  • Report:  #30220

Complaint Review: City of Mesa Arizona - Mesa Arizona

Reported By:
- Formerly Mesa, Arizona,

City of Mesa Arizona
10 West Center Street Mesa, 85201 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
What silly charades these Bozos persist in playing!

On page A3 of the EAST VALLEY TRIBUNE, it is dutifully and

falsely reported that "Mesa Police Chief Hopefuls"...[are]..."reduced to 6"... HorseFeathers!

What needs to be known is why a so-called civil servant, the "City Manager", is even allowed to TOUCH this process, dealing with the department which Hutchinson and his predecessor, Luster, have essentially made into the most dishonest, criminal, and corrupt organization in the history of these Untied States.

And what doesn't run in this flim-flam is the most important data: Who is Mormon, and who is not, and which of the six "candidates" is the prime flunkie of the local MormoNazi scum.

The last police chiefs were chosen simply by controllability and favors owed to the local conspiracy.

This town is run very much as J. Edgar Hoover might have run a city, only with more bribery, glad-handing, casual use of eminent domain to enrich the "small circle", and gross injustice, encouraged, established, built, and fabricated, at every level, by the same group of about twelve extended families.

But let's review the names, and see what we can tell: William Homer Adcox, chief of Police, UTEP...

Dennis Lee Donna, assistant chump in Mesa, lap puppy to the current pack of lowlife racketeers (Mesa P.D.)

Gregory T. Fowler, another assistant bozo in the desert imitation of the Keystone Cops, on the local payroll/dole for MormoNazis since 1978

Clarence Harmon Jr., a Democrat, former Mayor of St. Louis, Missouri, black. Has several degrees. (Why would he want to come to this dung heap????)

Kevin M. Lehner, Jr., assistant chief in Tucson

Kevin Lynn Kotsur--assistant chief in Tempe, pursuing a

master's degree

What we know for sure, right now, and no matter how the musical chairs are played, is the most gutless and useless puppet for the city manager's office will be chosen, which probably eliminates Harmon immediately, since he has no bones buried locally that can be used to manipulate him that we know of. The others?

Wait and see. There will be no reforms of this madhouse while the head lunatic(s) determine the staff, of that we are assured.

Hopefully--but VERY unlikely--the City Council will, as a matter of course, simply reject whatever useless pond scum Hutchinson appoints. But then, we have been hoping for years they would just do away with the City Manager and his entire entourage of toadies. And it hasn't happened.

This is a city rotten to the core and beyond. Let's not pretend anything is being done about honesty and competence...NO, NO, NO!!!! This town is about pulling strings.

City inspectors who won't even view a fire hazard without the landlord's permission, JP "judges" who constantly break laws to keep their bosses happy and render verdicts a baboon would laugh at, cops who simply make up lies out of the air and pursue them, prosecutors who pursue this trash...

Honesty in Mesa city government is a non-virtue; indeed, to these criminals it IS a vice.

Count on it: Mesa's next "top cop" will be the same useless, miserable, gutless, incompotent, moronic parasite as the last one, and if not, will be replaced very rapidly. The resident toads will have it no other way.


Mesa, Arizona

12 Updates & Rebuttals


Suggestions and Predictions

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 06, 2003

I fearlessly predict: (1. No significant change, in any way, to positively increase citizen confidence in a force which would have to study hard to SUCK; (2. Continued widespread corruption at all levels of Mesa P.D., even expanding, such that, eventually, this CRIMINAL group will be properly identified by federal or state authorities and decertified, and hopefully, prosecuted in wholesale lots; (3. Dennis Donna may or may not become the focus of the above investigations and prosecutions, but the filth on the street will find a way to get rid of him quickly, if he even tries to reform ANYTHING in the department to make it less dishonest than its current makeup; (4. Every third, fourth, and fifth rate toad and scumbag in Mesa and related climes will snivel loudly and repeat their usual GUTLESS whine when it becomes obvious the overall impact of these idiots on crime is "less than zero"--I.E.,: MESA P.D. CONTRIBUTES TO CRIME ON THE STREET, so crime in this community must, inherently, increase in real terms--and reiterate endlessly that they "need more cops", and no one of consequence will mention that they already have twice what is normal for a community of this size; (5. Everything in Mesa will get much worse, especially the deficits, because of the same collection of spineless scumbags who have run this community for over a century. It will NEVER get better while they handle anything; (6. More smoke screens, more lies, more perjury by police, more false probable cause, more false police reports, more fraudulent investigations, more easy "busts" and exaggerated charges against decent citizens to allow these dirtballs to enhance their bogus "image" while ignoring the crack and speed manufacturers and dealers who live here by the thousands, unmolested by the gutless wimps, and just generally, more same old, same old by the nothings who run and administer this miserable excuse of a city. How much psychic ability do these predictions require? Well, let's see, this is a community whose government encourages illiteracy, thought suppression, and cowardice. If you can read what ACTUALLY happens in Mesa, the above predictions are probably optomistic.


