  • Report:  #1012656

Complaint Review: Dr J Junig Fond de lac Psychiatry - fond de lac Wisconsin

Reported By:
hopespring - melbourne, Other, United States of America

Dr J Junig Fond de lac Psychiatry
1020 S Main St Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54935, US fond de lac, 54935 Wisconsin, United States of America
(920) 923-9054
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Dr Junig, was a anesthesiologist, who stole drugs from his patients, to further his drug addiction.
He was caught out, and had his licence torn away, and then began, a  career, as a drug councillor, via a psychiatric licence, despite, the obvious alarm bells,.

Unfortunately, I have now, had my experience, like many other have with this rogue Dr.

His words, and demeanor are nasty, viscous, and narcissistic. Which should have no place in psychiatry.

His latest venture, is to run a completely biased forum, to further line his pocket, along with selling tapes, to people, to make a profit, of poor drug addicts.

I joined his forum, to work through my own addiction, and have successfully quit opiates, after a 5 year bupe addiction.

It is now my firm belief, that this Man is out of control, and probably needs to be put in front of the Law, again, and have his intentions questioned.

I believe, after spending 2 months on his forum, that his sole intention, is to drum up addicts, that cannot quit, and move them into a paying roll as one of his customers, of tapes, and other BS , this guy sells, under the guise of wanting to help people.

Do we really want a ex -junkie, who stole meds from his patients, telling people that there is little chance of beating opiates, without his help?

He does not seem to be interested in people who can get themsleves off opiates, but rather, is using the forum, as a way to steer more customers into his pratice.

if this is not enough, he is also flooding his forum, with so many adds, with also line his pocket.

Is it ethical for a doctor to make money of drug addicts, I do not think so.

I have read hundreds of his posts, and he just seems, like a nasty old man, Who has an agenda, a mile long.

What is also worse, is that he has total control, over a public forum, and just erases people, that he feels, are letting people, know, the breadth, of his actions,.

He should pay his moderators money, for running his forum, and should most probably, get out of the field of drug addiction.

His over ruling view point, is that 9 out of 10 addicts fail, unless, you acquire his help.

Seems just a bit too dodgy for me.
I was ditched from the forum, without warning, and have had no choice but to come here.
I will contact the American board of psychiatry, and also let them know, what is happening, but i suggest all people, wanting to rid themselves, of bupe, stay away from Dr J lunig.

You have to ask yourself, if he was prepared to steal drugs from his patients to support his habit, what else is this guy capable of.,

He is a nasty man, with a foul temper, and little ability to act in a responsible way,.

As you will read from his many responces, to such complaints.

19 Updates & Rebuttals


United Kingdom
I agree!!!! The forum is not good for public safety

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, February 16, 2017

 I have experienced something very simliar. If you expose or try to discuss the truth about Suboxone in an professional manner. You will get hit left, right and center and banned. Posts will be edited without consent. Links to medical reasearch, debates, deleted. Fully controlled so the public see what they want you to see. This is no more than a very clever advertisement. They just wont listen. If you challenge for the sake of honesty and others lives. It is not "balanced" and should be moderated by an indepenant party! Be very careful on there. Its very very dangerous. Its misguided, bent. Its clever advertising that should be banned!!!! Good on the OP. I hear you loud and clear.


United States of America
My experience with Dr Junig

#3General Comment

Wed, March 06, 2013

In my experience with Dr Junig, I have never been solicited or anything like that.  I happened to find Dr Junig after a bad experience with my own doctor and having odd u/a's.  I was taking my meds properly but my own doc refused to believe me because of my "numbers"

I sent out multiple emails to many, many doctors just trying to figure out what was going inside my body that would cause my u/a's to look like I was "loading".  The only doc that took their time to write me back was Dr. Junig.  He asked for more info.  I sent it.  He emailed me back with some answers and a promise to write a blog about my experience so others running into same issue had some answers.  Dr Junig never once asked for money, was never opinionated, never pushed for me to buy anything. For that to happen this day and age is rare.  He helped me out of kindness and I will forever be grateful.  

