  • Report:  #460327

Complaint Review: DARREN TURNER - South Yorkshire Nationwide

Reported By:
- philadelphia, Pennsylvania,

96 ASHWOOD RD PARKGATE ROTHERHAM, South Yorkshire S626HU United Kingdom South Yorkshire, s626hu Nationwide, United Kingdom
44 1709 522877
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Darren is ripping people off by publishing this ad.He claims that he has made many millionaires.Please contact him and ask Darren Turner for a list of the millionaires that he has created.


Become A Millionaire Within 2 Years, No Bull

15 Year Old Private Members Club has Created Millionaires.......

Now it's YOUR Turn

Dear Friend,

You are getting this email because somehow you appear in my outlook address book.

I don't know and it does not matter - if you ignore this and just delete the mail then you will not here from me again.

If I told you that you could make 500,000 this year, starting from scratch, you probably wouldn't believe me. Yet many have done it AND gone on to become Multi-Millionaires.

How?..by getting involved with the right people and being shown an incredible plan to start with just a few hundred pounds and turn that into half a million within the first one to two years.

Sounds too good to be true? Certainly with 99% of businesses out there it would be unrealistic to think that you would ever create such wealth in such a short time period, if ever. But with the TUE club, members start to accumulate money quickly and as they do so, they learn the REAL secrets of the wealthy

So what's this all about?

Well firstly, our product is a financial education program the likes of which you have NEVER seen before

Members are given the tools and the knowledge to:

Create large incomes in the shortest possible time

Write off debts without repercussion

Totally protect themselves and their assets against creditors and judgements

Gain an A1 credit rating within about 3-4 months

Learn how to avoid but not evade paying taxes

Find out about investment opportunities that normally only the elite are privy too

What's the catch? The catch is that you will have to do some work. But the rewards are massive. It doesn't matter what your circumstances are right now, as long as you are willing to follow the more experienced club members and allow them to assist you in the early days, then you WILL succeed because failure is not an option in the club!

There are 10's of 1000's of club members all over the world, living the kind of lifestyles most people only ever dream of. Debt-free, cash-rich and doing whatever they want to do, because they also have time-freedom.

But before you go any further and request more information. Please ask yourself a question.are you actually ready for this? Maybe it seems like a strange question, but many people are not ready for wealth. They have imposed limits on themselves and they do not believe that they could ever make a lot of money. So if all you're looking for is an extra 500 a month, then seriously, this is not for you.

This is a club for entrepreneursthose are the people who are open-minded and ambitious and truly believe that real wealth is within their reach. Those are the people who recognise an opportunity when they see it and are able to make decisions based on their own opinions.

So if you're ready to find out more, please visit http://www.tueclub.biz

Read through the web page, listen to the recordings and watch the Big Swindle video mind blowing stuff.

Then, just get back to me via email or call.

Kind Regards,

Darren Turner



South Yorkshire S626HU United Kingdom

Skype: variousdruid

[email protected]

Splash-Page http://www.hiddenwealthsecret.co.uk

Main Site http://www.tueclub.biz

UK +44 (0) 7789 706165

+44 1709 522877

15 Year Record of Creating Millionaires

We show You the REAL Secrets of the Wealthy

Including Debt Cancellation, Offshore, Investments and

an Income plan which makes our members a lot every week!



philadelphia, Pennsylvania


10 Updates & Rebuttals


United Kingdom
All Quiet....lol

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, October 29, 2009

"To prey on people in this manner at such times of hardship makes you a sorry excuse for a human being."

Nice line Phil......Maybe you could apply that to your act in Rowling Marketing Ltd (DISSOLVED).

Preying on honest advertisers, and then scamming them.

Snake Oil salesman springs to mind.....

Both you and your mouthy little mate got annihilated in court, and you were PROVEN as BOTH being liars.

Silly little boys......

If you were so credible, why use maildrops and phone forwarding?

Lost in court, no accounts filed, company dissolved.......Mmmm maybe i could be so successful.....lol

Get a job you lowlife, workshy scum.



United Kingdom
Health Reasons My Arse......

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, June 21, 2009

I rest my case....Philip Glyn Thomas, your company was dissolved for not supplying accounting.....NO OTHER REASON. You phoned people up selling supposed leads for biz opps that you admitted in court were harvested....You lie, cheat and as a result you got shut down. If you had ANY repeat business, you could have sold your company and made a few quid....Ah, bless, health reasons.....!! It's also peculiar that since we reported you for your harassing phone calls, they've stopped. Bt are reporting to the Police as are Vodafone....Phone me all you wish...lol You claim success, and live in an ex council flat that's rented. Your company is dissolved, you lost in court. Who is the failure? Get some dole son....You can't fail at that can you.....Tiltyard holdings get paid by the taxpayer...nice one! You still don't deny your failures......lol. Dreamer!


