  • Report:  #68257

Complaint Review: City Of Watertown NY - Watertown New York

Reported By:
- San Jose, California,

City Of Watertown NY
Watertown, NY Watertown, 13601 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Have you ever wanted to have your taxes lowered by simply devaluing your property? Have you ever wanted to move to a city that harms its own citizens? Well, that city is Watertown, NY. Back in November 2001, the city of Watertown, NY, Plannning Board allowed an uncovered, cancer-causing road salt pile to be placed in a residential area. Unfortunately for them, it was placed in a neighborhood area. The salt started blowing away and getting into the soil. The plants and grasses in the neighborhood started to die. Cars and metallic substances started to rust solid in a matter of days instead of years. Also, some of the residents got very sick. The salt pile has cancer causing agents that can cause death. Like Saddam, the Watertown City Officials allow chemcial weapons to be used on their own taxpayers. You should call them the North Country chapter of al-Qaeda. The Morrison Street salt pile was also featured on CNN Headline News.

The residents went to the Watertown City Council, composed of Watertown Mayor Joseph Butler and City Councilpeople Roxanne Burns, Jeff Smith, Peter Clough, and Paul Simmons. Mayor Butler, a former chemist employed by Slack Chemical and Jefferson Community College professor, kept telling the Morrison Street residents it wasn't dangerous. The city attorney Robert Slye, who also is the founding partner of the Watertown, NY, law firm Slye & Burrows, kept telling the residents they couldn't do anything. Slye has also refused to discuss this issue with me even though I'm a licensed professional engineer with all the technical information. If I were looking for a lawyer, I certainly wouldn't hire Bob Slye because he'll twist the law to benefit the wromngdoers instead of doing the ethcial thing and acting the the best inerest on the city. The salt pile is located in the 700 block of Morrison Street FYI. I even have pictures of it.

Watertown Mayor Butler kept insisting that the salt pile wasn't dangerous to human health even though the chemcial tests proved otherwise. What's even worse is that his daughter-in-law is Lori Parisi, an industrial hygienst who works for General Electric, refused to assist in this issue. I guess stupidity runs in the family. And Lori should talk about healthy choices. As a freshman at Clarkson University, she used a fake ID to enter bars in the Potsdam, NY, area. And as a member of Delta Zeta, she forced pledges to do dangerous things.

Also, the children have been becmong sick with respiratory illnesse. One little girl has cancer causing agents floating in her blood and may not live to see her 21st birthday. When toxicologist Dr. Palmer was brought to the city council meeting in August 2003, Councilman Jeff Smith told the Doctor "We don't have to listen to you." Yes, this Jeff Smith is studying to be a physician's assistant at Lemoyne Collge in Syracuse, NY. How can he pass his classes if he can't determine what cancer causing substances are? I guess that the only requirement to be admitted into the Physician's Assistant Program at Lemoyne College is that they have to have lots of money instead of being a good character like the Jesuit faith requires people to be. I can call Jeff Smith "Smith-Laden" becuase he sues chemcial weapons on his own people.

Fat Councilman Pete Clough is useless. He was getting severe respiratory symptoms and couldn't do anything anyway. Clough's a prison counselor and is used to working in a prison - and he wants his constituents to experience his work environment. Yes, this is the same Clough whonused to manage the Watertown Howard Johnsons restaurant and allegedly grope the waitresses that he managed. Also, his son Pete Jr. works for NY State Senator Jim Wright and has refused to act on their behalf.

Also, Paul Simmons is currently running for Mayor of Watertown, NY. He kept telling me he was helping the residents. I even have his conversation on tape. This fat, ignorant man, who also owns Amaco Transmission on 557 Coffeen Street in Watertown, NY, has been saying that in the past two years. When it comes to a matter of human health and politics, Paul would rather choose politics. Paul's even called me and told me to keep quiet about his creation of blight because it makes him look bad. I would like to call him Paul ZanAas because of his stupid behavior. Paul Simmons says he wishes to rid the city of blight - on the other hand, he also allows blight to be placed in residential neighborhoods.

Also, WWNY Tv 7 News refused to run the story. News anchor Theresa Fulcher kept insisting the salt pile wasn't dangerous. I have Fulcher on tape - and it's digital. Also, Anne Richter, 6pm news anchor at WWNY refused to cover the story because it would dishonor her father Carl Richter. Carlinvented the acid-proof mortar for Stebbins Engineering and also the man who allowed the salt pile to be placed there is David M. Honan, the Vice President of Engineering for Stebbins Engineering.

The WATN Live at Five Show aka the People's Show with Glenn Curry refused to let me get the information out htere. Glenn Curry would rather talk about his sexual escapades than to air this important information to the listeners who needed it. Glenn Curry sucks and must be a member of this conspiracy.

Also, Watertown Daily Times reporter Tim Buckland refused to follow up on the story. Tim's father's a retired Army doctor and Tim didn't use those journalistic skills by talking to his father to learn I was right. The Watertown Daily Times has proven it is nothing more than a birdcage liner.

Also, a member of the planning board is Watertown area real estate agent Lori Gervera. The reason Lori allegedly allowed the salt pile to be placed on Morrison Street is because she wanted to make it easier to sell her properties as the Morrison Street porperties would be almost impossible to sell due to the salt pile in the neighborhood. Also, Simmons told me that the salt silo across NY State collapsed because of salt and not because they were poorly maintained like the Weidlinger report says they did.

What can you do about this? Avoid bringing business to Watertown, NY. Let's play the Weakest Link. Let's create a chain of economic losses to reach your target of Watertown, NY, becoming a ghost town. If they can put pollution in a residential neighborhood, they can destory anyone they want. Did you know that the city of Watertown won't even reduce the affect residents' assessments? How would you like to pay high taxes for a property that's absolutely worthless because the city decided to pollute your back yard? There's even a website dedicated to the salt pile so you can see the pictures for yourself. http://www.geocities.com/bayareaq

More information will be posted soon.


San Jose, California

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