Dr Junig is far from anything this poster says he is.  Such a shame someone would go to these extremes out of anger.  You should really listen to what everyone else has to say, take a deep breath and apologize because it would be a shame to lose Dr Junig as a support. Anyway I hope this helps Dr Junig in someway.  He helped me and I shall forever be grateful.

Definding good against evil

United States of America
Why listen to an angry, banned ex-member?

#4General Comment

Fri, February 15, 2013

In the beginning Hopespring was welcomed on the aforementioned forum.  As a fellow member I encouraged Hopespring in his desire to taper off suboxone.  He received ample support from everyone on the forum.  But when Dr. Junig pointed out the very real statistics of relapse after going off suboxone, Hopespring turned hostile.  He didn't want to hear that he might have problems in his recovery.  He just wanted accolades for having gone off suboxone.  Hopespring became nasty and combative on the forum.  The final straw came when Hopespring posted terrible lies and conjecture on the forum (much like you see above in his "report".)  He was banned.

Dr. Junig created suboxforum dot com to help fellow addicts.  He pays for the website and its upkeep and charges nothing to the members.  If there are ads on the site, I don't even notice them.  The idea that Dr. Junig was trying to gain anything financial from Hopespring is laughable.  Hopespring lives in Australia!  Yet he wants us to believe that Dr. Junig was trying to lure him to his practice in Wisconsin?  Ludicrous!

Hopespring's only goal in writing his scurrilous report is to exact some sort of misguided revenge for being held accountable for his behavior.  He deserved to be banned from the forum.

I would like to add that it is contemptible for this website to highlight such damaging and false reports, and then charge the maligned party $2000 in order for an "investigation" to be started.  This website has the potential to be a great help to consumers, and yet its practices are unethical.  What you do here is akin to extortion.  The fact that so many people are rebutting this report should be enough to prompt an investigation into the original statement.


United States of America
can you say anger management

#5General Comment

Thu, February 14, 2013

I must come to the defense Dr. Junig. I am forever indebt to this wonderful, kind, caring and professional doctor I have never met.

Approximately 5 years ago complete and utter horror came to my life when my most prized possession - my child - came to me and disclosed the full extent of his drug use.
Our family doctor prescribed suboxone.
With absolutely no idea where to turn or where to gain knowledge regarding this degree of drug use I turned to the internet. By the gracious powers that be I stumbled onto suboxonetalkzone.com and there I received an all encompassing birth of knowledge, education and unconditional acceptance.
If the hostile, angry and most of all, ignorant writer took the time to learn about the site and forum he would see the ignorance of his accusations.

The road was never easy and it is certainly long but to this date my son is a productive, educated member of society with a very promising future. I have only Dr. Junig and suboxone to thank.
I live hundreds and hundreds of miles from this amazing man and was never in any position to increase his revenues but that never mattered. He was there for me when I needed an ear. 

The forum provides unimaginable insight and information regarding a drug the medical profession has less knowledge of then the patients that take the drug.  It is this invaluable sharing of information that continues to help patients make informed decisions within a respectful environment.
It is a challenge for all drug addicts, in active disease or remission to find respect within our society or within the medical profession.

God bless Dr. Junig and his family. He has made a difference in my life, my families life and most of all my child's life.


Slanderous& False Allegations

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, February 13, 2013

Make no mistake: I am writing here in Dr. Jeffrey T. Junig's defense. During the latter part of 2011, I was seeking information about the medication  ('suboxone') that I am on- and have been on- for several years. Around that time period, I had discovered and joined the forum that has been previously mentioned here. Ever since I have joined this forum, which i believe that Dr. Junig so generously maintains, i receive daily forum updates in my e-mail Inbox. Within these past several weeks, I began to notice that a new member, with the user name of 'hopespring', started- and persisted in - bashing this kind and respectful doctor. It is my opinion that whomever maintained this forum, did the right thing by banning this disrespectful and disruptive member, especially since s/he was certainly not contributing anything to the forum, except for blatant negativity. 

