  • Report:  #1380620

Complaint Review: Ecom Solution - Jacksonville Florida

Reported By:
againstcrime - Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

Ecom Solution
12106 Autumn Sunrise Drive Jacksonville, 32246 Florida, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

In October 2016 Alfred Leopoid a sales rep from Ecom Solution and Outsourced Lifestyle contacted me with the kind of service and software they are providing that could create an Amazon business of $100000 per month. They showed videos and reports of their team members that were earning such amount. 

Alfred gave me the list of services the company will offer to me for a year such as weekly one to one traininng with owner Jason and a millon dollar business holder Linda Trueman for $10,000 and said that he needs to run my credit card before the contract is formed. Their office tried to run the card twice but my credit card refused the second transaction as it was beyond the limit. Soon Jason the owner of the company send me a single page crontract signing page through rocket lawyers. which I signed and sent back. 

After repeted contacts and emails after three weeks to hook up my service and trainings. And Jason provided me just two one to one session for 30 min in which he introduded himself and the business and then his office said that he is busy and will find time to do meetings. Linda Trueman in my third week left ecom and as per Jason they have filed a lawsuit on her for cheeting and theft of information. As per the claims by Jason there were no trainig provided by professional representative or trainers who knew the software and the process. 

I repetedly contacted Alfred, Michele Fierie and Jason to provide me the complete contract that they had mentioned but to my disapointment they never gave it till I fought with them. I even contacted Crystal Whittecar from rocket lawyer that how their website allows only last page signature and not complete contract and they mentioned that there is a glich in their system and visually only the last page is shown for digital signature and to view the complete contract there is a diffrent link for printing which will show the contract. I was disapointed that a law firm is making contract that is not visible to the digital signing representative. 

As Ecom Solution software was not working with a number of website they claimed such as Target Home Depot Khols etc I asked Jason and other members that how come we paid for complete software and are only getting a few stores. Even his walmart scraping engine was giving a number of errors making all members loose money as they had made commitment on Amazon for a product that which was not found at the price the software was stating. 

In the third month all my data which took over 90 days to enter got deleted by the error in the software and it took more than 3 weeks for the technical representative Greard DeJoseph to reload as he was working another job in day time and could only do technical support of Ecom in night. 

To my argument with Jason in regards to getting more people work on the sofrware to support and to provide us with a software without errors he replied that for that you will have to pay $300 per month. I refused and said that I have paid $10,000 and I have not gained training and software service for what was agreed and wont provide you more. On the same night Jason withdrew $300 from my card that he had in his system to which I challenged him and asked my credit card company ro revert. In the morning I was denied access to my software and the team with whome I was working. 

When I called office they said that Jason is busy and cannot reply and the phone was transfred to Michele Fierie who said me to getlost and that I will not get even a penny as they have invested a lot of time on me which was more than $10,000. 

Im my group there were more than 4 people who were mistreated in similar way and I believe there might be many similar group to which Jason is swindeling money from. Kindly keep away from this company and if there are more people who are hurt by this company I would like them to come togheter for a class action against Jason and his team and ecom solution and Outsoursed Lifestyle 

4 Updates & Rebuttals

Jason ONeil

United States
This Report is Not Even Close to Accurate

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, January 26, 2018

Please, first understand that this site has never checked the veracity of this claim with me, or anyone in our company.  We have all learned by now that one can’t believe everything one reads on the internet as truth without verifying facts.

Verifiable Facts:

  1. This client filed claims against us with the State Attorney General, who ruled in our favor.
  2. This client tried to file a report with the Better Business Bureau, who ruled in our favor.
  3. We have never refused to give this person a copy of our agreement.  In fact, we have proof in the form of an email that we have sent this client.
  4. We have built a blueprint that has helped our clients generate over $100 million in revenue over the last twelve months selling on Amazon, and a software that has over 500 active users.
  5. We do NOT and WILL NEVER steal from our clients.  It is against my moral code, and on top of that makes ZERO BUSINESS SENSE.  I’m sorry for the capitalization, but this piece is just absurd to me.
  6. This client was actually earning income and profits in his business when our arrangement ended. Our work is very much front loaded, meaning a lot of what it takes to run a successful business on Amazon is learned in the beginning months of running a business. By the time our relationship had ended this clients store was up, and profitable. In fact he continued applying our systems and strategies after the relationship had ended and is a member of several facebook groups talking about his results and asking questions, which shows the client continued with his business after we stopped working together. We are able to prove this client was 
  7. I personally had several 1 on 1 discussions via phone and teleconference with this client. I also put together several personalized presentations specific to the client for help with the issues the client was encountering.  The client repeatedly failed to act on the best practices advice they had explicitly hired me and my company to provide.  Would it be fair to write this report about your dentist because you got a cavity after not brushing your teeth for six months?  Would it be fair to file this report against your university if you got fired at your job for lack of attendance?
  8. We provide a service for a fee.  While in the process of providing this service, this client attempted to extort money from us that we had earned in delivering this service.  Providing this service included the previously mentioned personal service I provided, as well as similar attention from the company staff mentioned in this report. This client decided that messaging our staff with abusive messages at odd hours of the night was appropriate, and would become more irate about not getting answers at 4am.  We have these and the many hours of interactions with this client in a file, proving we did everything in our power to help this client succeed.  This is why the State Attorney and BBB had no problem dismissing these false claims.
  9. The $300 charge was a subscription charge that this client agreed to.  In order for us to charge it, we had to receive the client’s information via a voluntary registration.  The software being referenced has a subscription fee that could have easily been cancelled at any time, and was cancelled the moment it was requested.
  10. I am a very public persona.  I am passionate about helping entrepreneurs break the chains of the employment cycle and succeed on their own merits.  I believe there has never been a time in the history of the world where financial independence is so accessible, and if you are committed to this, I can help you achieve it like have for so many people.  You can be the judge and see for yourself in all the content and testimonial posted on my YouTube channel and Facebook page:
    1. facebook.com/jasononeilmarketer
    2. youtube.com/channel/UCducT5CkHwOOSLrtZJexEhA

