  • Report:  #276851

Complaint Review: Christopher Brimmer Aka Chris Brimmer And Blanche Spliedt Aka Blanche Brimmer Blanche Brown - Muskogee, Tulsa, Oklahoma City Area Oklahoma

Reported By:
- Muskogee, Oklahoma,

Christopher Brimmer Aka Chris Brimmer And Blanche Spliedt Aka Blanche Brimmer Blanche Brown
4505 West Lansing, Tulsa, OK 74012 Muskogee, Tulsa, Oklahoma City Area, 74403 Oklahoma, U.S.A.
918-683 3049
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We are a family owned custome home building and remodeling company. Chris went to work for us 10 months ago and has taken so many power tools to pawn them and we can't recoop the loss. He's a pro, we never even suspected him when we noticed them missing. We sold them a car (cheap), paid to get the titled change and tax, let them live in our rental house (for free, except utilities, not paid), socialized with them, I babysat Blanche's 8 year old boy so she could start a job (which she ripped them off over $1,000.00 in checks and a digital camera) and practically treated them like family. When all that time they were gambling away their money in casinos, scamming retail businesses, writing hot checks and lieing while they looked us straight in the eye.

He's in the Oklahoma City Jail right now because he tried to walk out of a Wal-Mart with a second power tool, showing the door person a receipt he had for the one he'd bought earlier. He assaulted the officer that caught him. There was a warrant out for his arrest in Michigan for writing hot checks. They had Wal-Mart gift cards, that I assume, they got from "large ticket" items they had bought with bad checks then returned them with the receipt before the check had time to clear.

She spent 25 days in jail last year in Michigan for driving with a suspended license charge and didn't show up for court kind of a thing. She is neglecting to get her child to school because she's on the run. I'm sure his daddy and grandparents would like to be informed of this. Her uncle, in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma is talking to a lawyer, and she'll probably get away with it all, and be able to take the car, even after everything they have taken from us. Ain't justice grand!


Muskogee, Oklahoma


5 Updates & Rebuttals


Why accuse a child??!!

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, December 15, 2010

To the Carter family,

I want to first of all aplogize for the wrong doing that Chris did.  I did originally defend him because I thought he was telling the truth about everything that happened.  I now know the truth and will apologize to you for his wrong doing when it comes to that.  As for me, I had no idea that he had taken your tools.  In turn you have tried to ruin my name by posting it on this website.  When my name is googled it is the first thing that comes up.  So I hope you are satisfied with that.  Yes my hertiage is Romanian and yes some of my family live a "gypsy" lifestyle but I do not and your accusations are far from the truth when it comes to me and my child.  I will admit that time in my life was rough and I may have done some things that I am not proud of.  Who in this life doesn't do some things we regret?  I am blessed that I have grown and changed.  No I am not perfect and no one in this world is but I am not a criminal as you say I am.  My name is Blanche Gail Brown and I am proud of it.  No one will ever or can ever make me feel like a wothless common criminal as you have tried to do with this posting.  I don't care what you think of me.  The right thing to do is to apologize to you for defending someone who did you wrong after you were very nice to him.  I am no longer with him and my life has changed for the best.  There was plenty that I didn't know about and now the truth has set me free.  The last and most important thing I have to say is LEAVE MY SON OUT OF THIS!!!  What kind of people bring an innocent eight year old (at the time) into a situation like this and accuse him of stealing some change.  Come on!!!  Are you serious about that.  I can understand you accusing me because I am an adult and I was with Chris for a long time but my innocent child!?  My whole family has seen this.  I have nothing to hide.  He has alot of people that love him and we all want to let you know what a horriable thing to do that is.  Janice, you have children that you love.  When they were little how would you feel if someone would bad talk your little boy or little girl!?  And Tucker, no he is not the "prodigal" son!  My twelve year old boy is a well behaved, straight A student, respectful young man.  He's talented and chasing his dreams.  You will hear his name someday.  He's won serveral talent contest playing his guitar and singing.  He is not some trashy little theif like you are trying to make him out to be!  Watch out I may "curse you with my gypsy magic".  Don't ever say anything about my son again.  I can take anything you want to dish out to me but when you bring my child into it I won't have it.  Tucker when or if you have your own child you will understand.  He used to love to listen to your cd.  He thought it was cool he knew a "rock star".  Is that how you think people should treat kids?    I used to let him get the change out of my change box and take it to the store.  You took that innocent little thing and turned it into this bullshit!   Anyone with a heart would think you were wrong!  IF you are anywhere near a good person you will retract the badmouth about a little child!!!   Since you guys seemed to be so intent on him "stealing" your piggy bank money why don't you let me know how much I owe you and we can settle this fair and square.  I will mail it right out!  Good luck in everything you do.  I am sorry for what you went through with Chris.  You have no idea what I also endured from him and what you have never understood is I was also a victim in that situation.  I really hope from this statment this can end this in my life and yours.   

Christopher James Brimmer

United States of America
Here's my Problem

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, December 21, 2009

Here's my problem Tucker/Salud. When you do that Google search for Christopher Brimmer, the #1 result is this. That's my problem with it. My problem is that there are many, people who will read the title, skim through the information, and then become CSI:Milwaukee convinced that I am that person. Totally happened to me.

I was grateful that I even got a chance to respond to it when called in. My point is, when you're writing something like this, try to be as descriptive of possible of the person on here. Dates of incident, descriptions of people involved, places of incidents.

