grangeville,#2Author of original report
Tue, May 10, 2005
Once again tried to call Citimortgage, and was refused information This number is different from the 800 one, so maybe it will help some of you. the number is 1 636 261 2484 . The supervisor that I was passed to was Charlene Jackson. She still insisted that I was on the account, but some of you may have better luck.
grangeville,#3Author of original report
Thu, May 05, 2005
I tried to call them yesterday, and I was hung up on....again. So, today I logged on to the 20/20 website (current affairs), and filed a request for them to investigate Citimortgage, for the show 'Prime Tine Live'. I am sure, if enough of us, send our stories to them, via email or however you choose, they should be able to bring this to everyones' attention. I have already emailed Citimortgage, that because of their terrible customer service, account keeping etc, I have reported them to the BBB (if you look on their website the BBB has over 439 complaints for the past 36 months). I have also given them a timeline, and if it is not met, I will be seeking legal council. According to my calendar, their time is up next Friday , funnily enough, it is Friday the 13th!!...Let's hope it's plenty of bad luck for them. But please, if any of you are reading this, call, or email the program I have listed. I am hoping that if they hear it enough times, we can do something to bring this company to it's knees!