  • Report:  #896196

Complaint Review: Cory Cummins heir to Cummins Diesel - Internet Internet

Reported By:
Lisa Maria - Malibu, California, United States of America

Cory Cummins heir to Cummins Diesel
Internet, Internet Internet, United States of America
425 787 3366
[email protected]/ facebook.com
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Cory Cummins a mid fifties woman who claims to be a doctor befriended me on facebook almost three years ago and at the same time I was constantly being hacked on my cell phone to my face book account. She befriended all my cousins around the world and even asked me to ask one cousin to unblock her and I pleaded her case that she was sorry to offend him to please unblock the blocked friendship. I helped her unknowing she had a psychological disorder and was out for blood to destroy my reputation by calling me a fake to my family after doing illegal private searches of my history on a government pc that belonged to her retired judge father. She confessed on my facebook inbox to be my hacker in a vile three page letter threatening if I told my family one word or anyone blocked her I would have hell to pay and she took pleasure in hacking me as all her friends were laughing at me online watching me toil to find who was hacking me. I notifyed facebook she was my hacker and they had physical proof of someone in seattle trying to log on to my facebook account on several occasions than they closed my facebook account stating someone called me a fake and I broke facebook policies and facebook allowed her to write a page called "habsburg fakes" on their site which they hosted for over a year while I kept trying to give proof of my birthright name and they never answered leaving me without any ability to open a new account or contact my 3800 friends and family online.

 I was discriminated against by facebook and humiliated by them and defrauded by them with cory cummins using my private history info unbeknownst to me for almost two years while they had proof of her repeated attempts to log on from seattle to my account. My family asked repeatedly what happened to my account, they could now only find me on linked in. I did not know until two weeks ago that there was a page calling me a drug addict and other defaming names on facebooks site. Facebook being just as liable and reckless as ms.cummins was by using a government site dedicated to lawyers and judges solely because she knew how from working for her father for years. Accessing private information and publishing it in a public forum on facebook without any shutdown for misuse of policies by face book.com. I filed a claim with the government and the page was gone that very day.

Beware of the wolf in sheeps clothing who has been stalking, harassing and publishing her vile lies against me calling me dangerous and a scammerrrrrrrr and fraud while supporting known fakes and discriminating in coherts with facEbook.com against my knowledge to destroy, defame, defraud, and ruin my reputation to purposely hurt and isolate me from my family members who she met via my account! I would love to find a contingency lawyer to pursue her estate and facebook for defamation and more. Beware of this person who is very emotionally troubled and declares on her site account that she funds palestine. Still trying in may to locate me so she could publish my address on her fake habsburgs site with only my name on it when there were clearly real fakes on that site over the last two years. A very personal hateful pursuit of only me with a vicious intent to publicly hurt and destroy my family relations because she felt she was a habsburg and she claimed her boyfriend of fifteen years was my cousin. Never proven. She even stated they were married in her letter to me. Then why is he called a boyfriend? Family beware!

Lisa Maria von Habsburg @ [email protected].

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Cory Marie Cummins

TIme for you to get soem professional Help Lisa Novins

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, October 09, 2013

Lisa Novins, Thomas, whom ever, what ever your name is,,,

 I don't even think of you ,, NO one thinks of you Lisa ! Until some one Googles my name and lets me know the loonie is still writing on some obsure internet page, do I hear about it. You need professional help. No one is stalking you. You have no life, and you make up little internet stories to make yourself relevent, or so you think. You have never been or will be a member of a royal family Habsburg. Now be done with it . It doesn't take a web page to figure out your a fraud. No one from the TSA or FBI or all these agencies gives two cents about you. Know one is listing to you phone calls,,, you are not important. BUt everytime you try to join a page, and use a flase name , it is not me stopping your addmittance, it the owners of th group or page. because your using a fake name. Princess Habsburg ! a two year old could come up with a better story.

There now I called you a fraud, You called your self a Princess at one time too. But do understand this,,,,  I am not the person that cares to pursue you, talk about you, investigate you or even think about you.!!!!!

You are nuts,,, !!!!! Sue me,, do what ever you want.. How about move on using your own name,,

Or call your self Polly Anna who cares?  I am not the party that is respondsible for your troubles. I would say It is the persons that run the pages you try to join, they find out that you use all kinds of names to defraud or lie about your real person that hassel you,,, not me.!!!