Darren Turner just can't stop lying

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, June 19, 2009

So Darren Turner, you say that the only person potentially defrauded would have been the person you keep accusing me of being. I did not say in what context you had attempted to defraud Judge Daniel. However, you immediately become defensive and let it slip that the only potential victim of the consequences would have been someone else and not the Judge. I have not said in what context you have tried to defraud anyone. If you are not aware that you have done anything fraudulent, why do you know who your victim would have been? You desperately hasten to add that this is a civil and not a criminal case. Of course it was a civil case. But making false statements to a civil court with the aim of gaining fraudulent payments is a criminal act. You seem to like to boast that the police aren't interested - Agan if you have done nothing wrong, why do you see it necessary to point out who will and who won't be interested? I never said anything in my previous posts. Please do tell us what it is exactly that the police won't be interested in. Moving on, you are right that your adverts do not state that YOU are a millionaire. Putting adverts all over the internet telling people that you create millionaires (for a small 'fee'!) is blatantly misleading. To prey on people in this manner at such times of hardship makes you a sorry excuse for a human being. Furthermore the subject of your advert is 'BECOME A MILLIONAIRE IN 2 YEARS, NO BULL'. You placed this advert in 2007. It is now 2009, 2 years later. How many millionaires have you created? Why aren't you a millionaire yet? Why do the websites no longer work? If you are so succesful why have you recently been caught attempting to commit fraud over 700? Why did the previous owner of a business opportunity YOU were involved in go to prison? Why do you keep accusing people on RipOffReport of having the same IP addresses when it is common knowledge that the website has a strictly enforced policy of not giving out such information? I am not the person you keep accusing me of being, however I do admit to being in touch with them. Their company no longer exists due to health reasons, not because of a compulsive liar like yourself. The 'escape debt without paying your creditors or going bankrupt' scams you are involved in have been all over the news recently. Why is it the schemes you are involved in always seem to get shut down, receive very bad publicity or people go to prison? Darren Turner will always have an answer for everything. This is where he lets himself down as it appears the more rope he is given the more he will hang himself.


United Kingdom
Of Course You're Philip Glyn Thomas....IP Address Is Yours, Plus How Would You Get Your Alleged Evidence??

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, June 18, 2009

Ha Ha, Philip Glyn Thomas.....You aren't gifted with brains are you......lol Firstly, If your claims were correct, then the only person potentially defrauded would be yourself. The Judge cannot be defrauded....lol Secondly, this is a civil matter, and even if your claims were correct (which they are not) this is a cilvil matter and not a criminal matter. The police aren't Interested and cannot arrest. Where does the ad state I'm a millionaire....Glasses Mr Thomas....? You state you have so much proof....Well provide it then. Simple! I recall similar petty arguments when I sued you in Bristol.... They held no water then, and certainly none now. I'll be in all evening if the police wish to stop by.... In fact Mr Thomas, you have provided no proof of....well anything at all. I think I'll start posting the court documentation on here for the public to decide. Maybe I could add your failed company as evidence, as well as your thrashing in the Bristol court. You are on tape at Bristol County Court admitting to lying. Of course, sorry, It's not you is it? How come you know the name of the Judge dealing???lol Enough said...... Ps, your IP Address is the same too.....lol You've not accused me of lying about your now dissolved company Rowling Marketing Ltd, me suing you for fraud (and winning) or bouncing cheques. Reader decide...... Neeexxxtttt!


Darren Turner admits he is a liar on RipOff Report!

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, June 18, 2009

I am not the above person but I have been in touch with them. I understand that the court manager alleges that you have recently attempted to defraud Judge Daniel of Bristol County Court. There is much evidence to support this so I fail to see how anything stated above is libellous. You will be hearing from the police in due course. Your advert above states that you create millionaires. In your response you admit that you are not a millionaire. This categorically proves that you are a liar.