RE: The preceding.

#3Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 06, 2002

I doubt either is true, but let's hope so. This department is in an almost hopeless, bloated, and extremely corrupt position, wherein its citizens KNOW it cannot be trusted for anything. I used to wonder why innocent people ran from or avoided the police. Lived here for a few years and I KNEW why...


Do your homework

#4UPDATE Employee

Thu, December 05, 2002

Hutchinson and Donna are not LDS. They are both practicing Catholic individuals. Donna is the best internal candidate for the job. He does not have a history of compromise and the organization stands behind him, hoping that he will be the person to step forward and make big changes.


Do your homework

#5UPDATE Employee

Thu, December 05, 2002

Hutchinson and Donna are not LDS. They are both practicing Catholic individuals. Donna is the best internal candidate for the job. He does not have a history of compromise and the organization stands behind him, hoping that he will be the person to step forward and make big changes.


Do your homework

#6UPDATE Employee

Thu, December 05, 2002

Hutchinson and Donna are not LDS. They are both practicing Catholic individuals. Donna is the best internal candidate for the job. He does not have a history of compromise and the organization stands behind him, hoping that he will be the person to step forward and make big changes.


Do your homework

#7UPDATE Employee

Thu, December 05, 2002

Hutchinson and Donna are not LDS. They are both practicing Catholic individuals. Donna is the best internal candidate for the job. He does not have a history of compromise and the organization stands behind him, hoping that he will be the person to step forward and make big changes.

The Fox

Dennis Donna latest puppet/flunky of Hutchinson-Luster criminal conspiracy. Now, fill up the jails with "enemies"....

#8Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 26, 2002

It's over. The designated puppet is Dennis Donna, on this "police department" (and I used that term VERY advisedly) since about 1984. Could never bring anyone in from outside. Couldn't find where the bodies are buried, or grasp the secret codes and handshakes! What a joke! Suggestion: Vote these scum out of office, and retire this toad early.

The Fox

Dennis Donna latest puppet/flunky of Hutchinson-Luster criminal conspiracy. Now, fill up the jails with "enemies"....

#9Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 26, 2002

It's over. The designated puppet is Dennis Donna, on this "police department" (and I used that term VERY advisedly) since about 1984. Could never bring anyone in from outside. Couldn't find where the bodies are buried, or grasp the secret codes and handshakes! What a joke! Suggestion: Vote these scum out of office, and retire this toad early.

The Fox

Dennis Donna latest puppet/flunky of Hutchinson-Luster criminal conspiracy. Now, fill up the jails with "enemies"....

#10Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 26, 2002

It's over. The designated puppet is Dennis Donna, on this "police department" (and I used that term VERY advisedly) since about 1984. Could never bring anyone in from outside. Couldn't find where the bodies are buried, or grasp the secret codes and handshakes! What a joke! Suggestion: Vote these scum out of office, and retire this toad early.

The Fox

Dennis Donna latest puppet/flunky of Hutchinson-Luster criminal conspiracy. Now, fill up the jails with "enemies"....

#11Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 26, 2002

It's over. The designated puppet is Dennis Donna, on this "police department" (and I used that term VERY advisedly) since about 1984. Could never bring anyone in from outside. Couldn't find where the bodies are buried, or grasp the secret codes and handshakes! What a joke! Suggestion: Vote these scum out of office, and retire this toad early.


How interest ing: The Head Criminal is appointing the Police Chief.

#12Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 24, 2002

The circle is complete. Mesa has become Mexico. Elected officials are out of the loop. The incompetent, criminal, lunatic, demented Mormon scumbag Hutchinson and his lap puppies and Luster, his predecessor, get to choose the Police Chief! Can't get any more corrupt than that! You are undoubtedly right. The will pick another Mormon Bozo idiot, who will further deteriorate these overprices pissbags. If you need a REAL cop, don't call Mesa P.D.


Start a pool, give winnings to your friendly, local LDS church....

#13Consumer Suggestion

Sat, September 21, 2002

My money is on Fowler. He's local, spineless, and I think he's LDS. If you form a pool or raffle, give the cash to a Mormon Church near you. These morons light enough fuses, it will be the end of them! But they don't really need the money. Call it their "moving fund"...

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