 You are boring an d I am not interested in wacko's...

Any one with half a brain, know your not a Princess. Now no one starts a site to debunk Lisa Thomas Novins. It is just so sadly obvious you're a kook coo..bird. So have a nice life,, find some one else to slander..

I will not be responding to your pyscho BS again...get your Thomas family to buy you a good shrink... for what ever personality you think is a Royal and that I am your nemisis.  I am not the person you're after..

Please blame away looonie chick.. But understand no one is interested in your silly Habsburger game..it is very old..

learn a new song. :( Good riddance! and no one cares what you call me..NO ONE !


Lisa Maria von Habsburg

San Carlos , ca,
The truth is in your rebuttal

#3Author of original report

Wed, August 21, 2013

You, Cory Marie Cummins are a complete liar!  You continue to call me Lisa Maria Novins Thomas which only proves my case. I never gave you or anyone my maiden name.  I also never gave you permission to run my name in your father, the retired judges pc.  I also never asked you to run the fake princes name.  You offerred!  How else would I know you could do that?

Then you told me in a letter you were my hacker etc.  That you and your friends were laughing watching me squirm.

Then on your own web page you wrote your friends saying you did not have my address yet but would keep working on it.  

Then you called my fathers new cell phone number and said hi lisa and it proved you ran me in the govrrnment database you told me you had access to from working with your father in his law firm.

We changed our phones five times and you called every number.  My father is a witness.

I have so much proof against you its being handled by the powers that be for denying Im a habsburg and for stalking me and posting all addresses ive ever lived at and my fathers profession.  The fact that you keep using my married and maiden nam (That was NEVER GIVEN TO ANYONE) is  such major proof youve been stalking me.  Why care so much where i live or that I am a habsburg?????

You know nothing of my family history.  But,  you will not threaten me ever again.  Keep it up, adding me to sites everywhrre

Cory Marie Cummins

United States of America
Let's set the record straight...

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, November 03, 2012

I would like to submit a Rebuttal to Ms Lisa Thomas Novins entry:

Some facts need to be clarified with are misrepresented, and not completely the fault of Lisa Marie Thomas Novins, but some are just inaccurate and false.

My Legal name is Cory Marie Cummins.
I am 54 years old. I am not the owner of a Publicly Traded Company" Cummins Engine". It is a publicly taded Company! Hundreds of thousands of stock holders own it.

I am not a general  practice  M.D., nor have I ever presented my self as such. I do however; hold an advanced degree In Radiology and a current Washington State, Department of Health Medical License issued in 2012. I am Single. I have never been married to anyone ,,,ever. Nor have I ever made any statements to the contrary. At no time have I ever send funds or monies to Hamas. I do support the Women and Children of Palestine and have supported Medical supplies to their aid.

At no time have I ever supported or been part to, or an administrator or created any community or group pages within Facebook having any thing to do as a manager of a group called "Habsburger Fakes", or Habsburg Fakers".

I have my own  personal listing known as Cory M. Cummins on Facebook as my page.  I am also an Administrator to other groups with various other names that support the Arts, Nobles, VIP's and Royals, Music, Poetry, Films and Literary Arts, Political Think Tanks, Legends, Medicine and Medical Radiological Arts and Pets. I also play one Facebook Social game, Castle-Ville. But I have no interest in Debunking the fake Royals or anyone's name has anything to do with HABSBURG.

Unfortunately,  I have posted on more than one thread in the "Habsbuger Fakers" community page on Facebook, on several occasions. It is my "Opinion" that this Facebook community/group is misusing gossip to support their page. They accept submissions from just any one, that has a Facebook account, to post anyone's account on this Facebook page that someone might run across during a search,  that has any derivation of the Austrian Family name "Habsburg" on a person's personal page. My name does appear in past threads from the groups old accounts and the new page accounts. It is also known that no one running this" Habsbuger Fakers  page has the permission of the Royal Family or any other family member of the Habsburg community or Sanctus  to preform this service on their behalf.

This page was shut down by Facebook administrators on more than once, and at least three times  from their original inception which I believe was in 2010. Each time they re-activate their group, they change the manifest and the listing name a bit to be allowed back on line. This Nefarious group was  removed from Facebook as a community, due to and  for Terms of Service agreements and hundreds of complaints from wronged and "Slandered Parties." It is still active as of today's date, but it may disappear again in the very near future, due to the current complaints with Facebook and suits pending  recently filed on their administrators for liable. One such suit is mine.

