  • Report:  #1087966

Complaint Review: DD's Discounts - Tucson Arizona

Reported By:
Troy - Tucson, Arizona,

DD's Discounts
3781 S. 12th Avenue Tucson, 85713 Arizona, USA
520) 622-0075
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On September 28th, 2013 at approximately 10:40AM in the new south tucson DD's Discounts store I was refused access to the new store DD Discount on the grounds of my being disabled, receiving public assistance, and because of my religion. 


This discrimination is carried out through the excuse that I was wearing a backpack.  The the security girl just inside the front door said to me "I'm going to have ask you to remove  your backpack".  Because I do not shop at stores that treat innocent people like criminals when they did nothing wrong I simply walked out the front door as I refuse to give my backpack and the contents of my backpack, which is valued at approximately $500 to a store that would assume and automatically treat a person to be a criminal through profiling and stereotyping.  


I am a disabled person who because I receive public assistance in the form of social security (I walked in the store with a walking cane as well) I cannot afford a vehicle.  If I had a vehicle I would have had no backpack.  Instead, I ride a bicycle and I happened to be on my way to the park to write in my book.  Because of my disability my AC joints in my shoulders pop out quite frequently, so instead of carrying bags I wear a backpack to carry things in as it reduces the stress on my shoulders.  It would be unsafe for me to leave my backpack next to my bike as it could easily be stolen or vandalized which is a realistic and high probability considering the fact that the city of Tucson leaves people homeless and desperate.  

 As a spiritual teacher it is a sin for me to comply with fear based requests such as asking me to remove my backpack out of fear of some kind of criminal activity when the store has absolutely no legitimate reason to assume I would commit any crime.  This is a teaching of Jesus and as a follower of Jesus I cannot shop at DD Discount store because I am asked to something unethical.  


Any store can make the excuse that they are trying to reduce shoplifting by denying people with backpacks in their store but that also discriminates against law abiding citizens such as myself, the poor who don't have a car to leave their person things in the car, and those who are on a spiritual path.  


The resolve the issue I ask that the store make a public apology in the form of a giant sign the size of their biggest window in their store stating that they apologize for having discriminated against customers who wore pack backs and they those who wear backpacks are welcome in their store."  Until this is done I recommend people boycott the store as by definition of a divine soul progressive path it is unethical to shop at a store that mistreats patrons.  


What stores need to realize that what they do and what happens can be explained two different ways.  They can say that they were preventing shoplifting but they are by doing that also discriminating heavily on the poor, people on public assistance, and religious/spiritual people.  As Jesus taught, what happens is the truth, not what one wants to believe.  That means that I was discriminated against because I don't worship money to make big money enough to own a car and pollute the world, that I chose to do what is my health's best interest by utilizing a backpack, and because I cannot support stores that operate unethically they are refusing to service people who are good, law abiding citizens.  And quite frankly, people who go above and beyond "law abiding" and instead be a great citizen and contribute greatly to society vs. commit crimes.  I thought in this country one is treated as an innocent until proven guilty, but DD's Discount believes in profiling and treating people as criminals, including people who are not criminals and have no criminal record such as myself.  


4 Updates & Rebuttals


You are laughable and ridiculous.

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, September 30, 2013

Stores are being robbed blind by shoplifters and one of their many 'tricks' is to take a backback so they can fill it with stolen goodies.

They have no way of knowing who's a thief and who isn't so they ask everyone to remove their backpack.  You were not singled out.

I expect they will be happy you are not returning with all your self pity and silly self righteous religious crap.



Highlands Ranch,

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, September 29, 2013

It appears that Jesus may have been teaching the people the 'truth' about the corrupt leaders of his day and the leaders didn't like what he was doing. So they decided to have him arrested and put on trial for his 'crimes'. Jesus was obviously exposing these corrupt leaders, because they were making it hard for the average person to live a happy life. He probably knew that all leaders eventually become corrupt. Maybe that's why the leaders of his day decided to have him crucified. It would set an example to anyone else who spoke out against the corrupt leaders, like Jesus was obviously doing.

I believe that exposing your Ripoff Report all over the web and boycotting the store is a good idea. A Harvard Business Professor told his class of executives in late 2004 that 'exposure' is a corporation's worst fear. You can stay at this site and type in 269041 and scroll down to the consumer comment entitled "Blame it on a Lawyer" at Ripoff Report #269041 and read more of what the good professor said to his class of executives.

It appears that the 'truth' can be very powerful if harnessed in the appropriate way. Maybe that's the main reason Jesus was crucified. The leaders of his day were probably scared of what he was doing. I'll bet if Jesus was alive today he'd be spreading the word all over the worldwide web and he'd be exposing all of the corrupt leaders and all of the fraud and corruption that exists in our world today, woudn't you agree?

Here are a few quotes that you might like:

"All truth passes through three phases. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." - Arthur Schopenhauer

"Almost everything you do will seem insignificant, but it is important that you do it." - Mahatma Gandhi

"What shall it profit a man if he gains the entire world, but loses his soul." - Jesus

Good luck to you, and make sure to spread your Ripoff Report all over the web at sites like Twitter and Facebook!



Watch out for government paid propaganda artists like the guy who commented on this complaint

#4Author of original report

Sun, September 29, 2013

There's all kinds of secret paid employees by governments to spread propaganda and to shoot down truths that may change political plans into something other than what they're trying to brainwash the public with.  If someone spreads truth then they work to shut it down by insulting the person like an immature 3rd grader.  I'm some (negative and derogatory label) because they don't want a truth to be told and absorbed by people.  Instead, they want to try to make people fill stupid for believing such an absolute truth.  Truths are the only things worth insulting.  These plans are reported in major media news.  Check out the youtube link.  Expose these trash talkers!   



Report Attachments


You are a self-centered, arrogant person...

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, September 28, 2013

 Do they ask EVERYONE with a backpack to remove it or just those with disabilities, their religion and being on public assistance?

How did they know your disability, religion or receipt of public assistance?  Think about it.

You are a very entitlement oriented person looking for a reason to get upset.  This is the reason you go through life always feeling persecuted.

At the least you are a VERY childish person.  GROW UP!



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