  • Report:  #995200

Complaint Review: Coras Iompair Eireann - Dublin Internet

Reported By:
The Truth - Vero Beach, Florida, United States of America

Coras Iompair Eireann
Irish Life Center, Dublin 1. Block 6/7 Dublin, Internet, United States of America
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You found out from Wilileaks what government and military want to conceal from public knowledge. Here is even more. If only I had a recording of all the terrorist threats and could play them here, you would see exactly what I mean.


'The Stuart News News / accent Wednesday, October 15, 1980 D1 John Shaw of Stuart survives and serves in Irelands most disastrous train wreck Awarded Army Acclaim medal By MARY ETTINGER News Staff Writer' 

'COUNTY CORK, Ireland --- As the train carrying 230 summer passengers approached Buttevant station in southern Ireland traveling more than 70 mph, it suddenly left the main track and collided with a stationary train. The result was the worst rail disaster in Irelands history. A Stuart man, John G. Shaw Jr., a passenger in the most critically damaged section of the train, freed himself and other survivors from the wreckage and organized the earliest life-saving first aid at the scene. The United States Army, recognizing his meritorious achievement, awarded Pfc. Shaw the Army Commendation Medal and a commendation citation.' 

'Shaw, stationed near Frankfurt, Germany, but on leave in Stuart because of his fathers death, remembers vividly the disaster of last August 1. He was talking to other passengers, on his way to Cork to see the Blarney Stone.I was thrown against the seat back; there was a loud grating noise and screaming; everything disintegrated around me and things were flying through the air. Then things quieted down and he dug himself out from the rubble. The first thing he saw was a lacerated man pinned under a heavy weight and in pain. Shaw freed the man and moved to another section of the train wreckage where he found a woman with her leg chopped off below the knee and a man in the same situation.' 

'County Cork newspapers reported that many of the eighteen bodies recovered were horribly mutilated some having been cut in half, from being crushed beneath the tangled wreckage. Several of the coaches just behind the engine jack-knifed and ricocheted across four sets of track, totally demolishing the dining car and two coaches. Only three of the passenger carriages remained upright on the main track after the crash. 

'Shaw treated victims for shock and organized small groups of able survivors to care for the injured, quickly teaching them basic first aid measures. When medical personnel arrived, he familiarized them with the crash scene by leading them to the most seriously injured people.The Army citation states that Shaw carried supplies and injured passengers helping to restore a semblance of order in a tragic and chaotic situation. His prompt, direct, and keen sense of duty reflects great credit upon him and the United States Army. The soldier says he learned ways to handle emergency situations in his advanced individual combat training at Fort Dix, N.J. The Armys training really works. He explains that the basic training most personnel go through builds stamina and gives hands-on training in shock treatment, splints, and survival, in addition to methods of firing various small arms.' 

'More than 50 people were injured in the crash, many seriously, prompting the biggest rescue operation ever undertaken in the state, according to Shaw. Rescue workers were ready because because of the Southern Health Boards major disaster plan drawn up some ten years ago and kept current with twice-a-year drills. A fleet of twenty ambulances, helicopters, and teams of doctors and nurses sped to the station from several area hospitals. The countrys largest mobile crane, weighing 115 tons, and a 75-ton crane were brought in to help clear the wreckage, freeing survivors and uncovering bodies.' 

'The cause of the accident was not clear, and Shaw is still trying to find out the results of the investigation. He said it probably was due to some work being done on the tracks near the station and subsequent failure to divert the train to the proper track in time. ' 

'Shaw, 30, is a native of Stuart. He is the son of Inez Shaw and the late John Gobin Shaw. He is in the transportation section of the 21st Replacement Battalion in Frankfurt. Shaw is working on a degree through the University of Maryland majoring in history. He says he is getting a real sense of history while traveling through Europe.' 

'Shaw's family goes back through a long line of ancestors who served the country. An early forefather was a captain in a battalion of Berks County Associates in the Jersey campaign of the Revolution in the summer of 1780, and later commanded a company of militia sent to protect the settlers. A later relative was a Pennsylvania state senator and chaplain of the 110th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and another served in the War of 1812. Shaws great-uncle, John Peter Shindel Gobin, was a brigadier general in the U.S. Army, state senator and lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania, and major general commanding the Pennsylvania National Guard.' 



John Gobin Shaw wrote: 

Many Felony Terrorist Threats Came Before Buttevant and Bologna Mass Human Slaughters. 

Self-admitted terrorists in contact with terrorist cells in Europe told me for six months about two terrorist slaughters arranged and guaranteed to happen. One would be a derailment made to look like an accident. The other would be an obvious terrorist event. They reminded me no fewer than fifty times to remember the word (phonetically) Eireann because that was the name of one of the organizations that had arranged and guaranteed one of the events. The felony terrorist threats were much more detailed and extensive than mentioned here. Coras Iompair Eireann admitted responsibility for the human slaughter I survived in Ireland on August 1, 1980, but only for an accident due to negligence; however, I assure you, any honest person who , if he / she had heard all the terrorist threats that came before the killings in Ireland and Bologna, would not accept without question Coras Iompair Eireanns accident-version of derailment. 