Furthermore, it is quite obvious that this hopespring character is just trying to soothe his wounded ego, by trying to evoke pity and/or perhaps sympathy from others. However, we long-timers at the forum are just not going to let this character assassination of Dr. Junig go on.

Please, take down this slanderous and false report. 
If part of this website's tag phrase is 'Let the truth be known',
then please delete hopespring's fairy tale story full of lies--
because there is no truth in it.

Thank You.

J. McR

United States of America
Unadulterated use of commas and mispelled words

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, February 13, 2013

I'd also like to point out the repeated and obnoxious use of, a, comma, in, the, original, post, by, this, person.

(Oh..and it's spelled "response", NOT "responce"...)

Someone, who, can't, type, without, using, the, wrong, punctuation, and, grammatical, errors, galore, should, not, be, passing, judgement, on, ANYONE. Period.

I hope this guy's email gets flooded with all of the rebuttals posted here and he realizes what a stupid move it was to post the lies and ignorant opinions presented herein. 

(and I said the word "HEREIN", NOT heroin, so I hope the original poster doesn't think I'm trying to sell him something.)


United States of America
Pure nonsense.

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, February 13, 2013

This person's only experience with Jeff Junig is being mad over having been banned from Dr. Junig's forum.  Period.  He's never spoken to the man, met the man, or been treated by the man.  How can anyone make such a horrible complaint about someone they don't even know?  This is sheer nonsense and nothing more!

Dr. Junig has given of his time and money to help addicts to recover and save their lives.  No one asks him to do this nor to tell his own story. He deserves accolades and kudos for his efforts, not being slapped in the face.  This person should be ashamed of themselves for being so childish. 

Thank you, Dr. Junig.  Don't listen to this garbage, and neither should anyone else. 


New York,
New York,
United States of America
show of support for SuboxoneTalkZone and Forum

#9General Comment

Wed, February 13, 2013

Though I don't personally know Dr Junig, I have been reading his blog and occasionally browsing the associated forum for four years now.  I would describe his work as serious and insightful.  The goal of the blog is to help people whose lives have been affected by opiate addiction, and who've chosen to follow buprenorphine-based treatment.  The associated forum is a place for members to talk about their personal experiences, air issues, and share information.  Dr Junig's interventions are reasoned, logical, sometimes impassioned, and always helpful.  I know of no other online resource doing so much good for the community of people affected by opiate addiction.  The original complaint, and the shockingly uninformed and angry verbiage of the person posting it are a travesty of a "report".  I don't imagine this will get anywhere, but just in case there is a chance it might, I wanted to post these thoughts, and make clear my support for Dr Junig.


New York,
New York,
United States of America
show of support for SuboxoneTalkZone and Forum

#10General Comment

Wed, February 13, 2013

Though I don't personally know Dr Junig, I have been reading his blog and occasionally browsing the associated forum for four years now.  I would describe his work as serious and insightful.  The goal of the blog is to help people whose lives have been affected by opiate addiction, and who've chosen to follow buprenorphine-based treatment.  The associated forum is a place for member to talk about their personal experiences, air issues, and share information.  Dr Junig's interventions are reasoned, logical, sometimes impassioned, and always helpful.  I know of no other online resource doing so much good for the community of people affected by opiate addiction.
I hope that readers will see the "report" for what it is, and see through the uninformed and angry verbiage of the person posting the "report".


New York,
New York,
United States of America
show of support for SuboxoneTalkZone and Forum

#11General Comment

Wed, February 13, 2013

Though I don't personally know Dr Junig, I have been reading his blog and occasionally browsing the associated forum for four years now.  I would describe his work as serious and insightful.  The goal of the blog is to help people whose lives have been affected by opiate addiction, and who've chosen to follow buprenorphine-based treatment.  The associated forum is a place for member to talk about their personal experiences, air issues, and share information.  Dr Junig's interventions are reasoned, logical, sometimes impassioned, and always helpful.  I know of no other online resource doing so much good for the community of people affected by opiate addiction.
I hope that people will see the "report" for what it is, and see through the uninformed and angry verbiage of the person posting the "report".