United Kingdom

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, June 18, 2009

Ah, The distant reply from Philip Glyn Thomas of failed and dissolved company Rowling Marketing Ltd. This is a guy that committed fraud, and was sued in the Bristol County Court, case number 7QZ26687. The court unsurprisingly ruled in our favour, as Philip Glyn Thomas admitted to using pseudonyms to scam his "customers". In fact he was heard pleading in court " we cannot afford to pay Mr Turner as we only earn 500 a month". Surprise, surprise, Companies House closed them down due to non filing of their accounts. The truth hurts.... Anyway, Mr Thomas has still NOT abided by the courts order of 11th Sept 07, and therefore the matter is back in court, and Mr Thomas doesn't like it. Maybe you shouldn't bounce cheques on us, should you Mr Thomas. As for your claims, I am now considering a libel claim against you, as your claims are false. My claim will be for no less than 10,000 in damages. On top of the current outstanding claim against you. Are we millionaires yet, no, not quite.....We don't live in a rented flat though...Do we Mr Thomas.... Don't forget, we have all the evidence of you trying to set us up, and calling at 11.30 pm pretending to be other people etc....Thick as mince.... All evidence will be back at the Bristol County Court before Wednesday next week. Please provide this site with evidence on how you were ripped off by me....We'll be asking for it when our libel case is heard. Regards Darren Turner


Darren Turner is a CON MAN

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, June 17, 2009

Darren Turner's website domain www.loadedpeople.co.uk has been associated with more than one failed business opportunity over the last couple of years. I know this as he has tried to scam myself and several colleagues previously. The other sites he is associated with www.hiddenwealthsecret.co.uk and www.tueclub.biz are both now NOT working. Possibly he has finally been busted for falsely claiming to make people millionaires - Anyone that knows Darren Turner will confirm that this is a blatant lie. He does not create millionaires and isn't and never has been a millionaire himself. The only other possibility is that he gets involved in these get rich quick schemes where the main way of making money is getting other people involved. He then fails miserably in these 'business opportunities' as nobody falls for his ludicrous and falsified claims of earning megabucks. He then becomes despondent and cancels his involvement. Several months later when he is skint and searching online he stumbles across yet another get rich quick scheme. He finds he is haunted by voices in his head saying 'Darren, this could be the one. All you have to do is find more gullible mugs like yourself to pay to sign up. There must be more people as stupid as you.' Then the cycle starts all over again. He starts placing his misleading 'become a millionaire' advertisements all over the internet yet again, nobody falls for his lies, he then becomes despondent and cancels his involvement etc. When will this silly man finally learn that he is not even in the slightest bit convincing? He absolutely reeks of failure and I would not trust him to even change a toilet roll. AVOID.


United Kingdom
You Post As Allen And Sign Off As Fred......You really are a moron Allen Radwill, Guaranteed Autographs

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, June 12, 2009

Allen/Fred.... Why do you start your poat as Allen, yet sign at the end as Fred? The IP addresses for Allen and Fred are one and the same? Spooky Indeed..... I think the readers will judge for themselves the type of slimy character you're proving to be. I trust Mensa are really happy having you aboard...Your superior Intellect astounds me....lol Guaranteed Autographs are a SCAM Allen Radwill is a CONMAN Reader BEWARE, the evidence speaks for itself.....


United Kingdom

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, June 11, 2009

Dear Rip Off Report, Great site, and getting great results. Could you please confoirm that the IP address of "Fred" Is the same as that of Allen Radwill of Guaranteed Autographs who has posted under that heading. It's important that the public see the lengths that this moron will go to, In order to save his sorry a*s....lol Many thanks Darren Turner


United Kingdom

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, June 11, 2009

Ah, Allen Radwill (sorry, FRED) lol. Maybe you could add secret agent to your list of farsical fake credentials. Mensa? Mental more-like. You are responding with a small minded tit for tat response to my original posting about your fraudulent selling of faked autographs. All readers, please check the dates by seraching on Allen Radwill or Guaranteed Autographs. As opposed to resolving the issue, you try and mislead the public. I reported your activites to the Southampton Poloice last night, and trust that you'll go to jail for your fraud. Any readers Interested, take a look at Gemm and see his feedback......He is a serial fraudster. The autographs have been proven as fake, and the more responses you add here Mr Radwill, the higher the Rip Off Report postings about YOUR SCAMS are placed on Google :-) You are on the 1st page now for Guaranteed Autographs :-) If you'd have honoured your guarantee, then we wouldn't be in this situation would we. I got a reply from the BBB today who are now on your case, and I'm sure the FTC will follow suit. What do you have on me exactly Mr Radwill.......You are a buffoon, and WILL be JAILED. Regards Darren Turner

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