The two self-proclaimed terrorists in Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany who made all the threats were Sergeant John P. Vogel and Specialist Stavrinakis, both of the United States Army. This information is NOT meant to mislead or to libel in any way. The threats were quite specific and happened. The two mass killings happened. The terrorist threats and what happened in Buttevant, County Cork on August 1, 1980 and in Bologna, Italy August 2, 1980 were too strikingly similar to have been merely coincidental. If you had heard the threats, you would be able to follow this, exactly . 

After six months of precisely worded terrorist threats I got Specialist Stavrinakis before an informal hearing. I was trying to get witnesses and an official record of the threats. That way I would have a record of the threats if something happened later. Stavrinakis stated at the hearing that he had never made any threats. He said he had no idea what I was talking about. He lied about everything exactly like a criminal thug. What about those innocent poor people slaughtered and cut into pieces at Buttevant. Look at the people blasted apart in the train station the morning after my train was derailed. If they had survived, I think they would have known what Stavrinakis and Vogel had been threatening. Witnesses in Germany were warned not to speak out. Nobody wanted to get involved. 

I mean get real, people. I told my roommate, Jimmy Rowe, they would derail my train in Ireland three months before it happened, but only to be accused of being paranoid. Then, three months later it happened. This is all true. Do not be deceived by governments that murder with impunity. I was right there in Frankfurt and saw witnesses threatened with retaliation if they gave testimony. They assured certain retaliation against any children witnesses might have in the future. These were US Army fascists doing the threatening. They admitted having contacts with terrorist cells in Europe. 

More on terrorist threats preceding Buttevant and Bologna. So, we have six months of continuous terrorist threats in which the self-proclaimed terrorists tell me repeatedly to pay special attention to the precise wordings of the threats, and they tell me 50 or 100 times to remember the word pronounced Eireann, and I assure you those figures 50-100 are not an exaggeration. Then, we have 104 people killed and 265 injured in two human slaughters, both in train stations in one 24-hour period on my line of travel, and I just happen to be in one of them and survive it, and the train companys name just happens to be Coras Iompair Eireann. 

I was aware the derailment had been arranged and guaranteed to happen. I positioned myself in the train deliberately to increase my chances of surviving it. My surviving it was not a matter of chance or luck. It was by conscious effort and design that I survived it, and, there must be a God, whatever God is. 

I will tell you something else you are not able to believe, but because it is all factual I will tell you anyway. Back in 1997 I obtained detailed information on the-then coming attacks of September 11, 2001. I knew exactly where they would strike, about the commandeered, fuel-laden aircraft, only approximately when they would be executed, and I was aware of the people from Saudi Arabia. I told about 130 people about the attacks before they happened, and you know what, telling people about those coming attacks was about as useful as telling you all this information now, for I am sure you will generally ignore it. I did not get one iota of recognition for warning about those attacks, but politicians and media personalities in the USA and elsewhere got tons of recognition lying through their teeth about those attacks after they happened. Exactly what kind of a world is this anyway? 

I have written a 90-page, 54,000 word document detailing getting precise information about the coming attacks of 9-11-01 in 1997 in South Korea, and telling others about them for four years right up to and through the night of September 10, 2001 in Fort Pierce, Florida. The threats in Germany, the slaughter in the derailment in Ireland, and the bomb-massacre in Bologna the following morning are mentioned in this manuscript at some length. I did not contact the FBI, CIA or other agencies in the USA about the coming attacks in Washington and New York. They had refused to perform their sworn duties on crimes by Stavrinakis and Vogel back in the 1980s, and I assure you I did quite a bit back in the USA to try and get those two questioned and brought to court, but only to be ignored for the most part. They ignored my rights and the rights, safety, and security of my children. When the situation became reversed I ignored theirs. However, I did tell about 130 people, some of who were in law enforcement, who ignored it all and let it go. 

I assure you I had done nothing wrong or illegal in any way when the terrorists started making their threats. I had been poor, pennyless, living on the streets, and waking up homeless every morning in the country my ancestors had founded. I joined the army because I needed a job, and that was all. Those two bastards, Stavrinakis and Vogel, mounted a hate campaign of terrorist threats. It was fascists in the US Army who protected them from arrest and prosecution. I never threatened anyone in any way shape or form. 

I notice the duty station near Frankfurt where those bastards had been stationed was the site of a car-bomb explosion on August 8, 1985 exactly five years to the day after I returned there after surviving my arranged and guaranteed to look like an accident mass killing in Ireland. That was the car-bomb attack at Rhein Main Air Force Base. I too was stationed at RMAFB. When you read about such attacks as that one there are considerations you might want to keep in mind. 

People in the US military were involved in felonious, terrorist offences similar to the kinds of attacks made back against them . The US government and their military are able to conceal (cover-up) the facts of their own crimes, to highly publicise retaliatory strikes against themselves, to censor information, and to label attacks against themselves as terrorism. They use terror tactics and you never hear about it. Use the same back against them, and headlines across the globe scream out in large capital lettersTERRORISM. Therefore, they have the power and they win, but they are still illegal and wrong. Thats the way it goes. When you screw people around you make enemies. 

Quoted words in this report / article are exact terrorist threats uttered by Stavrinakis and Vogel before the mass human slaughters in Ireland and Italy. Not after. BEFORE. I did not make any of the threats. I did not threaten, intimidate, harass, or attack anyone even in the slightest way. 

I know it sounds incredible, but it happened. The terrorist threats were much more extensive than what you have read in this report. 

How about that. 
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