United States of America
Totally fictitious! So wrong

#12General Comment

Wed, February 13, 2013

I have to weigh in on this simply because it is totally false but I think anyone can see that and because of the amount of respect I have for Jeff Junig. This is a doctor who devotes his life to helping people find all the information available on Suboxone. This is a doctor that has answered every time I have ever emailed him with questions about any problems I have had. I was a patient for a period of time and have always been treated well. Has anyone ever had a doc who would help you even if you were not a patient any longer and not ask for anything in return?? Has anyone had a doc who would even allow you to email him with questions you may have while seeing them?? He never tries to lure anybody in to his practice because he is always full! So I feel for you whoever posted this rip report because you must have mental issues or just extremely dense. Total false report. I should also add he started the forum to HELP all of us who need a place to talk and learn from others who have been through the same kinds of issues. Yes there may be a spot to donate but how is it supposed to operate? The forum has helped me many times when I have had no place else to get answers. Guarantee this I would still be a patient of his if I still lived close enough to be. Junig is the most knowledgeable man anyone will ever find and anyone would find that out if they investigate the matter a little bit. Junig spends his valuable time helping others and is the friendliest doctor I have ever dealt with. The guy who posted this has made 100% of this up


United States of America
Hogwash, Slander

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, February 12, 2013

The others have said it all but I would like to add:  How can this person, who has never met the Doctor in real life, post slanderous comments about his medical practice? It's ridiculous.
I too am a forum member and saw the whole exchange and just want to add another comment about how this hopespring person is obviously just upset and desperately trying to use any way possible to hurt Dr. Junig, who I can say has helped me countless times in my recovery in the past 4 years from decades of drug addiction.  

And by the way, I have never been charged a dime for the help I have received.


United States of America

#14Consumer Comment

Tue, February 12, 2013

The others have said it all but I would like to add: How can this person, who has never met the Doctor in real life, post slanderous comments about his medical practice? It's ridiculous.

I too am a forum member and saw the whole exchange and just want to add another comment about how this hopespring person is obviously just upset and trying to use any way possible to hurt Dr. Junig, who I can say has helped me countless times in my recovery in the past 4 years from decades of drug addiction.

And by the way, I have never been charged a dime for the help I have received.


United States of America
Totally fictitious! So wrong

#15General Comment

Tue, February 12, 2013

I have to weigh in on this simply because it is totally false but I think anyone can see that and because of the amount of respect I have for Jeff Junig. This is a doctor who devotes his life to helping people find all the information available on Suboxone. This is a doctor that has answered every time I have ever emailed him with questions about any problems I have had. I was a patient for a period of time and have always been treated well. Has anyone ever had a doc who would help you even if you were not a patient any longer and not ask for anything in return??

Has anyone had a doc who would even allow you to email him with questions you may have while seeing them?? He never tries to lure anybody in to his practice because he is always full! So I feel for you whoever posted this rip report because you must have mental issues or just extremely dense. Total false report. I should also add he started the forum to HELP all of us who need a place to talk and learn from others who have been through the same kinds of issues.

Yes there may be a spot to donate but how is it supposed to operate? The forum has helped me many times when I have had no place else to get answers. Guarantee this I would still be a patient of his if I still lived close enough to be. Junig is the most knowledgeable man anyone will ever find and anyone would find that out if they investigate the matter a little bit. Junig spends his valuable time helping others and is the friendliest doctor I have ever dealt with. The guy who posted this has made 100% of this up

J. McR

United States of America
A bunch of lies about a very good person

#16Consumer Comment

Tue, February 12, 2013

You know, as if the people who have addiction problems didn't have a hard enough time getting people to recognize them and their problems as sincere and worthy of the medical community's undivided attention...you have people who just plain lie. I've been a member for over a year (of this forum you speak of), and the most I've seen from the Dr himself is once a week MAYBE. He doesn't have time to chase people down on an internet forum (what doctor does) and cause them troubles.

