  • Report:  #455175

Complaint Review: Exact Replicas - Internet

Reported By:
- LaPlace, Louisiana,

Exact Replicas
www.exactreplicas.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I purchased a replica Ladies Rolex Watch from this online store, It was delivered to me broke so, I contacted the store and they gave me instructions on how to return the watch. I did and they required shipping confirmation on the order they gave me a RMA # Order ID 137281414 and a ticket number LTK151028257797X along with this they assured me my watch would be repaired and as promised I got the watch back. The watch broke shortly after I got it back.

I was furious because I needed the watch for a performance in Tennessee. I contacted then once again, They apologized and told me I'd get a new watch this time. I once again shipped the watch got the shipping info, Got a RMA 4070 same order # and was told to ship it to this address Qin Wangcai, 306, Fl 3, Hehua Ge, 8-4, Ligand Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, 510000, China and this Phone # was included with the address 15802011741 I shipped the item to the address 03/2/2009 got con confirmation it was received there by the USPS tracking # RA917359168US Status, Arrival Abroad China Peoples Rep @ 9:02 03/25-2009 and that's the last info I got on my order.

I have tries to contact the company because they left info indicating that the store was closed but the are completing all past orders prior to the closing of the store. I never got a reply to any of my first, request that they send my watch, then later demands for my watch. I wish someone can help me get my watch or my money back.


LaPlace, Louisiana


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