  • Report:  #693758

Complaint Review: Credit Acceptance - Southfield Michigan

Reported By:
Kimberly Lopez - Oakland, California, United States of America

Credit Acceptance
25505 W Tweleve Mile Rd Southfield, 48037 Michigan, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My oh my, what a horrible company this is. The only reason they are still in business is because they continue to RIP PEOPLE OFF!

Back in 2009 when we first bought the car from VIP AUTO SALES in Modesto, CA (currently out of business).

A little background to my story : My husband had zero credit, and I had bad credit. We were a 20's couple with baby # 2 on the way. We found a dealership that said they'd finance us in house. Then we came back from lunch to the dealership and there was a rep. from Credit Acceptance actually there setting them up to do deals with their company.

We had no job, we only received welfare benefits and unemployment insurance benefits. Credit Acceptance rep. Frank Hine said this was fine and acceptable. We signed a contract, purchased a $1300 warranty at the advise of the rep to lower our APR rate from 21% to 18%. So we did this, purchased a vehicle. The car only had 50,000 miles on it. It was a red Kia Spectra 2003.

Let's not get started with the horrible situation the dealership itself put us in. First they sold us a car with completely unsafe BALD tires. They told us they could have better ones put on. They did this only after we contacted them many times about the tires going flat. They replaced the tires only for us to have a blow out on the way to dropping our mother in law off at the Oakland Airport.

After only a few weeks of having the car in our possession, we got a call from VIP Auto Sales asking us to come in and get a kill engine device put on the car. They wanted us to cancel our contract with Credit Acceptance and do in house financing with them instead. We refused.

It turns out Credit Acceptance did not accept our application. We were working with Frank Hine to get our paper work in order. Of course it took a little convincing on his part because we were signing up with very low income from unemployment insurance benefits and TANF benefits from the government. After we paid them the first payment, we were told our account was late. We were told they never received a payment on our kia. Turns out they canceled our application and now Frank Hine was working with us on an entirely new contract. WHICH WILL LATER CREATE A HEAP OF PROBLEMS WITH CREDIT ACCEPTANCE.

So we signed a new contract, faxed it over to credit acceptance and they accepted it. This put a stall on us trying to get the dealership to smog our car. We weren't even sure if were going to be able to keep the car.

By the time we purchased brand new tires, with no help from the dealership we began to wonder why we weren't receiving any paper work on the car from DMV in the mail regarding registering the car.

We were lied to by the dealership and told we only needed to have a VIN verification performed by CHP so we can register the car in our name. LIES!!! We found out we needed a smog, like every car in California does when it is sold. So now we have the issue of making VIP AUTO SALES take care of the responsibilities. We started to call them, they kept telling us we had to drive 2.5 hours to Modesto to have the car smogged. It just wasn't possible with my husbands work schedule. Then we asked them, "Hey, we are coming out to Modesto this weekend for the holidays (December 2009) can someone meet us at a shop to get the car smogged so we can drive it. (It had been over 4 months) The owner of VIP AUTO SALES said he couldn't do that, they were leaving and wouldn't be back for an entire week.

After calling them every week about the smog, we decided to pay for it ourselves. So we called them and asked for them to send us a statement saying they'd reimburse us for the smog. We waited, and waited, nothing! They never sent us the statement. Then we received an email from a worker at VIP AUTO stating that the gentleman who was supposed to be taking care of our paperwork no longer worked there. The employee stated he'd be taking over for us and he'd email us the statement. Nothing!

Then we hear from Credit Acceptance stating the dealership has gone out of bussiness. WHAT?! Now what do we do about a car we cannot legally drive? We have fees up the ying yang at DMV, we have no license plates, and the car isn't even registered to us.

So shortly after that, we had an issue with the transmission. It turns out the dealership put a solvent in the transmission fluid to keep it from working like crap, because the transmission was crap when we bought the car. We had to get it fixed, so we called our warranty company. The warranty company is telling us we have NO WARRANTY on our car. But we paid credit acceptance an additional $1300 for this warranty that is non-exhistant. Welp, it turns out when we signed a new contract with Credit Acceptance through Frank Hine, he forgot to tell us that he purchased a new warranty as well. We didn't find this out until approximately 1 year later. After work was performed on the car and we paid 100% of the costs, credit acceptance kept telling us we had a warranty and wynns plus kept telling us we didn't. Then one day, out of the blue, we have a warranty according to Wynn's plus. I'm like WTF?! at this point with Credit Acceptance. Not only did he drop the ball with our first payment made on the car, but he dropped the ball with our warranty. It took them almost an entire year and a half to remove the $1300 price from the warranty off our loan. Do you want to know why they fixed this finally? BECAUSE I STOPPED PAYING MY CAR PAYMENT. Yes, I had to stop paying them in order for them to fix this for 2 entire months I went back and forth with them about taking the warranty off and not pro-rating it according to what mileage is now on the car.

Now we have the issue of not being able to legally drive this car. I was very upset that Credit Acceptance not only willingly does business with shady dealerships but that they weren't good at fixing their mistakes. They will, however, call you at 8 am on the dot, 15 times a day, and leave 15 automated voicemails from a machine they use to call your phone.