You spent 2 months on the forum and came to this massive conclusion..but how much interaction have you actually had with the man to draw this lie-infested conclusion of yours? NOT MUCH.  I was in Suboxone treatment for 3 years before I ever found the Dr's website..and he has nothing to do with my current treatment either (not to mention he's 900 miles away and couldn't do anything, anyway). You're making up much of your "Rip-off report"...and honestly, what have you given to be "Ripped-off"??

Taking your own addiction and personal experiences and saying that a doctor who runs a website has the same intent as yourself..well that's pretty biased. So to say that you're just a jealous liar and only out to stir trouble...well that puts it very mildly. I hope you find some help for the obvious mental state you're in, because it can't be healthy to think that everyone is out to get you and to have this sadistic goal of causing other people who have succeeded past the addiction (though you may not have) trouble that isn't necessary.

If you're going to go through this much trouble to post something, at the very LEAST have some proof to back it up, and maybe even a witness (surely, from an online forum, if these lies were true, you wouldn't be the only person posting about it)....or would you??

With 6000 members of this forum...there's bound to be 1 or 2 who get mad because the red carpet isn't rolled out correctly for them. You remind me of the guy who made a new username and said he was his own mother, then as the mother, posted that her son had overdosed after relapsing. There are really some sick people out there...and this is just an example of that.

Paul Jr.

Las Vegas,
United States of America
Nothing But Supportive

#17General Comment

Tue, February 12, 2013

As a member of the forum this person is referring to, I must come to the defense of Dr. Junig.  

It may not seem obvious to someone not familiar with our forum that the above comments were posted in response to being banned from said forum.  Meaning, the complaint was posted in anger. The poster started a topic directly attacking the founder of our support forum only because of a previous comment made by Dr. Junig that he/she didn't agree with.

So now a person is allowed to slander a doctor in good standing on a consumer website?   I find this report to be one of hatred and totally void of truthfulness regarding a doctor who has devoted his time to help other addicts find some semblance of normalcy in their lives.

Yes, he is an advocate for the use of Suboxone (Buprenorpine & Naloxone) in the treatment of opioid addiction.  Dr. Junig's statement above saying he is only allowed 100 patients is true and easily confirmed.  All physicians administering Suboxone must go through training and do have a limit of patients they can see at one time.  So saying he is trying to steer patients his way is completely absurd.  That alone should tell everyone reading this that the poster is fabricating their own version of facts.  

I encourage all readers who are interested in this topic to do your own research regarding Dr. Junig's reputation.  What you will find is a compassionate doctor trying his best to help as many addicts as physically possible.  Then I hope you too will post a rebuttal to this obscene twisting of facts.

 It is a shame that in today's
 world it is so easy to damage the reputation of someone who has tried so hard to help people.  All it takes is someone being angry at having their hand slapped for misbehavior to do such damage.

Shame on you hopespring.  Shame on you.

Tired of Nonsense

United States of America
Irresponsible Attack

#18Consumer Comment

Tue, February 12, 2013

Sadly, one of the least desirable parts of the internet is that it empowers people who have a grudge to cause harm with no recourse.

The "report" above is baseless on its face.  This individual has had no dealings with the doctor, but merely disagrees with his support for the use of a particular medication to treat addicts.  None of his assertions are founded in any factual evidence.  He merely wants to throw mud at the doctor because he was banned from a forum in which he was abusing others.

Dr. Junig stands to gain little or nothing monetary from hosting his forum.  He operates a responsible, responsive and valuable service which assist people struggling with a horrible disease.  Almost none of the people using the forum could use his medical services since he practices only in one state.  There is no remunitive motive, rather, Dr. Junig is following one of the basic premises of the twelve steps by serving others who need a place to discuss their experiences in treatment.   Dr. Junig has no self interest in answering the questions of strangers who may have no one else to turn to in their struggles.  He is merely a good man.

