  • Report:  #747148

Complaint Review: eddie farah - Jacksonville Florida

Reported By:
victim of eddie farah Jacksonville - Jacksonville, Florida, United States of America

eddie farah
10 E.Adams Street Jacksonville, Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
After being seriously injured by neglegent people in an auto collision I went to the loudest mouthed "lawyer" who claims, relentlessly,of his ability, and concern for the people of Jacksonville Florida.After six months of phone-tag and bloviating talk from eddie farah's staff of numbskulls.I requested a meeting with an attorney.The person I meet with appeared to be very sleepy and un involved ,unintrested in my case and just wanted to go home and go to sleep.I kindly left and went home and enjoyed another six months of advertisings , empty promises from eddie farah and all of the phone-tag I could stand .(by the way I am still seriously injured). eddie's crew sent me to chiropractor as medical treatment .

These people milked my insurance for all it was worth.After 17 months of pleading for help for concussion symptoms I was sent to a doctor who told me that I have "post concussion brain trauma" and should have come in sooner. Thanks again eddie. After roughly 14 months of "putting my future,and my family's future in their hands" I was very concerned that my case had " slipped through the cracks". ,I ,through the help of my father,managed to get a meeting with the great eddie farah him self. At this meeting eddie farah brought what appeared to be his "star quarter-back"and this fat turd began by telling why he called this meeting,when I infact called for meeting.

I and my father listened to eddie farah and his pal bloviate for 20 min. or so and finally I got to explain to eddie farah my concerns.eddie farah told me and my father that my case was "high value $ case and not to worry,we are on it". eddie farah could not have been more uncomfortable during the entire meeting as he does his very best to hide from  his clients ,infact it appears that eddie farah has not tried more than one case in "over 30 years" himself.I checked with the Florida Bar and they have no record of eddie farah since 1979 how ever he and his brother advertise they are beating on the courthouse doors demanding justice for their clients (victims).

Try to meet with him to question about validity of his advertisings ,good luck!Back to the fat turd (star Q-B) who now is my new "lawyer" instead of "sleepy",this jacka** was easily stumped by simple , legitimate questions about my case .I never expected such a group of idiots after so many advertisings claiming ability and concern from eddie farah to the people of Jacksonville Florida.After months of abuse from "Star Q-B lawyer" I brought a witness to see the way I was beeing treated .My witness is a highly educated professional ,highly regarded in the Jacksonville business community .My "lawyer" was so scared he ,true to form ,freaked out on she and I yelling and screaming ,the likes of which my dear friend  had never experienced in all of her life.By the time I got home and called eddie farah's office this "lawyer" had removed himself from my case and now my latest "lawyer" is the poor "new guy" who had no idea the mess created by eddie farah's staff was now in his incapable hands.

This new "lawyer " proved to be more of a shleppy lawyer than eddie farah ,if you can belive that.My life has now been in eddie farah's incapable hands approximately three years now ,(by the way I am still seriously injured,unable to work or seek medical treatment) and I have seen bills enough to know that eddie farah is now "upsidedown" in my case due to his staff's gross mismanagement of my case. "New guy lawyer " now tells me that if I don't sign release for eddie farah to collect moneys in escrow from the other driver's insurance that he would not be able to go further with my case. I refused saveral times , and believing in eddie farah's advertising promises ,I eventually gave in and signed release for eddie farah to collect insurance money in escrow.

Shortly after this eddie farah dropped my case completly.After this I went to many lawyers to try to pick up my case and eddie farah and his staff stonewalled every attempt to co-operate with any of them.I also found out that many people have suffered the same abuse from eddie farah and his staff.It appears eddie farah thrives on the blood of hurt and helpless people.I put all of my problems in the hands of GOD as I am protected by the bood of JESUS and eddie farah cannot hurt me anymore.I would not have filed this report except for the fack that eddie farah's ugly face appeared on my computer screen one to many times,again spewing his lies and advertisings. ("GOD LOVES THE MAN WHO CONSTANTLY SEEKS JUSTICE").  

Also eddie farah has somehow conspired with Dr.Addido @ Memorial Hospital Jacksonville Fl. to deny me access to my medical record s pertianing to psyc. evaluation performed by Dr.Addido ,claiming he ,eddie farah, paid for this eval.Again this is related to eddie farah getting upsidedown financially due to his own mismanagement of my case .eddie farah is a spitefull creature and truly cannot help himself. eddie , when you read this and pee you're pantys,just remember it's not slander when it's true. By the way you look like my girlfriend's dog ,he is a PUG ,chuck you also remind me of a PUG .

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