So now here we are in 2011, yes , a wopping 2 years later. We still have no license plates, or registration. I keep getting phone calls from credit acceptance everyday. Everyday I answer, hoping it is the person calling me about fixing the tags, registration, etc... on the car so we can actually legally drive the thing. No luck, in fact , every phone call to us is made not by a person but an automated machine that calls you off the hook everyday , 15-30 times a day, and if you don't happen to answer it will leave you a message saying you need to call them regarding our past due account." So finally I ask the person, why isn't anyone contacting us regarding this issue? She said she would have someone call. A week later we get a voicemail on our cell phone from a LaTricia or something of that nature telling us that she had sent in a check to DMV ages ago. Tell me why we never received a phone call telling us this, or even a simple letter in the mail? NOTHING. Here we have been sitting on this car, paying our monthly payments, and no one took the time to call or write us to let us know we can go to DMV to register the car. So I start driving the car, thinking everything is fine, we should be able to drive it right? WRONG. I got pulled over for no license plates and they impounded the car. The car was not even registered to us, but to the previous dealership before the one we purchased it from. A Nissan dealership.

We go down to DMV to try and get a temporary driving permit for the car and they have NO RECORDS on the vehicle except those from the previous dealership before the one we purchased it from. They don't even know what to do about it. So now I have to bring in proof of purchase of the vehicle, all of my emails and documents from and to credit acceptance, and hope that they will be able to register the car to us.

They have the worst, most ghetto, customer service on earth. They don't even comprehend regular English. Ex: Phone call #1: Credit Acceptance to me "Yes thank you for calling can I have your name and telephone number please?" Me: "Kimberly Lopez- I'm calling from 925-*&#$%@$%" "Okay, what's your social?" "What? I just gave you my phone number" "I know but another account came up. What's your account number?" "Yeah, I don't have that with me can you just use my social?" "Okay you're breaking up. What was that?" "Can you just look up the account with my social?" "Yeah I cannot understand what you are saying" I hang up.

Phone call #2: Credit Acceptance to me "Yes thank you for calling can I have your name and telephone number please?" "Yes my name is Kimberly Lopez and I am calling to get a pay off quote, can you just use my social to look up the account?" "If you just give me your phone number I can do that for you." "Yeah I know, I already tried with my phone number and another account came up. I'm just trying to get my pay off quote. " "Okay do you have another phone number we can reach you at?" "Nope" "what about a family member we can leave a message with?" "Nope, I just want a pay off quote please." "Okay what about your husbands place of work, do you know the address?" "Nope. Can you please just give me my quote" "Excuse me, I am trying to do that but there's other stuff we need to take care of" " Did you know your account is passed due $756?" "YES, THAT'S WHY I AM CALLING TO GET A PAY OFF QUOTE........... RIDICULOUS" THEM: "Excuse me?"................... "Hello?" Me: "Yes?" THEM: "Did you just say something?" Me:"I'm just waiting to get my pay off quote" Them: "Please hold!!" She never got back on the line, so I hung up and called back.

Phone call #3: THEM "Yes thank you for calling can I have your name and telephone number please?" ME:"Yes my name is Kimberly Lopez" *Click* He hung up on me instantly after I told him my name. I think little miss sunshine from phone call # 2 must have spread her unhappiness around the office really quick before I called back.

Phone call #4: THEM ""Yes thank you for calling can I have your name and telephone number please?" "Yes my name is Kimberly Lopez and I am calling to get a pay off quote. I know that my balance is passed due, which is why I am calling for a pay off quote" THEM: "Okay, I haven't pulled up your account yet. Can you give me your phone number please?" "Can you just pull up my account with my social because I have been trying with my phone number and for some reason I am having no luck." THE:"Okay, so you're gonna give me your social security number?" ME: "Yes, that's what I said." THEM: "Okay what's your social?" ME:"123-45-6789" THEM:"Okay, what's the name on the account? ME: "Christopher and Kimberly Lopez" THEM: "Okay, ma'am were you aware that your balance is $756 past due?" ME: "*Sighs* Yes, that is why I AM CALLING FOR A PAY OFF QUOTE" THEM: "So will you be paying off the car today or within the next 10 days?" ME:" YES, I am waiting for my taxes to come. " THEM: "Okay, so you haven't gotten them yet? ME: "No, they will be here within the next 6 days." THEM: "Okay well then I suggest you wait until you have the check in your hands to get a pay off quote because it is only good for 10 days." ME: "Yes I know, I just said I was going to pay it off in 6 days. I need to know how much I owe on the car before I decide to pay it off with my taxes or not. Can you please just give me the pay off quote?" "Okay, you owe $2,615 on the car. You're pay off quote is good for 10 days and it is $2816." ME: "Okay, thank you!" I just hung up.

Tell me why these people have to be so unkind, and annoying. I was calling to see how much I owe on the car to pay it off in a couple of days and they acted as if I was asking them to borrow money from them.

So now, after $150 in DMV fees and $395 for IMPOUND  fees I still refuse to pay another payment until they reimburse us for the $150 DMV fees, and pay for my smog $50 maximum. I will continue to drive this car with the dealership plates and my temporary number on my back windshield until otherwise.

I absolutely discourage anyone who's anyone to not finance with credit acceptance.

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