I have been drop shipping on Amazon for 4 years now. I have clients who have been with me for 3 years who have been drop shipping and are currently continuing to drop ship.  However, drop shipping is only one method of creating a business on Amazon.  It is by no means the only way to do it, but a good start for those who don’t have much capital or credit.  We also teach clients how to sell on Amazon using by evaluating products, purchasing inventory, and using Amazon’s fulfillment services. (FBA) to service their customers, as we have progressed to doing as well.

 The fact of the matter is we have never guaranteed anyone success.  Even though our mission is noble and our products (training and software) have worked for hundreds of customers, there is a degree of personal accountability that we know success hinges on, and that has to come from the customer.  All I ask of you is to do your due diligence, and I'm sure you'll find that I'm actually a good person who cares deeply about my clients’ success.  I have many clients who I are now close friends.  An attack like this is not only harmful to my business and my 30+ employees’ livelihood, but also incredibly hurtful to me on a deep, personal level. 

 Building a business isn’t for everyone.  It is clearly not for this client, unless they are willing to invest some serious effort in personal development.  I empathize with how intimidating it is to come to grips with this reality, and the effort involved, because I was forced to do so before reaching any level of success, myself.  I wish this client good fortune and peace in their future endeavors.


Jason Oneil


Amazon Dropshipping

#3Author of original report

Fri, January 26, 2018

For anyone who wishes to beleve these jockers should look into Amazn policy. 

amazon . com / gp / help / customer / display.html?ie=UTF8&nodeId=201808430

They do not support dropshippers and majority of people who I have seen with Jason and his team have lost their shirt with amazon as there stores were closed and Jason says that its your business. WIthout Amazon store support there is no use continuing with his servic and results in him not refunding as the store did not close because of his software.

For those who are with him know that before your SKU jason asks for placing a alpha numeric code so he can scan your products on amazon and place on his store. Those that are not high profit SKU he sells it thouth Philapines using his agents. You can go online and buy peoples inventory in excell sheet sold by his agents. 

Good Luck to those who wish to try and earn millions as the above tow jockers are mentioning.

I lost my funds and know 20 more people who had to fight hard to get their money.

For those who are trying internationaly be aware that using american visa and master card (Jason will show you ways) and using false american address is a crime and could lead you to prison. And without american card and address you cannot dropship from the walmart sears, home depot and other store Jason software steals information from to facilitate dropshipping.


United Kingdom

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, January 26, 2018

Firstly I find it very sad that someone has got the time to go ahead and file such a report in a website to just try to destroy someone else just because they have not done the work they were suppose to do. 

I have known Jason for over 2 and half years now and I know his software and team very well now. Actually is thanks to using his software that since March 2015 I went to sell so far over 6 million dollars across multiple countries. 

I have invested much more than 10K on his programs and got more than 10 times back the return on investment. And the best thing, to show how false is this report, is that in his group there are many people that sold over a million using Ecom. 

There are people that just buy training programs and expect to get rich quick, then they fail because they don't do anything and find ridiculous time to create websites like this one to justify the fact that they can't do any work, so they find excuses for their failure and play a blame game like in this case. (You that wrote this report!) 

Others buy softwares and training programs and actually do the work, follow the advise and apply it. Hence why some people make the 100K and more per month while others sadly file these kind of reports and don't make a cent. 

Since March 2015, I have actually had the opportuinity to meet Jason and his team, and I can guarantee that they are all VERY hard working genuine people, which not only helped me to build a multi million dollars business but they are always there when I need any of them. 

For the person that created this website, all I can tell you is how sad for you I am. Before blaiming Jason and his team I would have really looked at myself in the mirror to really understand the root of the issue, before throwing disreputable false aclamations to the Ecom Team and Jason. 

Shame on you! 


United States
This is completely false!

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, January 26, 2018

I too bought into jason's program in september of 2014! His 1st class was 97 dollars and it taught how to leverage virtual assistants to help with dropshipping. I have been doing this for just over 3 years now and Amazon has never gave me a hard time for drop shipping other products from other sources.

I too joined his mastermind, I paid 10k for that and that is cheap compared to the value I recieved! I learned how to train my own Virtual Assistants and so much more. I have sold over 4 million in products on amazon, we now have our own inner circle group where we have helped an additional 10 other Amazon Business owners surpass over 100k per month every month in sales! No this program is not for everyone, its not a get rich quick business it takes time and patience but its well worth it in the end.

I know several business owners who have quite there full time job's because of Jason Oneil. Yes Jason can be a little tough at times some would even say harsh but I belive that is needed to push foward and come out successful in this business. He trains daily he has a FaceBook video almost everyday he is out there working his but off to give us more hope and value , this person that wrote this about him makes it sound like he is just taking everyones money that is so untrue! 

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