of choice at your expense #6. Parent's give up ALL rights the second they endanger or abuse that child. You made a comment and I quote, Families are not informed that the information they give can and will be used against them in court. That comment right there explains why CPS was involved and removed your child (ren). You need to stop blaming them and everyone else and be grateful they cared enough for your child (ren) when you didn't to secure their precious lives. You justified CPS's actions by your unforgivable crimes against those children.

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