  • Report:  #2601

Complaint Review: Douglas Floyd - Plano texas

Reported By:
- carrollton, tx.,

Douglas Floyd
101 e. park blvd., suite 1001 Plano, 75074 texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Douglas T. Floyd

The lawyer told me at my first interview that he would have child

support started within 3 weeks. After over a month he called

wanting my spouses SS so I started questioning what was going on.

He sent me a bill for $1634.34 and had not even served my spouse

or started child support. He charged $350 just to tell me how much I was being charged so far.

The charges he charged were simply not valid. I was told that the

initial consultation was $120 but was charged $350. I did not realize I was being charged that kind of money for the rest of our talk I was kind to listen but did not know how much it was costing me.

I did not ask to talk to him on 6-28-00. I ask his secretary why my spouse was not served yet, and she told me she did not know but would call. I simply said stop everything because I was concerned.

Upon that note, she forwarded the call to Douglas but I did not even know whom she was forwarding the call to... $350 for this? He told me a normal divorce cost around $700 but your filing fee alone was $525 not including the court $161 filing fee. The constable called you for my spouses SS number and I was charged $175? I gave him my spouses SS number the first day I met him..

Sherrie D'Souza

[email protected]

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