I'm sure you'd want the same thing for you if the tables were turned and you had to refute something posted on the Internet.


United States of America
Affirmation of a wrong-doer

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, December 18, 2009

My name is Tucker and I consider myself partial victim of the perpetrators.  I am Janise's son and experienced hardship as well, though not quite like my parents.  I consider myself a victim because not only am I closely tied to my parents but I work alongside my father as my mode of occupation.  When an individual steals tools from a person that attains their livelihood from those exact tools, well, its like stealing the truck from the trucker. 

I can attest to everything my mother stated because, as I said, it happened right in front of my eyes as well.  I might also add that when Chris finally did go to jail in Sand Springs (then transferred to Muskogee because of pending charges my parents filed) he was found with 7 different aliases, or IDs.  In other words, one can only assume that his name is even Chris Brimmer or that Blanche's name is even that.  They are self-proclaimed gypsies in the full swing of practicing that trickery and con-artistry.  I would also want to add on one of the many occasions my mother watched the little boy, Tony, he was caught red-handed stealing quarters and dollars from a small change bin next to my parents kitchen where my sister and I used to get our lunch money.  I guess he is to be the prodigal son.

The amount of embarassment a business owner goes through after getting ripped off by one of his own is unretractable.  You whole-heartedly trust someone and expect nothing in return but friendship, or even just friendliness, and what you get is the exact opposite.  I can only imagine this because I've only read and heard accounts but its probably a lot like being raped and infiltrated.  You almost blame yourself for letting that person get so close to you and you try and try to find reasons to blame yourself because you simply can't get back what has happened.  When all in all, its an act of cold blood simply unfathomable by a reasonable human.  An act very few understand but very many get away with.

Mr.Christopher James Brimmer I do not know you but I can tell you this:  if your employers are trusting a google search as a quasi-background check, you need to find new employers.  Its 2009, buddy, and the internet is pretty easy to use.  We are trying to bring light and attention to a convict so he or his partner do not rip anyone else off and this article will not be removed because you are getting hassled at work or your employers are too dumb to know what a background check is.  Tough luck, tough name. But it took me about .001 seconds to find 3,014 Chris Brimmers in the United States. 

To my memory, ironically enough:  Christopher Brimmer, 6'0, 200 lbs, short red hair, blue eyes, shaven face or partial goatee


Christopher James Brimmer

United States of America
Could You Please Be More Specific When Using People's Names?

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, December 17, 2009


My name is Christopher James Brimmer. I'm NOT the one you are describing on here. However, it shows up #1 on every Google search. So far it has caused me the following problems:

Co-workers gossiping resulting in me being called into the owner's office to prove that this report wasn't about me. I was sent home for the day until I could prove it. I had to prove it by getting a copy of my credit report which showed I have never lived in Michigan or Oklahoma.

Not getting an interview for a job with another company. It was a company a friend of mine was working at and they had an opening for what I do. They never called back and told me the position had been filled when I did call to inquire. After talking to my friend, it turned out they did a search on the web for my name and this came up.

So, I would like to ask if either this report can be taken down, OR, could you please provide an accurate description of the person you are talking about. For example:

Christopher James Brimmer: Caucasian Male, 6' tall, blue eyes, short brown hair, and I'm 33 years old.

I would the description of the person/people you are describing should be in the subject or the first paragraph so that when Google or other search engines index it, it can be seen right away. Also, when you do provide information like "He's in jail" could you provide proof? Police blotter link, online reference? This would be great too for someone who is searching someone else to see if this is possible the same person they are looking for.

Thank you for your time.


Unfair Slander!!

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, April 09, 2009

First of all this woman Janise who has written this slander on the internet has never liked me from the first time I met her! She has no proof of what she is claiming and trying to ruin my name and Chris's name for personal reasons only. She is controlling in every sense of the word and because I was having personal problems and I did not make them known to her she went crazy!! She claims that Chris has stolen power tools from them and it is not true! The weekend that they came up missing we were gone to St. Louis picking up my son. They already knew who did it because the key to the shed where the tools were being kept was in the hands of an ex employee who Janise and Greg had claimed was a "crack head" and would do anything for a buck and had stolen from them before! The car they sold us for "cheap" broke down on me two months after it was purchased and when we weren't in their good graces anymore they kept from me. I was put in a very bad position and they were accusing Chris of those things that I had nothing to do with and taking it out on me and my ten-year old son! The house they claimed that we did not pay the bills in were all paided! They kept all of our belongings and my sons toys and clothes! What kind of person does that? She claimed to watch my son. Yeah she watched him for two days! I spoke with her on the phone and she got really nasty with me for what reason I still do not understand. I never personally did anything to her. She pretended to like me the whole time and I knew it. I spoke with her trying to at least get my sons things and she would not let me even have just his things. Since it was on her property and we had no lease I did not get any of it back. She has no proof of the other things she is claiming. This woman has serious anger issues. This happened a couple of years ago and I hope for her children and husbands sake she has gotten help. I feel sorry for them. The last time I spoke to her was on the phone two years ago and she called me names that I won't even say! She said she would hunt me down and kill me if I tryed to call her about my stuff again. Remember I did nothing to her. I did not threaten her. I just seen this report on google recently and could not belive that she would go as far as to slander our names all over the worldwide web. I am here to say she has no proof and I hope she gets the help she needs. I will not lower myself and slander her name and her family the way she did mine. I belive fully in karma. What comes around goes around!

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