  • Report:  #1052955

Complaint Review: Equita Final Expense Service - Dallas Texas

Reported By:
Redfish12 - Austin, Texas,

Equita Final Expense Service
11551 Forest Central Drive, Suite 200 Dallas, 75423 Texas, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Hello to all,

EFES or Equita Finale Expense Service is a marketing company out of Dallas, Texas. EFES sells leads to insurance agents like myself.  They promote protected territories, fresh leads, and low cost A-Leads.  I want to share my story, and everything I write down are proven facts that are backed by several witnesses.

When I first started with EFES selling Finale Expense Insurance, I wrote on a monthly average of $8500 in sales, using 20-30 fresh A-leads in my contracted protected territory. I was the only agent in my area at the time. My lead cost were reasonably low cost at around $18 a pop. I had a good run in the first couple months.  All the sudden my production dropped off big-time, and there was a huge lack of leads. I asked EFES Lead Marketer,Ryan Caras, why I was getting 5-10 leads every week instead of my normal 20.  He told me leads were slow in my area, the return on the mail was bad. So, what do I do? I stick by EFES, as I am a loyal person, and try to work with what I had.

Caras, among other associates of EFES, promised me things would get better. One of the associates, whom I will not name, told Mr. Caras "that he knows things" and they need to get me my leads. I went for almost 2 months surviving off 5-10 leads a week from EFES. In that time frame, I got desperate and found other means to generate my own leads, but was still not producing enough sales to make a decent living.  In the midst of this lack of leads, I got a phone call from a new agent with EFES,  telling me hes new to my area and he has been working in my territory and averaging $20,000 in sales. He wanted to get together and talk about business.

I was very annoyed at this and called EFES and they told me not to worry about it, that there are plenty of leads coming in the near future and also that my territory is mine and mine only.  When I signed up with EFES they told me my territory was exclusive to me and me only. If that was true did they put a new agent in my territory three months after my contract was signed? Problems were still in the future. I went to  appointments based off my leads I purchased from EFES, and found out that some of these appointments had already purchased insurance from the agent what was in my territory. Though this happened only on a few occasions, it left my faith in EFES shaken.

Slowly EFES started to send me more and more leads, which I was happy about. I stared getting about 20 a week again.  But something was still off. I couldn't get appointments like I used to. I couldn't put my finger on it. So, I hired an appointment setter, which was recommended by an associate of EFES. The appointment setter, brought to my attention how, the other agent in my area was offering employment, and the appointment setter was going to set appointments for him also. Which I was fine with. As time goes by my appointment setter noticed how some of my leads match the leads of the other agent. I again complain to Equita, and they give me credit on the leads that were duplicate.

When I  complained to EFES and they didn't even admit to selling duplicate leads and no apologies were offered .  Then it started to happen again, my leads went from 20 to 10 to 5 a week. And the leads were all over the place which happens to time to time.But when you have 5 leads all 30 miles away from each other..... Well, need I say more?  Then my appointment setter told me the agent in my area was getting 20-30 leads a week in the same territory I was working in. The appointment setter knew ,obviously, because  employment was offered by both agents. I again call EFES and they tell me that we have to split up our territories so we don't run over each other shoes.  But wait!

EFES told me before that I will not have to worry about my territories. That I am the only one there. Just me. Its my territory.  Whatever. Frustrations grow. But October was coming which means MedAdvantage season. Which means free leads, which means money. I will add, that my contract with EFES did not require me to accept leads every week. I called EFES and told them not to put leads in my box for 3 weeks. They ended up doing it anyway, charging me for leads I wasnt working, causing my lead cost to jump up from $14 a pop to $24 dollars. That is a big amount. I complained to EFES and EFES complained to me how I wasnt accepting any leads. 

I met them in the middle and told them verbally I would start accepting leads again,and how I will work 6 days a week to work EFES leads and to protect my territory. SO I think everything is fine and dandy, I just want to work. I want leads. I want to make money, create somthing for myself. Several day later, I get a call from an EFES associate telling me how sorry he was for me quitting EFES lead program. Im puzzled, WTF? I told him I'm not quitting and wasn't even thinking about it. I called EFES,and spoke to Ryan Caras, the marketer, and he told me he sold all of my leads. He said he talked to my father,whom has a relationship with EFES, said that my father told him that I was quitting.

My father didn't tell him that. My father asked Mr. Caras what was the problems with my leads and Mr. Caras retaliated against me by selling me leads. Everything blew up, there was a confernence call, with Caras and other members of the organization. On that call thing got real heated and we all decided to reconvene after Thanksgiving. After the holiday,   I told EFES how my territories and leads were stolen and taken away.  They denied it. Everything. Lies. I keep going, I need leads, I want to make money.  Months go by, and my father and I  run into a high ranking associate of EFES, the same associate that told Caras months ago, that "he knows things."

This associate told my father and I that all my superstitions about EFES were true. That they were taking my leads and selling them to another agent in my territories leaving me with a huge lack of leads. They broke contract. He s told me int detail that Ryan Caras sold my leads to other agents and it cause me hardship.  He said that Caras had no remorse over the issue.  I am a honorable agent who works hard. I understand that the agent who was sharing territory with me is a great agent and have never been vindictive to him and hold no ill will. I admire top producers and strive to be more like them. In no way, am I trying to gather troops for my cause. I just want people to know what happened.  Managers and Marketers of EFES should of told the truth. They broke contract. And now claim that I broke contract.

EFES claims I have an outstanding debt 416.00. I also owe a couple thousand dollars in charge backs to MIG. I have been in the bizz for 2 1/2 years and am currently averaging $10000 in sales a month. I am a hothead by nature.   I am not a bum or a liar by any means. I have a reputation as a honest and hardworking American. All of this story is backed by facts and not biased opinions. There are good people that are associated with EFES, the Agency Managers in Tampa and San Antonio are the best in the bizz and will give you everything they got. But the EFES marketing organization lied and lied and lied, and they might be doing it to you also. I know many of you support EFES and am not asking people to take sides.

Feel free to chime in, support or criticize.

Here are the facts-

EFES guaranteed me verbally my territories were protected

EFES at the time my contract was signed, EFES advertised exclusive and protected territories, but did not honor

EFES sold exclusive leads due to myself, to other agents several times

EFES denied selling my exclusive leads to other agents

EFES broke their contract with me, which I will add wasn't even signed by anyone associated with EFES

EFES put a huge burden on my shoulders when leads were not provided

I can and will pass a lie detector involving this matter

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