On October 19,2012 this group posted my name in conjunction with Lisa Marie Thomas Novins, AKA Princess Lisa Marie Habsburg. The headliner was about Lisa's original letter to the Rip- Off- Report site, which  included this link, re-printed without permission and that the administrator's were taking great delight, that Lisa Marie Thomas Novins believed it to be me that "Run their Habsburger Fakes Site" and was so furious at me, when it was they whom ran the page. They on October 19, 2012 even posted with in the headline that I "Do Not Run their page". They went even further on November 2, 2012 to post an explanation  that I do not have anything to do with their site in any capacity and go on to slander my person also.

I have had reason to leave a comment on the Habsbuger Fakes Facebook page to answer to another party that they link me, with besides Lisa Thomas Novins  and this is where I believe Lisa has made the error, that I run the page.These comments are no longer current , and I don't know if they are available to the public due to it has been many months ago and that account was shut down with those comments on their threads in September of 2011.

  My name does appear currently defending myself, and I have made short mention about the demise of our Lisa Marie Thomas Novins's  Facebook Friendship that resulted in my choice to block her from my list.

At no time did I ever call Lisa Marie Thomas Novins a "Drug Addict "on that web page, or any other  web page.In  her defense, on the Habsburger fakes page, I said they should be very careful what they print in public about a person outside of debunking them as a Princess. Also in her defense, I have never ever see Lisa Marie Thomas Novins take an illegal drug in front of me, nor know of her to be a drug addict. I have never met Lisa Thomas Novins in person.

The reason for my choice to no longer continue my Facebook Friendship had nothing to do with the Habsburger Fakes Page results, but  from my own personal uneasiness with her asking me to check and run a background, and ask for my family's law firm business to assist with a report on some "Alleged Prince" that Lisa Marie Thomas Novins has an interest to marry, that was a mutual Facebook friend, and is still on my friend's list today. I was also uncomfortable with the liberties she took with our friendship with my personal information, tossing it around Facebook as if we had known each other for years and used my good name as a reference for a rental. This search never took place. I also can not manipulate the Government data bases, and provide her information, not matter where I work.

At no time have I ever hacked in to anyone's account on Facebook or any account anywhere. When I met Lisa Marie Thomas Novins she was having a lot of collection problems and phone interruptions, and most certainly hackers on her Facebook accounts, Which I did notice to be excessive, but I have not or even been responsible for them. I do believe that the Administrators of the" Habsburger Fakers" Facebook page might have made some issues for Lisa as they investigated her account, as she did call herself incorrectly a Princess. The group also made sure Lisa Marie Thomas Novins could no longer establish a Facebook account in any derivation of Princess Lisa Marie von Habsburg on Twitter and Linked IN.

I have never known anyone, that I have dated to be related to Lisa Marie Thomas Novins, nor have I asked Lisa to assist me with any" von Habsburger Business". I did ask to have her send an email to a Facebook friend to ask where his account went, as it disappeared  from my friends list. Lisa Marie Thomas Novins claimed  to be his cousin,as I later found this also inaccurate, as he chose to close his account in Facebook because of the Habsburger Fakes Page.

It is true, that I did have a sad angry torrid on line email argument with Lisa after I found out she was not whom she claimed to be, and I will agree it was not kind or pretty. The finish of our Facebook Friendship was harsh..and I did within our Facebook friends cut her off swiftly and publicly for not being honest about being a Royal Princess. I do date someone that exposed her disingenuous nature to me. I might have agreed to anything in emails just to get rid of the uncomfortable association at the time.

I was in the city of s'Hertogenbosh, and Amsterdam, Holland and Paris, France at the time Lisa Maire Thomas Novins was really under attack with these hackers, and cell phone troubles, and not Seattle Washington. I spent many weeks time back and forth during these periods of time in question. I have not have any interest in or attempted to engage in any fashion with Lisa Marie Thomas Novins since I blocked her company from Facebook. Be it investigative or social, I have not had any reason to look at her person, information or any accounts.

I am completely innocent of any actions this Habsburger Fakes takes against Lisa Maire Thomas Norvins.

I wish her no ill will in the future, and the best of luck, truly,,,the best of luck.

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