  • Report:  #1012000

Complaint Review: Craigslist - Internet

Reported By:
Bostonboy - Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America

115 N CHEVY CHASE DR APT B 91206 Internet, United States of America
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Be aware of all the Craigslist scams out there.  Most of them are being created by foreigners.  Craigslist does nothing to help, you are completely vulnerable for anything that you put onto Craigslist.  So do not put any personal information on their site.

Beware of (((REDACTED))) which are known SPAM sites.  These sites are owned by Archie Richardson or aka Archibald Garga-Richardson who resides at 115 Chevy Chase Drive - Apartment B - Glendale, California 91209.

Archie Richardson my be associated with www.predatorswatch.com - www.predatorswatch.com is a major online scam which is associated with Craigslist.

We at, Warning-Notice in conjunction with some of our friends are in the process of gathering information about Archie Richardson for pending lawsuit.  If you have some useful information about Archie Richardson, please feel free to provide it to us for good use.

Archie Richardson last known address is:  115 N Chevy Chase Dr - apartment B - Glendale, CA 91206 - (((REDACTED))) - Phone: (866) 398-1178 - Phone: (866) 398-1178 - Phone: 818-937-0312 - Mobile: (818) 415-1184 - Home Phone: (818) 552-2904 - Fax: (866) 921-2404

On May 29, 2008, counsel for Internet Solutions Corporation and Alec Difrawi sent a cease-and-desist letter and email to Archie Garga-Richardson, the founder of (((REDACTED))), a forum site that focuses on alleged Internet scams, security threats, and fraudulent practices. (The letter also went to Domain Privacy Group, Inc., a company that apparently helped Garga-Richardson register the sites domain name anonymously.) The letter asserted that representatives, agents, administrators, moderators and members of (((REDACTED))) had posted defamatory, libelous, disparaging, false, misleading and highly injurious and detrimental statements on the site. Specifically, it claimed that posters on the website falsely stated that Internet Solutions, its affiliates, and Difrawi engaged in various business improprieties (see the letter for details).

The letter demanded that Garga-Richardson remove all defamatory statements about Internet Solutions and Defrawi from the website and refrain from posting any statements on any website, including but not limited to (((REDACTED))), regarding my clients in the future. It gave Garga-Richardson until June 4 to provide written confirmation that he would comply with these demands. Garga-Richardson has indicated to the CMLP that he will not remove the disputed content and intends to fight this out in the courts. He is currently looking for legal assistance.

Difrawi and Internet Solutions filed a lawsuit against Garga-Richardson in the federal district court in Florida on June 6, 2008. See our database entry, Difrawi v. Garga-Richardson (Lawsuit), for details.

Archie Garga-Richardson, has very known criminal record according to prosecutors, but Chad Montgomery, a deputy prosecuting attorney, said allegations against Archie Garga-Richardson are disturbing. Accused also took victims nude images on his Cell phone and silenced him with threats to expose the little boy photos on his website (((REDACTED))) 5 months in jail for raping a nine-year-old boy and taking his nude pictures, Through our investigation about Archie Richardson aka ARCHIE RICHARDSON-GARG online and public records we have found that he has been convicted of a child molestation charges in California and struggles to make money thereby he scams people with his scam sites.


  (((REDACTED)))Archie Garga Richardson. Please be made aware of Archie Garga Richardson with (((REDACTED))).  This person is NOT an attorney and will ATTEMPT to send emails that appear to be so.  Most of you will be able to tell by the misspelled words and gramatical errors.

Archie Garga Richardson is not an attorney or anyone of importance.  He will make threats and cry, but that is it!  He has no money or authoriative connections.  So, if he is harassing you, simply put him on WikiWarnings and the word will be out as it is.



1243 Stanley Ave
Glendale, California
United States

Phone: (818) 415-1184
 115 Chevy Chase Drive - Apartment B
Glendale, California 91209


Phone: (866) 398-1178
Phone: 818-937-0312
Mobile: (818) 415-1184

  (((REDACTED)))was a discussion board (until recently shut down) covering varied topics, such as financial fraud, consumer issues and alleged internet scams and book and publishing reviews.It is supposedly a place where victims of scam or frauds can alert the public. The board is owned by an individual who goes by Archie Richardson aka ARCHIE RICHARDSON-GARG, the online alias (((REDACTED))). He is also a moderator at (((REDACTED))) . There have been complaints of alleged copyright violation as the owner of (((REDACTED))) has not obtained written permission to repost content he has gathered from the internet (mainly RIPOFFREPORT) in its full entirety.Furthermore the website owner (Archie Richardson) of (((REDACTED))) infringes on the personal privacy of website owners by posting their private information such as name, home address, phone number and other information he obtains from a whois domain lookup, therefore otherwise supporting the transmission by e-mail, telephone, of mass, unsolicited, commercial advertising and solicitation- known to you as spam.

Fraudulent Sites To Avoid:


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