What is most distrubing is that Rip Off Report has given credence to this rant even though it contains nothing of truth or value.  This individuals vindictive nonsense should be removed.  There is no reason for this person to complain about Dr. Junig, and he admits he is motivated by the fact that "I was ditched from the forum."  It is unfortunate that Rip Off report has given him this forum to slander a responsible and compassionate doctor.


United States of America
Let's all feel sorry for the sad addict...

#19General Comment

Tue, February 12, 2013

This report is beyond false and was posted by an ex forum member. They are just angry at the doctor for removing them.

Doctor jeff junig is a beyond unbiased person. We allllll have our opinions. But he has never just said something to try to keep people on suboxone or to buy any product whatsoever.

The original poster can't handle the truth about addiction and what it entails. He would rather scream and cry about a doctor that has never said a bad word about anyone because of the facts and truths he posts. Sorry. Opiate addiction isn't a very promising disease. He works with addicts and has had to watch them die.

So yes. He is going to give you the honest truth about the disease so that you can take every precaution against relapse as possible. Sorry if that doesn't mesh well in your mind....but its absolutely true.

Also. Why should doctor j be told how much money to make? Someone is just jealous that he actually went to medical.school and got a good education. I do know for a fact though that doctor junig struggles just like the next guy to pay bills and what not. So. Farrrrrr from over paid and money grabbing.

Anyways. This report that was posted was based on this persons opinions due to anger...not truths...not based on anything true at all. It was mean. Especially to one of the only doctors that actively tries to help people that most of the time arent even his patients!!

This is what you get when an addict doesn't get their way or is angry about something....rants full of no truths.

Feel free to find said forum yourself. Read for yourself if you dont want to take my word for it.

Again. Jeffery junig is an abolutely great doctor that has a very caring personality and is well versed in the field of addiction medicine. He has been a great influence and part of my life for the last few yeears!

Lastly. This poster keeps jumping back to the doctor stealing from patients.....and how long ago was this during active addiction? I bet the report poster...an opiate addict themself....never did anything wrong whatsoever? Think about it.

Whats really important here is that this person is just angry and slandering a good name and a great doctor!!


United States of America
Anger for being banned

#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, February 12, 2013

I was treated for opioid dependence 12 years ago; I make no secret of that fact, and have shared my story in a number of venues, including Men's Health and other publications. When i became addicted (after being treated with cough medicine) i left the specialty of anesthesiology. I believed psychiatry was a better match; I earned my PhD in neurochemistry doing research before med school, and I gained an understanding of stigma in the period during and after treatment.

I work a recovery program, and treat others with addiction as a small part of my psychiatry practice. Doctors are limited in the number of patients they can treat using a medication called 'suboxone'. Because of the epidemic of opioid dependence striking the Midwest, I have a waiting list of almost 100 people for that type of treatment.

I created a blog and forum to share my experiences, and to encourage others to share theirs in an anonymous setting. The blog and forum have grown larger than I ever anticipated, with members from around the world. The only rule on the forum is to avoid personal attacks. Yesterday, one member of the forum went off on a rant (not too different from the one above!). He was banned from the forum for repeatedly drawing attention away from the forum's mission. His anger is what motivates this report.

The person writing this report was never a patient; I have never met him. I hope he finds a healthy outlet for his anger. The forum is free; I invite people to check us out at suboxforum.com, or at suboxonetalkzone.com.

I would arbitrate the comment, but the company that posts these 'complaints' demands $2000 before they will look into a 'case.' But just so nobody is confused---- I am not open to new Suboxone patients. I have been at the limit for a number of years, and have a long wait list. I am sorry; I wish I could take on more patients to treat their opioid dependence. I AM accepting patients with conditions other than opioid dependence.

To the author of the report: I'm sorry, but you created a very disruptive environment at the forum. We take our mission very seriously, as the consequences of addiction are severe. We just cannot allow people to engage in personal attacks. We wish you the best of luck going forward.

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